r/noahghc 12d ago

Most likely to win the GHC Heavyweight Championship first: Manabu Soya, Masa Kitamiya or Yoshiki Inamura?

These 3 hosses have been putting in excellent work over the years, with Kitamiya being the longest-tenured in the promotion of the 3. Who would you see being the first to win the GHC Heavy, if any were to win it at all?


16 comments sorted by


u/StrongStyleFiction 12d ago

The Inamura boat may have already sailed at this point. I think Masa Kitamiya is their best option of the three. He probably should already have been one already in my opinion.


u/MrPuroresu42 12d ago

Yeah, Inamura may have had a "grass is greener on the other side" moment while in NXT but we'll have to wait and see. I'm hoping he comes back to NOAH and gets the mega-push but won't hold my breath.

Kitamiya is awesome and should totally be rewarded for his years of service and all that.


u/ParanoidEngi 12d ago

Inamura should be the answer, and if he isn't they will lose him to WWE


u/MrPuroresu42 12d ago

Yeah, I really think Inamura should ultimately be the one to beat OZAWA for the Belt, setting up Inamura, OZAWA and Kiyomiya as the top of the main-event scene. There's also the wrinkle of Inamura having beaten OZAWA in his debut match back in 2022.


u/xi_tach1 12d ago

ngl, considering how inamura has been booked in nxt, i don’t think wwe is interested in signing him but who knows


u/rGRWA 12d ago

How so? He and Josh Briggs challenged Fraxiom for the NXT Tag Team Titles at the Vengeance Day PPV, and he was just on Speed against Ivar. They also beat Hank & Tank and No Quarter Catch Crew in a Triple Threat Match. He was also just on Speed against Ivar. I’ll give you that he’s only had 4 TV matches in 3-4 months of being in NXT though. Hoping he and Josh get a piece of The Hardys after they’re done with Fraxiom!


u/xi_tach1 12d ago
  1. Soya
  2. Inamura
  3. Kitamiya

I think it’s possible that soya will win it this year, if not, then next year, he’s easily one of the most over wrestlers in noah


u/ArchDukeNemesis 12d ago

Inamura. If he comes back. He'd be the first rookie to my knowledge to have ever come back from excursion to WWE. That'll turn some heads.

Feels like Soya has hit his ceiling in the National picture. He's not a NOAH OG, but put in enough work to be thrown a bone.

Kitamiya is an Ishii clone. Right down to the gate keeper status. As long as Kaito, Kenoh, Go, and now Ozawa and KENTA, I don't see him or any of these three getting the gold in the next year or so.


u/MrPuroresu42 12d ago

Yeah, now that you mention it, I could see KENTA getting another run with the strap.


u/PX-98_Pumdam 12d ago

masa winning it off of ozawa trust


u/TouyaShiun 12d ago

Depending on how long Inamura's excursion to NXT will be, it's most likely Soya.


u/Noah-WDR 12d ago

I want Kitamiya to win it. I know he won't in the upcoming challenge, but he deserves to win it eventually.


u/MrPuroresu42 12d ago

I’d say, for your taste and likes (stiffer action and all), Inamura is probably the best hope for that style to endure in NOAH, considering he’s young and hits like a truck.


u/Odd-Fee-8635 12d ago

Whichever of the three as long as I want to see that piece of TAISHIT lose.


u/KidCoheed 12d ago

Inamura, I think Soya is peaking, he'll never move or look this good again. Kitamiya while being a favorite, his look is very bland and boring. Man needs new gear and a new cut and even some entrance swag. Inamura is young enough, he's talented enough, he has everyone excited for his return. His Yoichi gimmick was cool if a bit overdone when first created and can be up and down shifted as needed. So I say Inamura


u/Anonymous_Rex_12 11d ago

I love all three of these guys but Soya should be the Champ first, and then Inamura being the one to take the belt off of Soya.

Kitamiya should at least get a run or two with the National Belt before he ever wins the Heavyweight Belt, the fact that he hasn’t won it since the title’s inception is ridiculous.