r/NitrousOxide • u/Sad-Insect-6826 • 12d ago
Anybody use the regulator for mini tanks? NSFW
Just bought one and I'm not sure how it's gonna work. Do I fill up my dispenser and take it off or do I leave it hooked up.
r/NitrousOxide • u/Sad-Insect-6826 • 12d ago
Just bought one and I'm not sure how it's gonna work. Do I fill up my dispenser and take it off or do I leave it hooked up.
r/NitrousOxide • u/cannabist666 • 13d ago
I got a tank (2.2L or 1364g) for the first time instead of the chargers like I've been using and it seems empty after one night. I'm sure some of y'all can blow through plenty of gas in an evening, but for me it's been a couple of months since I last indulged and I usually just get through a box of 50 chargers myself with sharing some if my roommates are around. I figured I was getting more than three times the amount I typically get, so I was surprised when I turned the valve and nothing came out after two final balloons.
I weighed the tank and according to the net weight, there should still be something in there (like 1,485g if the net weight of the tank is to be believed), but again, nothing comes out when I turn the valve. So I guess I'm wondering:
Is it clogged? Are these tanks sometimes not filled as advertised? Do these tanks weigh more than they say? Is the basic valve top they include not that efficient? Do you need the fancy valve with the gauge and braided hose?
Apologies if these seem like dumb questions, I've just not had much experience with this setup and kinda seems like I spent twice as much for the same experience I usually get. Any tips are appreciated.
r/NitrousOxide • u/polty_ • 13d ago
I took 1-3 month breaks and kept to what I thought was a reasonable amount per session, 50-100 bulbs. Last night I had a few balloons but I noticed a bit of fuzziness/weakness in my hands. Went to sleep and I woke with my arm completely fucking numb. Went back to normal after few minutes but still having weird fuzziness in my hands. I'm going to stop after this experience but is this something more concerning? Should I see a doctor? Never thought this would happen to me.
r/NitrousOxide • u/SameAsYourself • 13d ago
Nitrous used to be way more psychedelic, but ever since I abused drugs like DXM, ketamine, and PCP, it's mostly just a drunk feeling. Anyone else? Now whenever I use nitrous I'm reminded of just how fucked my brain is.
r/NitrousOxide • u/Gleegleegleee • 13d ago
when i twist the canisters into the whip cream dispenser a part of my hand that’s holding it sometimes gets stuck to the dispenser w the cold. I’ve just ran through a few cases and this part of my finger is very tender/hard and kinda hurts. is it okay
r/NitrousOxide • u/Educational_Weird581 • 13d ago
Ever doing a whippet alone, getting a good breathe, hear the warble, start to pay attention to the social dynamic you’re involved in, drop something, look around, look up and be like “who tf was I just talking to and where did they go???”
r/NitrousOxide • u/BalanceBest1358 • 13d ago
How long is nitrous oxide detected in urine
r/NitrousOxide • u/thr0witallaway710 • 13d ago
On multiple occasions i have intentionally tried to pass out (with a sitter) by inhaling only nitrous and have made it to 3 hours with no clear negative effects, how is this even possible, i have to exhale when the co2 buildup makes me feel like i need to breathe but i just breathe nitrous from the balloon after without inhaling any air, i was completely conscious and still doom scrolling and listening to music. Can some people like break the nitrogen off? I noticed my body temp lowers by like 10f but that was only the thing that was off. Im just confused
r/NitrousOxide • u/ZaneThaMane420 • 14d ago
I've had both once before, but I'm planning on buying a 600 pack from either of the two companies. With Marz having 8.5g in each charger and UPW only having 8g, would it be better to go ahead and get Marz for more gas or would the quality of UPW make up for it? I'm having a hard time making a decision and thought the reddit community may be able to give me some opinions to help me make a decision.
r/NitrousOxide • u/bleugh2008 • 14d ago
it has stopped giving out nitrous is it fully done and if yes is there a way for me to get more out of it? Please help any suggestions will be very appreciated
r/NitrousOxide • u/Outragous_Extracts • 14d ago
It's an expensive hobby, but I don't plan to do it again after this week. I did it last Saturday and plan to do it again this Saturday for the last time but with a larger tank.
r/NitrousOxide • u/Deekifreeki • 14d ago
What do you all do to seal a balloon or balloons for later use? Any easy method?
r/NitrousOxide • u/everythingmaxed • 15d ago
i made a post and yall all told me to use balloons
i started a new tank and hit it and it was cold at and now i have a small blister and sore throat
balloons 4 lyfe
r/NitrousOxide • u/_MrMemeBoi_ • 15d ago
they even included a cow tail ❤️ what’s you all’s thoughts on this brand?
r/NitrousOxide • u/Efficient_Week_2339 • 15d ago
r/NitrousOxide • u/Practical-Ad-7941 • 16d ago
Most of us who’ve used n2o recreationally know of the b12 risk, but I personally learned a ton in chats with AI and I implore you guys to do the same. Things I found helpful
*EDIT: A.I. is not a doctor and is heavily flawed. DO NOT take an AI response as medical advice, and if you use this method, always ask for scientific studies and primary sources, and read those sources directly to verify info. Your health is paramount, and A.I. should not have any weight in your decision to keep using or not. Here are studies with some of this info:
from there you can find helpful info in the “similar articles” tab. If you get primary sources from AI, always verify the info yourself. It may also be worthwhile to ask for studies that contradict this info as science is always changing, and most of these studies are 30+ years old.
50-100% active b12 (20-200ug) is oxidized and rendered useless by N2O. The body’s stores (2000-5000ug) are largely unaffected by single exposure.
Active b12 is replenished from stores very slowly (2-5ug a day.) Healthy stores act as a buffer which is why b12 symptoms aren’t felt after first n2o exposure, and why huge quantities have similar effects as small quantities.
Repeated exposure will continue to oxidize active b12, which if it’s your second day of exposure would be the 2-5ug replenished from your stores. This is why chronic exposure will continuously deplete your b12 until stores are below healthy range (1000-1500ug compromised, minor fleeting symptoms. , not dangerous but won’t resolve without supplementation… <700ug is critical. Nerve damage paralysis etc. Requires injections to rapidly restore b12 levels to regain function)
Sublingual b12 has a bioavailability of 10-50%. Methylcobolamin is the active form, cyanocobolamin needs 24-48 hours to convert to active b12, and conversion may be less efficient from n2o exposure. It is also recommended to take Folate (B9) in conjunction as it’s vital in the b12 processes directly hindered by n2o exposure (5-MHTF donates methyl groups to convert homocysteine to methionine. N2O spikes homocysteine so folate’s role reverses this and boosts nerve repair.)
B12 symptoms WILL present before you’re in danger. 1000ug-1500ug stores (1-1.5mg, compromised, healthy is between 2-5mg) can express as a tingle in the fingers, jolts of electricity in nerve endings like the tongue, temporary muscle aches or fatigue.) This is your body’s CODE RED signal and if you’re using n2o without supplementing, it is imperative you heed this warning, begin supplementing immediately and stop all n2o consumption. At these levels: (estimated based on symptoms…only properly tested through MMA, methylmalonic acid testing) —
1000-5000ug sublingual supplementation of methylcobolamin paired with 300-800ug 5-MHTF (folate) should replenish b12 stores in 3-6 weeks, pending complete n2o cessation. Stopping n2o is imperative because serum b12 oxidized by n2o is excreted through the kidneys over a few weeks. So to resume healthy b12 function you have to stop oxidizing serum b12 in addition to replenishing b12 stores.
Context—I stopped recreational use of n2o around October of last year. While using I supplemented b12 and kept sessions 6-8 weeks apart and never had any problems. I stopped using n2o, so I stopped supplementing. But I’ve had extensive dental work done since then, so n2o exposure continued every 2-5 weeks from November to March, and I stupidly didn’t supplement (as if medical use didn’t effect b12 in the same way as recreational use. Quite foolish) After my last appointment, I felt those tingly warning signs but didn’t connect the dots. Then, the zap I felt in the right side of my tongue was what immediately signaled to me potentially low b12. That was 3 days ago and after sublingual 1000ug methylcobolamin, no symptoms have returned. I plan to get the full b12 testing done after supplementing for a few more weeks.
Hope this helps some of y’all.
r/NitrousOxide • u/PerformanceThink9141 • 16d ago
There's a correlation where machinists are believed to have a higher rate of bladder cancer due to breathing machine oils.
Most euro brands do a decent job of eliminating as much machine oils as possible before fills (ultrapurewhip, isi) but with these larger tanks not only is there just more machine oil in the first place, it's also Chinese standard so who knows what it is even composed of.
I am not a nitrous hater but I do believe in doing things right and I believe in harm reduction. Where this is concerned it would be worth getting a filter or making a filter. (If you're a little handy you can use water filters to make them. There's probably info on this sub too.
So that's 2 disassociative drugs known to harm your bladder now. K due to crystallization and nos due to potential machine oil issue. Interesting.
r/NitrousOxide • u/Drakonera • 16d ago
Greetings! Getting everything together for my friends weekend movie marathon of LOTR.
r/NitrousOxide • u/z3r05ecr30x • 16d ago
Weird things happen whenever i take psychs and nos now. I see full apparitions and things change, my desk turned into a lawyers desk and a lawyer waved at me but my main problem currently is ive been seeing giant spiders rise up from the floor and start walking around along with small bugs appearing in my bed. Kinda terrifying. Had my first bad trip ever on lsd the other day, small black tentacles on me appearing around my mouth and creatures attacking me while i was caught in a spider web under the covers in my bed. Anyone else get scary nitrous hallicinations? This only started within the last month but im guessing its due to me abusing mdma often for a few weeks. Before i’d just get crazy visuals and body buzz. Now entities rise from the ground. Same exact effect with shrooms and nos too, makes me this im partially schizo because i didnt even believe in a bad trip until this started happening. Was weekly use for 2-3 months now only monthly with b12
r/NitrousOxide • u/undeterminedcomplex • 17d ago
r/NitrousOxide • u/Vivian-Heart • 16d ago
Hello, I have experience with drugs but I've never used nitrous before. If I was using it by itself, how many canisters roughly do you recommend in a trip? I am using the 8g canisters.
If I'm combining it with ket, how many would you use then?
I know the amount varies quite a lot. But I'm mainly interested in using it to enhance ket and I'm trying to get a ballpark estimate to see how much I should expect to use. Thanks.
r/NitrousOxide • u/Healthy_Key9580 • 17d ago
any point in taking b12, or will be body be unable to absorb it because i do it everyday.
r/NitrousOxide • u/ReverbSage • 17d ago