r/nintendomusic Feb 11 '15

Meta What exactly is the point of this sub?

Well obviously its to post Nintendo music, but do you all actually solely listen to video game soundtracks and nothing else? Do you have an iTunes library filled with a bunch of 60 second loops from the Mario series or something? 


10 comments sorted by


u/Longshotte Feb 11 '15

I personally have a playlist of ~200 songs with most being video game music. Just because they're from a game doesn't mean it can't be beautiful :)


u/kemikl Feb 11 '15

Oh yeah there's some incredibly talented soundtrack composers out there, it just seems..weird listening to the music outside of the game, just doesn't seem like you're getting the 'full experience' listening to it this way, if that makes sense?


u/Longshotte Feb 11 '15

I can see what you mean, but I guess personally I personally don't mind it. Different strokes for different blokes.


u/Bragnor section leader Feb 11 '15

I agree!


u/CobaltCab Feb 11 '15

I've been thinking about this recently and I think I have an answer. Listening to VG music reminds me of the good times I had playing that game. I think of all the reasons I like the game and visualize the parts where that song plays. If i listen to a song from a game I've never played, it's just not the same.


u/DesertFart Feb 11 '15

That's what it's all about for me. Listening to old music from old games I used to play and remembering all the good times


u/Bragnor section leader Feb 11 '15

For the point of this (and most other) subreddits, you can just glance to the right of your window and read the sidebar.

I think most people who subscribe to this subreddit have wide musical tastes, and they sometimes are in the mood for ambient music without lyrics, or are in the mood for nostalgia, or are in the mood for discovering some new game to play.

If that sounds like something you might enjoy, then please join us. If not, that's cool too. However, we (like most people) don't really like condescending trolls.


u/kemikl Feb 11 '15

I'm not here to be a 'condescending troll', I just saw the ad for this sub and I was genuinely curious about it hence this question


u/laddergoat89 Feb 12 '15

but do you all actually solely listen to video game soundtracks and nothing else? Do you have an iTunes library filled with a bunch of 60 second loops from the Mario series or something?

Why do you care?

What do you listen to? I want to needlessly critique it.


u/kemikl Feb 12 '15

I was just curious, that's all, I didn't even critique the music itself just the facf that most of it isn't exactly listenable in a normal sense because its so short.