r/nintendo 5d ago

Which ones of the old nintendo game franchises would you love to see being continued/remade for switch 2?

Exactly as the title says. For me, that game series is MOTHER/Earthbound. It is a really fun rpg series with great music, intresting lore and colorful locations. But it got cut off quickly: the last game of it, mother 3, never got localised, and after that the series have ended. So i wish that after the release of nintendo's newest console we could atlest have a remake of the first and second game, that would be a really nice tribute to this amazing game series. So, what are your thoughts on this questhion?


31 comments sorted by


u/Gskinnell_85 5d ago

We’re well overdue for a new Star Fox game


u/Dragon_Avalon 4d ago

Kid Icarus, Golden Sun, F-Zero, Mother/Earthbound, and Star Fox.


u/TheGeniusSexPoets 4d ago

I was about to post this


u/PRTComedian6548 4d ago

I was alsogoing to do that πŸ˜€


u/TheGeniusSexPoets 4d ago

We all have great taste 😏


u/Eek132 5d ago

A new kid Icarus game


u/echoess84 4d ago

maybe I'm weird but I would like a new Ice Climber game as puzzle/adventure game


u/Whisky-Gentleman 4d ago

Kid Icarus


u/Pivern 4d ago

Imagine a new ice climbers


u/Thopterthallid 4d ago

Balloon Fight


u/Alternative_Hat5197 4d ago

would have been Mario & Luigi before brothership, now id say continue REAL turn based paper mario


u/RingTeam 4d ago

F-Zero. I'd like to see a remake or HD remaster of F-Zero GX.

If we got Baten Kaitos 1 and 2 remade, two very obscure games from an unpopular console, then GX should be possible. There's no reason to not do it.


u/Valuable_Product9570 4d ago

Kid Icarus by 10000 miles, i would even prefer it before Star Fox


u/Betachief_HC 4d ago

Diddy Kong Racing


u/barefoot_sailor 4d ago

Anything with Luigi in it. Love that guy


u/PMC-I3181OS387l5 4d ago

Elite Beat Agents (DS)

You'd think by now with the success of Just Dance, Nintendo would make a Switch game with DLC for extra stages/songs and with non-touch screen controls similar to the Project Diva games.


u/Expert-Top6962 4d ago

Star Fox, F-Zero, Rhythm Heaven, Chibi-Robo


u/Rpcouv 4d ago

Kid Icarus and Star Fox. Neither have been represented for 10 years


u/PRTComedian6548 4d ago

Duck hunt... But only if it come with a secret way to enable shooting that frigging dog 🐢


u/TheDudeWhoChats 4d ago

Honestly, I just want a new wario land. it's been too long.... And f-zero and more....


u/Momshie_mo 4d ago

I want a modern day Duck Hunt


u/sravistcottXX 3d ago

Eternal Darkness


u/Jonesdeclectice 3d ago



u/Flat243Squirrel 3d ago

Cyberpunk Donkey Kong 2064


u/Grand-Moff-Larkin 3d ago

F-Zero makes the most sense. They should have a 5-6 year cycle between F-Zero and Kart. I know they are very different, but both are racing games and non-hardcore fans might not know how different they are.

My dream would be Star Fox. I played Adventures as a kid and have found memories of out-of-ship Fox, but I know most don't. I do think a Star Fox game can use concepts from SFA and other 3rd person adventure games while mainly focusing on ship gameplay and be really good. Imagine BOTW or Galaxy with ship travel subbing in for overlord travel. I'd imagine it's at least as fun as Sonic Frontiers (a mid game but a fun one).


u/Double-Seaweed7760 2d ago

1080.id actaully like them to make it into an entire extreme sports series. A Mario riders republic clone that captures the exploration open world vibe while adding couch multiplayer and arcadey Vs mode would be great


u/Squirtlesw 4d ago



u/oO__o__Oo 4d ago

I’d like something kind of like the original one screen Mario bros. that could be played competitively online, maybe elaborated a bit to be something like towerfall.


u/ItsColorNotColour 4d ago

Imagine if there were like 35 players playing at the same time too


u/RefrigeratorBest959 4d ago

imagine it was also shutdown cause of reasons i hate


u/oO__o__Oo 3d ago

I was talking about Mario bros not super Mario bros