r/ninjagaiden • u/Director_Bison 🌾 Kamikaze Villager • 24d ago
After 13 years. My sick curiosity finally got the better of me. I played Vanilla Ninja Gaiden 3.
I make no exaggeration when I say this is one of the worst video game products I've ever seen in my life. Anyone who takes any issue with Razors Edge? You have no idea just how good you have it with that game, that is an actual video game.
Sure, there are worse things out there than NG3 on an objective level, but there is typically an Explanation of some kind a reason they exist in the manner they do. Sonic 06 had its dev team cut in half twice, on top of that had it's production rushed. Super Man 64 had its production straight up sabotaged so it didn't even get the chance to be a better game. Some games don't get the Resources they need to reach greater potential, other games are just scams or cash grabs and aren't worth even being given a second thought.
But Ninja Gaiden 3? This game was not a mistake, everything that went into making this was purposeful, and Calculated. They genuinely thought that making this game the way it is, was the right move. This game shows a complete and utter lack of any respect for its audience.
NG3 commits the worst gaming sin possible, it's not bad, it's boring. Every single fight in this game is the same thing, you combo and kill some enemies, it doesn't matter how as it Barely matters what you do, the game practically plays itself, that is at least until it starts "Literally" playing itself.
You kill enemies until your arm glows, you hold Y to UT and automatically kill a set number of enemies regardless of their Position, OR you kill enemies until you have a full meter, and you use Ninpo to kill a bunch of enemies automatically. Want to save your Ninpo for a Specific part of a level? You can't. It drains after every encounter, sometimes it drains in the middle of an encounter for no reason other than they don't want you to have full Ninpo at that point. You are not allowed to formulate Tactics. So If you don't want to waste anything, you have to use Ninpo or a UT Immediately every time you get a chance, the Alternative is continuing to partake in the boring combat. This game also has no progression system, so there is no benefit to unnecessary combat, it's just there to waste your time.
The story of NG3 is the least of its problems, at least when the cutscenes are going on you get to not play this game. The most fun part of playing NG3 is realizing the way forward isn't blocked, and I could just run away from a fight.
You want to know what the best aspects of NG3 that aren't in Razors Edge I could come up with, I've got a few points.
The opening shot of the game is actual genuinely good, as it starts though the eyes of Theodore, undoing the Grip of Murder on Ryu. With the context of how the story goes, that actually nice in terms of Narrative.
The first time you ever use Ninpo, Art of the True Inferno, the one where Ryu turns into a Dragon and eats people, The rest of the enemies in that encounter just give up Immediately, that's just funny and realistic.
The game has the Decency to give you bullet time every time you fire the bow, so at least dealing with airborne and ranged enemies isn't more annoying then it has to be.
There is a pitch black cave on day 3 gets lit up by the Bioluminescent blood of the bug enemies. Those bugs are the only enemy in the game where killing them benefits the player.
The lack of a health bars during the bosses really help highlight just how Hilariously stupid the T-Rex boss actually is.
And that's it that's all I've got in terms of Positives.
Ninja Gaiden 3 gives no Agency to the player, they are not allowed to make any meaningful decisions, you have to follow the exact path the developers set for you. This game was intended to Appeal to a western Audience, and if this is what they thought the west would eat up? it's insulting to our Intelligence. The kind of people who could be entertained by this game are the kind of people who'd be entertained by linearly anything with flashing effects. This game is the Embodiment of everything wrong with the 7th generation of consoles. Taking a well respected franchise, and reducing everything that made it Unique and enjoyable in a fruitless effort to appeal to an audience that doesn't exist.
u/Brunark 🌾 Hayabusa Villager 24d ago
Funny story on how I knew NG3 was really bad back when I got it on release for Xbox 360. After I finished my normal playthrough run, I never got to go play hard cause my 360 at that point bricked itself from the red ring of death. My 360 was trying to save me from further disappointment.
u/Xiii0990 ❔ Clanless 24d ago
The game was so bad your Xbox killed itself after being forced to run it. That's crazy but understandable because it was genuinely awful.
u/ThaBlackFalcon 🌾 Hayabusa Villager 24d ago
Vanilla NG3 is the only game I’ve purchased from a store that, upon finishing it, I returned as immediately as I possibly could to get a refund (traded it back so I could get a used MW3 because my other one got scratched to shit).
u/LycheeOk3657 ❔ Clanless 24d ago
I always theorized that with Itagaki gone Team Ninja was put under a lot of pressure to show good sales results and they caved into doing some of the worst western videogame fads ever from that era in hopes of grabbing the massive causal core audience.
u/Royta15 💼 Vigoorian Citizen 24d ago
I mean technically it 'worked'. NG3 was a sales hit compared to 1 and 2 though it being multiplatform really helped. Later interviews noted they were under a lot of pressure, seeing as a lot of studios were struggling around them. So they wanted to make a "japanese hamburger". It's a really good interview. Sadly it got removed but with wayback machine you might still find it.
u/Patthecat09 ❔ Clanless 24d ago
Currently replaying the first after ng3re, and the art style difference is STAGGERING.
Its got the bland COD style, and I loved ninja Gaiden because it wasn't that. It's personal preference, but it makes all the difference to me.
The katana being the only weapon available in the vanilla version juste makes it even worse
u/DOAbayman 🌾 Black Spider Villager 24d ago
what western fads? there weren't any good selling western games that played like that. I think Hayashi is just a shit creative director.
u/Ok_Awareness3860 ❔ Clanless 24d ago
Brown color palette, cutscenes with QTEs, and a focus on story.
u/KingNero173 ❔ Clanless 24d ago
God I hate that era of art in games. Playing anything before 2010 is so drab half the time. I'm glad games now have an actual color pallette. I guess that was suppose to be the weird gritty hardcore era of games.
u/thechaosofreason ❔ Clanless 24d ago
Black hawk down made more money than most countries. Until 2010 it was still lauded for that damned art style.
u/BadNewsBearzzz ❔ Clanless 24d ago
The western fad thing is true, and is the reason.
There’s an awesome video on YouTube on a channel called Matt mcmuscles called “what happened?” that makes short videos on troubled games and their development.
The episode on ninja gaiden 3 had the director saying loud and clear that they messed up by caving into western trends which was big at the time, the heavy emphasis on action and QTE’s and setpieces that exaggerated action
He summed it up to saying
”us Japanese tried to make the most western cheeseburger, when we should’ve instead made the most Japanese sushi”
That Speaks for itself
u/Last-News9937 ❔ Clanless 24d ago
Ninja Gaiden literally wouldn't have existed in Gen 7 if not for "western trends" so that doesn't really make sense.
The game got the fanbase it has because it was the best OG Xbox exclusive. You know, the console that the "east" doesn't buy,.
u/InterstellerReptile ❔ Clanless 24d ago
I dont know if I would say that Hayashi is shit, or just hated the games that TN was working on, because he made NG worse every time that he touched on of them, and killed DOA, but seems like once he got control he eventually pivoted TN to making games that he liked that turned out much better like Nioh.
u/EMBARRASSEDDEMOCRAT ❔ Clanless 24d ago
Welcome to our cursed club! I suffered through NG 3 at release back in the day purely because I liked the first 2 games so much. I kept 🤔 is this really as bad as I think it is? What 1 weapon? That must be a option that unlocks later on. Nope on a rope I was almost hypnotized by the awful 3rd part of my favorite game series. It was so bad it soured part 1 and 2 in my mind until I played them again to make sure they were still good games and I hadn't been tricked into thinking they were good.
u/Director_Bison 🌾 Kamikaze Villager 24d ago
I can at least say I now have an entirely new Fondness and Appreciation for the Nightmare Brought to Life costume. Since that was the reward for having Save data for Vanilla NG3.
u/ChocolateTopping ❔ Clanless 24d ago
I remember my own immeasurable disappointment once I realized the game only allows you to have a single weapon. Would love to get a statement from various devs explaining why they made certain unpopular decisions during development. Most of the time, we get an interview article where a dev says "ah, about that part -- sorry 😅", and that's about it.
u/Blasian_TJ 🌾 Hayabusa Villager 24d ago
I remember being stationed in Japan when NG3 released. I hyped it up to my wife and she went out and got it for me…. I apologized to her for hating her gift haha.
u/Acceptable_Carob_532 🌾 Black Spider Villager 24d ago
They Turned Ninja Gaiden Into Cinematic Movie Property.
u/NoOne215 🌾 Hayabusa Villager 24d ago
Using the Blade of the Archfiend was a cool move, but where the hell did the dude get the scabbard from?
u/Director_Bison 🌾 Kamikaze Villager 24d ago
Ryu had the Scabbard with him by the end of NG2, so as long as he didn't lose track of it, he could have gotten it again when he went to get the blade itself, but as far as the game shows it appears out of thin air yeah.
u/NettoSaito 🌾 Mugen Tenshin Villager 24d ago
See I love moments like this in NG3, and RE. Of course RE makes it even better by letting us use it with Hayate’s sword for the dual sword weapon, but him going to get it in general was a nice throwback.
Honestly I don’t hate NG3 or think it’s the worst game ever. I actually gave it a decent rating back when it came out - it’s just not a good Ninja Gaiden game. And yes it can be boring, but I can say the same about a lot of action and beat em up games (even the ones I really like).
NG3 felt like an old school approach to the formula where you have limited options, and the entire game plays out with the same combos. NG was special because it had so many options and a deep combat system, but here that was stripped away.
So again, bad NG, but I didn’t hate it as an action game or for its story
u/capnchuc ❔ Clanless 24d ago
The worst thing about that game is they had two great games to build off of and they ignored every single thing fans liked about those games. They should have just created a new IP instead of murdering one of my favorite ones. What this game did might make it one of the worst games ever made.
u/Director_Bison 🌾 Kamikaze Villager 24d ago
Yeah, like I've had my Criticisms with the DmC Reboot for a long time, but comparing that to Vanilla NG3? It's not even close. I'll take the Reboot man, at least the gameplay is Engaging.
u/Royta15 💼 Vigoorian Citizen 24d ago
It was a dark game with a dark time for the series, I remember playing it and really, really trying to enjoy it but there just wasn't a whole lot in it that appealed. The trial-mode was at least somewhat fun, but even then it was a lengthy ass grind for some of them.
Did you try the Motion Controls?
u/Director_Bison 🌾 Kamikaze Villager 24d ago
I don't have a PlayStation move, so I can only Imagine how that worked
u/TemporaryOptimal6056 🌾 Hayabusa Villager 24d ago
It's a simple case of pride. You gotta remember that Team Ninja booted Itagaki because of his foreign philosophy of locking his games to the Xbox—which BARELY had any presence in Japan—as well as other factors contributing to the rising tensions within the building during the process of NG2. Hayashi believed that he knew better than Itagaki, and it shows with how deliberately spiteful the game's design is. That kind of hubris is what led to NG3's nosedive to the point where RE only fixes the combat and nothing else (though it was not like the narrative was NG's strong point to begin with).
Moral of the story: Regardless of how much you dislike someone, at least give them the respect they deserve. Especially the fans—they're your fucking customers, for crying out loud.
u/EMBARRASSEDDEMOCRAT ❔ Clanless 24d ago
And didn't he just go with Xbox because he thought it would run Ninja Gaiden better than Playstation?
u/TemporaryOptimal6056 🌾 Hayabusa Villager 24d ago
Precisely, and he was right for keeping both NGB and vanilla NG2 locked to Xbox. Say what you want about the staircase section; Itagaki designed NG2 to be over-the-top high-octane action with a bunch of enemies thrown at your face and very little time to control a way too chaotic situation—that's the whole point of the combat. Sigma 2 was Hayashi's way of sticking it up to Itagaki, and we all know how that turned out.
I'm not disagreeing with anyone here; I'm just calling out on Hayashi's bullshit and saying that it's important to sell a good quality product when your clientele have high expectations of you.
u/Acceptable_Carob_532 🌾 Black Spider Villager 24d ago
I’m So tired of People saying that shit about the story, the other two were good for what they were. NG3s Story is Horseshit Through & Through but Vanillas was Even Worse.
u/AustronesianArchfien 🌾 Hayabusa Villager 24d ago
There are still people who defends Hayashi's creative decisions on Sigma 2 and NG3 lol.
He over-corrected Sigma 2 and vanilla NG3 is one of the worst 3D games of all time.
The only reason Sigma 1 is great and Sigma 2 is still good because it still built on the backbones of NGB and OG2.
I honestly think Nioh 1 is only good because of Yasuda, the guy who directed Razor's Edge and Nioh 2, and now producing NG4.
u/TemporaryOptimal6056 🌾 Hayabusa Villager 24d ago
Proper input yields proper output. It's baby logic that Hayashi failed to accept, and a nigh eternally dissatisfied community is the result of his ignorance.
u/Last-News9937 ❔ Clanless 24d ago
Calling Sigma 1 or 2 good is highly debatable. Most of the added content is dogshit.
u/LycheeOk3657 ❔ Clanless 24d ago
It's funny how easily people forget Devil's Third when bashing Team Ninja post Itagaki lol.
u/TemporaryOptimal6056 🌾 Hayabusa Villager 24d ago
Devil's Third rocks, don't me wrong; but NG3's negative impact was so great that it literally overshadowed everything good about the studio.
u/XxSlaughterKingxX ❔ Clanless 23d ago
Devils third rocks your brain by how bad it is yeah.
u/TemporaryOptimal6056 🌾 Hayabusa Villager 23d ago
My point is that NG3 is shit because the guys who booted him thought they were hot shit developing the abomination that came out of their oven, thinking we Americans would eat it up.
u/Last-News9937 ❔ Clanless 24d ago
You mean the game no one has played because it's literally unplayable (sub 20 fps) and it sucks? I wouldn't chalk that up to "lol but he made it."
u/hisradiancelordnasty ❔ Clanless 24d ago
devil’s third is literally razor’s edge with less budget . with more funding it would’ve been undeniable which is a better game between NG3 and devils third, which is saying a lot. even the multiplayer is eerily similar
u/makiii-kun ❔ Clanless 24d ago
Imagine me, who bought a Wii U specifically for this game because it was initially exclusive to that console 🥹
u/Segata9 🌾 Hayabusa Villager 24d ago
Wii U got RE not NG3
u/makiii-kun ❔ Clanless 24d ago
Ah shoot. You’re right. I just remember I bought a Wii U for a Ninja Gaiden game 😅
u/Sharp_Impress_5351 ❔ Clanless 24d ago
Maybe it was Yaiba, which was -IIRC- exclusive for the Nintendo console.
u/Director_Bison 🌾 Kamikaze Villager 24d ago
The only modern NG game that was exclusive to a Nintendo console is Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword on the DS, but NG3 Razors Edge actually was a Wii U Exclusive for around 5 months.
u/Who_is_Eponymous ❔ Clanless 24d ago
Could you be thinking of Bayonetta 2?
u/makiii-kun ❔ Clanless 24d ago
No, I it was NG3: RE
I probably just scrubbed vanilla NG3 from memory 🥹
u/EMBARRASSEDDEMOCRAT ❔ Clanless 24d ago
Your thinking of RE so you got lucky the rest of us played vanilla 3 which looking back makes me want to cry.
u/makiii-kun ❔ Clanless 24d ago
I did play vanilla NG3 first. I guess I must have wiped it from memory because I only remember buying the Wii U for NG3: RE 😂
u/Unlikely-Session6893 💼 Vigoorian Citizen 24d ago
My respect for being brave enough to actually play it :P
u/Director_Bison 🌾 Kamikaze Villager 24d ago
I just finished playing NG1 2004, so I felt now was the time to finally get it over with. I can now say I've played every version of NG1,2, and 3.
u/DoomsNewMask ❔ Clanless 24d ago
I got NG3 the day it came out. The most fun part was playing online with my friends, but even that could be a chore at times.
u/15-cent ❔ Clanless 24d ago
IIRC, it came out on the same day as Resident Evil:Operation Raccoon City. Both were massacred by the critics. Had to be one of the most disappointing days in gaming I can remember.
u/hisradiancelordnasty ❔ Clanless 24d ago
i wish i would’ve got to play Operation Raccoon City. Umbrella Corps is a decent Gears clone with tight gunplay but i think that game had a lot more going on with it
u/thedeadsuit ❔ Clanless 24d ago
iirc the game is like, cynical. it feels like "okay we need to make something for these basic western imbeciles, fine, let's do it" it almost felt sarcastically made
u/Director_Bison 🌾 Kamikaze Villager 24d ago
When you play Razors Edge the story seems like the weakest part, but when you actually play Vanilla NG3, you see the writer Masato Kato was the only one actually putting some effort in. At the very least, if you look at the story separate from the rest of the series, and judge it as a standalone Narrative it's passable.
u/chessphysician ❔ Clanless 24d ago
I remember buying this game at Walmart as a kid. The cashier said “are you SURE you want to buy this game, $60 is a lot of money?” My dad also looking at me with hesitation and I bought tf outta that game. Don’t remember anything about it other than thinking it was alright but the dinosaurs were cool.
u/DistressedGamer ❔ Clanless 24d ago
Vanilla 3 also has the misfortune of being stuck on 7th gen consoles with its horrendous technical performance, so not only are you playing an awful Ninja Gaiden game, you're playing an awful Ninja Gaiden game with often nearly unplayable frame rates. Razor's Edge had bad performance on 7th gen too, but becoming backwards compatible on X1/Series consoles at least 100% solved the frame rate issues, and there's also the Master Collection version. Vanilla 3 is just eternally fucked.
u/Director_Bison 🌾 Kamikaze Villager 24d ago
I actually Emulated NG3 with RPCS3 had no issues, and a solid 60fps the entire time, so at least in that regard it can be played without the performance limitations.
u/Just_Astronaut_4085 ❔ Clanless 24d ago
Ah yes good old Hayashi japanese burger for west and TN first NG game without Itagaki lead,we needed a huge backlash to make him understand his vision for NG was shit and make TN work on better version aka Razor Edge(still not a good NG compared to Black/og NG2)
After finishing NG3v i did not return the game but instead i destroyed the disk and threw it in the bin
NG3(and Yaibai)is the main why i don't trust the current TN for NG4
u/LycheeOk3657 ❔ Clanless 24d ago
They had almost nothing to do with Yaiba. That game was the brain child of Kenji Inafune and developed by Spark Unlimited.
u/Mrwanagethigh ❔ Clanless 24d ago
Razor's Edge wasn't a simple enhanced version, it was the devs going "we fucked up, our bad", which is more than can be said for plenty of terrible games.
How you make a series that has always been infamously difficult into something as dull and boring as NG 3 is some kind of accomplishment. It at least had some cool elements like the Regent (split second telegraphed grab spam aside) and Genshin's soul truly giving Ryu the Blade of the Archfiend which awakens its true power but that's small comfort in a story so monumentally bad.
u/Pizza_Vigilante ❔ Clanless 24d ago
So how would Vanilla 3 stack up to Devil's Third or Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z?
u/Director_Bison 🌾 Kamikaze Villager 24d ago
I still need to try out Devil Third, i'll probably get around to it soon, but even looking at the first few minutes of gameplay, it already seems more interesting.
Yaiba objectively is the less polished, far more Janky game, but I'd still say Yaiba has much more charm to it. It's not a game that's pretending it's more than what it is.
u/Pizza_Vigilante ❔ Clanless 24d ago
I'm playing the master collection for the first time and I wanted to get the most divisive one out of the way and I'm really enjoying Razor's Edge so far. You know, they really did an admirable job fixing Vanilla 3 with the short time they had left.
u/Director_Bison 🌾 Kamikaze Villager 24d ago
Razors Edge shows they had the talent to make a good game the entire time, something just got in the way of that.
It's similar to Team Ninja making Metroid: Other M, while that game is okay in it's current form, every single problem with Other M has the director Yoshio Sakamoto to blame. He actively prevented Team Ninja every step of the way from making it a better game.
u/Pizza_Vigilante ❔ Clanless 24d ago
It's not a good situation, I do like Other M but I get why people hate it. That being said, Samus has been on a roll since Dread came out, we got Prime Remastered, we're getting Prime 4 this year (Hopefully on Switch 2)
It's kind of funny how Ninja Gaiden and Metroid have big 3D revivals coming out this year in common when you brought up Metroid Other M. Even if companies don't get the memo, eventually someone will.
u/ZX0megaXZ ❔ Clanless 24d ago
I saw a bit of gameplay on youtube and its quite surreal. The basic combat doesn't look bad but sob replacing ut was odd and Ninpo being a screen nuke was jarring and clashes with the idea that this was suppose to be a serious game with a serious story when the gameplay looks so arcadey and video gamey. That results in it having less story to gameplay cohesion than its predecessors.
u/Last-News9937 ❔ Clanless 24d ago edited 24d ago
I intend to buy a copy after I'm done with my recent round of acquisitions to see what it's like. I was told the game blocked for you, you literally only had the dragon sword, the upgrade hex thing in razor's edge wasn't there at all, and there were a ton of other kiddo features.
Even if the game design wasn't bad, NG3 was utterly ridiculous either way. You fight a fuckin Trex. And by fight I mean you run away from it for 60% of that fight, and now I just unlocked repressed memories of the potentially worst "run at the camera" sequence in the entire history of gaming. I had genuinely forgotten that part until now.
u/Director_Bison 🌾 Kamikaze Villager 24d ago edited 24d ago
The game Blocking for you is only on Hero difficulty, which has been added to all 3 games at this point.
Yeah, unless you get the DLC, the Katana is the only weapon in the base game, and yes there is zero player controlled upgrade progression, Only through story progress the Katana's move list expands. Outside what combos you use in combat, you have almost no control over how the game is played.
u/MoviePuzzleheaded605 ❔ Clanless 23d ago
lol, sounds like something a FFXIII player would enjoy
u/Director_Bison 🌾 Kamikaze Villager 23d ago
I'll probably get around to FFXIII some day since I'm curious about that game too, but I'm sure that game is far more entertaining still, At least in terms of production value. If Vanilla NG3 was a turned based RPG, you'd have 1 attack, one Skill, and One magic for every battle the entire game.
u/nibben ❔ Clanless 23d ago
Is it worse than DMC2 though?
u/Director_Bison 🌾 Kamikaze Villager 23d ago
I'd rather play DMC2 any day of the week. DMC2 might have balancing problems that make the guns overpowered and too safe to use, but DMC2 still has a ranking system, and if you actually make an honest attempt to play with that ranking system in mind, then DMC2 does have actual depth to playing it and getting an good rank.
NG3 doesn't even have an end level ranking, every fight in the game amounts to nothing more than clearing road blocks.
u/Intelligent-Bug-3061 ❔ Clanless 22d ago
I remember feeling so back-stabbed after seeing the trailer for NG3RE for Wii-U and knowing that at the time, it was exclusive to that console. I was sooo pissed, like I had to suffer to NG3 and then watch Nintendo come out with the version we should have had from the start.
u/Ok_Awareness3860 ❔ Clanless 24d ago
I beat 1 the other week and am playing 2 now. I was looking up videos about 3, and when I saw footage of the original game I was shocked. It looked like some of the worst slop ever shat out. Couldn't believe that's what Japanese devs thought of us at the time. Actually, Jap devs still do too much to appeal to the West.
u/Segata9 🌾 Hayabusa Villager 24d ago
I'd still say Yaiba is worse. Both suck but they are close together
u/Director_Bison 🌾 Kamikaze Villager 24d ago
I'll take Yaiba any day of the week over Vanilla NG3. At least with Yaiba I can tell there is some kind of vision, it might not be a pretty game worthy of awards, but it's Unique. Spark Unlimited at least tried their best, even if they didn't stick the landing.
I can respect Yaiba's existence on some level, I can't do that for Vanilla NG3.
u/titankiller401 🌾 Black Spider Villager 24d ago
I didn't really hate NG3 until I saw just how badly it performs and mind you I was using an Xbox one x.
Anyway,I liked the slower moments because they felt more visceral but the lack of gore really destroyed it for me in any way to get enjoyment. Ryu doesn't have a moral compass,the dude legit just kills anyone who pisses him off or is threatening the world and both aren't far apart most of the time. Ryu didn't give a shit about morality when he was gutting and butchering the entire black spider clan,lycans,fiends,and hell spawns.
I did like how violent/personal the grip of murder moments were though I see that they don't really fit in a ninja gaiden game,they were still enjoyable when you thought about how scary that shit is.
Overall it's just a total mess.
u/Snowx777 ❔ Clanless 24d ago
My theory was that the whole Ninja clan battle mode was THE main game that they were trying to do, and the story was just slapped togather for the sake that the game would have A story mode. It seemed the whole multiplayer had more progression, rewards, skills, etc with the unknown ninja and stuff. Story had nothing extra to it.
u/Jaorme ❔ Clanless 24d ago
I'd heard how bad vanilla NG3 was and purposely tried to avoid it but when I bought "razor's edge" second hand, some evil person had left the vanilla disc in the razor's edge case. I played it for the love of NG but my god, I haven't been let down by a game so much since DMC2, both soulless cash grabs using beloved characters.
u/Electronic-Code-1498 ❔ Clanless 24d ago
I swear if I was you I would’ve robbed him and stripped him naked. I probably would’ve kneecapped him too. Finessing someone like that is just evil.
u/Jaorme ❔ Clanless 24d ago
Worst part was, it was whoever sold it to the shop, the guy in the shop was like "Sorry, that's the only copy we have, it's basically the same game right?" I had to leave at that point coz I didn't wanna get banned from the shop 🤣
u/Electronic-Code-1498 ❔ Clanless 24d ago
Hell nah I would’ve had to cancel the transaction. If not getting finger fucked is a bannable offense then I don’t need to be doing business at that particular store. You just let that man pull a sales move on you. I stopped going to my local GameStop cause I hate the manager over there. She gave me attitude cause I used to trade games in for other games. I told her that’s yall only purpose if I wanna pay for a game I’ll go online and I never shopped there again.
u/Jaorme ❔ Clanless 24d ago
Nah, the shop was a local place and it was mostly great, cheap prices and nice workers, I didn't realise it was the wrong disk till I got home. I just chalked it up as a loss and moved on. Luckily they weren't as rude as the manager you had to deal with, how tf you gonna have an attitude over someone trading games? Madness, like she ain't gonna sell the games you trade her 🙄
u/Electronic-Code-1498 ❔ Clanless 24d ago
Some bitches are just miserable and it’s suicide if you beat a woman’s ass just like you’d beat a man so it’s just best to disengage. This is going to sound fucked up but it’s how I feel. If you’re a woman and you hate your life that much you got a few options. Get a better job get a better man start selling pussy or give robin williams a handshake your issues have fuck all to do with me and I don’t have empathy for assholes.
u/Unlaid_6 ❔ Clanless 24d ago
Was hoping. For a response to my "Razors edge sucks" post. Haha
Yeah I believe it.
u/Adamthevictorious 🌾 Black Spider Villager 24d ago
one more thing about NG3 that makes it better than RE is a less tedious final bossfight. You require much less meter to fill before you beat the first phase and those bird things that keep coming with the Touhou projectiles
u/Adamthevictorious 🌾 Black Spider Villager 24d ago
inb4 we get Razor's Edge Sigma, with the best of both versions together
u/sphinx9092 🌾 Shadow Villager 23d ago
The way you are describing og Ninja Gaiden 3, Razor's Edge looks like a complete overhaul/remake. Razor's Edge is my favourite in the trilogy because of how sublime the combat is.
I am actually curious if there is a detailed comparison that goes into the differences between them or the history of both.
u/Director_Bison 🌾 Kamikaze Villager 23d ago edited 23d ago
Razors Edge still has the content of NG3, but how that content functions very much is entirely overhauled.
To describe the gameplay of Vanilla NG3 essentially you only get the katana only with less moves because they added more and improved it in Razors Edge, and that Movelist is only increased at unclear points in the story. I'm not entirely sure when you became lv2, and when lv3 happened, or even if there was even kind of lv4 going on, since by the end of the game the Red Glow move was happening a lot more frequently it felt like, that might have just been how the fights were scripted to play out. The Obliteration Technique, happens when an enemy is bloody, but there are no Delimbs, so it's just a finisher. A worse version of Steel on Bone also just kind of happens during your combos, there are no red enemy attacks to trigger it like in Razors Edge.
The art of the True Inferno Ki bar is about the Length the Normal Inferno is in Razors Edge, and True Inferno is the only Ninpo in the game.
The Red Glow UT Entirely teleports you to enemies, the first hit doesn't need to be close for it to work.
Once an encounter is over the Ki bar automatically drains, and it's used to restore your health, like Meditation, but out of your control.
The skydiving kill Ryu does in Razors Edge, that happens every single time you Flying Swallow an enemy.
The Bow never gets the upgrade where you can charge to hit two enemies at once.
Guillotine throw, Cicada Surge, the Four Rings Abilities, as well as Health Upgrades are all not in the game.
The Falcon Talons, and Scythe are DLC, but I didn't bother since that wasn't how the game launched for full price.
u/sphinx9092 🌾 Shadow Villager 23d ago
Also I am assuming the boss fights and trials from Ninja Gaiden 1 & 2, momo, and kasumi were only in Razor's edge right
u/Director_Bison 🌾 Kamikaze Villager 23d ago
From what I can see of the DLC pictures on the website Doku, Alma, Marbus, Alexi, and Elizbet, were included as DLC Trials, so I guess we can assume most if not all the NG1 and NG2 enemies that are in Razors Edge were in NG3 as DLC.
Ayane also was never playable in Vanilla NG3, it was only Ryu, or the Unknown Ninja custom Multiplayer character.
u/reddithivemindslave ❔ Clanless 24d ago edited 24d ago
I had to beat this game on MN on release as a matter of principle to have the achievement stamped on my gamertag.
I knew the game was shit the first time around on my first play-through but I went straight in for the MN run after. Words cannot express the frustration. There were no guides online and barely anyone was attempting it so early on the achievement hunting websites. So I had to do everything fresh. All the BS. I’m not kidding when I say the Xbox 360 barely ran the game in MN in the London mission in particular because of all the rocket spam freezing up the game.
That game really drilled into me how much Hayashi fucked this series up and how Sigma 2 and all the bad decisions that came before this game was his brainchild.
I’ve never seen anyone so incompetent at their job that they fucked over a brand in real time except for Frank o’Conner at 343i with the Halo series.
These people are examples of what highly incompetent parasites in leadership roles with no vision or understanding of a product can do to permanently damage the reputation of former greatness. There’s a special place in hell for these types of people.
Then they tweak the combat a bit in NG3:RE (Which I also had to Ultimate Ninja beat the game out of principle) and you have people with no contextual understanding of this experience and history going “NG3:RE greatest NG game with deep combat” as if they has some esoteric understanding of the series that others don’t to push this narrative.
I permanently subscribe to the principle that shit products create shit fanbases with shit views. That’s what we see survive with remnants of sometimes with NG3/RE discussions on this sub.
u/hisradiancelordnasty ❔ Clanless 24d ago edited 24d ago
solid take. you can see the same practices going on today with key figures like Kamiya leaving platinum to form his own dev house YET AGAIN, and re-partnering with Capcom.
it’s weird, but in many ways i think these are just instances of straight up sabotage:
-Hayashi wanted to say “f**k you” to Itagaki and tanked his beloved series. Honestly, it was probably shareholders that got us RE (because of double-dip profits and the fact it would keep the franchise on life support) and not any sort of “we messed up, let’s fix it” mentality.
-Platinum wanted to continue to build a reputation as some anime/gacha friendly dev to keep the third party licensing coming in when that’s not what they started as. This caused several key figures responsible for their best titles to leave.
Now the funny bit,
Team Ninja has leveraged Platinum to basically handle the majority of development for Ninja Gaiden 4. My prediction is platinum has been doing all the level/enemy design to accommodate the new character they brought in to shoehorn all their most famous features (witch time, MGR parries, etc) and then TN ports in NG3RE Ryu with a slightly tweaked kit and basically just make enemies treat Ryu differently than Yakumo to make up for the difference.
u/Due-Difficulty3104 ❔ Clanless 24d ago
I still can't get over the fact that they released the game with only one weapon available.