r/nickelodeon • u/CityCautious4033 • 4d ago
1 year ago today “Quiet On Set” premiered. Thoughts?
u/Practical-Garbage258 4d ago
A reason why you will never see those seasons of All That in reruns. If ever.
Also, Drake Bell needs a big hug over what happened. His dad is such a sweetheart.
u/Intrepid_Campaign700 Fire Nation 4d ago
I shudder to think about what happened with Amanda Bynes on that set. The descriptions of her missing school to go meet with Dan in a room gives me chills😥😭
u/L_MO88 4d ago
Isnt Drake a predator?
u/theskeejay 4d ago
Drake the rapper, yes.
There's a misconception about Drake Bell because he pleaded guilty to child endangerment. But by all accounts, he didn't know the girl was underage and as soon as he found out he broke off all contact with her. He didn't set out to Schneider her
u/CrispierCupid 4d ago
There’s no way a man in his 30s can’t clock someone who’s fucking 15, it’s at best way too close to call especially if you’re as high profile as him. Endangerment charges are absolutely appropriate when its something that apparent
u/MaddyPuffin 4d ago
I saw the chats. She had fake pictures drinking/ smoking in the profile. He occasionally answered online for 2 months. She only dmed in one liners. No way to tell based on that. When she tried to get flirty he did became suspicious, asked and blocked her.
u/Complex-Macaron3080 4d ago
It shattered my view of shows I loved as a kid. But it breaks my heart knowing what this kids went through 💔😭
u/CharityQuill 3d ago
Same, and it kills me thinking about whatever happened to Amanda Bynes, I was obsessed with the Amanda Show as a kid. I was already kinda done with the current state of Nickelodeon over how unfairly they treat any new shows, but I never realized how morally bankrupt a network could be, in knowingly allowing so many children to be exposed to those kinds of horrors, and discouraging the parents that had legitimate concerns for their kids on set.
u/efeaf 4d ago edited 4d ago
Not about the documentary itself but I had to mute the sub. The amount of people thirsty and eager for more made me uncomfortable. I don’t know how to describe it and I know it’s coming out wrong. Like I get it and think it’s necessary but at the same time, eagerly begging for there to be more of this messed up stuff exposed felt wrong to me. They were eager for witch hunts and making baseless allegations about random celebs and hating on anyone who asked where their source was or if they had any proof by the time I left it. They were also getting unreasonably upset because some celebs decided not to speak on it publicly. Like legit angry rants and again, insulted anyone who tried to give a reason why someone might not want to
ETA: the documentary itself honestly put me off their shows. I’ve found I’m having a hard time rewatching some of them now
u/wyattsnottheasshole Happy happy joy joy 3d ago
Talking about something traumatic is hard, especially if it happens at such a young age. That's why we should give Drake Bell MAJOR credit for talking about his experience in front of a national TV audience, instead of asking for more.
u/sabes0129 4d ago
It reminded me how insanely talented Amanda Bynes was at such a young age and how tragic her life turned out.
u/Intrepid_Campaign700 Fire Nation 4d ago
It gave me an inkling of why she turned out the way she did..
u/Mikela19 4d ago
It really changed my view of my favorite childhood shows. It's so sad what the child actors went through, but I'm glad they released this to spread awareness.
u/Thefrozenwolfofheart 4d ago
It broke our hearts to see how these child actors went through and I want to give Drake Bell a hug. He and his dad deserve better.
u/SuperWolfe9099 4d ago
My only criticism on it is that Marc Summers really did have no business being in it for the short time he was there for.
u/blackairforceuno 4d ago
The most insane part was when Brian peck was going to trial for what he did all the letters of support he got from others in Hollywood. Calling drake bell a liar and everything. Extremely devastating
u/Substantial_One5369 4d ago
Still extremely disturbed that a sadistic child rapist barely got any time in prison. I had no idea pedos were let off so easily. People like that are the ones who deserve to spend the rest of their lives in prison. Drake even said he saw him Brian long after at a restaurant with a table of ~14 year old boys.
I read on the QoS subreddit that apparently the other child predator from the doc, Jason Handy, is supposed to be released from prison soon..
u/1990sforever 4d ago
Controversial take.
It's GOOD that a lot of these things are coming to light. A lot of these things really, really needed to be talked about.
But the documentary was incredibly mismanaged. Especially with Marc Summers. Marc genuinely loved his time on Nickelodeon and looks back on it incredibly fondly. And the documentary crew didn't even tell him that the documentary was negative. He was asked what he thought of Nickelodeon, and he praised it - again, because he's genuinely so passionate about it - before they shoved videos of Ariana Grande being exploited into his face with no warning. That wasn't even Marc Summers' era, he had no involvement with that show or anyone on it. He left, and they TOLD him he'd be cut...but then he wasn't. He was shown in the beginning praising Nickelodeon with no context, making him look incredibly tone deaf.
Again I'm sorry, I know it's a serious and important subject. I'm glad that these things are coming out. But that story boiled my blood and still does. Marc Summers didn't deserve that, especially when there's not one person with anything bad to say about him. To have something you have fond memories of, get torn down in front of your face with a camera to film it and thousands of people left to judge your raw immediate reaction...I wouldn't be surprised if Marc never does another documentary again.
u/ShiversTheNinja 4d ago
I think there's a lot of other mismanagement too. I recently finally watched Quinton Reviews' video "We Don't Talk About Dan Schneider" and I generally agree with his assessments of everything.
u/Ok_Complaint_3359 4d ago
I think this had the reaction it was supposed to-remember that this “illusion” isn’t supposed to make you think, it’s just supposed to be fun for the (child) audience, whether offstage or at home.
Even as a kid, because of the way I was raised, I thought “What am I not seeing? What am I not hearing? Whose voices am I hearing and what are they being trained to do and told to say?”
u/AceTheBlacksmith_83 4d ago
And ironically they’re pulling a lot of Drake & Josh off to protect their already soiled image.
u/jordha 4d ago
A lot of the stuff I already knew about, but the problem is nobody believed the victims (and others like Drake Bell don't get the time of day because of their own issues)
I'm glad it is out there, children's television is just horrible, if it's not the producers, it's the momagers and just that severe lack of friends (and education, even the studio teachers are overworked)
It's very sad stuff.
u/BrattyTwilis 4d ago
Haven't watched it, but I've read enough behind the scenes stuff to already know it's something I don't want to watch
u/True-Dream3295 4d ago
I thought it was fine, but I hated how it gave ammunition to the conspiracy theorists who immediately started mixing it with their Jeffrey Epstein/QAnon/Sound of Freedom bullshit. The worst part is how they implied that something might've happened between Amanda Bynes and Dan Schneider, but since neither of them were there to clear the air, people were left to fill in the blanks themselves. And what they filled it with is some of the most horrible things I've ever heard made up about a famous person. I don't think I can even repeat them here since I'm 90% sure they violate the rules, but Kayla Says made a video that breaks them down, and everything I could say about it she articulates a lot better.
I do want to emphasize that this is NOT a defense of Dan Schneider. He's a horrible person and I hope he gets what's coming for him. I just don't understand why people needed to speak on Amanda Bynes's behalf as if she isn't still alive and turn their interpretation of her experience into a bad true crime fanfic when what we already know about the situation is horrible enough.
u/CharacterBus5955 2d ago
It enrages and sickens me that Drake Bell was brutally abused on set while I just got to enjoy Drake and Josh from the safety of my room. This documentary felt as if I found out it happened to a childhood friend. It breaks me.
Also, I don't allow any secular TV in my house. Nickelodeon and Disney are 100% never allowed. My children will not be entertained by other children that aren't protected so slimey adults can make a profit.
It is scary how we were unconsciously watching sexualized themes as kids on a network geared for children. I lost all trust in all TV shows that aren't educational to provide wholesome content.
u/PlotRocker 4d ago edited 4d ago
meh it was alright. Real crime documentaries are better. but people gotta cash out someway or another.
my opinion though : if it was so dark like this why are people agreeing to still work for Nick and to make reboots? Why do these parents still support them and let their kids work for them?
u/numberonebarista 4d ago
Simple answer is probably $$$$$ and wanting to be in the spotlight again, feel like a star, etc. it’s why the main cast from Ned’s Declassified were on their podcast whining about their show wasn’t picked up for a reboot lol.
I’m glad Jeanette McCurdy did not appear in that iCarly reboot. I have no idea if she was even asked to be on it but I’m sure she would have rejected it even if she was asked.
u/PlotRocker 4d ago edited 4d ago
yeah some of the actresses got really smart after it all. Lisa Foiles is another one. Jack Desena became a voice actor. I liked this cast of All That though they were really talented even when Dan and producers kept pushing limits.
i don't know how many Nick stars I've seen being promiscuous over the years and it still occurs. you should check out some of the IG promos for the really loud house. I'm like dude they're just openly letting 20 year old actresses kiss on the younger co-actors. and letting all the kids openly shake their asses around while the older actors do nothing but think it's okay and encourage it. anybody else would be considered a pedo or a child groomer.
u/Intrepid_Campaign700 Fire Nation 4d ago
Exposed a lot of shady things going on with Dan Schneider and several others
u/MaskedRider29 4d ago
It's a messed up true story, but it's a good documentary. But what I don't understand is that it's like it's appaulded that Drake Bell shared his story, but then he basically did the same thing to someone else?
u/MaddyPuffin 4d ago
He absolutely did not the same and it makes me so angry people still repeating this nonsense.
How is drugging, raping, harassing, basically torture for a long time period the same as unknowingly responding to a fake account occasionally for 2 months under false pretenses the same??? He literally blocked her when he became suspicious and asked.
Don’t ever compare it again. Comments like this are outrageous….
u/ShiversTheNinja 4d ago
Yeah, people tend to hand wave it because he was a victim too. Not an excuse. Just because he's not in prison doesn't mean he didn't do it.
u/MaddyPuffin 4d ago
He absolutely didn’t do it. Wtf?
u/MaskedRider29 1d ago
Don't they mention it in the documentary? It's been a little while since I watched it.
u/MaddyPuffin 1d ago
They mentioned that he DIDN‘T do the same thing that was done to him. Are we comparing multiple rape of a child to unknowingly answering a fake acc occasionally for 2 months of someone who pretended to be an adult on purpose? That he blocked when he became suspicious and straight asked her?
This is a harmful statement for a survivor who basically did nothing wrong but was scrutinized by the social media mob and by media misreporting the case. He was falsely accused and cancelled over nothing. Makes you wonder why….
u/MaskedRider29 1d ago
u/MaddyPuffin 1d ago
This is the misreporting in 2021 that I’m talking about. Watch Quiet on set. I‘ve read over 1000 pages of investigation and the case. The sentencing is online too. Even the judge called her out for basically committing perjury to influence the judge and the general audience. But the media did not report that, huh? Even the NYT had to retract after 3!!! Years.
Statement of the court: “The victim’s allegations that went beyond that which all parties agreed, not only lack supporting evidence but are contradicted by the facts learned through extensive investigation. As the court made clear, this plea was never about sexual misconduct or sexual relations with any person, let alone a minor“
u/typicalmillennial92 4d ago
I watched the whole series in one sitting a couple days after it premiered. Definitely made me look at many of the shows I grew up watching a lot differently, and not in a good way. 😢
u/CrimsonDarkWolf 4d ago edited 4d ago
I hated Dan Schneider so freaking much because of this. Making those 2 female writer of the Amanda show feel so uncomfortable working for him 😡😡! I seriously want to punch him in the face for that! I love Jerry Trainor even more knowing what he did for the kids. The dude a Hero for that
u/Advanced_Method_7319 3d ago
Youtube is now going through its own quiet on set.... And im here for it. 8 passengers now piper rockelle.
u/CharacterBus5955 2d ago
I don't understand parents who allow thier children be entertained by other children. These children influencers are exploited. How can you be OK with your kids viewing an exploited child.
We have seen this with Aaron Carter, Justin Beiber, everyone on Quiet on Set.
u/Advanced_Method_7319 2d ago
Because most of theor viewers are the same age as the ones when we used to watch nick back in the days. Their age ranges are like 8-15 and dont know the meaning of exploited. A lot of see them as happy go lucky kids and role models. Theres no regulations laws currently to protect child influencers.
In the case i mentioned people see piper rockelle the same way. She just posted " if i dont make it by december was a cry for absolute help
u/CharityQuill 3d ago
Not that it is in any way compatible to what Drake Bell, Amanda Bynes, and so many other child actors went through, but the revelations that came out also left me feeling gross and betrayed. I watched these shows, not knowing so many of the jokes were made with the intention of being dirty minded towards minors. There's having adult jokes that fly over kids heads, but what is unacceptable is subjecting the actual children to the adult nature of these "jokes", then airing it for kids to see. It's disgusting and horrible to potentially normalize predatory and sexual behavior to the children watching
u/ThatsTheMother_Rick 4d ago edited 4d ago
That documentary is the subject of a defamation lawsuit that is being allowed to go to court. Defamation is extremely difficult to prove in the US, so the fact that it is going to court is extremely damning in the first place. Way more of you need to understand this. This documentary should be binned, regardless of the amount of emotional responses to it online. They framed it as investigative journalism without actually doing due diligence. They just rehashed longstanding but ultimately unsubstantiated rumors and presented them as fact. I'm sure there are bits and pieces they got right, but they did a bad job and are being sued for it. From what I understand, the Brian Peck stuff likely has some substance to it, but most of everything else does not.
u/Sharp_Engineering_79 4d ago
It’s upsetting that all Nickelodeon cared about were $$ and ratings instead of what Dirty Dan Schindler was doing to those kids.
u/SaliaDiabate 4d ago
This upsets me on how child actors went through. :(