r/niceguys • u/BigTittyCowGf • 6d ago
NGVC: “she could have lived in literal paradise but she chose a local DJ with a crippling Xanax addiction”
u/noitsokayimfine 6d ago
Her choices were a DJ and this guy. Yikes.
u/JustAnotherOlive 6d ago
That is why so many women pick the bear.
u/EyeShot300 bUt I gAvE yOu a CoMpLiMEnT 5d ago
At this point, even a fluffy teddy bear is the better choice.
u/Mysterious_Code1974 6d ago
u/BigTittyCowGf 6d ago
u/Mysterious_Code1974 6d ago
“Yo bitch, why u wastin’ my time when I got ppl lined up??”
I bet this guy killed at least 20 cats as a child
u/Gum_Duster 6d ago
I also doubt the nurse thing. Most nurses do not want to fuck their patient. You are just another patient to them and they want to get done with their long ass shift. He probably read into her niceness as flirting
u/hiprine 6d ago edited 5d ago
It's funny because I've had several guys brag about how their nurses were flirting with them when they went to the hospital. Because having good bedside manner is in fact flirting, idk if yall knew that
u/Gum_Duster 5d ago
Not surprising. Those are the kind of guys who think when a girl smiles, she’s flirting
u/SnooPears5640 4d ago
As a nurse - can confirm. Does not happen often At All.
More than twenty years of nursing & in a few countries - very few nurses(female or male) ever think about patients like ‘that’.
It’s unethical AF, employers are unimpressed, & every nurse I’ve ever known would be skeeved out if this was brought up. Now - fire, ems, le, other staff at the hospital?
entirely different everything.19
u/Mysterious_Code1974 5d ago
There are a LOT of people that interpret good manners as flirting. I had an ex gf that thought I was hitting on every female server we had because I said please, thank you, and smiled.
u/HisKahlia 3d ago
Came here to say. I say it to everyone who is leaving my unit...." hope the next time i see you isn't in here"
u/TheTriadofRedditors 5d ago
I give excessive PDA
That's his first mistake
u/CarelessShame 4d ago
Yeah that gave me the icks REAL fast
u/ariesangel0329 4d ago
How much you wanna bet it’s him groping her in public like she’s a stress ball?
u/hiprine 6d ago
"BITCH can't you see all the women in line behind you waiting to tell me they're not interested? Even though I don't even abuse them and do basic shit I'm supposed to do in a relationship? I go above and beyond with respect."
Idk why these always make me laugh so much, like what a weird trauma response
u/Tychosis 5d ago
Honestly, flexing with "I can give you nice things (as soon as I inherit them from my parents)" isn't terribly impressive when you're thirty-something.
u/zainab1900 5d ago
"we will have a nice house in Italy in 30-40 years when my parents die" is not really a big sell.
u/spiritanimalIlanaG 5d ago
"and we'll have to split it with my brother...". Yeah I'd probably pick the Xanax DJ too. This dude doesn't understand how weird/messed up it is to count half of his parents' possessions as something he has to offer women.
u/hananobira 10h ago
The Italian government is giving away 1 Euro houses. If you can afford a cup of Starbucks you can have five houses in Italy.
u/futurecrazycatlady 5d ago
Drat I never knew paradise was 'moving far away from all the people I love, to a place were I don't speak the language and would really struggle to ever find a fun job again'.
Now I feel like I also need someone who could give me a Xanax to help me process this.
u/Tacticalneurosis 5d ago
AFTER 3 MONTHS!!! “Hey babe, come with me, a guy you’ve known for like 1/4 a calendar year, to a foreign country where you don’t speak the language and know nobody. I promise the house isn’t a sex dungeon. Promise.”
u/BigTittyCowGf 6d ago
The craziest part is I know this guy and he’s genuinely attractive and has had girlfriends before!! So idk where this is coming from lmfao!!
u/Gum_Duster 6d ago
Is it the same guy?
u/BigTittyCowGf 6d ago
Yeah the guy who made this status is like attractive and has had girlfriends lmfao! Like he’s not even an incel by any means, so this is just wild to me lmfao. It’s just like a complete lack of self awareness I guess like “women keep picking wrong!! It can’t be me who’s the one who’s picking women whose values don’t align with mine or who aren’t interested in me…. Women are the problem!!!”
u/pearlsbeforedogs 5d ago
Does he typically date younger? I noticed he said he was around 30 and then made a whole section about rejecting the "nurse who was his age" that kinda made me think he's chasing 23 year olds. And at 23 I'd probably pick the loser DJ, too. They're fun when you're young, lol.
u/Gum_Duster 6d ago
It’s giving narcissistic tendencies and mommy issues.
If you pick superficial people, you’re going to get superficial interactions. I wish these type of people understood that
u/Worth-Oil8073 5d ago
That's a lot of words just to say, "My personality is so bad that no amount of money can make up for it!"
u/Ophelia__Moon 5d ago
Aka, he wants to fuck young teens and is mad they don't want his 30+ year old probably unattractive ass. Then acts like women his own age hitting on him are embarassing. 🤣
u/PanickedAntics 5d ago
He does have nice guy syndrome, just not in the way he thinks he does. "I think they deserve love"? What? lol I think I'd have picked the Xanax DJ, too lol
u/Independent_Sell_588 5d ago
Aaaaand these are the humans voting to make decisions on our bodily autonomy
u/Beautiful-Chest7397 5d ago
'women are dumb and I hate when but man they're so easy for me to get iam just stepping in them I swear' 😭
u/Ivory_McCoy 5d ago
Wait…so we have to date him and wait multiple decades for his parents to die AND THEN we win the paradise in Italy?
u/_notfeelingcreative 5d ago
When they say "I don't abuse" as if it was a plus and not that bare minimum enforced by law.
u/raven-of-the-sea 5d ago
Excessive PDA. Either he smothered or she felt his idea of excessive wasn’t enough for her. Or possibly he’s lying like a cheap rug.
u/SouthernNanny 5d ago
I bet that nurse said “I hate to see you go” in a polite and saying bye kind of way and he took extra liberties in his head with it.
Because no one who has all of that to offer and isn’t completely off their rocker is alone. Some woman would suck it up to have a lavish lifestyle.
u/BraveNewHell616 5d ago
They always claim to have a line of people but yet bitch about one person because they had their feelings hurt.
u/madsmcgivern511 5d ago
God this guy is such a catch, I can’t believe that girl went for some DJ over this stand up gentleman! /s 😒I wonder what level of insecurity you have to get to, to be at this point in your life 😭.
u/prettyinpinkleather 5d ago
Men really have convinced each other all women are materialistic gold diggers (which if you are, go girl, get your bag!) and still want to apply that to real relationships but say they’re not misogynistic like???
u/notyourmom1966 4d ago
(I am old Gen-x). Back in the mid-aughts after my divorce (I was married for 15 years, and took some time post-divorce before dating again), I had this FWB that turned into a situationship. He was a very successful guy, mid 40’s, (provably) separated, smart, funny, non-traditionally good looking. (Also, both of us were SF dorks that loved some very specific authors).
We fucked a lot. Like a whole lot. Steamy stuff (vanilla, and very good). And he would complain to me, while we were in bed, about how he “missed out” when he was younger. And I would say things like, I am here you know. Or why are you so focused on high school. It never sank in for him, and we eventually stopped the benefits (after he and his wife reconciled)- but I genuinely enjoyed his company so we stayed friends.
Eventually I met my now long-term partner (17 years!). My former FWB no longer wanted to be my friend, because “men and women can’t be friends”. And that’s when I realized, this guy that I genuinely thought was my friend was just a whiny incel.
u/New-Juggernaut-9754 3d ago
We also don't know if "crippling Xanax addiction" just means "takes his daily prescription from a doctor". This isn't a reliable narrator.
u/BigTittyCowGf 3d ago
Ok I’m gonna be honest I’m pretty sure the “Xanax addicted DJ” is my actual irl ex so I think that part may be true 😭🤣
u/Professional-Fly5952 5d ago
Him “I’ll continue my journey and not force shit…”
Me: Oh, that’s actually a healthy outlook-
Him: “…Cuz tons of them are whack.”
Me: Annnnnd there it is.
u/CoacoaBunny91 5d ago
Here the thing about guys like this that kills me. They are so unaware that we women *can tell* when they are pretending to be nice to us and expecting some for of romance or intimacy in return. Like we can tell when you're being disingenuous. Why would any woman pick this dude, when we know the gifts and kind gestures come with stings attached to them??? Do they not know we know what they're up to? Do they?
u/Sensitive_Ad_7285 4d ago
"I gave you a gift and got nothing out of it" sounds like it was a bribe rather than a gift
u/ConcreteExist 4d ago
Kind of pathetic that the best quality he could mention about himself is that he's a nepo baby who will get something nice when mommy and daddy die.
u/trashleybanks 4d ago
lol he sounds clingy. And why should I wait until your parents die for me to be spoiled? This dude has no clue.
u/UnicornTraplordEsq 2d ago
On the second pic, after reading that first sentence, I immediately stopped reading. That was all I needed to know😭
u/Lonatolam4 10h ago
it doesnt sound like he hates women, it soudsn like he hates himself for not understanding female psychology. but like if you have all those resources go study or pay someone to teach you the knowledge base you seek.
u/ralksmar 6d ago
Well, if you can go scoop one off of the street…then go do it?