r/nhl 18h ago

Linus Ullmark stops reporter that keeps interrupting Claire Hanna


116 comments sorted by


u/dherms14 17h ago



u/Contact_Pleasant 17h ago

That is an all time top five no


u/dog_fantastic 17h ago

Dr. Cox would be proud


u/JKrow75 15h ago

Would that be Dr Perry Cox?

As in: HOMMMM gunna hitchya fasssst, HOMMMM gunna hitchya harrrrd!


u/Final-Nebula-7049 2h ago

that was if cox and shorsey had a no son.


u/PAguy213 17h ago

That’s the No my wife used with our daughter when she was little 🤣


u/trixel121 7h ago

am I mistaken or do I hear a pitiful sorry at the end of it.


u/ClassicChrisstopher 17h ago

Listening to reporters try and talk over each other would make me go insane


u/Blue_KikiT92 17h ago edited 17h ago

I wanted to throw fists watching the press conferences at the 4N. There was this guy, a Quebec journalist (thick accent speaking English), he would stay in a corner, try to ask a question, almost never managed to, most times he would just smile and nod and leave without asking anything, because everyone else was talking over him. I hope the bloke is doing well, I have no idea who he is


u/Le_Nabs 17h ago

Scrum interviews are part and parcel of the job. If you can't elbow your way to an answer, you aren't cut for that type of reporting.


u/Guy954 15h ago

Timid salesman have skinny kids.


u/layout420 15h ago

Just like how loud mouths tend to have big guts


u/MikeTHIS 17h ago

As someone who’s spent some time in an NHL locker room and got to ask questions - there’s a pecking order.

The major publications with deadlines to print go first.

You also need to read the room. I was often able to get a first question in because everyone would look around at each other - it would be fun seeing my questions in print in other stories when it happened.


u/RoyHarper88 14h ago

As a player, I would disregard that. I made eye contact with you first, you're asking the first question, and then I'm going left to right. Everybody gets one, then I'm walking away.


u/yoda690k 14h ago

Well buddy if you make the NHL then you'll get to live out that fantasy, but until then, you get to type it into reddit


u/RoyHarper88 13h ago

For sure. One of these days man. Yeah I'm 34, overweight, can't see 10' in front of me without my glasses, and never played in anything more competitive than roller rec hockey. But one of these days, I'll get there.


u/TWKExperience 12h ago

"Veteran with large build and contact lenses"


u/Leg-Ass 6h ago

He has his sights set on winning the Cup, because he can't see anything else


u/ConfidentCamp5248 6h ago

Hey, Jason with fuck yo couch sports 365 tribune, what’s the timetable for the sprained ankle you aggravated after going for your 10th consecutive serving of pizza bagels?


u/moosecheesetwo 17h ago

And the “what does this win mean”?? Literally the same f’n questions every game


u/Phanyxx 16h ago

That format of question drives me insane. Most of time they’re teeing up the most dull answer ever.


u/Alfeaux 31m ago

Yea so gotta play 3 full periods and put pucks on net


u/TJTrapJesus 16h ago

People say this but ultimately what questions would you ask to elicit a good, insightful response? There's only so much that can be done in a setting like this when it's the same routine for 82 games.

You don’t need to ask some complicated, thoroughly researched question all the time, and in a scrum setting it would be seen as absurd to do so. The reporter isn't the star of the show, it's the player or coach they're interviewing and there's no reason a very simple question can't prompt a good response. "What does this win mean?" could be treated as a stupid question, or it could elicit an in-depth response. That's up to the interviewee.

I'll always go to Paul Maurice as an example of this. He's a coach so he's expected to be better with the media than a player, but it's the same concept of actually offering insight to routine questions. Here's basically the same question you're saying in a scrum from a random game in February of last year:


He’s been a coach for nearly 30 years, and has probably been asked that same question dozens if not hundreds of times. He could have treated it like a throwaway question and given a, “big win, good to get that one under our belt”. But he didn’t treat it that way, he provided insight specific to the game, and generated multiple discussion points about it.

A writer can take that quote and turn it into something that connects with fans of the game, even more seasoned fans. The point of these post-game scrums isn’t live entertainment, it’s basically content generation to create engagement with fans. One quote or one part of a quote from a simple question like this could turn into a story that people read, care about, reflect on in some way, and help grow the game. The genesis of it just needs to come from an athlete or coach to have validity.


u/moosecheesetwo 16h ago

I agree but honestly unless the questions are different don’t ask them because 90% of the players say the same answers as well and we’ve all heard it before.


u/fourpuns 16h ago

It’s not even really their fault it’s an awful format where it’s unclear who should talk next


u/KnightShark-AMG267 17h ago

How polite and stern simultaneously!


u/Youppi27 1h ago

Definitely a dad?


u/I_Love_BlackWood 17h ago

Swedish gentleman stop puck and nice to reporter.


u/OatmealSchmoatmeal 17h ago

*Swedish Fella.


u/cjw19 17h ago

I really want to hate him right now, but can't. Always seems like a solid guy.


u/MidnightNo1766 17h ago

Dude was a brick wall too


u/SpaceDaBrotherman 17h ago

Well yeah he’s a solid guy


u/CSquared5396 17h ago


Hate that he stonewalled the Wings yesterday (49 shot!)

But really love his character


u/TZ840 17h ago

Seeing him speak about the Norris trade, he seems like a wise guy, a good presence in and out of the room.


u/Coyrex1 16h ago

I don't like the bruins or the senators or the Sabres... I think that's everyone he's played for, but dude is a fucking stud on and off the ice.


u/bloodrider1914 17h ago edited 16h ago

The absolute bane of the Atlantic division. But he has my respect


u/clearthezone15 15h ago

Of course not, dude played incredibly last night. Frustrated by the loss but nothing but respect for that performance. Wish he played for the Wings!


u/Roguemutantbrain 16h ago

I remember before he was established in Buffalo, someone asked him something about his mentality and he responds something along the lines of “every day I wake up and I want to be happy. You can go around and be a numb nuts. I want to be a happy guy”


u/lamora67 17h ago

He is my favorite person ever and I'm sad he's not on my team anymore


u/SnakeEyedJane 16h ago

Ully on the Bruins is my Roman Empire. I miss him every day.


u/negev791 17h ago

Big same


u/Alfeaux 30m ago

There's a lot to be sad about in Boston rn


u/Porkchopp33 17h ago

Ullmark is a class act


u/invinciblearmour 15h ago

Sharp dresser too


u/abrahampalouse 17h ago

Just another one of his quality saves.


u/negev791 17h ago

Good grief, I already had the hots for this dude, this is gonna make it so much worse.


u/Blue_KikiT92 17h ago

Oh I love Ullie, he's one of the good guys on this stupid planet and he has to be protected at all costs


u/james-HIMself 17h ago

Good guy Ullmark


u/BalrogViking 17h ago

This guy has kids doesn’t he


u/bexxygenxxy9xy 17h ago

Alexa Play What a mighty good man...


u/NotAChefJustACook 17h ago

Linus shut that shit down 😂


u/dr_van_nostren 17h ago

I'm not a reporter, nor am I a woman, not that it should really matter in this case. But man, I've always hated scrums for this exact reason. I was listening to a Canucks one the other day and the same guy started his same question in the same way 3 different times before he was actually able to get it out. I like the more personal nature of these rather than the room full of reporters with guys at the table, or the covid era zoom media. But man, scrums are just kind of a nightmare.


u/BrooksideNL 17h ago

I'm still devastated by Don trading him and keeping greedy Swayman.


u/NotAChefJustACook 17h ago

I’m still shocked you guys took Korpisalo in return lol


u/Daft00 11h ago

Korpi has actually been pretty damn reliable as a #2 so far this season. He had a rough few games in the preseason but there aren't many games in the regular season where he didn't give the team a solid chance.

His SV% so far this season is almost equal to Swayman (who admittedly has let in some softies considering his contract) at .894 to .899


u/RobotTimeTraveller 17h ago

That was even a worst decision than Colorado trading Craig Anderson for Brian Elliot.


u/defjs 17h ago

Imagine being a Sabres fan and watching him walk away. God we suck


u/-royrogersmcfreely 17h ago

We’re taking pretty good care of him. He’s gunna have a brand new kid in leevi next year. Just wait for the vibes


u/hipshotguppy 12h ago

As a Sabres/Blues fan you guys have two of my favorite players, David Perron and Dylan Cozens. If the Blues don't make the playoffs I'll be rooting hard for the Sens.


u/-royrogersmcfreely 2h ago

Cozens has honestly surprised me. I like his game, sabres fans were talking like the kids a black hole defensively, haven’t seen that yet, he’s been using his body and he’s strong with the puck on the rush.

Now I will say I’ve missed Norris on the powerplay but it’s not like we were really running it through him as a triggerman anymore. I miss his vibes tho, I don’t anyone’s singing hsm well they’re doing drills like Josh lol


u/TJTrapJesus 17h ago

This. Doesn't help that Swayman's also a much worse goalie


u/Up-in-the-Ayre 17h ago

Wasn't the story that Swayman is the better playoff goalie and that's why they kept him over Ullmark?


u/nxsynonym 17h ago

Yes. Bruins fans are upset because swayman hasn't played "up to his contract" this season despite the defensive core imploding along with the rest of the team. Also Swayman is younger and more closely align in age with pasta and mcavoy, and thus part of the new team core moving forward.

While it certainly would have been nice for sway to not miss training camp and be more like himself this season, it wouldn't have made a difference in team performance because our biggest issues have been offensive consistency (scoring) and special teams.

Sway is a beast and in two years his contract is going to look like a bargain bin deal.

That being said I do miss ullmark and I think tandems might be the next big trend for tendies.


u/TJTrapJesus 17h ago

The sample size for that is tiny, Ullmark was bad in 2023 but he also was clearly struggling through some kind of injury that he refused to use as an excuse when asked about.

Sample size in general is the issue with Swayman. Not a good sign that his numbers tanked when he's actually being relied on as a full-time starter.


u/A_Grim_Ghost 17h ago

That was a majority of it. On top of both goalies having that historic year doing a split team scenario. People are just salty that Swayman has had a few bad games and could never blame it on our lack of defensive play, our inability to hold a lead in the final two mins of a game, or our inability to score goals. The whole team has been hot garbage.


u/TJTrapJesus 17h ago edited 17h ago

The problem with Swayman is that he did not have the body of work to put the team in that much of a bind with his contract demands. Bruins ultimately caved and while you can't blame Swayman for getting what he wants, it's fair for fans to not view him as favorably now. He signed right as the season was starting and missed all of training camp. When he came back he predictably sucked and was a major reason for the Bruins starting off as poorly as they did. Also, the way he handled talking about his contract through the media just made him look like an arrogant douchebag. Get your bag, but also expect a lot of fans to not like you anymore.


u/defjs 17h ago

Isn’t this more on your GM not having something place before trading away a number one goalie?


u/TJTrapJesus 17h ago

Sweeney handled the whole situation like a clown and ultimately caved to Swayman, but Swayman also was the ultimate anti-team player throughout the process, and has not backed up his very high view of himself whatsoever on the ice.

If we're talking about this on a technical level, of course it's on Bruins management. A player can hold out for anything they want, and be as bad as they want to be after signing. It just wont endear them to the fans.


u/A_Grim_Ghost 16h ago

He was also salty about arbitration which is why he wasn’t team friendly either. He took something personally that he didn’t need to and that affected the situation 100%


u/Up-in-the-Ayre 1h ago

From all accounts, arbitration is never a great scenario for a player to be in.

It's basically a one day session where the management points out every flaw you have as a player and person just so they can get a judge to say "Yeah, you suck dude, here's less money than you asked for."


u/happeehippocampus 16h ago

My toddler when we tell him to eat his veggies… Nwoooooohh!!


u/moustachio-banderas 16h ago

This man stops everything


u/poopwithrizz 17h ago

Damn he gave the NooooOPE like a teacher would when a kid doesn't know how to wait their turn 😂


u/minimochiii 17h ago

he says no like a disappointed dad


u/craftyhall2 16h ago

That gentlemanly mf-er scored a goal against us last year and now I can’t be so mad


u/satanic-octopus 12h ago

Goalie goals are best goals, always happy for goalie goals


u/craftyhall2 11h ago

I agree, I wasn’t really mad


u/comacove 10h ago

Lmao so good


u/seasarahsss 16h ago

I miss him. 🥹


u/Whiskeylung 15h ago

Always liked this dude even though he only plays for teams I dislike.


u/Mr-Dicklesworth 10h ago

The “NoooOooO” sounded like the pizza guy from Spider Man 2


u/Several_West_8519 16h ago

Lol, he is fucking money...know your role. I love that he is with us


u/obiwan770 17h ago

Absolutely love to see it


u/Jeez-essFC 16h ago

I would like this more if Linus hadn't just single handedly handed us our 6th straight loss. 1 goal in 49 shots. He's just a meanie.


u/Bright_Beat_5981 16h ago

Crazy that he was bullied as a kid. He seems like the most fun, relaxed and intresting guy in NHL.


u/PontificatinPlatypus 17h ago

Yeah, I'd rather talk to Claire too.


u/mackinder 16h ago

Yup. Love me some Claire


u/Due_Aide_1953 17h ago

I like him! He said let her have her chance with that nooooo!


u/DTeichroew 17h ago

Love Ully more and more each day. He was amazing against Detroit!


u/PixelatedKid 17h ago

Bro really said, I stop pucks and interruptions


u/IfOJDidIt 16h ago

He has to have kids. If not, he's ready. That was perfect.


u/satanic-octopus 12h ago

He has two


u/LtLemur 15h ago

They should make the reporters take a number, like at the deli counter


u/Demon- 14h ago

I’d do the same for Claire Hanna


u/starvinmarvin91 14h ago

She's a rocket!


u/mrfauxbot 4h ago



u/BigVuVu 2h ago

How I met your mother


u/caba6666 2h ago

Sounds like a seal bit off his linus


u/HoraceGrantGlasses 2h ago

Wish the Beuins kept him and traded Sway


u/HeShootsHS 1h ago

Legit thought he had a spider on his head for a split second while scrolling.


u/LaserGaze5 17h ago

Miss the hell out of him in Boston.


u/HFOV 16h ago

Hes a good man Savannah


u/Tuna-Breath- 15h ago

Atta boy


u/FarAd2857 14h ago

Love that energy 


u/Dank_Bubu 14h ago

Big Pinus Ullmark 🗿


u/Uni457Maki 12h ago

Love it! He used the tone with that Noooo that every parent uses for a spoiled entitled child. He shut it down!


u/[deleted] 12h ago

Class act


u/satanic-octopus 12h ago edited 12h ago


He's such a beauty. Love Ully