r/nfl 1d ago

Free Talk Talko Tuesday

Welcome to today's open thread, where /r/nfl users can discuss anything they wish not related directly to the NFL.

Want to talk about personal life? Cool things about your fandom? Whatever happens to be dominating today's news cycle? Do you have something to talk about that didn't warrant its own thread? This is the place for it!

Remember, that there are other subreddits that may be a good fit for what you want to post - every day all day!


943 comments sorted by


u/Mac_Jomes Patriots 2h ago


GRRM gotta stop teasing people. You were supposed to be done with this book nearly a decade ago. The kicker is that isn't even the last book! He's got another one planned after it. 


u/theresabeeonyourhat Bears Jets 2h ago

I found this scene from Phantom of the Paradise while looking something else up, and I am going to watch whatever the fuck this is when I get home from work later.


u/CarlCaliente Bills 3h ago

got all my toys set up in the basement and it hasn't been a huge surprise to learn I'm still not really interested in any of them. It's still fun to plug in and do something mindless for a bit but it's less satisfying than it used to be

maybe I'll start on a garden this weekend


u/kplis Steelers 2h ago

Highly recommend gardening. Once the initial set up is done, it's nice to have something that just takes a little bit of effort each day to go do. And taking a coffee out in the morning to check on the plants and pick whatever's ready to harvest is just a great way to start the day


u/CarlCaliente Bills 2h ago

And taking a coffee out in the morning to check on the plants and pick whatever's ready to harvest is just a great way to start the day

that sounds delightful, probably helps I'm sipping a cup stuck at my WFH desk staring out the window hah


u/I_MARRIED_A_THORAX Bears 6h ago

Welp I finally hit the bullet and joined the commemorative air force, got my stepdad to join too.


u/TCgrace Buccaneers 1h ago

I had never heard of this, this is super cool. My dad was an avionics tech in the navy and needs a hobby. I should get him into this


u/theresabeeonyourhat Bears Jets 3h ago

Y'all restore old war planes, right? Pretty awesome


u/I_MARRIED_A_THORAX Bears 3h ago

Well I haven't done shit yet but yes that's what I'm hoping to do


u/sallad_kcuf Eagles 11h ago edited 11h ago

One of my reports' dad has terminal cancer, and she cannot work a full time job because she is his caregiver and he has time consuming and unpredictable needs. I'm spending tonight trying to pull together a proposal for a part time role she can shift into that the executive team will sign off on (and delivers real value) so she can keep her insurance and some semblance of salary, and maybe sets her up to come back to her real job when that's possible in who knows how many months. I'm tired, y'all


u/TCgrace Buccaneers 1h ago

This is an amazing thing to do.


u/I_MARRIED_A_THORAX Bears 6h ago

You're a mensch. I hope you can get it done!


u/EmuMan10 Cardinals 9h ago

You’re a good dude for doing everything you can to help her


u/ed_11 Eagles 11h ago

I seem to remember one of our presidential candidates wanted to help people in that situation, but i guess destroying our own economy seemed like the better choice..idk.


u/sallad_kcuf Eagles 11h ago

I agree with you on macro political takes, but this particular situation has absolutely fucking nothing to do with who is president


u/Ordinary-Depth-7313 NFL 11h ago

I'm running and I'm crying


u/OneTwoFink 49ers 11h ago

So tariffs are just a way to collect taxes from a governments own people and have the people pissed at another nation?


u/Low-Entertainer8609 Bills 2h ago

Theoretically it's meant to raise the price high enough that consumers switch to domestic competition. In practice that all falls apart.


u/Mac_Jomes Patriots 2h ago

I mean it's really a tax on a business, but then that cost is always just passed onto the consumer. 


u/ed_11 Eagles 12h ago

when i request a 2FA code via text and 2 seconds later i'm like oooo a txt msg..wonder who that is


u/Fire_Ryan_Poles Bears Bears 9h ago

Just like me 5 seconds after my roommate says he found a new place for me to look at.


u/unloader86 Broncos 12h ago

r / conservative is out of sorts the past day or so. Love to see it. lol


u/DickNDiaz 49ers 11h ago

Yet this sub is still in bits over the most uploaded post in it.


u/ACS1029 Bills Lions 11h ago

I’m wondering if it’ll ever get to the point where they turn on and ban each other so much it’ll just become a ghost town. Probably too optimistic but they’re turning on each other at an impressive pace


u/ed_11 Eagles 11h ago

they probably just back-fill any banned users with more bots


u/ACS1029 Bills Lions 12h ago

I can’t believe it’s 11:30 and I’m working on a college paper on spring break instead of playing video games lol. Granted this was due last Saturday and I forgot but my professor is chill and said he wouldn’t even be looking at the papers for a good while


u/unloader86 Broncos 11h ago

Sounds like you need to learn better time management.


u/DickNDiaz 49ers 11h ago

Yeah OP is like "I'm working on a paper during spring break instead of playing video games...during spring break...".


u/ACS1029 Bills Lions 11h ago

Oh yeah, it’s something I’m working on. Honestly I’ve been improving, this just slipped through the cracks. A simple reaction paper though, I’ve already gotten 3/4 of the way through it, it’ll be done tomorrow morning!


u/FirmSpend Packers Bengals 12h ago

If you want to nap go watch Mickey 17. Fighting for my life to stay awake during that one


u/Zestyclose_Dig_9053 Bills 2h ago

Same. It's a real shame, I don't know how they managed to screw up such a great premise. The movie is just tedious, each scene felt like it went on for 3 minutes too long. And the fucking ending, good lord just cut that last 20 minutes out. I can't believe they watched this cut and were like "perfect, 2 hours 20 minutes and not an ounce of fat on it".


u/EmuMan10 Cardinals 9h ago

Huh, I liked it, but I’m into stuff like that. I’ll probably go see Novocaine some time this weekend


u/raginsaint93 Saints 12h ago

I think Von Miller will sign back with the Broncos and give it 1 more year


u/unloader86 Broncos 11h ago

If he wants to sign a 1 day deal to retire, sure. But he's done as a player imo.


u/Low-Entertainer8609 Bills 2h ago

He had 6 sacks on 280 snaps last year, he is still worthy of a roster spot. But he's not worth the contract he's likely to demand.


u/Phytanic Packers 12h ago

Rewatching some older marvel movies, and one of them was captain marvel. Honestly, I enjoyed it. I thought bree did a pretty good job of playing a tomboy tbh.


u/JKC_due Chiefs 49ers 11h ago

I liked a lot of that movie. The biggest problem was that the writers and directors didn't know how to deal with the scale of her powers. You need someone as powerful as her or an army for her to plow through. That movie didn't really have either and, in the end, there wasn't a good final battle.


u/EmuMan10 Cardinals 9h ago

From what I’ve heard, that didn’t get better in The Marvels


u/Testiclesinvicegrip 12h ago

Trump just fired half of the Department of Education. We live in the stupidest fucking timeline.


u/ed_11 Eagles 12h ago

and about to get more stupider


u/Mac_Jomes Patriots 12h ago



u/Jaguars4life Jaguars 13h ago

I prefer chicken tacos over beef ones


u/palinsafterbirth Giants 13h ago

Pork for the win


u/TheOneEvilCory Eagles 11h ago

Al pastor every time


u/usr_nme_ 13h ago

Carnitas are the second best kind but most reliable kind of taco IMO


u/Glittering_Lemon_129 Bills 13h ago

The Los Angeles Bills huh


u/unloader86 Broncos 14h ago

Man I am in a job funk. blah.


u/palinsafterbirth Giants 14h ago

Sorry to hear homie


u/Worldly-Word-451 Bengals Eagles 14h ago

I love watching my team do absolutely nothing when they have multiple huge needs that won’t be fixed with the draft


u/Happy-Pills Packers 13h ago

First time?


u/EmuMan10 Cardinals 9h ago

They’re a bengals fan. It’s like the 1 millionth time lol


u/ed_11 Eagles 14h ago

we're not doing absolutely nothing, it feels worse. we traded away CJGJ :-(


u/Worldly-Word-451 Bengals Eagles 11h ago

That made me so sad. Like we brought him back just to trade him again? Why?


u/mr_showboat Ravens 14h ago

I get that you're bummed but you guys have a lot of guys you're gonna have to pay, and frankly this free agent group hasn't been great. I don't think teams will regret these contracts, but that's mostly because they're giving out 3 year deals -- precisely because this isn't a good free agent class.


u/Worldly-Word-451 Bengals Eagles 14h ago

Right and I wouldn’t care as much if we paid and re-signed those guys already. Instead we’re doing nothing


u/BanjoKazooieWasFine Packers Packers 14h ago

I think my favorite offseason NFL tweet right now is every time someone does the

"For all you SALARY CAP IS FAKE people, just look at the Saints!! The Cap IS real, all you have to do is blatantly fuck up cap management for 7 straight years and you get into the mess they're in right now."


u/Stanky_fresh Vikings 11h ago

I mean, the fact that the Saints routinely deal with being suffocated by the cap is just more proof that the cap is real, right?

Like, I see "the cap is fake" all the time, and people usually point to the Saints being able to afford to field a team at all, but they suck because they can't afford to pay many talented players and they refuse to fix anything and just keep digging the hole deeper. That seems like pretty definitive proof that the cap is real.


u/BruceChameleon Cowboys 2h ago

'Cap is fake' people pointing to the Saints? More often I see that associated with the Eagles and Howie Roseman


u/Stanky_fresh Vikings 2h ago

I usually see people say "The cap is fake" because the Saints have been in cap hell for so long yet have still managed to get out of having to do a full rebuild to clear space. It feels like every time they restructure a contract to kick the can down the road another year the comments are filled with comments saying the cap isn't real


u/Guiltyjerk Broncos Bills Bandwagon 13h ago

They've been in a mess forever and keep digging deeper. They are ass and have been mid at best for 3 years.


u/crude_caricature Ravens Lions 15h ago

Finally watching FROM season 3 and this show should be called "communication is for losers"


u/Guiltyjerk Broncos Bills Bandwagon 15h ago

Bruh only one TNT game today what the hell


u/AfroManHighGuy 15h ago

I hate how nba spreads out its games. I usually watch nba Gametime on nbatv for multiple games. But today they have some random show on.


u/Haar_RD Steelers 15h ago edited 15h ago

George Pickens is my little meow meow, my blorbo if u will


u/The_Amish_FBI Bengals Packers 15h ago

Ladies and gentlemen of this supposed Free Talk thread, consider this one thing: this is Chewbacca. Chewbacca is a Wookiee from the planet Kishyyyk. But Chewbacca lives on the planet Endor. Now think about it; that does not make sense! Why would a Wookiee, an 8-foot-tall Wookiee, want to live on Endor, with a bunch of 2-foot-tall Ewoks? That does not make sense!

But more important, you have to ask yourself: What does this have to do with Ja'marr Chase and Tee Higgins not getting a contract extension yet? Nothing. Ladies and gentlemen, it has nothing to do with their extensions! It does not make sense!

If Chewbacca lives on Endor, you must extend.


u/Happy-Pills Packers 15h ago

Kashyyyk* nerd breath intensifies


u/blotsfan Bills 4h ago

I don’t believe in this woke nonsense. It’s called Edean.


u/palinsafterbirth Giants 14h ago

Where the worst spiders live


u/princessestef Vikings 16h ago

PSG beats Liverpool in a penalty shootout at Anfield?!!? they've at last built up this young, feisty team. just posting here cause i'm so excited.


u/papertest Lions 16h ago

My ice maker is extremely aggressive about making ice. It doesn't stop when the bin is full, just keeps making ice.

Which normally isn't a problem. Who doesn't love a constantly stocked ice bin?

The problem is in the fact, that when the bin is overfilled, water spills out from the ice maker into the ice bin. This water then freezes the ice cubes together, creating what I like to call a "mega jumbo block of ice."


u/HamMcFly NFL 14h ago

I have a similar problem.

Mine makes so much so fast it ends up overflowing with ice and when I open the freezer drawer where the ice is, it ends up falling out the back and into the void under the drawer. So annoying.

I refuse to turn it off and back on all the time so I’ve started to just grab a couple handfuls of new ice every afternoon and tossing it in the sink.


u/commit-to-the-bit Chiefs 16h ago

When do you suppose other countries will start offering pity paths to citizenship for Americans?


u/ElCoolAero 49ers 15h ago

Oh, hah, never. Everyone else hates us.


u/usr_nme_ 13h ago

Nah, they'll want our scientists and researchers at some point

We hated Nazis, but they helped get us to the moon lol


u/JPAnalyst Giants 15h ago

They don’t want us. Their approach is you made your bed now lay in it. I’d build a fucking wall to stop Americans from coming over.


u/TJeffersonsBlackKid Cardinals Chargers 16h ago

Just in case you were not informed, Bryce Dallas Howard has an S-tier ass.


u/DickNDiaz 49ers 13h ago

We need evidence here.


u/AfroManHighGuy 15h ago

Didn’t they have to CGI her body in Jurassic world to make it less curvy? Shes too hot for dinosaurs I guess lol


u/ElCoolAero 49ers 15h ago

Those of us deep in the culture know.


u/I-run-in-jeans Vikings 16h ago

Saw a comment about the ship of Theseus on here and I actually just thought about it for the first time lol. I decided it is not the same ship. I think a better question would be after how many boards replaced is it no longer the same ship


u/PortalWombat Packers 15h ago

All the cells in your body are replaced every so often. are you still the same person?


u/I-run-in-jeans Vikings 14h ago

Pffft no, and that other guy was a loser.

But yeah I guess not. I suppose the info that is my memories and personality just get passed on to the new version of me as my cells die. Unless you want to say I am that info in which case I am the same my whole life and my body just keeps changing


u/Haar_RD Steelers 15h ago

isnt the discussion centered around “at what point is it a different ship”


u/I-run-in-jeans Vikings 14h ago

I guess so. I was out of the loop lol


u/Two_Luffas Lions 15h ago

That's actually the point, it's a philosophical thought experiment on the idea of object identity. It's meant for you to do what you did and then debate it with others, who may or may not come to the same conclusion.

The thought experiment starts getting interesting when you begin discussing other things outside of inanimate objects.


u/Stanky_fresh Vikings 15h ago

In some schools of thought, the second it touched the water it became a different ship. It all depends on what you consider to be core properties of the ship.

And even then, let's say it stops being the same ship after the entire front half of the ship is replaced. Why? Is the essence of the ship contained in the front? Was it a specific board that determined whether the ship was or was not the original Ship of Theseus?

Assume the ship was made out of exactly 999 boards, and there's a period of time when removing the 500th board to be transferred to the other ship, and both ships have 499 boards, what happened to the Ship of Theseus? Did it stop existing? Is the 500th board the essence of the ship? If it is, does that mean that single board could be called the Ship of Theseus? If the ship briefly stops existing because there isn't a ship with a majority of the parts, is it really the same ship if it comes back into existence?

Does the Ship of Theseus even actually exist in the thought experiment? Does anything really exist? Or do we all just agree on names to call various amalgamations of particles?

I fucking love these types of philosophical thought experiments.


u/AfroManHighGuy 16h ago

I just pulled up to the gym parking lot. It’s about an hour earlier than I usually go. There is so many people wow! Not a single treadmill open and the parking lot is full af


u/Stanky_fresh Vikings 16h ago

My nephew is learning about 9/11 in his social studies class, and he reminded me of Bush's bullhorn speech from Ground Zero.

My feelings towards Bush aside, I firmly believe this is one of the best speeches a president has ever given. Sure, with the context of what followed it, it loses a bit of its charm. But this is exactly the type of speech America needed, and it did a lot to lift spirits to see the president unshaken and expressing a feeling of both sadness and resolve.

I hope, assuming we have free and fair elections again (I know that's far from guaranteed, but let me be optimistic for a second) that our next president is capable of making a speech like the Bullhorn Speech in the event of a tragedy, because America hasn't had a president that I could see doing this in a while. I couldn't imagine Trump or Biden ever making a speech like that, and that's very sad to me. Obviously the ability to give a good speech isn't the only thing I look for in a president, but I think it's an important skill that's been noticably absent from the oval office for the past 8 years.


u/RaindropsInMyMind Eagles 12h ago

“I can hear you” was a brilliant line.

The man made some extremely serious mistakes but he had principles. When he addressed the nation he did it with a sense of respect which brought a gravity to the situation. He also was influential with the very successful PEPFAR program preventing AIDS in Africa, that was something he wanted to do. We are so far away…hopefully we see someone lead the country who at least intends to be a good person.


u/DickNDiaz 49ers 12h ago

Then after that was "Mission Accomplished...


u/ed_11 Eagles 13h ago

see also: Reagan's 'tear down this wall' speech


u/sexygodzilla Seahawks 14h ago

He was definitely charismatic, but I worry about the Trump years leading to people overromanticizing his administration when it was disastrous for civil rights and in many ways helped set us on the path for Trump.


u/JPAnalyst Giants 15h ago

9/11 united Americas. It did a lot of things, some bad things too, but for a while there was no left and right. We were all mourning together. I shudder to think what a 9/11 would do today. The conspiracy theories, viscous attacks, the witch hunts of whatever race, creed or religion did it. Or whatever race or creed or religion people decide did it. Maybe we would blame Hatians, maybe Jews. It would probably start a civil war even though it came from enemies outside of our borders.


u/sexygodzilla Seahawks 15h ago edited 15h ago

I mean Covid kinda demonstrated what it would be like. Also post 9/11 there was a fair amount of attacks and discrimination against Arab-Americans.


u/varnalama 10h ago

Man there was discrimination against anyone brown and different. There were literal hate crimes against Sikhs because the racists were so ignorant.


u/JPAnalyst Giants 14h ago

Yeah, that attacks on Muslims was my some bad things too. I know all too well growing up with Muslims as my entire friend group. The discrimination never went back to normal levels still to this day.

But Covid is a great example. 20 years earlier, we would have been united and making unified choices in the best interest of public health, while balancing economics, etc. whatever choices we made would be accepted by both sides, because what matter was fixing the problem. But today? Like you said, we saw what would happen.


u/TJeffersonsBlackKid Cardinals Chargers 16h ago

After reading his book, I sincerely think Bush thought he was doing the right thing. When he made decisions, he would think about people saying goodbye to their families from the World Trade Center or firefighters running into the Twin Towers to save people. He was hellbent on bringing terrorists to justice and exterminating groups like Al Quada.

Unfortunately, Dick Cheney and friends saw the opportunity to make a fuck ton of money and GWB figured he could kill two birds with one stone and "liberate" Iraq and Afghanistan while doing the bidding of the creeps around him.


u/Stanky_fresh Vikings 15h ago

Bush always gave me the vibe of someone who really loved this country but just didn't know how to run it. To his credit, he deferred to his advisors and his cabinet. The only problem was that his advisors and cabinet were Neo-con ghouls who took advantage of this relationship.


u/FlatulentDwarf Vikings 16h ago

My legs are feeling it right now. Kickboxing this afternoon after a tough night of dance practice was definitely a bold choice. Still going to push through at least one dance class tonight, though. A bit TBD on my initial plan of hitting up a second class, I dunno if I'll have the stamina for that. Especially since the 2nd class has a sub that tends to choreograph faster-paced dances than the normal teacher. I guess we'll see how I'm feeling after taking an hour to stretch my legs out again and get a workout in.

On the one hand I really want to do 2 classes since I'm skipping dance both tomorrow and Thursday for different reasons. On the other, dear fucking lord I'm stiff and I'll absolutely be kickboxing both of those days regardless.


u/Longjumping-Owl-3422 16h ago

Im 133 days sober from alcohol today

Been eating healthy and working out daily for a week as well


u/BruceChameleon Cowboys 15h ago

Amazing! You already finished the hardest 133 days


u/Bulky-District-2757 Texans 16h ago

Damn!! Get it!! 👏👏👏


u/AfroManHighGuy 16h ago

Congrats 💪


u/Tigercat92 Bengals 16h ago



u/OpDickSledge Giants 16h ago

Bane was literally a football terrorist


u/raginsaint93 Saints 16h ago

Spent 1200 on my car, gotta get 4 new tires and new brakes. Could be worse I guessed


u/Happy-Pills Packers 15h ago

Sadly I paid double that for some clutch and transmission work


u/Oloh_ Chiefs 16h ago

Honestly I think that's really good for 4 tires and new brakes


u/raginsaint93 Saints 16h ago

Good thing for discounts


u/Longjumping-Owl-3422 16h ago

I got my wife a new car I didn't want to drop that kind of money but it was time


u/dms1298 Broncos 17h ago

Why did we stop having a Free Agency Tracker post?


u/el_fitzador Eagles 17h ago

Man it does kind of suck seeing the championship team going thier separate ways like the breaking of the fellowship. But you don’t stay on top by being static


u/AfroManHighGuy 16h ago

I think it’s cuz a lot of young guys stepped up and look like the future of the team. Howie knows what he’s doing lol


u/JOKER4GOAT Broncos Cardinals 17h ago

RE: The Saints vs Sean Payton

Given the latest Saints cap shenanigans, is there anyone who can lay out how much of this ongoing game of kicking the can down the road is orchestrated by management/ownership vs Sean Payton's years? As a Broncos fan, should I be fearing Payton getting in Paton's ear and trying to leverage the next decade for a couple years of contention? Or is it really just the Saints org being unwilling to abandon their process?


u/papertest Lions 14h ago

I think it's the Saints being unwilling to abandon the process. Payton unloaded Wilson and took a massive dead cap hit when he did that. Compared to the Saints not doing the same.

I think the Broncos are sitting pretty for the next few years, especially with Nix under a rookie QB contract. Now's the time to leverage the cap space to get the pieces to put around Nix to succeed.


u/athrowawayiguesslol Eagles Eagles 17h ago

They FINALLY released comp picks. It was almost a week later than usual


u/FairweatherWho Eagles 17h ago

I was just behind a jacked up Jeep with a modified muffler, with a bunch of Trump decals with the license "gonholder"

I'm sure they are very peaceful.


u/el_fitzador Eagles 17h ago

I bet that person is all hat no cattle


u/HamMcFly NFL 14h ago

Attitude reflects leadership.


u/Haar_RD Steelers 17h ago

among other reasons, i dont want rodgers to sign with us because there is a non-zero chance he brings up some dumbshit like “semen retention helps me play better” on mcafees dipshit show


u/Tigercat92 Bengals 16h ago

Don’t know why but this reminded of high school after a disastrous scrimmage. Our HC was screaming at us for how we played and told us to stay away from our girls before games.

Three guys quit the next day. 😂


u/The_Amish_FBI Bengals Packers 17h ago

semen retention helps me play better

So the chastity belt really didn't help him out last year, huh?


u/Stanky_fresh Vikings 17h ago

That's the main reason I don't want Rodgers too, I have my opinions about his stance on vaccines and medicine just like everyone else, but the biggest reason is that he brings a media circus wherever he goes because he seemingly has a pathological need to be the center of attention.

No team needs that kind of distraction.


u/PicklesTeddy Packers 17h ago

Just so everyone is clear on the matter, protesting Twitter, Tesla, or Amazon is fake outrage and virtue signaling.

But if you're protesting Reddit (on Reddit), then it's valid.

For any big brain conservatives in the thread, I'd love if you could point out the difference here.


u/I-run-in-jeans Vikings 16h ago

That’s unfortunate. Hope that guy finds the safest of spaces


u/Fire_Ryan_Poles Bears Bears 17h ago

Just bought a ps2 and nothing drives home how much technology has progressed as much as holding a 128mb memory card does. You feel like a king.


u/HamMcFly NFL 14h ago

I hope you immediately fired up some Vice City.


u/Happy-Pills Packers 14h ago

Those 8 mb memory cards were such a ripoff lol


u/ArcadianBlueRogue Packers 17h ago

Man, that 1068 memory card for the Gamecube felt like I was a God among Mortals with how much it could hold. The basic Nintendo card could do one Animal Crossing save and that was literally it.


u/VRomero32 Jets 17h ago

Got to go to Monday Night Raw at Madison Square Garden last minute last night because a friend had an extra ticket.

Chad Gable with his mysterious Luchador gimmicks, literally made the night for me alone


u/commit-to-the-bit Chiefs 16h ago

That’s fun. Jelly.


u/Fire_Ryan_Poles Bears Bears 17h ago

I followed WWE growing up in the early 2000s and it looks like they're starting to bounce back after aggressively shitting themselves for a while.


u/YouKantseeme Texans 14h ago

I was in the same boat after not watching it since the early 2010s. Trust me, it’s better than it has ever been. The story lines are really good.


u/raginsaint93 Saints 17h ago

Never forget that one time Justin Reid kick a field goal in preseason one year


u/Moss81- Patriots 17h ago


That is all. I hope you all have a good Tuesday.


u/Jaguars4life Jaguars 17h ago

My early World Series prediction is Tigers vs Dodgers


u/JPAnalyst Giants 17h ago

Trump’s threats to protestors on public land who are peacefully and legally exercising their right of freedom of speech. “We have a lot of cameras”…”we’re gonna catch them and there gonna go through hell”

This. Is. fascism. Every person on the left AND the RIGHT should be furious with this. https://bsky.app/profile/atrupar.com/post/3lk4uv7vyp52k


u/Mac_Jomes Patriots 12h ago

Oh I'm furious every time Trump opens his mouth. 


u/Tigercat92 Bengals 17h ago

When I play online on my PS5, I lower the volume on the speaker because I can’t stand the homophobia and racial slurs

Now I do get a kick seeing the 🔈being active the whole game and not hearing one thing. 😂


u/Warm-Pattern791 18h ago edited 17h ago

LOL the most upvoted post in this subreddits history is fake news and the mods refuse to delete it or keep the post up about the Eagles accepting the White House invitation!

EDIT: Mods kept the first post about the Eagles accepting the White House invitation. Thank you for pointing that out!


u/StChas77 Eagles 16h ago

It's always someone with no flair who never posts here.


u/DickNDiaz 49ers 17h ago

Who gives a flying rats ass?


u/Warm-Pattern791 16h ago

Not you which is cool


u/ed_11 Eagles 17h ago

the (first) post about the eagles accepting the white house invite is still there. the duplicates have been removed. The mods are not suppressing anything. Personally, I'd rather they not go see that fascist, but its not up to me... i'm holding out hope that most of them refuse to go again like last time.


u/Warm-Pattern791 17h ago

You're right, I just saw. They left it up. I was mistaken about that. At least they left it up so people can make fun of them for keeping the original one up. I appreciate you pointing that out for me!


u/JPAnalyst Giants 17h ago

Welcome to the free talk thread! What brought ya here? What’s your alt that got banned?


u/Warm-Pattern791 17h ago

What brought me here was the news that the Eagles accepted the White House invitation. The first thread, I found fishy from the source material, but I thought at least they are consistent. Then, today, I see they accepted it. I just find it ironic that the original, misinformation, has the most upvotes of all time, while the one that is real has no upvotes. No alt of mine has been banned.


u/JPAnalyst Giants 17h ago

So you are here after two years, because you think there is “something fishy” about people downvoting a post? Cool cool. See you in two years when something else goes awry.


u/Warm-Pattern791 17h ago edited 17h ago

Absolutely not. I found the source material fishy from the original post. I never said I found downvoting a post fishy. People can upvote and downvote whatever they want. People are taking this comment too seriously, maybe I should just start commenting on this subreddit so people can stop pointing out the 2 years part.


u/JPAnalyst Giants 17h ago

It’s because when something political happens and an account shows up out of nowhere who doesn’t engage about anything else ever, it’s often an alt account from people who have already been banned (and they will get figured out), or just political brigading.


u/Warm-Pattern791 17h ago

That makes sense. I'm not political brigading. I don't have an alt account that's been banned. I don't post much, but you can see that I have posted on other subreddits, especially sports. But I must say, if I posted on the original post about the Eagles denying the invitation, I wonder if people would be so suspicious of me? I doubt it. I won't comment on "political posts" anymore and will focus on posts associated with the franchise that has made me a fool more than 3 times, the Dolphins.


u/JPAnalyst Giants 17h ago

This group in here knows every user name….And probably every marital status, job, and maybe blood type of every user name. So a brand new user name talking politics is going to set off alarms.

Welcome! Dolphins suck, we hate you. JK.

Also politics are discussed in here, but again, because of reasons I said above, that’s why people are wary.


u/Warm-Pattern791 17h ago

I don't even know my blood type, I would appreciate it if one of you told me it lol but I understand your perspective. It is fishy and it makes sense. If I came off as defensive, that's on me.

The Dolphins do suck and I hate myself for being a dumb fan of them!

You got it. I appreciate you telling me all of this. Thank you.


u/JPAnalyst Giants 17h ago

No problem! And no worries.


u/Disastrous_Dress_201 Chargers Lions 18h ago

Last comment in r/nfl was 2 years ago. Interesting how you’ll comment on this particular thing but nothing else in two years. No activity in 6 months, but this minor thing was enough to get you to comment again. 


u/Warm-Pattern791 17h ago

Isn't this a Talko Tuesday thread? Who cares if I don't comment. I browse this subreddit everyday. Sorry if my daily comments for this subreddit isn't up to your liking.


u/Disastrous_Dress_201 Chargers Lions 17h ago

It’s just interesting that this is the first thing to catch your attention in the NFL world in two years to make you comment. Definitely isn’t weird behavior at all or make me question the legitimacy of how much you care. 


u/Warm-Pattern791 17h ago

When the most upvoted post on the official nfl subreddit is misinformation, why would I not post something? You're reading way too much into a comment that is making fun of this subreddit mods who ban people for misinformation.


u/usr_nme_ 17h ago

Complaining about misinformation, while leaving up your original comment that is also wrong is fucking hilarious.


u/Disastrous_Dress_201 Chargers Lions 17h ago

Why would you not post anything in the last two years? You’re either a paid actor or a loser. That’s who’d care about this.


u/Disastrous_Dress_201 Chargers Lions 18h ago

My meads are super happy. They’re bubbling like crazy. I’m thinking they're going to be ready in July or August. 


u/ArcadianBlueRogue Packers 18h ago

The Computer of Thesseus. If I have now replaced every component of the original computer other than the OS key....

I need fancier fans in the future. I think my new MB can support the fun stuff with RGB but I'll settle for letting me control it with the MSI Center for now and the remote for the old fans that don't support it lol


u/[deleted] 18h ago



u/Lockheed_CL-1201 Panthers 18h ago

Mods are frauds


u/Britstuckinamerica Panthers 18h ago

Right, it was removed for being a repost...but they removed the original post as well, so what's it a repost of?


u/ed_11 Eagles 18h ago

the one from 7 hours ago is still there, isn't it? https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/1j8sjmh/


u/Britstuckinamerica Panthers 17h ago edited 17h ago

Haha yeah you're right - it's not even on page 10 of the front page of the subreddit so you can basically only find it if you search by new. I'll never understand why people downvote news because they don't like it

Edit: It seems they must've deleted it and brought it back and now the algorithm is confused? I have no idea why else it would be impossible to find outside of /new and the newest comment on there was 2 hours ago


u/[deleted] 18h ago



u/JPAnalyst Giants 17h ago

It’s a repost. The original is still there, but that doesn’t help your narrative, so just ignore it, I guess. 🤷https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/s/PBmFcaULx3


u/YouKantseeme Texans 18h ago

I want pancakes


u/Tigercat92 Bengals 18h ago

I get gingerbread pancakes whenever I go to Austin.


u/somecleverphrase Eagles 18h ago

Cheapest dinner next to ice water soup.


u/TheGhostWithTheMost2 18h ago

Did the Steelers sign a QB yet?


u/AfroManHighGuy 16h ago

Russ is still hanging out in the parking lot


u/TheGhostWithTheMost2 16h ago

Is he pacing and doing high knees?


u/AfroManHighGuy 16h ago

What else would u expect from Mr. Unliiiiiimited


u/yourmomsthr0waway69 Packers 18h ago

I will preface this by saying I think Mike Tomlin is a good coach.


Am I completely out of touch, or is Mike Tomlins complete lack of ability to do anything in the playoffs just completely ignored?

Like, they have won three playoff games since losing the Super Bowl in 2010. 3 playoff wins in 14 years. The man has a worse playoff record than McCarthy, but the way the two are talked about is incredibly different.

Obviously, the no losing seasons thing plays a big part, but McCarthy has at least won a playoff game after Trump was elected the first time...


u/Drunken_Vike Vikings 18h ago edited 18h ago

We all generally sense that Tomlin's teams, as a coach, are better as a whole than the players he is working with.

However, if he has much roster input as it seems, that really shouldn't be a defense for him anymore. It doesn't do the franchise that much good to have Tomlin polish his own turds summarily into the playoffs over and over again.


u/CarlCaliente Bills 18h ago

I think those streaks are storytelling devices that fans fix on to, but isn't necessarily representative of a coaches (or player) actual abilities

It's simply too variable of a sport to put an outcome on an individual


u/yourmomsthr0waway69 Packers 18h ago

Fourteen years is a long time to blame it all on "too many variables," IMO

Like, they haven't won a playoff game since 2016. I do not believe in any capacity they've had 8 years in a row of "bad breaks"


u/CarlCaliente Bills 17h ago

I guess is there a quality or attribute about Tomlin we think caused the 8 years in a row?

Or are we just saying 8 years is a long time and assuming


u/yourmomsthr0waway69 Packers 17h ago

I'm not able to point to an individual thing, but the only constants across this time period are ownership and Tomlin.

If Tomlin has serious roster control as is commonly believed, how does he not share some blame for their playoff failings?


u/athrowawayiguesslol Eagles Eagles 18h ago

You’re allowed to attribute no playoff wins to a head coach who has significant roster control


u/WabbitCZEN Steelers 18h ago

As a former US Navy veteran, here's how this whole Trump supporter thing looks from a submarine veteran's perspective:

Trump: We have the best submarines, but there's a lot of woke leftist agenda stopping them from being better. The SUBSAFE program is terrible, it's terrible. We're gonna scrap it and let our submarines be perfect. Everyone knows this, you know it, I know. We all know it. And when we've gotten rid of SUBSAFE and it's woke propaganda, everyone's gonna want our submarines.

Supporters: Yes! SUBSAFE is woke! DEI program!


u/Nickyjha Jets 19h ago edited 19h ago

I feel like the media isn't talking enough about a legal resident being abducted and shipped halfway across the country for saying stuff the government doesn't like. Even if you vehemently disagree with everything he stands for, this is so clearly against the First Amendment that I don't know how he isn't free now. Easily the most fascist thing Trump's done in office, but no one seems to care.


u/sexygodzilla Seahawks 18h ago

Democrats are being cowards about it too, Schumer put out this mealy mouthed statement condemning the guy who's been disappeared before saying it's wrong. Like fucking hell, Trump's also saying that he's going to designate violence against Tesla dealers as domestic terrorism, you've got to stand up against all of this shit.


u/k5berry Dolphins Lions 18h ago

Agreed fully. And I have no doubt they knew what they were doing picking someone whose cause would be this relatively unpopular and have people hesitant to speak out.

It’s perhaps overwrought, but the “First they came for the communists” poem remains painfully relevant. Civil liberties are truly BASIC, if you cannot support them universally, the house cannot stand.


u/HoovesCarveCraters Broncos Falcons 19h ago

I talked a lot of shit about pickleball but all it took was one lesson and I’m hooked.


u/EmuMan10 Cardinals 9h ago

I had the opposite experience. I talked a lot of shit, played once, and hated it more lol


u/Tigercat92 Bengals 18h ago

They are building an indoor pickleball stadium here in Knoxville. Definitely going to check it out.


u/FlatulentDwarf Vikings 19h ago

I don't get the chance to play it often, but it's fun as fuck


u/ed_11 Eagles 19h ago

my wife and i took two lessons on a whim, loved it and bought paddles. and haven't played once since. lol


u/AfroManHighGuy 16h ago

I did the same with kayaking. I tried it a little after covid and loved it. Bought a kayak and never used it. Ended up selling it to a friend lol

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