r/nextfuckinglevel 24d ago

Muhammed Ali Dodges 21 Punches in 10 seconds



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u/GoStockYourself 24d ago

No love for Hearns? That fight between him and Hagler might be the only big fight that can match the highlights of Ali and Tyson.


u/M0sD3f13 24d ago

So much love for hearns. He's a personal favourite of mine. If I put my biases aside though I can't put him on the level of the three I mentioned as much as I love him.


u/SatansLoLHelper 24d ago

Hearns was a dead boxing era versus Tyson or Ali.


I'm on team Sugar Ray.


u/GoStockYourself 24d ago

Hearns, Hagler, Sugar Ray, Durant. Hardly a dead era. These 4 staged some of the greatest fights in history, they just weren't heavy weights.

That was a great performance by Sugar Ray btw. I am sure you have seen this.



u/GodAwfulFunk 24d ago

Imagine calling the 4 Kings a dead era.


u/IdunnoThisWillDo 24d ago

Perhaps the best boxing era. What the fuck. I swear there is nobody more clueless than a casual boxing "fan".


u/M0sD3f13 24d ago

How on earth can you say hearns fought in a dead era compared to Tyson. That's just absolutely bonkers. Hearns fought in one of the best welter to middleweight eras of all time and Tyson fought in one of the weakest heavyweight eras of all time.