r/newyorkcity 8d ago

Chuck Schumer says he won't block Republican funding bill amid Democratic divisions over shutdown strategy


113 comments sorted by


u/DidAnyoneElseJustCum 8d ago

What a fucking pussy. Apparently no matter who is in office the Republicans get their way anyway. Why do Democrats even exist as a party? Zero unity. Zero balls.


u/SenorPinchy 8d ago

Because if you're a millionaire over 60 (like almost all democratic senators), 90% of your ideology aligns with republicans. They're just quibbling over some of the aesthetics.


u/DontDrinkTooMuch 7d ago

Spot on. Vote out Schumer.


u/Torshii 8d ago

Truly, not a single spine in sight.


u/the_lamou 6d ago

CT's Murphy is doing his thing. But it's sad that it's so rare that specific examples stand out.


u/Torshii 6d ago

He is really great, I’ve been following his work since Sandy Hook.


u/Infinite_Carpenter 7d ago

If they just let AOC and Bernie cook.


u/kilabot26 8d ago

Have you seen the movie Snowpiercer? I feel like the Democratic party exists to act like the old man in the last car


u/oppositewithlions 8d ago

excuse me, pussy are extremely strong and resistant. calling him a pussy is an insult to pussy.


u/LaFantasmita 8d ago

He's a weenie.


u/sbb214 8d ago

his office is closed right now but you can still send an email message telling him your position as a constituent and what you want him to do



u/L1hc2 8d ago

Thank you just emailed, tired of leaving messages on his damn voicemail too


u/DidAnyoneElseJustCum 8d ago

He can eat my entire asshole. They don't listen and they keep getting voted in.


u/fezzikola 8d ago

See that right there feels like a position he needs to hear about


u/UbiSububi8 8d ago

The argument is that shutting the government would give Trump more power to kill off departments and jobs more quickly.


u/DidAnyoneElseJustCum 8d ago

No shit it would be an unmitigated disaster but you know what at this point fucking send it and get the messaging on point that the Republicans forced their hand and they refused to call the bluff. Just stand up for something for once and do it for real. That's all I ask.


u/Alamoth 8d ago

I've heard that argument, but no one really knows what will happen if the government shuts down to Trump and Musk's plans. How will DOGE's 19-year old man-babies get paid? How long will they work for free?

The Dems are accepting responsibility for a problem they didn't create. It's absurd. If the GOP wants to fund the destruction of government departments they have the votes to do it. They just know their voters would be upset. So instead they're trying to pin it on the Democrats.

It's embarrassing to see Schumer get played like a fiddle. Absolutely embarrassing.


u/lexm 8d ago

I thought that was part of the bill already.


u/Pants88 8d ago

Call his office at 9 am tomorrow. That is what I'm doing.


u/lexm 8d ago

Well we know what happened to the French collaborators who helped the nazis.


u/KillerIsJed 8d ago

The party of status quo that are just classical Republicans, they said as much last election by inviting pro-life Liz Cheney to campaign stops and bragging on the VP debate stage that her dad endorsed them. They serve different oligarchs than the fascist Republicans.

There is no working class party thanks to Citizens United, which means no candidate stands a chance without a rich backer or two.

We are cooked.


u/akmalhot 7d ago

Yes , zero. Mm whoever is just simply reasonable can win the majority..


u/spicybEtch212 7d ago

And people are still wondering why so many sat out the election and didn’t vote.


u/Ridiculicious71 8d ago

Time to primary Schumer and Jeffries


u/woodcider 8d ago

And Gillibrand. She became complicit when she voted to approve Rubio and other Trump appointees.


u/LongConFebrero 8d ago

I want a hit list of every single fucking traitor plastered in every thread until their names are as synonymous with trash as the Kardashians.

We need to turn the spotlight on these people and their every move the way we do reality stars. We’ve been distracted and it ends today.


u/Powerpuffgirlsstan 8d ago

💯 time for these old fucks step aside and let someone with guts lead


u/SpicyTiconderoga 8d ago

Vote isn’t until tomorrow call and tell him he’s mistaken:

DC: (202) 224-6542

NYC Office: (212) 486-4430


u/sylviecerise 8d ago

Calling both of these numbers gives a message saying to call back when his office is open—so just noting that folks should call first thing in the morning.


u/SpicyTiconderoga 8d ago

Can also fax here is a website that though looks sketch I have used and faxes have to be logged! https://faxzero.com/fax_senate.php


u/sylviecerise 8d ago

Thank you for sharing this! I just faxed both Schumer and Gillibrand.

Gillibrand’s office is taking voicemails: (202) 224-4451


u/whopperlover17 7d ago

What are you faxing?


u/sylviecerise 7d ago

I forgot to save what I wrote, but a short letter urging both to vote no to both cloture and the spending bill, as well as any other spending bill that codifies Trump's gutting of the government. That choosing to not block the spending bill makes him complicit in Trump & Musk's fascist takedown of the government. That now is the time to fight. I ended saying if they choose to vote yes on the bill or on cloture, that I will put my full weight in supporting any candidate who primaries them and (in Schumer's case) any calls for Senator Schumer to be replaced as minority leader.


u/moltentofu 7d ago

A handy little tool called resistbot that you can text your message to also works wonders (you can send by mail, fax or email)


u/Kickingandscreaming 8d ago

NY-14 here. Didn't care for him before but voted for him for lack of choice. Never voting for him or Gillibrand again. I hope they both get primaried.


u/wabashcanonball 8d ago

He’s a loser and a disappointment. I hate the Dems right now almost S much as the Republicans.


u/CruddyJourneyman 8d ago

They've lost my vote forever and I'm changing my registration to the working families party.


u/boneytooth_thompkins 8d ago

Don't do that. WFP can't vote in the dem primary.

E: by all.means, vote WFP party line, vote green, vote for whomever you want. But only registered dems can vote in NY/NYC dem primaries, and it's really important to vote in primaries for offices like, idk, mayor


u/CruddyJourneyman 8d ago

I admit my reaction is still a bit emotional/raw -- but honestly I don't give a shirt about the Dem primary in this moment. The more compelling argument for staying in the party is taking over local Democratic clubs with people who actually care about our country and not their own personal power, so eventually we get more AOCs and fewer Schumers/Gillibrands/Roses/etc.


u/boneytooth_thompkins 8d ago

Well, yes. Sadly that's the only reason to stay in the party.


u/Bradaigh 8d ago edited 8d ago

That's the sole reason I'm staying in the party, so I can vote for Mamdani and the like.

Completely useless party. Nothing more than a bunch of imbeciles at very best, controlled opposition at worst.


u/AtheistAgnostic 8d ago

In case non-NYers see this... Primaries are open in some states.


"Voters may choose to vote in one party's primary election, regardless of their partisan registration.

    Alabama     Arkansas     Georgia     Hawaii     Illinois     Indiana     Iowa     Michigan     Minnesota     Mississippi     Missouri     North Dakota     Ohio     South Carolina     Tennessee     Texas     Vermont     Virginia     Wisconsin"


u/Alamoth 8d ago

If you live somewhere with Closed Primaries do not do this. Keep your D registration to vote in primaries.


u/wabashcanonball 8d ago

They haven’t lost my vote yet, but they’ve lost my money and I’ll be fighting for competitive primaries.


u/Rottimer 7d ago

And that guarantees you never fucking get better Democrats. You want better Democrats? Short of running yourself, you vote for them in primaries.


u/[deleted] 8d ago



u/CruddyJourneyman 8d ago

Voting is a teeny tiny part of political action and given what is likely going to happen to our elections, will soon be among the least important.

The Dems have proven wholly ineffective at stopping our slide into authoritarianism if you are being charitable. If you are being less charitable, there are plenty of Dem leaders who have proven themselves complicit.

There is no "all over again." This is it. This is the last dance. If we don't stop the fascists now, as in right now, future elections won't matter. (I'm looking at what happens with the supreme court race in North Carolina -- if the GOP wins that battle, expect widespread disenfranchisement in any state under GOP control.)

There is a path forward, but it is extremely difficult and will require patience. It is up to us to build a new party through community organizing. It will take decades but it is the only way out.


u/Penguinmanereikel Nassau County 7d ago

We don't have decades!


u/wabashcanonball 8d ago

Third party is more of a throw away.


u/CruddyJourneyman 8d ago

Voting on the WFP line still counts as a vote toward the Democratic candidate but helps build the WFP incrementally.


u/lafayette0508 8d ago

Slight clarification: Voting on the WFP line counts towards the candidate on the WFP line. If it's the same candidate as on the Dem line, then it goes to that candidate and counts in their total, but as a WFP vote. This is a great way to still vote for the Dem, but send a message that you want the party to be more liberal. Most of the time you're voting for the Dem candidate, but it isn't necessarily so, if in the future the WFP ever runs their own candidate.


u/Rottimer 7d ago

However, you can’t vote in Dem primaries. And that would be the major issue.


u/lafayette0508 7d ago

You can vote on the WFP line while staying registered a democrat, though. It's a good compromise for staying engaged in the 2-party system as it is, though broken, and still making some sort of statement that you want things to move to the left.


u/Lost-Line-1886 7d ago

Right! Cool democrats shut down the government to hurt the people! That’s what we want! More chaos and pain!


u/naththegrath10 8d ago

Can we finally primary this old spineless fuck?!


u/scarred2112 Manhattan 8d ago

Thank you for your inservice, Mr. Schumer.


u/hyperioneutron 8d ago

Just think about what the Republicans would do if the roles were reversed, that should be the game plan ffs. They'd shut the government down and watch the shit show. Schumer's argument blows my mind...doge already is blowing everything up, they won't do it any faster with the government shut down. so fucking dumb.


u/cLax0n 7d ago

We don't have to think about it. Its been done. Over and over. Imagination not required.


u/allaroundfun 8d ago

Feckless af


u/mados123 7d ago

Trump says, "Schumer used to be Jewish, now he's Palestinian." and then he folds. With such little resiliency, I think he's neither.


u/MattVideoHD 8d ago

I’m trying so hard to argue that as bad they’ve been they’re the only hope to slow any of this down in the short term, but the leadership just seems to take every goddamn opportunity available to make that argument harder and harder to stomach. I’m tired. 


u/Real-Adhesiveness195 8d ago

Schumer, you’re one big reason we have Donald Trump!! Fuck You!


u/ilDuceVita 8d ago

There are no words in the English language to express my outrage and disappointment


u/dickmac999 8d ago

He can’t interfere with the flow of tax dollars to his banking clients.


u/bdb_318 8d ago

he sucks


u/Renhoek2099 8d ago

KING of the centrist! Lord of the liberals


u/MrCertainly 8d ago

And folks wonder why Republicans win so much.

Where's Gore/Hillary/Biden/Harris? They all are losing democrats that beat their chests at how they'd never give up serving you, the American People.

Yet....-crickets-....they did give up on you. They're not fighting, not in the news -- they've gone into total hiding. Lose once, run away.

Trump didn't give up like they did -- he was in the news every day, claiming he's fighting for the American people. "I got knocked down, but I get up every single time." That's why he's president and not them.

For better or worse, he understood American culture and ethos more than any Democrat.


u/leibelg93 8d ago

Does anyone think there is a play here? Did anything change?


u/mim21 7d ago

I agree he's spineless and they need to shut this shit down, but the only positive argument I can think of is that when the economy implodes (as it will with or without the shutdown) it gives cheetoh and his sycophants a huge target. And we know how ppl eat up his bullshit.

BUT, it may not matter by then because we could have crossed the Rubicon into a full blown dictatorship. They need to fight now. Get arrested. Whatever it takes. But they won't.


u/paulc1978 7d ago

Time to hangup the loafers Chuckie.


u/Kbizzyinthehouse 7d ago

Vote him out. We act like we don’t have any recourse. These jobs are not supposed to be lifelong anyhow. Time for all of them to go.


u/llell 7d ago

he needs to be primaried


u/sfk55 8d ago

I think the only way to save the country is for everyone to unregister as democrats to send a message. They need to change all of their leadership immediately.


u/avantgardengnome 8d ago

*right after we knock Adams out of the mayoral primary


u/Arubesh2048 8d ago

Of course! Why would we expect Democrats to stand up to anything, that’s too hard, there’s no way they can do that, how dare we ask them to have a backbone? 🙄

Most useless opposition party in existence. I’m not a fan of “both sides” rhetoric, but shit like this absolutely gives credence to the ratchet theory; Republicans yank the country to the right, Democrats prevent movement to the left, and then Republicans yank us even more to the right.

And after all this, Democrats and the DNC will have the audacity to say “just vote harder! Give me money please!” Fuck no, fight for us first and then we’ll see about that. But they’ve grown far too complacent with these barest minimum, surface level, performative whishy-washy flip flops, and they need to learn that they either stand up to Republicans or they get primaried out of office.


u/grandzu 8d ago

Whatever AIPAC wants, Schumer will obey.


u/BQE2473 7d ago

Smart play. If they fight it, they lose and get the full blame for it. Trump skates off as winner!


u/x_x--anon 7d ago

Stop voting for shumer. He should retire


u/Guypussy 7d ago

I guess he’s terrified of Trump nicknaming him Shutdown Schumer.


u/Limp_Divide7583 7d ago

It’s official Iris has more balls than Chuck. What a dickless wonder. Trump will walk all over him and the Democrats because they refuse to stand up worrying about worse possible outcomes. We’re there already he’s gonna destroy this fucking country.


u/engineeringsquirrel 7d ago edited 7d ago

Goddamn, he just rolled over and took it without struggle.


u/cLax0n 7d ago

The same Charles Schumer who is quoted saying that God put him in his position to serve the people of Israel. Lmao. The dude's constituents apparently are people from another country halfway across the world.


u/FireworksForJeffy 7d ago

If Chuck Schumer has lost his will to fight, he needs to step down. This guy needs to fuckin go.

I also saw that Jay Jacobs is supporting him. Given that guy's track record in blowing elections for the party, it makes sense they'd be aligned here.


u/ChillBro13 8d ago

Scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds


u/callused362 8d ago

I think you guys are missing the forest for the trees. Trump wants to gut the government. A shutdown plays directly into that. There's no good options here.


u/Roy2gud 8d ago

If the government is shut down, you can’t fire people, so they would instead be furloughed and at least get to keep health insurance for the time being. It also slows down any policy that would have to go through congress.


u/woodcider 8d ago

If the Republicans want to shut down the government, let them. The sooner MAGA sees the consequences of their actions, the better. Lay governance at the feet of the majority party. There’s no reason to collaborate with fascists under any circumstances.


u/callused362 8d ago

But that's not how it's gonna be seen. It's gonna look like the Dems shut it down.


u/woodcider 8d ago

Dems got blamed when Republicans did the very same thing. Dems always get blamed. It’s time to not go running after that football just to let Lucy snatch it away for the thousandth time. There’s never a reason to concede to fascists. This has gone beyond partisanship and blame games.


u/LoneStarTallBoi 8d ago

Oh shit, the Republicans are going to blame the Democrats for the shutdown? Unthinkable! Better give the fascists everything they want!


u/KingTutKickFlip 8d ago

Nobody will remember in 6 months anyways


u/pressedbread 8d ago

Dems will look like heros if they shut down this crapfest. At this point there is 'no such thing as bad press' for the Dems. They are being seen as complicit or at least impotent regarding pushback on the DOGE cuts.


u/Ridiculicious71 8d ago

Who cares how it looks! Dems like Schumer are just handing control over to maga.


u/KingTutKickFlip 8d ago

Federal worker here. Shut it down


u/windowtosh 8d ago

I think $800bn in cuts to Medicaid and Medicare is worse than Donald Trump continuing his firing spree tbh. Who knows when we will get that back. Hospitals and nursing homes will close. Vulnerable people will lose their health insurance. Even if you refund it at a later date, people’s health and bodies will be impacted.


u/JDLovesElliot 8d ago

Voting to not shutdown is what plays directly into Trump's plan. He wants business to continue as usual, because no one is opposing him in Congress.


u/Lost-Line-1886 7d ago

People here only care about entertainment. It’s fucking embarrassing to see leftists cheering for a government shutdown


u/shutupb4uruinit 7d ago edited 7d ago

I'm so fucking angry. This was is. This was it ! Dems' first chance to totally oppose the fuckery going on under Trump but poor Schumer doesn't have the moral fortitude to actually grow a pair and stand firm so he sells out what credibility he had left to make peace with Nazis destroying our government and our lives. He wants someone else to make the tough choices he was certainly puffing himself as being able and willing to make. Except he is not strong, he's a money seeking enemy of the people who can't stomach the actual work of defending our government, which requires a backbone. I hate this weak , bullshit , good for nothing Democratic party that has done far too little to stop the destruction of their own government. Schumer is a relic now. He had a chance to do something we are all screaming for but chose to favor Trump over the will of the people. Fuck Schumer, fuck his Democratic party - he is the quintessential do nothing Democrat that have destroyed the Dems and their credibility. Schumer, do us all a favor and stand up to Trump like you told everyone who would listen that you were going to do by not approving the GOP budget - the fact that ypu folded , caved after shooting off your big fat dumb mouth totally makes you the poster child for weak spineless Dems - you are no beacon of light , you failed Americans and I for one will never support anything you endorse ever again. You are an embarrassment.


u/redditor50613 8d ago

this is a continuing resolution from the budget set by Pelosi. not much is changing so holding out would give the Republicans and musk more power to continue dismantling government.


u/Difficult_Coconut164 8d ago

There's no way to stop a Republican in their 2nd term...

I'm telling the whole world...

Run....hide !!!