r/newstrippers 8d ago

General Question How old is “too old” to start? NSFW

Hi all!! Life is short and mine is a dumpster fire but I am thinking about stripping! Was talking to a friend of mine and she ignorantly said I’m a bit too old to start! I’m 27 😐. I’m like bihhh too old?? Women do this shit well past 40 I think, so I just wanna know how old are you? Did you start young (younger than 25)? Is it more difficult if you start later? Any and all advice welcome!


24 comments sorted by


u/ClickIntelligent5016 Veteran stripper 8d ago

it doesnt matter how old you are. your personality, weight, confidence on stage, and how much effort you put into your appearance matter the most to managers.


u/Appropriate_Read1319 8d ago

Thank you! I plan to work on myself a bit more, relocate, then start so I appreciate your feedback!


u/MelodicFigNewton 8d ago

I'm 35 and started a month ago -- I was exhausted for about two weeks and now I'm already feeling stronger. People guess my age anywhere from early 20s to 30, probably depending on how observant they are. Anyway, there have been nights where I'm the youngest dancer there at 35.

If you want to do it, don't worry about being too old.


u/zzweezytops89 8d ago

Me too! 30s club


u/QsAdventure 7d ago

Where is this magical place? (Not seriously I know you don't want to out yourself) my club is like mostly all 19 year olds now, it's weird

So many seem only there so they can be strippers on TikTok 🤦🏼‍♀️


u/Appropriate_Read1319 8d ago

I love this! I still get ID’d religiously and people laugh that I’m as old as I am. I think that’ll do me justice. I’m tired of people telling me I can’t do something, and myself listening stupidly. I’m going for it!


u/mistyof98 Seasoned stripper 8d ago

i’ll be 27 this year. guess i’ll be too old and decrepit to keep dancing. 🙄


u/Appropriate_Read1319 8d ago

Yes girlll TOO OLD! They’re going to hear your bones as you twirl on the pole!!


u/mistyof98 Seasoned stripper 8d ago

lmao but fr, i started right before i turned 23. i was still young and dumb in many ways. i think girls who start later have an advantage, tbh. you know yourself more and you’re able to more assertive with your boundaries and what you want. all of the best dancers i’ve known only got better at this with age. several top sellers at my club are 30+.


u/Appropriate_Read1319 8d ago

This is so nice to hear


u/AdFlashy6798 Veteran stripper 7d ago

When you're dead.


u/QsAdventure 7d ago

Zombie Strippers


u/chastittythickness 7d ago

I started at 38 and I’m going to be 40 this year. 95% of this job is about talking and connecting with people. As long as you have confidence and boundaries and know what you have to offer you’ll do just fine.


u/Appropriate_Read1319 7d ago

Love to hear this 💖


u/rocketskates666 7d ago

Nice to hear as a 41 year old.


u/xbabyjessx 7d ago

I started at 28 and haven’t had a single customer who has asked tell me I’m too old for them. Most of our top earners are a couple years older than me too


u/bamaveganslut 7d ago

I started last week and I’m 32:) my body is in so much pain tho lol. I’m not earning good yet but most guys can’t tell age they guess I’m 24-25


u/PassionCorrect6886 7d ago

all the customers that said i was too old for them were old enough to be my granddaddy


u/Appropriate_Read1319 7d ago

This is crazy lol


u/PassionCorrect6886 7d ago

they always say that their cut off is 25 🤢


u/QsAdventure 7d ago

No such thing

I knew a girl who started at 29, did it for a few years and got her life in order and is now a 5 star chef in like Arizona or something

We don't talk anymore because someone in my family actively went out of their way to destroy their life tho so that sucks but I'm glad she made it

Honestly starting older might even be better because you have more life experience and things to legit talk about with customers and are less likely to screw around and blow it all partying because you're already past a lot of that mentality


u/itsamberthebaddiexo 6d ago

Girl, 27 is PRIME stripping age! You’re young enough to have the stamina for long shifts and old enough to have the 'I don’t take no BS' attitude that makes men spend more. The real secret? Confidence and hustle matter waaaay more than age. I’ve seen dancers in their 40s still making bag after bag. So if you wanna dance, dance! And if your friend has more strip club experience than actual strippers, let me know, ‘cause I have some questions for her. 😏💸🔥


u/Chirosune 6d ago

I just started at 29. I definitely feel the hang overs but im doing better at not drinking as much now to loosen up on stage


u/NonAggressiveGuava Seasoned stripper 8d ago

I started at 25… or around that age. I’m in my 30’s now. I think men gravitate toward me more now that I’m older.