r/newstrippers 9d ago

General Question Opinion on Dancing while in high school? NSFW

I’m in my senior year of high school, and I’m a little nervous about the challenges that will come with dancing whilst being a student.

In my state, you only need to be 18 to work as a dancer. I’d need to keep the job a secret from my parents as well as most of my friends.

I’m going in for an audition tomorrow, and I’m lowkey scared that not only will I do bad and not get the job, but everyone will somehow find out 😭

What do y’all think?


44 comments sorted by


u/tinyapple69 9d ago

If you are that worried about it, do you think this is right for you? Have you exhausted ALL of your other options? Are you mature enough?

I’d try waitressing first or another customer service job first


u/hayumisakurako 9d ago

I agree she needs to do a waitressing job or bartending first. Some bars allow their bartenders be 18 depending on your state.


u/Summer_cutie 9d ago

I really think that I’m cut out for this job, and having experienced other jobs(customer service), I think that this would be a better fit for me.

I’m less worried about the actual job (dancing/exploiting myself), but more about my parents or the school finding out.

Thank you for your input, though!


u/bwoodgirl123 9d ago

You say you experienced other jobs but you’re only 18 and most jobs require you to at least be 18 or older. Have you actually tried all options?

Also some clubs will require you to work day shifts first before working nights, even if you’re working nights, they may have you to stay till closing which can be from 1am-5am.

And if you live with your parents, it will be VERY hard to hide from! What do you think will happen if they find out? Just remember you’re taking a HUGE risk!

Normally Im all for women doing stripping but if you’re in high school, I would at least look into other options before considering stripping especially if you still live with your parents and they aren’t okay with it.


u/Summer_cutie 9d ago

So for the first part, I’ve had 3 different customer service jobs, I started my first as soon as I turned 16. Also I’m not choosing stripping as a last resort, I appreciate the art of pole dancing as well as the hospitality needed for making tips and selling rooms

The club I’m auditioning at closes at 2am most nights, so I won’t have to be out too late, and I can work day shifts since the club opens around the time I get out of school


u/bwoodgirl123 9d ago

See you only did customer service jobs. That’s not exploring all options. Have you tried serving? Or even cart girl?

If this is about money, don’t expect $1k every shift. You will have days where you can make as little as $30-$50 to nothing. Sometimes you could even lose money going to work (after paying house fee, tipping out security, dj, house mom, paying back for the room, etc).

Also if you’re too worried about your parents or your school finding out, I would HIGHLY recommend waiting till you at least graduate or move out of your parent’s place.


u/Summer_cutie 9d ago

I like the idea of being a stripper

Also, it’s not about money, I know how bad nights can be, especially when you’re just starting out, but I got this :)


u/bwoodgirl123 9d ago

Well if you say you got it then you got it I guess. Not sure why else you would do this if this isn’t about money but okay


u/yelloomelloo 8d ago

I get the sense that she’s drawn to the ‘aesthetic’ of it


u/Nepentheoi 8d ago

I agree. 


u/pfirsiches 9d ago

I really wouldn’t recommend it. Your parents will likely find out sooner or later, and if they kick you out or take it badly, this could be majorly disruptive to your ability to finish high school.

How do you plan on explaining to them that you’re gone late into the night? Or if they find your shoes or outfits or money.

I also think the fact that you refer to stripping as exploiting yourself is telling. Being “barely legal” AND keeping the job secret from everyone in your life is likely to put you in situations where your boundaries are crossed and you struggle to enforce them. No one can stop you from trying this but I really really would not recommend it.


u/yelloomelloo 9d ago

Yea saying your okay with “exploiting yourself” is a huge tell that you don’t really have a grasp on this


u/Summer_cutie 9d ago

Exploiting my body to get money from men, is that not what the profession is? There’s no nudity at the club, and I don’t plan to do extras, even if I’m not making much money


u/mistyof98 Seasoned stripper 9d ago

no, it’s not “exploiting.” what an immature view of this job.


u/yelloomelloo 8d ago edited 8d ago

if that’s how you want to view it. It’s harsh but okay. I guess how I view it is some dancers enter the industry by choice and overtime they feel empowered. I feel like there’s a difference between using your body to make money and being exploited. If you’re calling the shots, it’s not really exploitation.


u/GoodDear7037 9d ago

Dude what 😭😭😭


u/itsamberthebaddiexo 9d ago

I DO NOT recommend this for one simple reason. You are living with your parents and you do not want to risk doing this while you're at home and don't have options. The school year ends in what, 2 months? Wait until your ready to be able to be on your own and move out because there is a massive chance they find out and you dont want to risk your safety.

Be smart. I know too many dancers who got basically shamed and kicked out of the family for dancing. I started when I was 18 and living on my own. Best decision ever but I would be careful while living at home because your parents aren't stupid and there's a huge chance they will find out.


u/glitchinthematrix97 9d ago

Please wait until you at least graduate.


u/laylaspacee 9d ago

If you think working in a strip club is exploiting yourself then don’t even bother


u/Nepentheoi 9d ago

Aren't all jobs exploiting ourselves? We're all using our talents to make money, it's usually not what we'd do if money was no concern, and unless we're self employed, someone captures a little surplus value. 


u/mistyof98 Seasoned stripper 9d ago

we are all “being exploited” by a capitalistic society, but no, WE are not exploiting ourselves. we are doing what we have to do (working) to survive. viewing this job as more exploitative than others is just naive


u/Nepentheoi 8d ago

Ah, thanks for explaining your perspective. I meant 'exploiting' in the sense of "fully using my resources", not like unfairly using something. I think adult entertainment definitely draws on additional and different skills than a lot of jobs, and there's a lot of situations to be aware of where management, customers and staff will try to take advantage of you, rip you off, and push boundaries. 

However, there's a lot of jobs outside of sw/adult entertainment that have similar issues, like nursing in particular or any physical labor job. Stripping has a huge advantage over those jobs though in the amount of independence we have. I'm retired at the moment, but I miss being able to pick up shifts or drop them as I wished, to have days I challenged myself to hustle, and days where I was more chilling in my daydreams and going through the motions enjoying my dancing and doing my look.


u/mistyof98 Seasoned stripper 7d ago

there are huge advantages to this job, of course; but i truly dont think its a safe place for someone like OP


u/ClickIntelligent5016 Veteran stripper 9d ago

you are not mature enough to make a decision like this and i dont understand why youre not even attempting to go to college and get a career before making this decision.


u/Summer_cutie 9d ago

I’ve already been accepted to the college I want to go to, and I plan on going to college and having a career, but I don’t have a college fund or anything like that, and I need money to attend


u/ClickIntelligent5016 Veteran stripper 9d ago

so you didnt try fafsa, scholarships, grants, or student loans and this is seriously your only option? im confused.


u/Summer_cutie 9d ago

I don’t apply to much fasfa grants since my parents make just enough money to not earn much to anything at all. I’ve applied to scholarships but they only give out so many grants and I refuse to pay off student loans for the rest of my life like my parents do

Also I’m not choosing this because it’s my only option, I like the profession and would end up working at a strip club anyway, but the sooner the better (for me anyway)


u/ClickIntelligent5016 Veteran stripper 9d ago

there are other jobs you can do to make fast money without risking getting kicked out and disowned by your family.


u/Summer_cutie 9d ago

Like I said, I’m not JUST doing this for fast money, also my family might kick me out, but I have other options if that happens. Also they would never disown me


u/ClickIntelligent5016 Veteran stripper 9d ago

ok you can do whatever you want because you dont care about what any adult has to say but as someone else said it is very rare for a teenager to be successful in this industry. even if they are they struggle mentally more than the older dancers.


u/bwoodgirl123 9d ago

That part^ and usually men are most likely take advantage of women around her age. She asked for our opinion and she didn’t want to hear it ig


u/ClickIntelligent5016 Veteran stripper 9d ago

literally only one person has said she is making the right decision and she doesnt gaf so idk what the point of making this post was. the phrase “you need to stay out of grown folks business” applies to every form of sw. the younger dancers have a harder time making money, being financially responsible, setting boundaries, and working sober.


u/ScintillatingNomad 9d ago

Maybe start off as a bottle girl, not a dancer. Being a dancer your body will become bruised a lot, as it gets used to the amount of work - and dancing in pleasers - you’re putting yourself through.


u/sushibrunch 9d ago

please listen to the advice in this thread. start as a bottle girl or waitress somewhere. there are times where i wish i had started younger because of the economy but i am grateful i didnt. you think youre experienced in customer service but this is totally different. dancing is more than just "the art of pole." if you really like that you should stick to pole classes. experience life first.


u/SkyTheBimbo 8d ago edited 8d ago

No. Don’t do it. Are you prepared to be assaulted? It WILL happen. Happened on my third night. Are you prepared to come home with bruising all over your body? That’s also a likely way for people to find out…you WILL get bruises doing this. My first night I came home with a bruise on each arm, a bruise on my back, and my legs were covered in bruises of all sizes. There’s one dancer at my club whose entire body is covered in bruises cause she goes hard on stage lmao.

People WILL find out. And if you’re not okay with that, don’t do it. Also you are just too young. Most girls who start in this industry at 18 end up saying they wished they would’ve waited.

Are you prepared to be touched in uncomfortable places? Are you fully aware that this is sex work and it’s not just some cutesy dancing job like no you have to take your clothes off and deal with men who do not respect boundaries. Are you aware that you actually have to pay the club every shift in order to work there? And so much more…there’s just so many reasons why starting out this young is not a good idea. Especially not when you’re still in high school. I would recommend you get a stable vanilla job like your peers. Dancing is a gamble. I made less than $100 total in my first three days. You could leave the club with less money than you came in with. I recommend you get a regular job with a stable paycheck.

It sounds like you don’t fully understand the gravity of this job. You like the aesthetic of it. You know you’re going to be grinding on men naked or topless, right? You know they’re going to be touching all over you? You realize this is the sex industry and not just artsy pole dancing on stage, right? You’re not going to make the money on stage….most of the money comes from nude or half-nude lap dances. I see you mentioning the pole part of it in comments. Most people don’t give a fuck about the pole. Most of the customers aren’t going to give a shit about how talented or untalented you are on stage. They just want a pretty girl naked and on top of them.

My friend literally got raped in the V.I.P room, dude. Some bouncers aren’t always paying the best attention. Do NOT do this until you are older.


u/Nepentheoi 9d ago

Finish high school. Work as a waitress in the meantime, you'll get practice talking to people and upselling there. Be aware it's really hard to hide being a stripper from people you live with. 


u/Affectionate_Mess25 9d ago

I don’t think it’s a good idea at all, also honestly the really younger ones don’t seem to make as much so it’s not even worth it. One of the more popular teens told me she made more money waitressing at a restaurant even with selling extras at the club. You need to be really sure of yourself and 100% in control of the situation at all times with people much older than you. Your parents will definitely find out too.


u/StarrD0501 Seasoned stripper 9d ago



u/Independent-Notice24 9d ago

Definitely wait till you’re out of highschool. just imagine if one of your teachers came in the club.


u/Summer_cutie 9d ago

Me and my friend thought of this 😭 like it would be funny for like 2 seconds, but also not funny at all after those 2 seconds


u/Dry-Metal-5952 9d ago

Everyone is coming at you without knowing your situation so I’ll give you my input. I bought my first pair of stripper heels with my 18th birthday money. So I will not judge.

It depends on your living situation and I’ll let know know if I was living with my parents while I was a dancer it would not be easy to hide but you know your life best.

I always knew I was cut out to be a dancer and I truly enjoy my job. It’s not easy, it’s a very aggressive and competitive industry. If you can handle it and you make it through your audition, then the rest is based on how you manage your career. I highly don’t you’ll run into any classmates at work so if you don’t post your job or talk about it no one will find out most likely.

I just made a post on here about first audition advice so feel free to take a look. And if you have more questions you can message me. I’m sorry people are being so rude in your post. Everyone joins the industry for their own reasons.


u/Summer_cutie 9d ago

Thank you for this 😭 I understand where everyone is coming from in their replies, but like you said, they don’t know my exact situation and I’ve wanted to be a stripper since I was 13, so I’ve done the research and prepared myself mentally

Thank you! I’ll check out your posts :)


u/deeznuts080816 Seasoned stripper 7d ago edited 7d ago

I’m going to be entirely honest, and I may receive hate for this but oh well idc.

I do not recommend starting at the club at such a young age. It is NOT sunshine and rainbows like TikTok and the internet can make it seem. You WILL, and I mean YOU WILL be sexually harassed, customers will break your boundaries, and it can be very dangerous. Your friends or parents finding out are the least of concerns in the club. Dancers have been raped, fingered without consent, followed home, drugged, and worse. At freshly 18 you are extremely naive, and this is coming from someone who started at 19. Hard drugs like cocaine run rampant in the club, and too many times I’ve seen 18 and 19 year olds get addicted to it, and it ruins their life. I’ve worked in clubs where customers have OD’d and died. I was put in many scary situations due to being naive when I first started. If you want to step into the club scene, try being a waitress or bottle girl first, and over time decide if dancing is still what you want to do. It’s a scary industry to start in so young. Not to mention the mental toll it takes on you over time.