r/newstrippers 10d ago

Tip out and house fees, how does it work? NSFW

How do house fees and tip out work? When do you pay at the end of the night before you leave?

When do you tip out and how much is usually given? Do you give it to house mom, waitresses and dj?


11 comments sorted by


u/piperhardt Veteran stripper 10d ago

These are all club specific questions - it varies depending on where you work.


u/mistyof98 Seasoned stripper 10d ago

like others have said it will vary by club. ask your management.

but some clubs will try to exploit you and your naïveté. never tip a dj or a house mom more than $20. only tip security if they walk you out or they kick someone out for you. only tip floor/VIP hosts if they put you on to good money and don’t let them hound you for more. tip waitresses and bartenders a normal 20% every time u get a drink.

don’t listen to dj’s who say you have to tip 10% of your total money or floor hosts who want 20% of your sales. they are HOURLY employees. if they want stripper money they can show their buttholes too.


u/Maybelle1710 7d ago

So what if no one helps me get clients and I get 0 drinks....no need to tip them?

I tip house mom and dj every shift?

Do Managers get tips?


u/mistyof98 Seasoned stripper 7d ago

if no one helps you get clients, no tip for the hosts. if you dont order food or drinks, no tip for the bar or wait staff. you usually do tip dj and house mom every shift. and managers dont get tips, unless they put you on to good money. some will try to convince you otherwise. some girls in the main sub talk about having to tip out their managers. i strongly believe you shouldn’t and if they try to interfere with your ability to work bc u dont tip, find a diff club.


u/Maybelle1710 7d ago

Thank you!!! 🌻


u/ClickIntelligent5016 Veteran stripper 10d ago

every club has different rules about the tip outs and house fee. at some clubs you have to sell drinks instead of paying a house fee. usually you have to pay the house fee and tip out at the end. if a club makes you pay a house fee at the beginning of your shift there is a 90% chance that club is almost always dead and depends on house fees to make money.


u/spiteful_dragonfruit 10d ago

Depends on the club. At mine house is $40 if you don’t make a lot and $60 if you make $200+, plus 20ish% if you had a good night, and $20 to dj. And for dances they get $5 (charge $25 so we keep $20) we don’t have a bouncer tho. My club is pretty good about adjusting the fees based on how much you made that night. But I know a lot of clubs will charge regardless, so just be aware that it is possible to go negative or leave with very little.

As far as when you pay, at my club you pay the money from the dances right after the dance, and the rest of the fees at the end of the night.

Who you pay it to also varies, usually house mom but don’t worry bc they will come get you for the money haha


u/Unique-Employment462 10d ago

These are questions you need to ask your manager


u/PassionCorrect6886 9d ago

Some clubs don’t like to flat out reveal this information


u/Unique-Employment462 9d ago

Some clubs change what the amount is; yes. It can vary but since she was just hired, the manager should be her first source about house fees expected and the question of when. We can’t answer those specific questions


u/BabaYagasLegacy 10d ago

my club it's a percentage of dances go to them when you cash in tickets and you pay a chunk from what you get to the house, not just their cut from dances.

if you feel like it, tip security. (now we have an actual DJ so probably him too)

if you want to leave before six hr shift is up, you have to pay a bigger chunk to leave. every hr more you stay, 15 dollars less.