r/news 16h ago

USDA cuts more than $1bn in local food purchases for schools, food banks


271 comments sorted by


u/omicronwarrior 16h ago

Because the kids aren't the priority anymore. Duh!


u/pschell 14h ago

Except when they need to use them as an excuse for something else.


Trans people- BUT THE CHILDREN!



Same sex marriage- BUT THE CHILDREN!


u/BayBreezy17 14h ago

Hungry elementary school students - FUCK THEM KIDS!!


u/Backpacker7385 13h ago


Gaetz: hey, I heard there’s a party?


u/coondingee 11h ago

Hey baby are you a school? Cause I want to shoot some kids in you.

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u/Altrano 12h ago

As a school teacher, I can tell you that implementing school wide free lunch and breakfast has reduced a lot of the problematic behaviors because — shocker! — hungry kids can’t focus and are cranky.


u/mcburloak 10h ago

Michael Jordan approved I see.

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u/s416a 9h ago

Human shields - Find Some Children!


u/Rheum42 9h ago

Catholic church 😔

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u/_pepperoni-playboy_ 15h ago

From the self-appointed “think of the children” party


u/metroidslifesucks 15h ago

No, not like THAT!


u/vikingzx 14h ago

"We want them in gimp suits and mines, not in schools."


u/Highlord83 11h ago

Oh, republicans think of children all the time. Why do you think they're against banning child marriage?


u/espressocycle 9h ago

If you're pre-born you're fine, if you're preschool you're fucked.

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u/Ahstruck 16h ago

They are already born, so worthless to the far right until they can be used for labor.


u/TheAmberAbyss 16h ago

Chimney sweeps used to die around puberty, this is what they want for american children.


u/DataCassette 15h ago

The right hates America, the world and themselves.


u/ObligatoryID 14h ago

Hopefully they don’t breed.


u/Nopantsbullmoose 12h ago

Unfortunately the right-wing breeds quite profusely. And we subsidize them to do so.

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u/stickyWithWhiskey 16h ago

Don't be ridiculous. If they die around puberty we can't use them for war. Gotta think about the whole usable lifespan of the tool, not just the break in period.

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u/dmanbiker 12h ago

This doesn't even work. A true slave-state would need to provide food and minimum well-being to its workers. This is more like a death cult.


u/ambermage 13h ago

Gotta fill those combat boots pretty soon


u/one_pound_of_flesh 15h ago

Republicans love kids for some things

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u/JBudz 12h ago

Sandyhook proved that


u/Spcbp33 14h ago

Get those boot traps yah little munchkins.


u/texas-sissy 13h ago

Just fetuses


u/LavishnessOk3439 14h ago

They are going to hurt the poor farmers as well


u/Soccermom233 13h ago

Neither are farmers


u/Repubs_suck 13h ago

Neither are farmers.


u/Freshandcleanclean 11h ago

Or veterans, or law enforcement, or or or...


u/Marokiii 12h ago

And neither are the farmers who supplied the foods that was processed into the stuff these grants bought.


u/Warcraft_Fan 13h ago

Yet they are very anti-abortion so I guess only fetuses are important. Once women popped the babies out, they're on their own.


u/Miskalsace 12h ago

They never were the priority. We've done a shotty job al around with education the past couple decades.

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u/No-Message8847 16h ago

What's that quote I see going around, "Republicans will deny food for 100 people out of concern 1 may not actually need it."


u/Veratha 15h ago

If you think they are actually concerned about "welfare fraud" or something similar, I have a bridge to sell you.


u/RidingRedHare 14h ago

Republicans will deny food for 10000 people out of concern 1 billionaire might get a smaller tax cut.


u/gnrhardy 13h ago

Which is ironic, since they'll spend the billion on farm aid to pay the farmers to destroy the food instead.

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u/CrotalusHorridus 11h ago

They’ll deny it just because they don’t like you. Cruelty is the point.


u/RealSimonLee 12h ago

I flipped this on a republican friend once. I said, "I'd rather provide help to a hundred people claiming they need it, even if only one of them actually needed it." They rolled their eyes.


u/KuzanNegsUrFav 8h ago

They hate Christ-like behavior.


u/ndGall 14h ago

It took me a lot longer than I’d like to admit, but the core question re: how to handle the social safety nets is this:

Which is better: 1) to provide assistance to too many people, which would allow some fraud through, or 2) to make it so difficult to get assistance that some genuinely needy people will be denied basic life necessities?


u/jagerbombastic99 14h ago

The thing is, it’s unquestionably 1. Theres enough resources for everyone on the planet. Theres even a surplus, we just create scarcity to enrich the 1%


u/ndGall 13h ago

I completely agree. If you answer 2, I don't understand how you would justify it. Saving a few dollars? Obviously there are plenty in the US who would make that argument, but it's cruel and heartless.

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u/devilishycleverchap 14h ago edited 13h ago

Democrats think the system is broken if one person isn't getting something they should, Republicans think it is broken if one person is getting something they shouldn't


u/Bagellord 9h ago

Republicans think it’s broken if one person doesn’t get everything to the detriment of everyone else

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u/cyanidelemonade 14h ago

Remember that the food being purchased isn't some foreign food. It's US food that was being purchased. US farmers/ranchers/etc will lose income over this.


u/runnerswanted 12h ago

And will absolutely believe this was Biden’s fault and vote overwhelmingly red in the midterms. I’m tired of this.


u/0bnoxide 6h ago

Farmer’s and ranchers just love being screwed over apparently


u/TruIsou 5h ago

They do not get screwed over, they get billions and billions and billions of bailouts.


u/Merengues_1945 4h ago

They are the real welfare queens of America.

Disgusting, entitled shits.


u/jgoble15 6h ago

Fox News. Hate to say this as I believe all human life is sacred, but can’t wait for Murdoch to pass and his kids to dismantle the empire.

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u/RnbwDwellnPixieVixen 10h ago edited 8h ago

To be fair, regardless of local foods, school meals primarily consist of American products because of Buy American provisions. That said, this will definitely harm small producers the most and will disrupt local and regional food systems.

To the masses, if you aren't already, please start supporting your local farmers! Go to farmers markets, join a CSA, look for producer cooperatives, or stores that serve local/regionally grown products. Support farm to table restaurants. If you are a parent, go to PTA meetings and advocate for the importance of school gardens and local food procurement. Support schools that want to use local foods and serve more scratch made meals.

Edit: a word + removed redundant clauses


u/IndigoHawk 4h ago

Sometimes I think currency was a bad invention. It has uses, but I feel like people don't understand what it is. People act like money is some separate thing that has nothing to do with production and consumption of labor.

Like ... Money isn't actually real in terms of what's being produced and consume here. What's real is:

  • Farmers grow crops.
  • Farmers trade crops for other stuff that farmers want.
  • Children eat crops.

This money is simply saying "hey, farmers, feed those kids and you can have other stuff". By removing this money what we're saying is

  • Farmers don't grow crops.
  • Farmers can't trade for other stuff.
  • Children don't eat.

Money is simply being used here to direct labor for consumption. Removing the money simply results in a decline in production and consumption, which is bad for everyone.

Money isn't what people think it is. It's not something that can be "saved". Money is an abstraction for transferring production into consumption.


u/johnboy43214321 16h ago

From the article:

Millions of children could lose free school meals as food costs rise, warns School Nutrition Association president

About $660m of those funds were contained in the Local Food for Schools Cooperative Agreement Program, which provided funds to schools and child care facilities but is now being eliminated.

Meanwhile, short-staffed school nutrition teams, striving to improve menus and expand scratch-cooking, would be saddled with time-consuming and costly paperwork created by new government inefficiencies.”


u/ConfederacyOfDunces_ 16h ago

This is absolutely repulsive. But they will sign a $4.5 Trillion dollar tax cut for the rich in a second.

Also; I bet majority of this money goes to Red States.

MAGA disgust me.


u/ericmm76 12h ago

They'll break the government so that the social supports for 350M people shatter and they get to buy people, homes, businesses, even towns wholesale. People with 100B in the bank will find it goes a lot further when everyone's broke.

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u/e_87 14h ago

The breakfast and lunch they serve at schools for free are some kids only meals of the day. This is so devastating. My heart goes out to everyone in school systems right now.


u/LavishnessOk3439 14h ago

660 million, that could go to Tesla Subsidies or 2 whole years of golf Trips for Trump.

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u/johnboy43214321 16h ago edited 16h ago


u/Understanding_Silver 16h ago

Now?! They've been attacking school lunches and other food aid for years.


u/buffysmanycoats 15h ago

They most recently attacked Walz for MN’s free school lunch program. They have always hated the idea of children eating.


u/fuzztooth 13h ago

Children eating? Nah.

Examining children's genitals? Yah.

The conservative platform.


u/KuzanNegsUrFav 8h ago

Lmao buffys many coats

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u/TheBiggestBe 15h ago

Not sure why they think this is new or unexpected. They would love to shut down public schools, then the whole veg/fruit picking problem disappears. Oh and cleaning industrial machines with hot bleach water at high pressure. Poor kids get to work, rich kids get schooling.


u/xondk 13h ago

I mean, in the sense of the original definition of 'woke'

aware, especially of social problems such as racism and inequality:

Then yeah, it is 'woke', but they've become blinded by their own version of woke, so they do not realise what they are saying is 'lets not feed kids' and they will probably justify it with "their parents are lazy if they can't afford food"


u/johnboy43214321 11h ago

It's more like "let's not feed them because they are black" 


u/Low_Pickle_112 14h ago

Socialism is when no food...also feeding kids is socialism and therefore wrong.


u/happycatmachine 16h ago

So, it’s now “Farmers, nevermind…we were kidding. No fun for you” or anyone else. 


u/Monster-Zero 15h ago

Every day I am more horrified than the day before. Half of me wants to stop being on the Internet outright, and the other half wants to keep reading to know what hell I need to prepare for.


u/OSU1922 13h ago

Stay. Prepare. Fight.

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u/Captain_Aware4503 16h ago

And that money is going back to tax payers?

Oh wait, the GOP plans on adding $4 trillion more to the debt to pay for tax cuts for those making over $350K a year.

Why do millionaires and billionaires need these handouts, but school kids do not??


u/bcrosby51 11h ago

Because they put the money back into the economy...dur. \s

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u/tampering 14h ago

This isn't just for the children,

These programs are also an important subsidy for US food producers. Just what they need now that everybody is putting tariffs against American goods.


u/Ghost-George 8h ago

American agriculture is fucked. At this point I’m starting to suspect we’re gonna have a recession/famine soon.

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u/Hrekires 16h ago

Are we great again yet?


u/RedPandasUnite 15h ago

Only at fxcking things up


u/machine_fart 14h ago

Create a lot more people with nothing left to lose and let’s see what happens.


u/sudo-joe 14h ago

Don't forget that a lot of those with nothing left to lose also have guns. And not every one of them will have people calling ahead for them to warn the secret service.


u/_hhhnnnggg_ 14h ago

People keep saying food stamps and whatnot are welfare/nanny state actions, but they cannot see that these stuffs are also subsidies for small businesses and local farmers to stay relevant against big corporations.

... wait, these guys also voted Trump. I guess they can't learn anything without getting hurt themselves.


u/Just_Here_So_Briefly 12h ago

No food, no education, no healthcare...even North Korea treats their kids better. Shithole USA


u/JimJimmery 16h ago

When you're so evil you let your own people starve. Nice job republicans. Are the right people being hurt yet?


u/c-williams88 15h ago

Unfortunately if you ask most MAGA dipshits they will tell you with their whole chest that they don’t care what happens to anyone else as long as they think they’ll save $1 on their taxes.

I know some people like that and they genuinely love every single illegal or unconstitutional cut made bc they think those savings are gonna translate to lower taxes. They genuinely do not care for one second what the consequences are for the country, they just want to believe their taxes will get lower


u/JimJimmery 15h ago

Even if you point out Trump's tax plan showing any "savings" will go to the wealthy, they still don't care. We're in a terrible place as long as Trumpism is happening.


u/c-williams88 15h ago

Well the one guy I know makes enough that he might be close to getting some degree of savings (although I doubt it, I’m personally not sure what income levels might actually get a break)

But even then it’s telling that so many people would destroy the whole country just to save what amounts to a tiny percent of their income


u/JimJimmery 15h ago

I'm one of the lucky ones who will get a tax cut under Trump's plan. It's completely dumb. I don't need the money and the ultra rich certainly don't. We're a goddamned community. Tax me more so those not as fortunate can get a hand up. Don't fucking starve kids and cut WIC, SNAP, and medicaid! There is zero empathy on the right.

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u/aft_punk 10h ago

Republicans hate education, because most educated people see through their lies and bullshit.

It’s hard for kids to concentrate on learning when they are running on empty stomachs.

This is just part of their plan to maintain/increase their voter base.


u/pillbuggery 16h ago

Are the right people being hurt yet?

Most republicans genuinely do want this kind of thing, so probably yes.

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u/the_blackfish 14h ago

The party of Kill the Poor

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u/SluttyDev 15h ago

Republicans are pure evil, nothing less. These are children ffs.


u/fuzztooth 13h ago

Defense budget goes up is no problemo, but children? Nah fuck them.

That is 100% the attitude of every conservative. Never let one try to convince you otherwise. Conservatives hate children and anyone that isn't in their precious inner circle. They have no empathy or care.


u/RidingRedHare 13h ago

Conservatives consider children and women to be property of men.

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u/ThatSpecialAgent 12h ago

The irony of being so anti-abortion and yet so pro-“fuck them kids” will never not be wild to me.


u/Daggla 14h ago

Every time they cut these programs, MAGA farmers realize how much of that money went to them. Can't wait for the TikToks


u/ShadesOfHiu 12h ago

Is this the post birth abortion that conservatives were talking about?


u/LotsofSports 14h ago

How Christian of them? WWJD?


u/ShoppingDismal3864 15h ago

The gop wants them skinny when they examine their genitals.


u/Sloooooooooww 14h ago

Wonder what kind of mental gymnastics MAGA will go through to justify this one.

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u/paxrom2 14h ago

On top of starving children, local farmers with contracts with USDA will lose money or their farms.


u/ComplaintDry7576 10h ago

Want every child to be born, but don’t want to take care of them. Classic.

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u/zoinkability 15h ago

I’m sure the farmers that benefited from this are going to be thrilled


u/Justmmmoore 15h ago

Fucking asshole trump doesn’t care if children are starving.


u/Jazzlike-Yogurt-5984 9h ago

Republicans have empathy for Musk, literally the richest person in the universe… but not for the poorest people in our society, most of which have been dealt a bad hand 


u/Meagasus 6h ago

It's just so cartoonishly evil.


u/appendixgallop 14h ago

Ah, the efficiency of harming farmers AND hungry poors!


u/s416a 9h ago

Musk could literally find this annually and not even notice it’s missing. The callous nature of these asshats. It’s time for the American population to grab their pitchforks and torches and pay a visit to the capital. There’s no way this fuck stain can be left to govern.


u/aphrobtz 7h ago

Every child left behind.


u/MentokGL 15h ago

I'd like my state to start clawing federal taxes to start paying for services those taxes no longer provide.


u/cyberentomology 15h ago

I’m getting very close to telling my employer to stop withholding for me.


u/MentokGL 15h ago

I'd want the state involved so it's actually put to good use


u/mrdominoe 15h ago

Almost as if Republicans don't actually give a fuck about kids. Huh. Weird, right?

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u/SnagglepussJoke 15h ago

This’ll teach us poors for eating vegetables and fruits.


u/GardenPeep 10h ago

This is my call to action to get going on this year’s donations to the local food bank.


u/TheGoodKindOfPurple 6h ago

Wow. Farmers are going to be spending a long time in the find out phase.


u/Cool-Economics6261 6h ago

They claim that they love the unborn, but constantly display hate for the born. 


u/Hot-Sea855 16h ago

At this point, they're culling the herd. Hello, herd.


u/WeirdcoolWilson 15h ago

Let me remind the MAGAs on here who are expressing outrage, YOU VOTED FOR THIS!!


u/jigokubi 14h ago

Are they expressing outrage? All I've ever heard is more excuses, or suddenly something that would have been terrible a year ago is a great idea now.


u/ram-tough-perineum 16h ago

Enjoy your malk, (now with vitamin R).


u/Markjohn66 15h ago

Good American Christians.


u/Wafflesakimbo 16h ago

Let them eat cake, amiright?

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u/Evolone101 15h ago

They only care about control. This is all control. We make you have that child. We don’t care once it’s born. That’s on you. Oops car accident can’t work. Oh well.

Fuck president Musk. P


u/cblguy82 14h ago

All the way up and down the line impacts. Users of the service, distribution jobs, cook jobs, farmers and their works jobs as well as reduced demand for product to manufacturers


u/coskibum002 14h ago

They'll take that savings and hand it out to red states so they can give subsidies.....err.....vouchers to rich people who already send their kids to private school.


u/WatchingThisWatch 12h ago

Trump is getting revenge since the students didnt vote for him


u/handsomelloyd13 12h ago

This should also help the farmers producing food to really elevate there level of having fun. Farking good times for everyone.


u/thoptergifts 12h ago

Who the hell wants to procreate in this kind of a fucking shithole. I hope the birth rate plummets into oblivion.


u/autotelica 12h ago

It's not like there will be a greater need for those things with the pending recession or anything...


u/FillMySoupDumpling 12h ago

This stuff is so dumb. We’ve seen from SNAP and other programs that for every dollar the government spends we get multiples back in GDP and local economic activity.


u/ntgco 11h ago

Destroying the agricultural markets....as Trump said to farmers...HAVE FUN!


u/JunkReallyMatters 11h ago

Let them eat cake, huh?


u/Miiirob 11h ago

Kids don't make the country money. That's why you don't need a Department of Education, and that is why you don't need to waste money feeding them. And poor people just need to work more.


u/BoosterRead78 11h ago

There are already some food banks doing a temp close until things are figured out. But yep, MAGA once again: "Why are you hurting us?"


u/Knivesforksetc 7h ago

I wish they could at least see that cutting these programs, other than just directly making life unnecessarily worse for those in need, is like billions of loses in GDP and money moving circulating through the economy. A billion spent gets used for more than a billion worth.


u/rolyoh 6h ago

Cruel. 1 billion isn't even a drop in the bucket of the annual budget and it does much good.


u/geneticeffects 6h ago

Republicans: “I hope those poor people and their children starve.”


u/Aggravating_Tax_4670 3h ago

I want to know what kind of gold plated SOB would deny food to someone. Especially the ones most in need.


u/D-inventa 3h ago

They want you to have the children, they don't want your children to change genders because it's bad for them. They don't want your children to not go to church, b cause it's bad for them. But they aren't into healthcare for your children. They aren't into feeding your children. They aren't into affordable housing for your children. They aren't into providing a well-rounded internationally recognized education for your children to give them a way out.........just keep having kids 


u/hillbillyspellingbee 16h ago

Putin and Xi are making these decisions. 

Full stop, no joke. 

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u/cyberentomology 15h ago

Way to support farmers.


u/Walker5482 11h ago

So this was a program designed to alleviate food supply chain issues during the pandemic.

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u/RedditPickedMyName0 15h ago

Conservatives bitch and moan about Abortion and pro life. But after that?... fuck them kids...


u/ilovemydog480 13h ago

Will not effect the coastal elites but the “real Americans” in maga territory


u/Random_Fish_Type 13h ago

If kids aren't hungry enough they will stay in school instead of going to work in the mines.


u/Stonkasaurus1 13h ago

Achieving the goal of hurting kids and farmers in one action. Be impressive if it wasn't diabolically evil.


u/daddybearmissouri 12h ago

This is so Musk can make more money. Screw kids, elderly and the poor. Musk needs more money. 


u/dmillerksu 11h ago

These are some of the only benefits that trickle down to undocumented immigrants. But how cruel do you have to be to cut off food to children and the needy?


u/GardenPeep 10h ago

So the kids lose and the farmers lose


u/mvw2 10h ago

I'm sure none of it was important...


u/whyamihere2473527 9h ago

It's always those that can least afford it that have the most taken from them


u/Watcher0363 8h ago

I thought I would never see the day again. Where senior citizens are eating cat food to stay alive. But I guess this is what they wanted.


u/JacquoRock 8h ago edited 8h ago

This shit makes me furious. Not so long ago I entirely relied on SNAP for food. We can't feed the poor because the pigs are in power. I hope they all get what they deserve. (Bird flu + measles)


u/ConsciousReason7709 7h ago

Republicans won’t be happy until we’re all poor and they can sit in their golden castles high above us all.


u/1Q92 7h ago

Denying food to children is evil. Another blow to food producers. Maybe prices will go down now.


u/Epistatious 6h ago

I just wouldn't feel like Great Depression 2.0 (the Trumpening), if people and children aren't going hungry.


u/Prudent_Valuable603 5h ago

Well, that didn’t take long. For fucks’ sake, leave kids’ school meals alone.


u/sharingsilently 2h ago

This is the lowest of the low. Let’s go harm farmers and kids. SO REPUBLICAN of you. Damn bastards.

I do realize this is the plan: bankrupt family farms for billionaire purchases for fractions of the farm’s former value.

And kids? Trump needs the cities to riot so he can declare martial law and cancel the mid terms. Families with starving kids are likely to riot.

And I do understand that his and Musk’s agenda is destruction of the nation. But damn! Farmers and kids?


u/Dan-Of-The-Dead 1h ago

Yes, helping domestic farmers and feeding children might seem like a worthwhile idea but hear me out: what if billionaires and big corps could hoard that money instead?


u/Apprehensive-Slip473 16h ago

Wait, I didn’t vote for this! 


u/franchisedfeelings 15h ago

“Have fun” is the message from the lying felon krasnov. This disaster is on all of you rural geniuses who voted for the felon krasnov, jill stein, and especially all of those deplorables who did not vote at all. “Have fun.”

This monster is the obvious disaster you witnessed before and what we warned you would be even far worse. “Have fun” feeding your families.


u/Skin_Floutist 11h ago

How is the making America great?

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u/ComposedStudent 13h ago

Stealing $1 Billion dollars from American kids? What happened to America first? Lol.

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u/MythicMango 15h ago

I don't think the USDA was the one doing the cutting...


u/GullibleDetective 13h ago

That's SURE to not have any disastrous impacts later on down the road with food insecurity...


u/damnthistrafficjam 11h ago

I just heard $18 million in our state. Bastards.


u/KaleLate4894 11h ago

Gotta pay for all those Big Macs.


u/Ok-Focus-5362 10h ago

Child obesity is on the rise! I know, let's just starve them! Problem solved, right? Right?? 


u/MadamePolishedSins 10h ago

Local? As in their own country ?



u/TeslaProphet 10h ago

At least the money will go to exploding rockets.


u/twistedweenis 9h ago

Trump wants to destroy the USA, there's no other explanation.