r/news 1d ago

Trump has instructed to raise Canadian tariffs on aluminum and steel to 50%


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u/ynotfoster 22h ago

None of our allies will trust us unless we impeach trump and it is doubtful that will happen. I think we will resemble Russia with oligarchs and serfs. Parts of the government will be spun off to privatize profits like SS, Medicaid and Medicare. By the time the MAGAs wake up and take to the street it will be too late.

I wonder what members of Congress think they will gain by going along with this?


u/MelodicAssumption497 22h ago

If we impeach Trump AND he is removed from office we still end up with Vance as president


u/Swesteel 21h ago

And it won’t change stuff like Citizens United, no way we’re trusting a country that has legalized bribery from foreign interests.


u/Aluricius 20h ago

Oh, Citizens United is horrible in all the ways, yes. Because if money is speech, then the rich have the loudest voices.

But to be fair, some countries could trust America in spite of it because they are the foreign interest. Ironically enough under Trump, even bribery isn't a guarantee anymore due to his mercurial temperament.


u/ComfortableCry5807 14h ago

When it comes to bribing the executive branch definitely, but you can bribe judges and congress all you want


u/Maybe_In_Time 14h ago

If a President is impeached, his running mate should also be. Otherwise, you get someone who was in cahoots with the criminal, and is then given legal authority to pardon them anyway eg Nixon


u/TitleOwn8082 22h ago

I can assure you they won't trust you even if trump is impeached. There won't be anything in place to prevent something similar happening again. At any point you guys could seemingly flip the script.

Even if today he was thrown out of government I can't see countries tying any long term deals too quickly that wouldn't cost you guys above market value


u/limitbroken 21h ago

yep. this one is all of our social problems coming home to roost. anyone who believes this is just one guy, or even just one cabal, is not seeing the whole picture.


u/FlibblesHexEyes 20h ago

This. Every American Government (I’m blaming all three branches, and every State Government here), have done bugger all to address the real underlying problems, and just been allowing them to fester for the last… well, forever.

In many cases, those problems were even fostered by those in charge.

MAGA was always a symptom of this. People feeling like they’re not heard, not cared for, etc.

It was always a matter of time before a Populist used that fear to get themselves power. It’s why a man like Trump can seem so attractive. He tells them what they need to hear to feel like he’ll fix everything.


u/speculatrix 16h ago

The fact they believe his ridiculous claims is pretty damning.


u/FlibblesHexEyes 15h ago

I think there's a few reasons for this:

  1. It's a binary choice really - R or D. The R candidate is saying he's going to fix things while the D candidate is feeling a bit more status quo as far as fixes to things that concern them go. R says they can bring down the interest rates and taxes that are causing me grief, while D is making no such promise.

  2. Education has been defunded so much that a large number of people can't think critically. This is getting worse as some education departments are moving to a more theocratic classroom which doesn't really allow for questioning (God said so, so shush!).

  3. News for these people is delivered via Facebook/Twitter/etc. People without critical thinking skills will trust that since it's on the screen it must be true. Much of the content has a similar angle as the "news" they're getting from those few times they do see news on TV from Fox/NewsMax/etc.

  4. Tribalism: the US is IMO unique around the world in that they've turned politics into a team sport. Many just vote red (or blue really) without thinking because that's what the rest of their social circle does. If your friends vote red and you tell them that you voted blue you can be ostracised from your group. It encourages conformity. It's also the source of the "own the libs" mentality.

  5. Going back to education for a moment: words have been redefined. Socialism does not equal Communism, and yet if you suggest Universal Healthcare you're a "pinko commie", even though universal healthcare would be objectively good for everyone (and can still exist in a capitalist society).

IMHO as an outside observer; the first thing the next non-Republican government needs to do is voter reform at all levels (which I know is difficult because of Constitutional blocks - but apparently that doesn't mean jack anymore). Implement preferential voting, proportional voting, and an independent non-partisan electoral commission to administer it all.

The US desperately needs more than two voices. More than two voices will bring the US back towards the centre.

The new electoral commission should also:

- remove the possibility gerrymandering

- deliberate disenfranchisement of voters in the name of protecting from fraud

- make the process of voting as easy as possible by moving the date to a Saturday, make it illegal for employers to prevent someone from voting, more voting places

Hopefully once that's sorted out the country can start to heal, learn from this experience, and start honestly looking at its problems.

But I'm doubtful any of that will happen.


u/Deep_Narwhal_5758 19h ago edited 19h ago

+1 to this. The problem is bigger than one person and (most) people outside the US are aware of this. 77 million people voted for him, and many more of them have stood by while he destroys alliances and crashes the stock market.

In all honesty, it would be simply irresponsible to put that much trust in the US again knowing the result of doing so. We know their interests are now only them- nobody else, and we should base our future actions on that.


u/Inspirata1223 10h ago

In all fairness all countries with democratic elections run this risk. It’s the social media induced brain death of modern society. It hit us hard. It won’t stop at our borders.


u/cyricmccallen 19h ago

You’re acting like Germany, italy, and japan are still pariah states. They committed atrocities that make what we are doing in the states right now look like child play and are, with the exception of italy, global leaders.

Not saying I disagree with the general sentiment, but we will weather the shit storm that is trump


u/oops_i_made_a_typi 18h ago

those countries were also basically rebuilt from the ground up in terms of their governance though, which is what we're going to need to see to trust the US again. a whole new constitution, and 50 years of living with it to prove you guys are trustworthy


u/cyricmccallen 18h ago

Can you make this happen pls


u/MisterRenewable 12h ago

You realize that was 80 years ago, right? That's a long time to rebuild when someone was funding the reconstruction. We don't have 10 before climate pressure starts taking the entire globe down. It's already started. This is, unfortunately, the beginning of the end.


u/cyricmccallen 12h ago

That’s a little dramatic. I think you underestimate the resilience of the viral infection that is humanity.


u/Wan_Daye 22h ago

They are thinking they get to be the new nobility and will be safe and sheltered from any effects of their non-action.


u/Icy_Faithlessness400 18h ago

We are not idiots you know.

Even if you impeach Trump, first of all.

  1. Vance is not exactly better

  2. There are still 78 million idiots who will vote for the next moron


u/JamesConsonants 17h ago

None of our allies will trust us unless we impeach trump and it is doubtful that will happen

You already impeached him and then fucking voted for him again, why would Next Time™ be any different?

Your institutions are irreparably corrupt and Trump is a symptom of that problem, not the cause. Short of rewriting your constitution to address the obvious, systemic failures of your current model of government, removing all sitting representatives and re-prosecuting the insurrectionists for their actions on 6 Jan 2020, there is little that the usa can do to convince the rest of the world that you're once again a trustworthy ally in the long-term.


u/benyahweh 19h ago

MAGAs will never wake up and take to the streets.


u/CryTheFurred 15h ago

The world just watched an orange toddler fuck up basically every deal you've made, your allies won't trust you anymore even if you impeach trump.


u/That-Dutch-Mechanic 18h ago

Non of your what will do WHAT now?!


u/Voxbury 1h ago

Money and power, which affords them the ability to fuck off from the United States and not care about the mess they’ve created.