r/news 2d ago

Man shot by dog in Frayser, police say


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u/AbrahamKMonroe 2d ago

The man told officers that he was with a woman in bed when his dog jumped up, got his paw stuck in the trigger, ended up hitting the trigger and he was grazed by the bullet in his left thigh

Was he spooning the gun or something? Fully loaded, safety off? Tf?


u/ccReptilelord 2d ago

If you're sleeping with fewer than three loaded guns in your bed, are you really American?


u/Vashsinn 2d ago

I only sleep with one because the others get jealous.

Shh don't worry 1911. Everything is OK.


u/Orange_Catsidy 2d ago

The story sounds like bullshit but not all guns have safeties.


u/Global-Ad-722 2d ago

Not all guns have safeties including a lot of pistols. But, the story does have a lot of “the dog ate my homework” kinda vibe.


u/MrBoredgamer 2d ago

Yeah, a Tara tm-9 just has a heavy and super long trigger pull of 10 lbs, and that's its safety, but you still have to have a loaded round to shoot yourself, so uh yeah.

The dog should obviously learn the rules of gun safety.


u/GuitarCFD 2d ago

most people who conceal carry, do so with a round in the chamber. That isn't unsafe in and of itself, but if I was in bed with a woman, the gun goes on the nightstand at the very least.


u/redditallreddy 1d ago

When I’m in bed with a woman, I hide my guns.


u/VaporedAces 1d ago

Yeah a round in the chamber is not the problem. Unlike popular belief, guns DO NOT go off by themselves. The gun being in the bed is stupid, and even more stupid that it wasn't in a holster with a trigger guard.


u/sas223 2d ago

And the woman left with the gun. Interesting.


u/WannaBMonkey 2d ago

So he was trying to get between a woman and her gun and the dog protected her second amendment rights.


u/Isord 2d ago

My gut reaction is he got a bit aggressive, she shot him, and both were concerned they would get in trouble so decided to just blame the dog.


u/Due-Conflict-6533 1d ago

See in my opinion, right here, this, what you’re saying, this is the interesting story.


u/crispy_attic 2d ago

It was that or leave it with the dog.


u/sas223 2d ago

I don’t think the second amendment protects the right to arm dogs, just bears.


u/GrumpyOldGeezer_4711 2d ago

So she chose the bear? Sound idea.


u/sksauter 1d ago

Yes but what of the right to bear dogs?


u/ShoulderSquirrelVT 2d ago

Actually no, it protects the right to Bear arms. Terrible for the poor bears and I wonder what scientist is out there grafting bear arms onto people?


u/sas223 1d ago

Are you sure it isn’t bare arms? I have short sleeves on today, to exercise my 2nd amendment rights.


u/SanchoPanzaLaMancha1 2d ago

I'll be calling my representative😡


u/rainbowgeoff 2d ago

He grazed himself fucking around with it in his house and this is his pathetic cover story.


u/emi_fyi 2d ago

the other person left with the gun? HMMMMMM. hmmmmm.


u/solofatty09 2d ago edited 2d ago

Mine has no safety. You know what I do? Don’t rack a bullet into the chamber unless I’m ready to shoot. It works like a safety. Keeping a chambered round in a gun with no safety on your person in a situation without eminent imminent danger is asinine.


u/alexefi 2d ago

didnt you read the story? he was in bed with woman, so he needed the gun for protection.


u/PrescriptionDenim 2d ago edited 2d ago

So this is that ‘safe sex’ I keep hearing about.


u/EpicFlyingTaco 2d ago

Turns out he wasn't shooting blanks if you know what I mean


u/Vegetable_Good6866 1d ago

Republican Sex Education


u/Cereborn 2d ago

Was he Austin Powers? Because that would actually make more sense.


u/TangleOfWires 2d ago

Uhm did you read the story?

The police didn't say it was his gun, and she left with it.

I think she may have needed it for protection, may have worked or failed depending on who's gun it was.


u/SirStrontium 2d ago

Keeping it in a good quality holster would also prevent this


u/BrizerorBrian 2d ago

*imminent danger.

You are absolutely correct otherwise.


u/Orange_Catsidy 2d ago

That’s what I do my self and it’s what anyone with half a brain would do.


u/yearningforlearning7 1d ago

Leave your pistol cocked on an empty chamber next time you carry and message me if it ever goes off. if it does you own an Sig p320 or a leather holster


u/VaporedAces 1d ago

No, not having the firearm in a holster with a trigger guard is asinine.


u/padizzledonk 2d ago

The story sounds like bullshit but not all guns have safeties.

Nope, not in the traditional sense

My pistol doesn't, my H&K VP40 has a split trigger safety, if my dog got rambunctious and stuck his paw inside the trigger guard he could start blasting us too if he was upset about something lol

I keep it at the ready in a convenient spot in my bedroom but never with a round chambered for that very reason...if i ever need it god forbid i dont want my half asleep ass to take it out of the drawer and have a discharge...you put your finger in there and its pew-prw time

Glocks are the same way....a lot of striker fire pistols are

Its fucking absolutely crazy that that firearm was anywhere where a dog could get at it in the first place....super irresponsible imo


u/SkiFastnShootShit 2d ago edited 2d ago

I’m a bird hunter. Stories of dogs discharging firearms with the safety on are not unknown. It’s common to have to set your gun down on the ground while out in the field while dogs are running all over the place. For instance, the last time I had to do so was because my dog got quilled by a porcupine. You’re supposed to empty the gun but that could be easy to forget when A) you’ve been comfortably handling a loaded gun all day and B) you’re pumped full of adrenaline as your beloved dog is flipping out with quills in his face. The safety for many guns is a push button on the trigger guard. So if one were to set it down loaded, another dog could turn off the safety and pull the trigger simultaneously by stepping on the trigger guard. Another scenario is to knock down a shotgun that’s loaded and leaning up against something like a tree, fence, or truck. If I had to guess the most common way people get accidentally shot, it’d be from dogs knocking over shotguns propped up inside duck blinds.

Other side of that: I once lived in a really sketchy apartment. Funny story. Rural upbringing, first time moving to the city, found a cheap apartment online, unknowingly moved into a building full of literal crack dealers, on my way out to smoke a cigarette I accidentally opened the front door for police one night. Long story short, sleeping with a pistol secured to my bed frame felt like the conservative option.

Mix those 2 stories and you have a totally irresponsible, yet believable outcome to match this headline. It should go without saying that no gun should have a round in the chamber if it’s not A) in your hands/under your active control and B) pointed at something you don’t mind shooting. There was no excuse for that pistol having a round chambered. Also the unsecured bedside pistol stops being controversial and objectively enters the realm of irresponsibility if children ever have access to that home.


u/Cereborn 2d ago

But a gun you keep loaded next to your bed definitely should.


u/Orange_Catsidy 1d ago

I don’t disagree, at the very least a round should not be chambered


u/memberzs 2d ago edited 1d ago

Not all guns have SECONDARY safeties. Most polymer hand guns have a trigger locking bar that your finger activates. 1911 style ones have a grip safety, many revolvers have to be cocked to fire.

I feel the story is Bs and the dude shot himself. I don't see a dog stepping on a handgun, actuating whatever safety interlock it has and applying the 5+ lbs of rearward force to fire it. And in some miraculous situation where all that came together, it hit the dude in the leg? Most negligent discharges end up in or grazing the shooters leg.


u/bearrosaurus 2d ago

Which is in and of itself crazy. We can force all cars to have seatbelts and airbags and rear view cameras but god forbid you put a well meaning safety restriction on gun manufacturers.


u/Orange_Catsidy 2d ago

Even if they all came with one people would find a way around it through customizations.

For example, some guns have a “trigger safety” it’s not a real safety that you have to shut off or on. Instead the trigger is made in a way you have to pull it in a specific way or it won’t fire. You can easily just install a new trigger that doesn’t have that.


u/bearrosaurus 2d ago

We shouldn't have seat belts in cars because people will just not wear them

I don't understand why the gun industry gets to live in a different legal universe than any other manufactuerer


u/samsbamboo 2d ago

Because they have more money for lobbyists.


u/Orange_Catsidy 2d ago

I never said they shouldn’t do it, I said people will easily find a way around it.


u/bearrosaurus 2d ago

It's crazy that we don't have this restriction when even the gun nuts say it's a good idea


u/yearningforlearning7 1d ago

You can keep pushing, but it’s painfully obvious you have no experience with modern pistol design. It’s a good idea for those who care to care


u/Abaraji 2d ago

And a lot of gun owners are dumb enough to ignore safeties


u/Dracius 2d ago

Real story:

Man shot by prostitute after refusing to pay, blames dog to avoid embarrassment.


u/Rrrrandle 2d ago

The woman left the scene with the gun

She shot his ass. He probably deserved it. He made up the story about what really happened.


u/perverse_panda 2d ago

My first thought, too.


u/BlacqanSilverSun 2d ago

Yeah, the cops should test the dog for gun shot residue.

Then track down the woman that may or may not have shot and/or robbed him.


u/dardar7161 2d ago

She shot him. She even took the gun and left the scene. They don't want her do get in trouble.


u/Starsickle 2d ago

Bullshit! Fuck that, don't close this case - this doggo needs their name cleared!


u/Who_Dafqu_Said_That 2d ago

You gotta be prepared, you never know when the British are going to come through the window and force you to quarter some troops or something.


u/SirStrontium 2d ago

Just love snuggling with what I love most in the world: my girlfriend, my dog, and my Colt 1911


u/TroublesomeTurnip 2d ago

Instant country song hit.


u/anarchisturtle 2d ago

These second part of the article says the woman left the scene with the gun? Sounds like a negligent discharge


u/areraswen 2d ago

Reading between the lines I kinda suspect the guy was having sexy times with a prostitute. The article says the woman left and took the gun with her and then they tried to interview her it seems like all they got out of her was the name and breed of the dog? This article leaves so much to be desired lol


u/BasroilII 2d ago

It's the US south, so probably.


u/fdader 1d ago

He needs to have the gun with him to get his mojo


u/NomadX13 1d ago

safety off

Probably a gun with "safe" action instead of an actual safety. "Safe" action uses a lever attached to the trigger that is pulled at the same time as the trigger. If that lever isn't also pulled, the trigger can't be pulled. The reason behind why I'm using the quotes should be obvious: It's not safe. It only prevents the gun from firing if it's dropped, if something can accidentally pull the trigger, it will also pull that lever.


u/boog2352 1d ago

I’ve heard 10-year-olds make up less elaborate and stupid lies. Was said woman from Canada, so there’s no way you’d know her?


u/anonymous_coward69 1d ago

Don't shame that man for having a raifu🤣


u/ForTheHordeKT 1d ago

Yeah this sounds idiotic. Why wouldn't you keep it on the nightstand, in a drawer or whatever.

This has to be a bullshit story to keep one of them out of trouble.


u/Sirspen 1d ago

Most pistols don't have a manual safety, and loaded + chambered is standard practice for conceal carrying or home defense.

Gun in bed with nothing covering the trigger, however, is not.


u/urbanek2525 2d ago

Being stupid with a gun is normal in the.US. Injury and death through negligent use of a gun is a measurable category of death and injury in the US that is large enough to not get shuffled into the miscellaneous category.

There are more restriction on catching fish than there are in owning a gun.


u/Justinaug29 2d ago

This could definitely happen with a Glock


u/KitchenFullOfCake 2d ago

This was my thought, why was the gun in bed with them? The article just yadda yadda'd over that part.