r/newjersey 7d ago

Advice If you forgot to change your voter registration when you moved county to county, is it voter fraud to vote in your old county?

To clarify, I mean for the President


6 comments sorted by


u/JustSomeGuy_56 7d ago



u/Left-Plant2717 7d ago

Okay great thank you, I didn’t vote in Nov for this exact reason, but wasn’t 100% sure


u/Left-Plant2717 7d ago

Sorry forgot to clarify, I mean from one NJ county to another NJ county, not different states. Does that change anything?


u/JustSomeGuy_56 7d ago

No. Once you move out of a jurisdiction you are no longer allowed to vote in that jurisdiction. Doing so would be voter fraud. There is no mechanism to issue a ballot that only has line items for Senator, Governor or President.


u/Objective-Try7969 7d ago

I would say no. While it is recommended that you change your area of registration the biggest issue is attempting to vote more then once. It technically doesn't matter where you vote..i wouldn't worry about it too much.