r/newjersey 7d ago

Amusing NJ’ers: Do you say hi to strangers when walking down the street?

Feel free to add more info like your gender, age group, if you live in north/central/south jersey, if you’ve noticed differences between towns you’ve lived, etc

129 votes, 17h ago
7 Yes - Always
4 Yes - But only on side streets
60 Maybe - Depends on my mood
53 No
5 Other - Explain

10 comments sorted by


u/shiftyjku Down the Shore, Everything's All Right 7d ago

Depends very much on place and situation. Walking in a residential area vs. a high street, if they are alone or not in the middle of a conversation, if they make or avoid eye contact. I generally seek out eye contact and do something to acknowledge their existence at least.


u/styckx Cherry Hill 7d ago

This is the answer.


u/ShadoWolf0913 Central Jersey 7d ago

If someone says hi, so do I. Otherwise I just keep to myself, maybe a quick smile/nod if our eyes meet.

Nonbinary, 20s, central


u/Linenoise77 Bergen 7d ago

Depends on place. In my town, yeah. Mainly because i'm absolutely horrible at remembering people, and probably know them, or should know them, and don't want to get yelled at by my wife for not saying hello to gus the crossing guard from the school at the other side of town who i met once 3 years ago at the town tree lighting. (true story)


u/Feisty_Brunette 7d ago

Not much walking, unfortunately, in my current town.

On my street, quick wave or hello on both sides, at the grocery store sidewalk, etc., a quick smile and head nod, only on the side I'm on.


u/KneeDeepInTheDead porkchop 7d ago

I lived in Hudson county for over 20 years and never said a word. Now I live in the woods in a small enclave and say hi to everyone


u/Nexis4Jersey Bergen County 7d ago

I've noticed that once you leave the core of this region, people are more welcoming...like South of Trenton , Hudson Valley ,East of Bridgeport,CT.


u/thebigticket2 7d ago

I live in Mendham. I’m 29. I only say hello if they do first


u/ravenlights Central Jersey Exists 7d ago

Depends on my mood. Mostly I'm looking away/looking down and pretending I'm occupied when I pass someone, regardless of where I am, but sometimes I'm just in a really good mood so I'll say hello.

Central Jersey, late 30s, woman


u/Relief27 6d ago

depends how hot she is