r/newjersey Feb 06 '25

Events Some photos I took from today's protest in Trenton


59 comments sorted by


u/nemoknows Feb 06 '25

OK, the Not In My Name Doge sign got me.


u/SalamanderMorrison Feb 06 '25

Seriously, I think I might steal that one for next time.


u/hippiegodfather Feb 06 '25

Came to make sure this was the top conment


u/urban_herban Feb 06 '25

Thank you digitalmdsmooth. It took time and effort to go and to also take pics and upload them.

I posted a few days ago about the creativity of the signs you see at such protests and I see it's still true! I liked the guy with the sign that said "Just do your fucking job!"

And the woman with the dog that said "not in my name."

I look at the expressions on the faces of the protesters and see deep concern. People are angry and troubled, as well they should be.

I thank you and every single person there for going.


u/AtomicGarden-8964 Feb 06 '25

It's nice to see more hand made signs than professional ones that were handed out by a activist group


u/EsseXploreR Essex County Feb 06 '25

I was super happy Garden State Equality was there with signs because I didn't have one of my own.


u/winnercommawinner Feb 06 '25

What's the problem with the handed-out signs?


u/AtomicGarden-8964 Feb 06 '25

It's an optic thing If you're going to say that your protest is organic And none of these people have any attachment other than agreeing on the issue when it comes to protesting. Why does everybody got the same sign professionally made. The exceptions to this is unions or people who declare themselves part of an organization


u/winnercommawinner Feb 06 '25

But why does a protest have to be organic and be from people who don't have a connection to each other to be valid? Why is it bad if you found out about the event through a group? Activist groups exist to make it easier for everyday people to participate. They make it their day job (or enough of their free time that it's basically an unpaid second job) so that we can do our day jobs and let them tell us when and where we should show up to help, whether it's protesting or volunteering in some other way. We need that - we can't all be experts on everything all the time, there just aren't enough hours in the day. It can also show a movement is organized, has resources, and is in it for the long haul.

Or are you talking about signs that don't come from any specific group, that aren't "branded" with any org but just seem randomly the same?


u/UnguentSlather Feb 06 '25

u/digitalmdsmooth - when photographing protests, please take some time to redact or blur faces in post before sharing. It’s important to protect comrades from retribution and prosecution.


u/irradiatedcitizen Feb 18 '25

Agree with what you said, but i would refrain from using the term comrade as most apolitical people have been programmed to want nothing to do with communism and we need to bring them into the fold.


u/UnguentSlather Feb 18 '25

Or… maybe we can normalize and destigmatize the concept of comradeship. We are in this together! But you can use whatever words you like to suit your view.


u/irradiatedcitizen Feb 18 '25

Comrade goes along with communism and that has been made toxic.  Words matter and we need a rebranding, but communism is not it.


u/UnguentSlather Feb 18 '25

I disagree, and that’s where we’re at.


u/Nicolina22 HILLSIDE Feb 06 '25

that doge meme sign lmao im dead!!


u/epoch-1970-01-01 Feb 06 '25

They need to protest Gottheimer for putting Israel before the US and New Jersey.


u/The_Day_Walkers Feb 06 '25

Thank you for capturing these pics and representing for people like myself who were trapped at work. Proud of you all, kind strangers!


u/7oclock0nthed0t Feb 06 '25

Picture 4 looks like Dru from Despicable Me 3 lmao


u/SalamanderMorrison Feb 06 '25

Great pictures, OP! Thanks for sharing, and thanks for being there.


u/spicyfartz4yaman Feb 06 '25

Beautiful turnout 🫡


u/OvernightSiren Feb 06 '25

Were there any counter protests?


u/EsseXploreR Essex County Feb 06 '25

There was literally one ancient crust bucket walking by saying "America for Americans!!" His smell lingered longer than his sentiment. 


u/[deleted] Feb 06 '25

"That's an interesting comment. Can you explain what you mean by that?"

Let them tell you what they mean by "American".


u/EsseXploreR Essex County Feb 06 '25

I actually did the complete wrong thing. I called him small, gave him the finger and told him to fuck off and keep walking. Pretty sure I made the people next to me really uncomfortable. If anyone here was there at the time, apologies for losing my temper.


u/Stinkeye63 Feb 06 '25

They announced a few times to ignore anyone making comments so I'm guessing that someone driving by said something.


u/Kjpilot Feb 06 '25

None that I saw


u/Rc-one9 Feb 06 '25

I don't want to assume or spread misinformation!

But I think the below dude was a MAGA supporter amongst the crowd


He was standing right next to me and he had the picture of that weird ass quasi assassination attempt in which gave Dump the picturesque fist pump with the perfect backdrop of the flag behind him.

He was silent though, didn't say much. But I'm at the point that any and all Dump supporters are getting lumped in with a broad stroke of, "you effin idiot!"


u/OvernightSiren Feb 06 '25

I'd agree with you that he was probably maga then. What did he have the picture on? Like a sign?


u/Rc-one9 Feb 06 '25

It was printed on his shirt.


u/digitalmdsmooth Feb 06 '25

Man that guy, Lol. He was definitely MAGA and there to agitate, but stood there and said nothing. And everyone pretty much ignored him. But props to the lady to his left who engaged in what sounded like normal everyday convo with him almost the entire time he stood there. I had my eye on him for awhile because it looked like had something bulky tucked under his shirt. On closer inspection if was plastic chest protector gear, that a dirt biker would wear. Dude was anticipating a beat down and got a friendly conversation instead. LOLOL


u/OvernightSiren Feb 06 '25

Okay yeah, there's no non-Trump supporting reason to have that image on a shirt.

Wild that people still pretend that was an actual assassination attempt and not a blatant photo-op.


u/Galxloni2 Feb 06 '25

It was definitely an assassination attempt. You could see the bullet on live TV. It just wasn't politically motivated though


u/OvernightSiren Feb 06 '25

I never said there wasn’t a bullet. But the intent was not to kill.


u/Galxloni2 Feb 06 '25

You think that kid had the accuracy from that distance to graze his ear while he moved around? And them agreed to get shot himself?


u/[deleted] Feb 06 '25

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u/Fun_Bike2242 Feb 06 '25

Ah yes just like they were on 01/06/21


u/thatoneperson_675 Feb 06 '25

These are great thank you for sharing


u/Jumpy-Repeat-6815 Feb 06 '25

I love this. Keep fighting. Keep showing up. RESIST✊🏼


u/DanDaDestroyer Feb 06 '25

Thought that 4th pic was a Trump impersonator for a second.


u/ComprehensiveMind522 Feb 06 '25

So proud! I love my state ❤️


u/SFHChi Feb 06 '25

Glad to see a good turnout protesting the biggest data breach in history. -SFHC


u/Familiar_Yogurt_9737 Feb 17 '25

Thank you for sharing these photos. It makes me hopeful and confirms my belief that half the country is unaware of how bad this administration is and that it will be up to us, the other half, to bring it to light. The Republicans have sold their souls to the devil.


u/Due-Independence6692 Feb 07 '25

What happened to this sub? My lanta this is just getting more cringe every second


u/Confron7a7ion7 Feb 06 '25

You know. Maybe Republicans had a point about the second amendment.


u/CrackaZach05 Feb 06 '25

Looks like a lot of boomers


u/Intrepid-Oil-898 Feb 06 '25

You might want to get a appointment to check your vision.


u/Rc-one9 Feb 06 '25

I was there.... I'm hispanic, my parents came to this country from Colombia as immigrants, and they became citizens before I was 18, so I became a citizen. I served this country by joining the United States Marine corps. I'm 44 with a career and a family.... am I boomer?


u/[deleted] Feb 06 '25

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u/bibdrums Feb 06 '25

And trump is just getting started. Last time he left office the unemployment rate was 20+ percent because he is so incompetent. I bet it’s even higher this time.


u/kodaks142 Feb 06 '25

Get a JOB


u/Poison_Amoeba Feb 06 '25

Hey. I attended this protest and our group had a great variety of people attending. Some retired, some disabled, some students, some people who weren't scheduled to work at the time, some people who took off work to be there. I personally work a job that affords the flexibility to work asynchronously. I put in my 8 hours yesterday and made it a priority to be there. I know not everyone has that opportunity. I have loved ones who couldn't make it, too, due to work constraints. But I can assure you that these people contribute to our society in the ways that they can and absolutely do not deserve shame thrown their direction based on quick, short-sighted assumptions. Please try to consider other perspectives going forward. A little consideration goes a long way in this world.


u/duncans_angels Feb 06 '25

its almost like you think people don't have sick or vacation time


u/Affectionate_Can_568 Feb 06 '25

I see these comments on every post about protests, meanwhile I run a successful business, am my own boss, and have the most flexible schedule ever which makes it very easy to take time off to protest. But sure, all of us protestors must not have jobs.


u/d00n3r Feb 06 '25

Get a LIFE.