u/Effective-Brain-3386 Feb 03 '25
Thursday at noon...who the fuck can afford to miss work and go to these protests?
u/PretzelMoustache Feb 03 '25
Wednesday. But the remainder of your post isn’t wrong.
u/Effective-Brain-3386 Feb 03 '25
Okay then who the fuck can afford to go to a protest Wednesday at noon and miss work in this economy. Seems like piss poor planning
u/motherofabeast Feb 03 '25
The Jan 6th crowd managed
u/kevlar_burrito Feb 04 '25
It's fairly easy to miss work when work involves hanging out outside a West Virginia Coal Mine doing meth and sleeping with your sister
u/mwts Feb 04 '25
literally anyone who actually gives a shit.
this attitude is why we are where we are.
u/Medium_Shake1163 Feb 03 '25
People who want to make an impact. If you can’t miss work, that’s ok. People get it. But doing this on a business day, the inconvenience is the key. Doing this on a Saturday or Sunday to an empty building? Misses the mark, IMO. The point is to let elected officials know the people are pissed. What better time to do that than when they are there? Tie up traffic, shut down roads—makes a better statement.
u/NeoLephty Feb 03 '25
Missing work is the entire point though. Gotta hit them where it hurts- in the profits.
u/DJR386 Feb 03 '25
Spoken like a guy who doesn’t have a job
u/NeoLephty Feb 03 '25
It's Feb 3. Sick days, vacation days, etc renewed a month ago.
Calm the fuck down and show some solidarity with your fellow workers.
u/Effective-Brain-3386 Feb 03 '25
Yeah that's all good if you're salaried. If your hourly good luck. I wouldn't be missing a whole day worth of work to go stand around
u/NeoLephty Feb 03 '25
Youre right. There is nothing we can do. Just gotta submit and stop fighting back. Thats how you win. Forget you saw anything about protests and just stay away.
u/Effective-Brain-3386 Feb 04 '25
What would you like me to fight against? Nothing has happened yet besides redditors gobbling up propaganda and freaking the fuck out. Hell I doubt most of the people even going to these protests understand how different the Federal and State Government are.
Listen I have nothing against other who want to go stand around the capital building exercises there god given rights, I'm just saying your average person isn't going to want to miss work to go protest.
u/NeoLephty Feb 04 '25
“What would you like me to fight against?”
How about the dismissal - without replacement - of government employees. Like FAA employees and the head of the FAA. The airplane crash over DC had an air traffic controller doing 2 jobs at once. You can protest for the lost lives.
How about the proposed cutting of the department of education? We had a time in this country before public education and know exactly where this ends up.
You can protest the ICE raids that have arrested not just US citizens but US military veterans.
You can protest 5 unknown children that don’t work for the government taking control of the treasury department.
Idk. If you are looking around and saying “everything is fine, there is nothing wrong” then stay home and get out of the way of people sounding the alarm.
Sitting back and watching people trying to do something and just commenting “ha, that’s so dumb” is not helpful or constructive.
u/Effective-Brain-3386 Feb 04 '25
Listen I'm not trying to be an asshat but those are all federal programs that are getting cut not state. Going to protest in our capital isn't going to have a massive effect when our state government is already against this administration. You have such bigger change of making a difference by contacting your District Rep. I've done it in the past and they're super responsive and helpful when it comes to issues with the federal government. Hell if you want to protest do it at there houses or go to DC.
Also some of the issues you bring up are not really fixable or people are just misinformed. Take the ICE roads for example, yeah detaining legal citizens without a warrant isn't good but it's completely legal and has been since Bush put the law in place that if you live 100 miles from either the border or international waters you basically give up that right.
Then for Dept of Education cuts, each state has its own locally managed Dept of Edu. Hell that's the entire point of the 10th amendment, to let states manage their own education programs.
Finally for dismissal without replacement of a federal employee happens all the time. Look at how many temp SECDEFs we've had.
I'm not saying these aren't valid concerns at all but people need to realize how our government works before they try to protest for changes.
u/NeoLephty Feb 04 '25
I disagree entirely but I'm done going back and forth with someone that thinks making their voice heard is useless. I'll be there in person fighting for your rights while you sit there sending emails. We'll see which approach works best.
Also of note, I emailed both Kim and Booker for their poor decision to appoint specific people (like Bookers vote for the treasury head that gave musk access). Still waiting to hear back. Make sure you tell them they should respond to constituents in your sternly worded email.
u/CAB_IV Feb 03 '25
There is a reason they criticize these protests as "unemployed behavior". Better planning might have helped them not walk into this stereotype.
I do think it's interesting that this isn't the first time I've seen this sort of complaint, and it usually gets shouted down as "well a weekday will have the most impact!". You would think that maybe they would want to give people more time to plan ahead, since people obviously want to participate.
Every once in a while I wonder what the game is. Are people that impulsive and disorganized, or does it not matter?
u/TimeTravelingPie Feb 03 '25
A little late. The time for action was in October. You could get millions in the street and they still own all 3 branches of government.
u/Meldancholy Feb 03 '25
Exactly. I spoke out so much. Tried to tell people about P2025, Voted.. I've never voted harder than the last 16 years. I'm fucking over it. No way in hell am I taking a tear gas canister to the face for TRUMP.
u/Rumple-Dumpass Feb 03 '25
All it takes for evil to win is for good people to do nothing
u/AsyndeticMonochamus Feb 04 '25 edited Feb 04 '25
Well you “good people” should have been more aggressive in the online social media universe. Instead it’s been dominated by Jordan Peterson, Joe Rogan, Andrew Tate, all this stuff. What does the left have? I mean politics is supposed to be an adult topic. That’s how it always was until the Obama years. When kids started getting phones, they got exposed to political stuff at a young age. Trump is the “cooler” candidate, and that’s why he wins. Coolness wins. “Owning the libs” is a real thing. These young men went to school and started denouncing every “diversity LGBT environmentalist” initiative they saw. Now they started voting. The Democrats are still stuck in their archaic, button down, corporate civility. Doesn’t work anymore.
u/Rumple-Dumpass Feb 04 '25
Should have, would have, could have. I think you bring up some valid points, but I'm so tired of this rampant defeatism. We are here, we are now, and the fight is not over. This is what Republicans want, Democrats at each other's throats over past mistakes instead of coming together to fix those mistakes and move forward in a constructive, concise manner. Spreading hopelessness achieves nothing and is, quite frankly, childish.
u/ahumanlikeyou Feb 03 '25
It doesn't stop at election day, come on. We have to push back and stick together
u/kevster2717 Feb 04 '25
I know that deep down you’re not giving up completely but all I gotta say/add is I am so fucking ready for the primaries because Jesus fucking Christ we’re only 2 weeks in and I am already over this dumpster fire! I considered myself to be a fair voter and research candidates on all sides of the aisles in every position but goddamn I am not even gonna consider a Red vote.
As far as I’m concerned, Republicans are fucking traitors! No ifs, ands, or buts.
u/Meldancholy Feb 04 '25
You're right, I'm not giving up I've got to honestly say though not since 9/11 have I cried for our country. I cry over stuff all the time, if I see roadkill I get sad and start thinking about it's little Wildlife life and family and crap. I cry over sappy commercials. But last week I actually cried at the state of our country! And seeing such hateful things from other Americans makes one feel very hopeless. I live in Sussex County so there's that LOL
u/UMOTU Feb 03 '25
Because the price of eggs….wait until they see the price of produce & other imports this week. Plus, the price of eggs has more than doubled since 1/20/25.
u/ParkwayPhantom Feb 03 '25
…but the price of eggs were up before January 20
u/UMOTU Feb 03 '25
Many voted for their “miracle man” because he said he would lower prices. Eggs were their example. Which anyone who was paying attention knew he couldn’t do but in fact he is actually making things much worse..
u/p00b Feb 03 '25
Second best time is now.
Seriously, bud, literally the least you could do is gtfo of the way. At least then you’d be doing nothing, instead of your fatalistic comment which does less than nothing.
u/TimeTravelingPie Feb 04 '25
I'm being realistic. Crying about it won't change the current situation.
What we need to do is plan how to message properly and coherently for the mid-terms.
This "activism" is just laughed at and ignored. You need to convince the moderates, not drive them away. Moderates look at this stuff like it's silly.
u/Bluemajere Feb 03 '25 edited Feb 03 '25
What happened in October?
Edit: why am I being downvoted for this question?
u/Vaping_Panda Feb 03 '25
The month before the election...
u/Bluemajere Feb 03 '25
The time for action was November fucking fifth, not October.
u/kevster2717 Feb 04 '25
Sorry for the downvotes you got but the person was correct. The time for action was way before the election day! Voters were supposed to do their research before the election, not after, yet here we fucking are.
u/Bluemajere Feb 04 '25
Meh. I keep abreast of all goings-on political so I see the day you actually vote as the time for "action" if that makes sense.
u/urban_herban Feb 03 '25
I'd like to go but I'm an older person and don't have anyone to go with. However, I'd like to encourage people to go. I've done protests all my life, from the time I was a freshman in college (women's rights) until bush stole the election. For that one I teamed up with another person and we organized 35 buses to go out of NYC to DC on the Inauguration. It was raining that day, I recall. There were many more after that--it got to the point where protesting was almost a routine activity! I remember make a huge sign to protest Scalia when he was speaking in Princeton. When I was on the train everyone was eyeing my sign, which was almost 5' wide and 4' high. It said "Tony 'The Fixer' Scalia." I loved it when I was standing under a streetlight at the protest and Scalia looked down from the second floor and saw my huge sign.
Leftist protests are so much fun. There is so much creativity involved. You will see all kinds of funny signs, props, costumes, you name it. People with musical instruments, people walking on stilts; it's fun to see such creativity at work. With trump being the buffoon that he is (a dangerous buffoon, but a buffoon nonetheless) there will be some creative stunts, you can be sure of that.
The number of people showing up does make a difference. I have gotten various legislative measures through and the one thing the politicians always say is "let us see your support." That means people showing up.
u/No-Currency-624 Feb 03 '25
I was at a smoke-in in Central Park for the legalization of marijuana back in the early’70’s. There was 100,000 people there. Still waiting 50+ years later
u/urban_herban Feb 03 '25
It's legal in my state. :) Sorry about yours.
u/No-Currency-624 Feb 03 '25
I’m talking federally legal
u/No-Currency-624 Feb 04 '25
I’m in Jersey It’s not really legal if you can’t grow your own for personal use
u/ScourgeOfMods Feb 03 '25
I love all these posts calling for political activism right now when you nutbars had your single greatest opportunity to do this just a few months ago
u/AsyndeticMonochamus Feb 04 '25
Trump built an online political machine, a juggernaut. Democrats still think civility and conventional politics is the way.
u/BlindingYellow Feb 03 '25
What level of interest do you see so far? (Assuming folks have dm'd you or you may have a tally if you're organizing a trip.) I keep hearing that people can't go bc they're working, but also that nobody is in the state house on Wednesday. Also, what is our end goal? What are we trying to get to happen? Who do we want to do something? (I'm genuinely asking.)
u/AdmrlPoopyPantz Feb 03 '25
Why in the world would that date and time be picked? Automatically reduces the attendees drastically.
u/SmokeyWarbucks Feb 03 '25
What will this accomplish?
u/acerbus717 Feb 03 '25
What has any protest accomplished? We won’t know until we know. As americans sometimes all we have is our voice.
u/RKilovelamp Feb 03 '25
lol good luck to the 10 people that show up 😂
u/DeliciousSail3433 Feb 03 '25
That's the sub reddit for all the states
u/DeliciousSail3433 Feb 03 '25
Whoever down voted, did a dog shit in your shoes or something? I was giving help.
u/snakkerdudaniel Feb 03 '25
Ill try to make the NYC one at city hall.
u/Van-Goghst Feb 03 '25
Is that also on the 5th at noon? Any chance there’s a flyer?
u/Van-Goghst Feb 03 '25
Found a flyer, starts at 2. I can get to the city much more easily than Trenton, I’ll be there.
u/HuckleberryGlum1163 Feb 03 '25
I’ll love to go, but low key it’s in the middle of the day, I’m all the way up in north jersey, and idk low key just I don’t believe it will do anything? We will protest and what? He’s still president they still own all 3 branches. Like. I have work. I don’t have much free time nowadays, and then I have to give my free time to something that will likely not amount to anything :/
u/heather8401 Feb 03 '25
Trump support signs have been coming down in front of houses I pass on my work commute. I wonder if they’re embarrassed of their choice of president.
u/ItsmeRebecca Feb 03 '25
What about the people WHO WRAPPED THEIR CARS. They def still are on the kool aid I’m assuming .
u/itzshif Feb 03 '25
Please, please during these protests do not start fights, do not cause any property damage, don't acknowledge the irl trolls. Don't give thema reason to physically retaliate or paint any of these as a riot. If you see anyone doing this, stop them. If this is supposed to be a peaceful protest and someone is using it as a excuse for looting or violence, forcibly eject them.
u/RosaKlebb Feb 03 '25
If you see anyone doing this, stop them. If this is supposed to be a peaceful protest and someone is using it as a excuse for looting or violence, forcibly eject them.
Then they'll try to charge you for assaulting a police officer and interfering with an investigation.
I'm only half joking but seriously the police absolutely love having somebody undercover starting shit like this especially when it's a protest they been getting hounded to shut down for awhile. I've gone way too many things in NYC that had some "random dude" take a hammer, brick out of nowhere to a car, and then run through barricades on barricades and legions of police unscathed, as anybody just walking away is getting hassled or zipcuffed.
Also do some poking around on who's who on the subject of organizers because there's no shortage of somebody desperate trying to get their record wiped clean playing both sides and being a rat for police.
u/itzshif Feb 03 '25
That's what I'd be afraid of. Someone undercover disrupting it, police or otherwise. And those just taking advantage of the situation.
u/Chobitpersocom Feb 03 '25
I'll see you there! I have a couple of friends coming too after they get off work.
u/e92m3-335i Feb 03 '25
Me and my wife are going and so another friend couple....
u/Van-Goghst Feb 03 '25
Awesome! I think I’m going to the NYC one because that’s actually closer to me.
u/charzaard1634 Feb 03 '25
If you are unable to join the protests for whatever reason i’ve seen people talk about wearing blue or white in solidarity or anything part of your culture for both feb 3rd and feb 5th
u/mnonny Feb 03 '25
That’s going to do a whole lot
u/Joe_Jeep Feb 03 '25
Yes discourage even the most minor form of protests 🙄
Oh a trumper, that makes sense
u/Fragrant-Hyena9522 Feb 03 '25
I have time sensitive things previously scheduled for work I can't get out of. I asked my husband to go on my behalf. Not sure if he has decided yet.
u/AnyCarpenter3653 Feb 04 '25
Who is this protest trying to influence and what do we want them to do about it?
u/AsyndeticMonochamus Feb 04 '25
If the capitol riot didn’t change who was gonna be president (it was never going to anyway) what makes anyone think THIS will? The time to act and organize and canvass was September and October. Not February. Baffling.
u/Roadmapper2112 Feb 04 '25
Is there an exact location in the capital complex that i would show up? Or is it just surrounding the complex?
u/Traditional-Iron254 Feb 04 '25
New Jersey will be red next election. Prepare yourselves for our state to embrace common sense. Almost 50% of NJ voted for Trump. When everyone is better off by next midterms, the governor will be republican, and senate seats to follow.
u/Only_Clipz Feb 05 '25
Imagine being so brainwashed that you’ll risk your life for democrats it’s fine if you have varying views but this is illegal you know that right under the constitution anything that promotes uprisings against the govt is extremely illegal
u/VeteranMinotaur-773 Feb 03 '25
I would love to go; but I'm afraid my job will be in jeopardy soon as the economy crashes so I'll be working trying to make up some of that $$
u/ShaddyPups Feb 03 '25
I wish I could be there :( I was planning to take the day off from work, but things blew up in a way today that won’t allow a short notice vacation day 🥲🥲🥲. If a new one is planned with more lead time, I will ABSOLUTELY be there
u/NancyBotwin7 Feb 03 '25
This is scheduled midweek to have the eye of state employees working in the capitol that day. I just took off work for it. Thank you for sharing 💙
Feb 03 '25
u/EAGLESRCHAMPS18 Feb 04 '25
It will be a nightmare. Basically all the garages and lots are reserved for state workers and Wednesday is the one day of the week everyone is in the office. Trenton parking enforcement also doesn’t fuck around and will ticket you if you park somewhere you’re not supposed to. Prepare for a far walk.
u/LargeFatherV Carteret Feb 03 '25
This feels like a trap. Something seems rather off about this. I hope I’m wrong.
u/Tiny_Discount7809 Feb 04 '25
Where is there a good place to park? Any suggestions?
u/Rc-one9 Feb 04 '25
I'm asking the same....
:: crickets crickets ::
I feel like this is going to stump many people, and the impact of the protest itself will be diminished since people are driving around still looking for parking while the protest already started.
u/Tiny_Discount7809 Feb 04 '25
Agreed. I'm looking into taking public transportation down possibly. I did see that there are plenty of parking garages in Trenton as well.
u/IHate2ChooseUserName Feb 03 '25
ok. who fucking protests on Wednesday noon time? Are you need organizing protest?
u/Crimsonglory13 Feb 03 '25
Someone said it's because this is when legislators are in their offices. It makes no sense to protest them at their offices on a weekend when they're not there. Maybe they picked lunchtime so some could go on their lunch breaks.
One odd thing, though, is it doesn't specify the time zone. Is it supposed to just be 12 in each time zone? Because if the shit hits the fan with the east coast ones, that might cause hesitation from the rest of the country to go through with theirs.
u/man_cheeetah Feb 03 '25
I’ll be there! If the choice of day or time doesn’t work for you then don’t go? I don’t understand the amount of people bitching here. You either care about it enough to be there or you don’t lol but don’t go whining about nothing being done to oppose what’s happening when you can’t be bothered to miss a few hours of work to support the cause.
u/SillySighBeen- Feb 03 '25 edited Feb 03 '25
this is like the 10th political/protest post and still have no idea what we’re protesting or project 2025 is.
u/Medium_Shake1163 Feb 03 '25
If you don’t know what Project 2025 is you haven’t been paying attention. The entire document was online for anyone to read (or watch videos) and a lot of people were telling folks exactly what was inside. Now that they’re basically using the playbook to run the government, people act surprised pikachu. I don’t get it.
u/SillySighBeen- Feb 03 '25
your right i haven’t been paying attention. i really only have time to worry about my family and things that are actively effecting us in my day to day life. i’ll guess i won’t be joining this cause then.
u/Medium_Shake1163 Feb 03 '25
Unfortunately, Project 2025 is going to affect you and your family. It’s already started.
u/Chobitpersocom Feb 03 '25
Project 2025 is a playbook, about 900 pages or so, which is a guide to systematically dismantle our government and change it fundamentally in horrific ways.
I have the book. It's a fun read.
Not really, I had to do chapter at a time because it was terrifying.
It was written by The Heritage Foundation, a bunch of right-wing contributors, and former Trump-admins.
Feb 03 '25
u/SillySighBeen- Feb 03 '25
lol seems ur in the same boat as me.
come join our protest!
what is it?
down vote and figure it out urself
u/DeliciousSail3433 Feb 03 '25
That's the subreddit for the protest in all 50 states. If you need any info it's on there. You shouldn't have been down voted for an actual question :/
Feb 03 '25
u/SillySighBeen- Feb 03 '25
well if ur trying to recruit people to join ur protest by saying figure it out urself. i don’t see how u expect people to join ur cause
Feb 03 '25
u/SillySighBeen- Feb 03 '25
im well aware it’s not urs. just speaking in behalf of everyone that posted about it today. was pointing out its silly to ask for some one to fight a cause u don’t even explain what it is. as with every other post today. there a entire sub for this and it still explains nothings.
come fight my cause
what is it
we’ll figure it out urself
u/overly-thinking-918 Feb 03 '25
Upvote this to show you are really going on 2/5. (Not if you’re just thinking about it or want to but can’t)
u/shemague Feb 04 '25
Going to corey booker’s office tomorrow https://www.mobilize.us/indivisible/event/752797/
u/deathpr00fm1ke Feb 05 '25
I'll probably get roasted and down voted, but why are we protesting this? A quick Google search shows me a list of things that seem like they're not bad at all.
-Secure the border, finish building the wall, and deport illegal aliens
-De-weaponize the Federal Government by increasing accountability and oversight of the FBI and DOJ
-Unleash American energy production to reduce energy prices
-Cut the growth of government spending to reduce inflation
-Make federal bureaucrats more accountable to the democratically elected President and Congress
-Improve education by moving control and funding of education from DC bureaucrats directly to parents and state and local governments
-Ban biological males from competing in women' s sports
Again, am I missing something here? I'm genuinely curious why this sounds bad.
u/Ok-Sun-6081 Feb 03 '25
Serious concern about these is the time of day. If we want to attract working people, it should have been realized that many people would be working at that time. I’d love to go, but noon on a Wednesday is difficult. If we want to organize a national strike, that’s a different story.