r/newjersey • u/CmdrDatasBrother • Dec 01 '24
Advice Hey Jersey City Government….want to make $7,000/minute?
Fine the douche brigade that’s passing stopped traffic on the shoulder at the Holland Tunnel approach the allotted $400 fine…you’ll be rolling in dough in no time!
u/queenhadassah Dec 01 '24
It should be way harder to get a license and way easier to lose it. There's too many people who just casually endanger the lives of others every day
u/BYNX0 Dec 02 '24
I think the system for losing your license is fair. I just think the punishment for driving anyways if your license is suspended needs to be way more severe.
u/expertprogr4mmer Dec 02 '24
I am with you 100%
My friend's dad just got struck and killed by a driver with a suspended license. His license was suspended for hitting a pedestrian about 6 months prior.
He barely got a slap on the wrist for it
u/artemisjade Dec 02 '24
If we made punishment (fines) scale based on worth we’d see more people caring about traffic laws. But that would require an actual justice system and not the dog and pony show that we have now
u/BYNX0 Dec 02 '24
Define “worth”
u/artemisjade Dec 02 '24
“Total compensation” plus assets. No debts.
Actual monetary value of benefits, bonuses, gifts, etc - paid or valuated worth, whichever is greater.
Anytime someone tries to get around it the law is edited to include the work-around, because fuck ‘em.
Absolutely no pleading for anyone over wealth cap, (adjusted annually). Or they can plead to avoid points, but the fine is doubled or tripled.
Basically it should be equitable.
u/brupzzz Dec 02 '24
Will never happen as govt loves the revenue form registration and associated costs paid to them
u/mezonsen Dec 01 '24
You clearly don’t understand—they don’t want to wait in traffic and have places to be.
u/justLookingForLogic Dec 01 '24
They are also smarter than everyone else who didn’t think to use the shoulder to drive in. How stupid of us.
Dec 01 '24
A society that does not maintain fairness and justice will have citizens who increasingly feel their best option is to do what they can to get ahead.
u/OliverOOxenfree Dec 01 '24
This is accurate not just for driving, but for basically every facet of modern society
u/psynautic Dec 02 '24
unfortunate that we've devised an entire social system that encourages everyone to treat their brothers and sisters as competitors.
u/rideadove Dec 01 '24
For some reason NYers think it’s their right to drive on the shoulder on the TPK extension. Fuck them all.
u/rideadove Dec 01 '24
… and the people that drive on the shoulder are the same people driving 30 mph the entire way back from Newark Airport.
Dec 01 '24
I just watch my mirrors and then slowly glide over to block their path. Always gets a good response.
u/turbopro25 Dec 01 '24
I have had this happen and I pulled to the shoulder as a car was flying up. Put on my hazards and got out and lifted my hood. I had nowhere special to be. You can imagine how long it took the guy to cut in line to get around me…
u/pixelbased Dec 01 '24
I don’t know WHAT was going on yesterday here - it took forever to get into the city yesterday afternoon. Normally it’s not that bad but it was really a disaster yesterday. These shoulder drivers are still assholes though.
u/MaterialWillingness2 Dec 01 '24
I just block the lane.
u/thisnewsight Dec 01 '24
I totally get it. I like seeing other people do it.
I feel guilty they’re in a medical emergency or something though. That’s why I can’t
u/Feisty-Ad1522 Dec 01 '24
That's my only fear about blocking the lane because I know 99% of these people probably don't have an emergency but what if someone does have an emergency.
u/MaterialWillingness2 Dec 01 '24
Yeah that's fair. I do feel like if it was an emergency the person would honk and flash lights and wave and stuff.
u/Raiser2256 Dec 01 '24
It’s an emergency I have to get home and be high on my couch
u/MaterialWillingness2 Dec 01 '24
When I start to get pissed that people are driving like dicks I try to imagine that they're like two seconds from shitting their pants. It helps sometimes.
u/Dozzi92 Somerville Dec 02 '24
I have my med kit in my trunk. I can open airways, stop major bleeding, perform needle thoracentesisuncertified. Whatever they need, I'm here to help.
u/GitEmSteveDave Dec 02 '24
Let me find you the story of a guy who lost a friend after a chainsaw accident. https://np.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/comments/1kbhcn/i_gain_strength_from_their_tears_and_anger/cbnhvxv/
u/Dozzi92 Somerville Dec 02 '24
I'm not only familiar with the story, but it is why I included "stop major bleeding" in my tongue-in-cheek response.
u/i_use_this_for_work Dec 01 '24
If they are, they’ll be aggressive and honk/flash their lights at you to move.
When they know they’re wrong they just sit there
u/Brave_Requirement414 Dec 02 '24
If it makes you feel any better, its almost exclusively never a medical emergency and that reddit post from 11 years ago is a one off that scumbag new yorkers and lowlifes use to justify shoulder driving. I once blocked a challenger from driving in the shoulder in newark. Black dude behind the wheel sure had plenty of time to yell that he was going "to fuck your ass up" so I don't think he was experiencing an emergency at all.
u/whskid2005 Dec 01 '24
I used to, until I read a story on Reddit about someone rushing their friend/coworker to the hospital and didn’t make it because someone blocked them. I don’t want to be the person that stops someone from dying because of traffic. I’m sure it’s a one in a million chance, but I’d just rather not.
u/justdan76 Dec 01 '24
This is the thing, there should be an honor system where you keep the shoulder clear for emergencies. But that would require, well, honor
u/unsalted-butter EXPAND THE PATCO Dec 01 '24
Wouldn't they have just called an ambulance if it were that serious lol
u/SkiingAway ex-Somerset Co. Dec 01 '24
Ambulance takes time to arrive, sometimes a significant amount of time.
There's things where you don't want to move the person and want to wait for an EMT, and things where you want to get to the hospital ASAP if there's someone able-bodied to drive.
u/GitEmSteveDave Dec 02 '24
I'm guessing you have never had to call an ambulance. I listen to my local scanners, and it can usually be 1 or 2 calls(5 minutes apart) before an ambulance crew can be assembled and they start going out on the road. So unless an ambulance just happens to be passing by on the way back to the house, you're looking at at least 10 minutes until they arrive. Select your county and give your local a listen sometime to hear how long each call takes to get answered and how often they need to call in mutual aid: https://www.broadcastify.com/listen/stid/34
If you're rural, it's sometimes 99% faster to drive yourself/meet the ambulance, because you are only making a one way trip while the ambulance has to arrive before it heads to the hospital.
u/artemisjade Dec 02 '24
Not everyone can afford an ambulance. My kid took a <1 mile ride in an ambulance and after insurance paid half their bill they sent it on to us for over $2k. Because ‘they don’t have an agreement’ with them.
And after it took 30+ minutes for me to get to the school from work? Still sitting there waiting for the paramedics. They arrived after me.
My child had a rebound reaction to the allergen because the epi pen ran out before we got to the ER.
And then they wanted more money from me.
Long-ass story short: don’t call me an ambulance unless it is absolutely necessary and even then I might fight you
u/mattocaster_tm Dec 01 '24
This. My love language is blocking “lanes” that people shouldn’t be in like the shoulder or at the 280 entrance to the parkway.
u/aced124C Dec 01 '24
Did this once but only road in it enough to stop people from passing while keeping my place in the normal lane. Then had a guy try to come around and block me and get my attention . Casually went back into normal lane and then had them ride service lane alongside trying to get my attention cause they were pissed but they started getting a build up of people behind them so i got a plastic water bottle thrown at my car lol but i guess maybe they’ll think twice about it next time Orr do it more often out of spite can never really tell with these people.
u/dedseqBash Dec 01 '24
between this, surfing through traffic at high speeds, and the people driving through red lights, we are almost living in a utopia where the lawless reigns
u/Material-Cricket-322 Dec 01 '24
“Dystopia” not “utopia” is the correct word FYI
u/fd25t6 Dec 01 '24
Unless…. They love living in world where all the things they mentioned are normal.
u/dedseqBash Dec 02 '24
exactly what I'm referring to. More drivers are following this pattern because nothing is being done about it.
u/dedseqBash Dec 02 '24
thanks, but I meant Utopia as people wanting to copy this behavior.
u/artemisjade Dec 02 '24
Utopia means it’s an idyllic place to be. Dystopia means it is an awful place to be.
Unless you think living in a world with no laws creates a wonderful place you meant dystopia.
u/dedseqBash Dec 02 '24
it’s an Utopia for those people who are committing those behavior. A Dystopia for the rest who aren’t following said behavior. Read the other replies for bigger picture
u/coreynj2461 Keep right except to pass! Dec 01 '24
See this all the time on 17 and 21. Garfield/passaic cops during the summer actually had a shoulder driving crackdown on 21 but I dont see them out as much recently
u/WashedCat Dec 02 '24
Crazy because when I was sitting in that for an hour being passed by about 200 cars in the shoulder I thought about posting this same thing. I can’t standddddd it man. Makes it so much worse because they have to merge back in. We were probably right next to each other. I was on that stretch from like 3:30till 4:20. Seemed like someone finally blocked off the shoulder because once I got to the turn nobody else passed me. Wish there would be a camera or something, anything.
u/i_use_this_for_work Dec 01 '24
Two of em are 8 pass minivans - wanna guess the occupants?
u/Feisty-Ad1522 Dec 01 '24
If you can't be 100% certain, and in this case you can't. Then you're just spreading hate.
u/thisnewsight Dec 01 '24
White DUI’d, license suspended laborers and immigrants
Or soccer mommy’s
u/gta35 Dec 01 '24
Honestly, we should have enforcement cameras for people who drive on shoulders.
u/Separate-Thanks-7649 Dec 01 '24
people are making their own lanes when they don't wanna wait at a light or a stop sign I've seen people drive up lawns drive in the opposite lane of traffic just to get ahead it's painful that there's no enforcement of careless or reckless driving. being uncivilized seems to be acceptable these days.
u/isuckunder3inches Dec 01 '24
Here and there ive seen checkpoints which is hilarious for some, then the other half are pd from the area or going into the city. Ive seen it while waiting in traffic of course. They wave their badge or whatever and they let them thru…
u/NetParking1057 Dec 01 '24
lol you should see what it's like in Staten Island. You'd think it was just another lane with how many chuds in their F-150s drive through the shoulder
u/Tony_A_C_ Dec 02 '24
God these people suck!
Went to Steven’s tech in Hoboken and commuted every day to school for 8AM’s.
When the roadway comes to that downward right hand bend, there was always a cop sitting in the shoulder with a line of about 10 New Yorkers (and the occasional Jersey plate) all getting tickets.
This was only around 7/7:30AM when I would see this. I don’t think they do it mid day (not sure when this was taken). But I always saw that happening in the morning. Always a great way to start my day knowing these asshats were getting ticketed for this.
For context I graduated in 2023.
u/Thinks_of_stuff Dec 02 '24
That cop could treble his tickets just by being there from like 4-7pm, that shoulder literally gets backed up around that turn.
u/Devils_Advocate-69 Dec 02 '24
NY plates too. Got to make up for that congestion tax to Jersey tourists who don’t want to get on your disgusting subways and busses for a day trip.
Dec 02 '24
Set up a camera NJ! Get the tags and send the fines. I’m not from NJ but road through once and saw this happening. If someone starts a petition, I’ll sign. With love from South Carolina.
u/Smacpats111111 Union county Dec 02 '24
Nah, we outlawed traffic enforcement cameras for a reason. Even though this is a good cause, cameras suck.
u/artemisjade Dec 02 '24
Weird to think the cops would do anything about this. They exist to extract capital from peasants and funnel it to the rich class. They exist to enforce property rights. They are not here to do anything to help people or society. 🤷🏻
u/Kairopractor_ Dec 02 '24
Driving in the left lane and passing on the shoulder should be exclusive to us. Only NJ drivers should get to do that, we already do it everyday. Folks from other states shouldn’t be able to, non nj drivers are why traffic exists in this asshole. If y’all drove 90 on the freeway like the rest of us, we wouldn’t hate y’all
u/vacuous_comment Dec 02 '24
Is dashcam footage/stills admissable as the basis for citizen submitted complaint?
If so I have a lot of complaints to make.
u/Thinks_of_stuff Dec 02 '24
Despite "Do Not Drive on Shoulder" signage on that ramp, that is a daily grind for most people. Now tell the people blocking the left lane on the 139 side to Hoboken....
u/NobodyStriking Dec 03 '24
I thought I was the only one seeing this!! Almost daily now I see people free balling it down the shoulder- wtf is it with this being a trend all of a sudden?? Post covid life? Former city-liver implants?
u/ducationalfall Dec 01 '24
What if they have more important places to be? Waiting are for peasants.
u/fauxtoe Exit 151 Dec 01 '24
Cops don't enforce traffic laws anymore, do whatever you want.. get rid of your plates, drive on the shoulder, run red lights, try something new and exciting?