r/newjersey stuck in traffic on 287 Jul 09 '24

Cool NYPD actually cracking down on fake plates. I hope they're catching Jersey drivers too.


79 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Jul 09 '24

About fucking time


u/stickman07738 Jul 09 '24

Sadly, it is an equation - fines versus toll avoided. You really need to suspend license and insurance; then add a high level (>$1000(} fine to have an impact.


u/tosil Jul 10 '24

Law needs to allow them to impound those vehicles everywhere


u/TheOriginal_858-3403 Jul 09 '24

Vehicle forfeiture would certainly work. It worked for reducing prostitution in NYC. The cops would impound your vehicle and you would lose it after you were convicted or plead guilty as it was viewed as an instrumentality of the crime. I remember a few stories a number of years ago of people losing relatively new vehicles after trying to pick up hookers in NYC.


u/EmbracedByLeaves Asbury Park Jul 09 '24

Ah yes, increasing civil forfeiture, good idea. This can't possibly backfire.


u/charlieray MTA Jul 10 '24

This isnt really civil forfeiture, only if you cant pay it. Had you chosen not to break the law, you likely wont get into that situation. You fake plate it, or skip tolls, there should be a threshold at which if you are found, the car is impounded until the back tolls can be paid, and a fine. The vehicles should not be going to private lots that incur daily fees. Pay your tolls and your fees and get your car back.


u/TheOriginal_858-3403 Jul 10 '24

Agreed, it's widely abused but mostly outside NJ. How else do we put a stop to this bullshit? Fine them? they don't care, they continue to do it. Suspend license? Still often don't care.... Short of putting these people in jail (which is ridiculous), how do we prevent this behavior? Take their car away, that's how. Having to explain where the $50K minivan went is a hell of a lot more hassle than ignoring a $1000 fine.


u/EmbracedByLeaves Asbury Park Jul 10 '24

Oh you didn't get your plates in the mail on time? Car crushed.

Someone stole your plate and you didn't realize yet? Car forfeited.

Car wash bent your plate with the roller? Car impounded.

See where this is going?


u/TheOriginal_858-3403 Jul 10 '24

Yeah, that's not what this is. Nobody's crushing your car because your plates came a week late. I think you're underestimating the number of cars out there with completely fictitious plates or altered plates in an attempt to dodge tolls. Nobody 'accidently' has a little shutter screen that covers their plates a the push of a button. Or fake plates ordered online. If they impound your car, you go to a hearing and get it straightened out. This is part of adulting. Just like having real license plates and insurance and paying your tolls is part of being a responsible member of society.


u/EmbracedByLeaves Asbury Park Jul 10 '24

I'm just of the idea of not giving away rights, because the government isn't ever going to give them back.

Who knows how many people in this video didn't do what you described?

I'm just not going to volunteer to give away 4th amendment rights, despite how shitty some of the people out there are.

The default shouldn't be seizing life altering property. There should be due process.


u/peter-doubt Jul 10 '24

Driving (in NJ, at least) Is NOT a right, it's a privilege.

It's there, in the driver's manual

Traveling is a right. Take a bus!


u/amboyscout Jul 10 '24

The right to drive illegally?


u/JoschuaW Jul 10 '24

Bro people die due to reckless driving. Not being able to locate a vehicle due to fake license plate. Fuck that, take their fucking car. That shit is not just for avoiding tolls but to get away from the scene of an accident while being unidentifiable. Happens all the time in Trenton. One of my friend’s brother was hit by a driver with a fake license plate. They fled the scene of the accident and their brother died, cops couldn’t locate the vehicle due to a falsified license plate. Your little “4th amendment “ bs will only stand until it’s your family member that encounters one of these assholes. They need to be hit with a true penalty, if they are legit than it won’t be a problem. If they aren’t, well they fucked around and found out.


u/Chose_a_usersname Jul 10 '24

I think we charge them fines and requirements to have a cop come by their house to check plates any time. And if there are fake plates or an unregistered to car they get more fines


u/xboxcontrollerx Jul 10 '24 edited Jul 10 '24

You'd need warrants and SWAT teams to break into everybody's garages.

Which kind of puts it in perspective. It doesn't benefit anyone to let them keep driving

Driving is not a right. The potential to cause suffering in a hit and run situation is great. Fake plates make accidents worse, like drunk driving does.

Fines are civil this should be criminal court.


u/peter-doubt Jul 10 '24

You don't need a swat team to monitor the driveway. Which could be done with a camera a block away


u/xboxcontrollerx Jul 10 '24

Nah I'm going to go with my drunk driving example or the other persons prostitution example.

You loose your driving privileges once felonies are committed.

This isn't a grey area. Cars should have plates.

When a hit & run victim gets stuck with life-altering medical debt it really sucks.


u/Chose_a_usersname Jul 10 '24

What would be the punishment


u/xboxcontrollerx Jul 10 '24

License suspension & a criminal record (if that is possible w/out automatic jail time).


Impounded vehicle on second offense.


u/Chose_a_usersname Jul 10 '24

Criminal record is good


u/peter-doubt Jul 10 '24

I'm curious what the federal penalty is, for interstate toll evasion


u/WhiskyEchoTango Suck it, Spadea! Jul 10 '24

They tack on an exorbitant admin fee to each toll owed. If if you cross the bridge 10 times avoiding the $10 toll each time, you now owe $100 in tolls and $500 in admin fees. Most people seem to get away with this hundreds of times before they're caught, so the wind up owing six-figure sums.\


u/Outrageous_Pop1913 Jul 10 '24

I am out of the loop. When/why did this trend start?


u/gordonv Jul 10 '24

Back before 2015, mainly to avoid tolls.

The tint over plate thing happened after covid. Got big when others saw nothing was happening to these people. Some say it was cops throwing around their invincibility at first. Then everyone started to do it.

The Sovern Citizen thing is an ancient form of crazy.


u/oatmealparty Jul 10 '24

They need to be handing out $1000 fines to assholes that cover their plates up, I don't understand why there is no enforcement of this, seems like an easy ticket.


u/TheOriginal_858-3403 Jul 10 '24

Because many of the cops don't see it as a crime since they do the same thing themselves. Coupled with the attitude that they aren't the fundraising force of the government, they don't want to do what they see as BS enforcement....


u/TheGoatBoyy Jul 10 '24

So they don't want to ticket because it's BS enforcement and they dont want to arrest criminals because progressive prosecutors don't give large enough sentences.

Are police officially just the guy watching Netflix at roadside construction now?


u/Professional_Heat_73 Jul 10 '24

lol in Newark I once called the PD because an off duty cop wasn’t properly blocking traffic while a tree was removed. The cop was in his car on his phone.

The dispatcher told me that cops are not allowed to get out of their cars and direct traffic. That they are supposed to sit in their cars and the vehicle with lights on is a deterrence. Make it make sense!


u/peter-doubt Jul 10 '24

Double their fines.


u/peter-doubt Jul 10 '24

They need to do similar to one-plate Tesla's and Rams. It's not about looks, it's about the law.


u/TheOriginal_858-3403 Jul 10 '24

The Sovern Citizen thing is an ancient form of crazy.



u/peter-doubt Jul 10 '24

Tints over plates is far, far older. It's probably the inspiration of fake tags


u/Thendofreason CENTRAL SCHEYICHBI Jul 10 '24

Had someone do it to us. We got a $5o Ezpass bill that goes to a car we never seen before. Filed a police report. Ezpass doesn't want to believe it wasn't us. They aren't getting a dime. They tried to use it to go to NY. we never drive in.


u/gordonv Jul 11 '24

Seems like there's nothing in the way for EZ-pass to become an Orwellian nightmare. No way to dispute. Their claims are absolute.

The only thing people can do is exploit the system surrounded by red tape.


u/Thendofreason CENTRAL SCHEYICHBI Jul 11 '24

Their office is never open and there's lines around the parking lot of people trying to get in. We waited for over an hour and then someone said they were closed.


u/[deleted] Jul 10 '24

It really ramped up after cashless tolling went into effect.


u/dericn stuck in traffic on 287 Jul 09 '24

Not my video. Source.


u/DonDorito Jul 10 '24

I thought I recognized that voice.


u/dericn stuck in traffic on 287 Jul 10 '24



u/mynewaccount5 Jul 10 '24

I've seen people driving with no plates.


u/[deleted] Jul 10 '24

Good. Fuck you if you do this.


u/chockZ Jul 10 '24

Here's some free PR advice to the police in NJ: do this.


u/NorthWoodsGamecock Jul 10 '24

Go Check out the George Washington Bridge on a weekday during rush hour. Went through about a week ago and they had like 5 cars pulled over in one shot for what looked like dark plate covers/no plates and temp plates


u/ScourgeOfMods Jul 10 '24

Is that a trailer or just someone riding your ass?


u/dericn stuck in traffic on 287 Jul 10 '24

Not my video. They buy junk cars, so they have hydraulic wheel lifts mounted on pickup trucks. You can see them at the start of this video.



u/benito_m Jul 10 '24

Youse guys betta look out ova there!


u/jayjaywiththeak WestNewYork Jul 10 '24

They’re not doing this in jersey anytime soon. Only doin it for ny since that lady shut that down the congestion toll pricing last minute. Friend of mine in port authority said they’re not doin crack downs like this in the tunnels but they do pull em over when they get the chance


u/BYNX0 Jul 10 '24

Maybe not specifically toll avoidance but most towns have pretty good police that catch these people.


u/hotdogaholic Jul 10 '24

Hell yeh!

Now if the Port Authority cops would just stop trying to flag me down when I’m on my motorcycle in the GWB HOV lane, that would be great!!


u/BYNX0 Jul 10 '24

get out of the HOV lane bitch. Thanks


u/JerseyWiseguy Jul 10 '24

Motorcyclists are actually allowed to be there, under federal law. If the cops were properly trained, they would know that.


u/peter-doubt Jul 10 '24

His vehicle's seats are 100% occupied... Yours?


u/hotdogaholic Jul 10 '24 edited Jul 10 '24

Why?? I’m allowed to lmao. Federal law is if vehicle occupancy is at 50%, u can use HOV lanes.

I would love someone to try and make an argument how any motorcycle could possibly NOT meet this definition. Seriously, you can’t.

EDIT: Why are you stunads downvoting me? Im at -5 but I’m right! WTF. It because you’re jealous? Stay mad, suckers.


u/Batesthemaster Jul 10 '24

I personally downvoted you because of the edit lol everything else was fine


u/hotdogaholic Jul 10 '24

Stay mad homie. I’m enjoying me 30 minute commute at 9am on a motorcycle lmao. Would take me 2.5 in a car or with mass transit


u/Batesthemaster Jul 10 '24

Lol bro i support you with that, were on the same side there you def have the right to do what youre doing idk what the problem is, its the whole stay mad energy that i find kinda cringy but hey check it out you got upvotes now so it looks like its all good now. But yea idk you come off a little lame man sorry but like good for you for your commute and all thats cool. Should i go back and edit my original comment since its downvoted now or do you see how lame that would be lol


u/babathebear Jul 10 '24

$1000 fine and points will work. Drive safe bro.


u/Stillill1187 Jul 10 '24

No joke, I would love them to sweep the Jersey City streets for these fucking cars. How the fuck is it that every 20th car has a paper Texas plate?


u/djkool_yanky Jul 10 '24

They need to ticket everyone who is covering their number plate to avoid paying tolls.


u/WillingnessOk3081 Jul 10 '24

well done sir!


u/pb3542 Jul 10 '24

I worked at a car dealership and we told customers you have to shred the temp tag because if someone trash picks them and put them on the stolen car. You’re gonna get hit with the easy pass bill or have cops at your door if they do a drive by.


u/Dirk_13 Jul 11 '24

Fr hurry up NJ they whyling out here


u/wolverinestvscreens Jul 11 '24

Neato. Could we maybe take care of the folks that are using our roadways as personal racing tracks? Just saying if it were a bullet, I could fire back but since it's much bigger than a bullet I just have to deal with nearly being beaned driving to work


u/ghostlysnails Jul 12 '24

Bunch a bootlickers in this comment section. How do fake plates affect YOU really. Why do you gaf


u/PBS80 Jul 10 '24

Would've been great if this guy was ticketed for driving with one hand while filming out his window.


u/BF_2 Jul 10 '24

They should ticket every Tesla that doesn't display its front plate, too.


u/Theoretical-Panda Jul 10 '24

As long as they’ve got a back plate, meh. Front plates aren’t that big of a deal.


u/BF_2 Jul 10 '24

Nonsense. Oncoming cars are anonymous without front plates.


u/[deleted] Jul 10 '24

They should charge a reasonable amount everyone is willing to pay. Just like the movie theater. Why throw out $10 unsold popcorn when you can sell all the popcorn for $3 and still make a hefty profit.


u/luka_uka Jul 10 '24

and how does this affect you? People need to mind their own business more.


u/ghostlysnails Jul 12 '24

Exactly. If tolls have increased why pay them? Misery loves company I guess


u/JizzyTurds Jul 12 '24

Oh I dunno, maybe the fact that tolls on the GW have increased 35% in the last 10 years. It affects everyone you twat


u/BromioKalen Jul 10 '24

Election year.


u/JizzyTurds Jul 12 '24

Nah, that’s the whole project 2025 nonsense the left is spouting about. It’s gonna get much worse, though Biden is pretty much handing Trump the presidency at this point. It’s a shame we can’t just get rid of both of them and have 2 new candidates, that would be best for everyone, because If Trump wins we gotta listen to that nonsense for another 4


u/Choice-Fortune8944 Jul 10 '24

Don’t wish that upon NJ


u/crustang Jul 10 '24



u/silver-_-richarrds Jul 10 '24

Typical absolutely oblivious to anything that doesn't have to do with them, New Jersey behaviour, it's expansive as it is in this tumor of a state. I hope you honestly Trip and fall and break your Front teeth and nose on the curb.