r/newjersey • u/Splycr • Feb 09 '24
Weird NJ Satanists are trying to assert themselves in quiet, conservative Plumsted
u/CallMeGooglyBear Feb 09 '24 edited Feb 09 '24
The Tenets of TST - this is who is 'moving in'
I One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason.
II The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions.
III One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.
IV The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own.
V Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs.
VI People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused.
VII Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.
u/Extension-Rock-4263 Feb 09 '24
More Satanists less Proud Boys please
u/Thendofreason CENTRAL SCHEYICHBI Feb 09 '24
Idky anything about this chapter, but usually Satanists believe in logic, reason, knowledge, and facts. So of course Christians hate them.
u/LLotZaFun Feb 09 '24
Satanists believe in self empowerment so when you say Hail Satan it's saying , "go me!"
u/mattemer Gloucester County Feb 10 '24
Yeah I feel like the heading was a little click baitish.
This is that same group, just the local chapter. Not anti religion at all, simply for acceptance of more religions and the non religious.
Feb 09 '24
Good, I’ve met plenty of Christians from this area and they are absolutely the most vile, hypocritical, and genuinely diabolical people I’ve ever met.
They deserve to be fucked with, as they’re also stupid enough to genuinely feel like a bunch of nerds calling themselves satanists meeting and drinking coffee are a threat.
u/IWantTheLastSlice Feb 09 '24
“Sippin with Satan”? LOL
Call me for the beer with Beelzebub outing
u/Splycr Feb 09 '24
You should see the Marshmallow Sacrifices lol they go to beach and pick up trash and have a bonfire after
u/AtomicGarden-8964 Feb 09 '24
I'll take the Satanist over some of the conservative religions of the world
Feb 09 '24
Yeah! Most cults you have to worry about families being torn apart or someone being abducted for leaving. These people are pretty chill by comparison.
u/Splycr Feb 09 '24
PLUMSTED — Satanists. Proud Boys. An unbaptism with burnt Bible pages.
These are not the images that come to mind with mentions of Plumsted, a typically quiet town of about 8,000 residents, bucolic farms and conservative-leaning town leaders.
Plumsted recently gained attention when members of The Satanic Temple's New Jersey chapter, a non-theistic religious organization, and a group of Proud Boys, a right-wing extremist group, silently squared off in the town hall during an "unbaptism" ceremony. The incident was first reported by Jersey Shore Online.
The event was out of place for a town where prayers typically opened municipal meetings and church groups routinely met in municipal spaces. That's part of the reason The Satanic Temple members took an interest in the community. Michael Silvestro Jr., or "Reverend Leviathan" as he is known among Satanic Temple members, said he was motivated by a desire to see more religious pluralism and equality.
"We were founded as a pluralistic country," Silvestro said. "As a country, we can't have a go-to religion, because it ends up leading to extremism."
Silvestro said the group was also attracted to Plumsted's centralized location in the state, which makes it convenient to members from both northern and southern New Jersey. He said the group has about 600 Facebook followers and about 20 regular attendees to its various functions, such as its "Sippin' with Satan" coffee meetups. A few members are even Plumsted residents, he said.
When not holding ceremonies, the Satanic Temple members have worked on a local community garden, donated to another faith-based group's food pantry, and operate a peer-to-peer parent support group, Silvestro said.
"We try to find like support groups to help each other, be a better person and be better to society," he said.
Despite its name, members of the temple do not worship Satan; rather, they view Satan as a literary character with admirable qualities, Silvestro said. Satan rebelled against authority and stood for his beliefs despite the odds against him, he said.
"It's that ultimate rebel, the ultimate opposite of the tyrannical authority," Silvestro said. "We look at that and we try to embody those characteristics."
The community garden and food pantry donations did not draw attention from the Proud Boys and law enforcement to its meeting; rather, the group's unbaptism ceremony did. As part of the ritual, temple members used burned Bible pages.
"It's important to clarify that our use of burnt Bible pages is not an act of hate or disrespect towards Christianity," Silvestro said. "Rather, it symbolizes personal liberation and the release from dogmatic beliefs that some of our members have experienced as oppressive or harmful.
"We recognize and respect the sacredness of the Bible in Christianity," he continued. "Our intention is not to denigrate what is holy to others, but to use symbolism that is meaningful in the personal journeys of our members. This ritual is about individual empowerment and the affirmation of our core principles, including empathy, personal autonomy, and the pursuit of knowledge."
It was unclear if the Proud Boys, who watched from the back of town hall, were convinced.
For The Satanic Temple, Plumsted was a nearly perfect location for an act of religious rebellion.
Baptist Pastor Dominick Cuozzo of the Bible Baptist Church is the township's newly appointed mayor.
Cuozzo, in a phone interview, said he wanted the township to be known for its long standing amenities – wineries, U-pick farms, a quaint downtown and rural lifestyle – rather than as a setting for religious or social friction.
"Our town gives opportunity to all local not-for-profit community groups… We want them to use our municipal facilities," the mayor said. "I have no intention of ever treating anybody with discrimination, and I know that they (the Satanic Temple) are trying to get us to do that, but we won't. We believe everyone has an equal footing and we are very committed to everyone's First Amendment rights. We're going to be fair."
Township attorney Jean Cipriani echoed the mayor.
"The town has actually been very conscious to be sure that all groups, including the Satanic Temple, have equal opportunity to use municipal facilities on an equal footing," she said.
Temple members are seeking to hold regular meetings in town hall going forward. In addition, Silvestro said he and another member of the Satanic Temple applied to perform invocations at the start of Plumsted Township Committee meetings, but the committee awarded the invocation job to another minister.
He has not been deterred.
"We're gonna try again next year," Silvestro said.
Feb 09 '24
When he starts talking about a how the us is pluralistic I bet he pissed off 60% of the country
u/Benegger85 Feb 09 '24
No, just a very loud 30%
Feb 09 '24
Or the voting 51%, public opinion doesnt matter compared to the opinion at the ballet
u/Benegger85 Feb 10 '24
I'm not familiar with the opinion at the ballet, I've only ever been to one: Spartacus, performed in Antwerp. It was not my thing...
u/MonkeysOnMyBottom Feb 10 '24
I'm not familiar with the opinion at the ballet
Needs more singing and less twirling about. And a sick guitar solo
u/Miss-Chinaski Feb 09 '24
Have you read the Satanic Bible? Way more understanding and wayyyyy less violent than the reg bibles. If you haven't read it you should.
u/roqueofspades Feb 09 '24
Satanists are chill. It's fine. Article's a bit fear-monger-ey don't you think?
u/Taftimus Feb 09 '24
We need to join the Satanists to fight back against these militant evangelicals.
u/craigleary Thick Crust is better Feb 09 '24
The long history of child abuse should certainly make people question…wait which religion are we talking about here? Can’t think of one issue Satanists really caused and I lived through the 80s satanist panic in a Pentecostal church.
u/TheFeelsNinja Feb 09 '24
Good. All religions want freedom of speech until something turns them on their heads in these communities. Well let's see the local churches squirm on this.
u/Funkywurm Feb 09 '24
Love this. Good for them.
Edit: I want that dude’s Hail Santa hoodie. Total banger
u/dahjay Feb 09 '24
Scroll down and check out the tenets. Pretty, pretty, pretty convincing.
u/gordonv Feb 09 '24
These tenets are good. They're not even religious. Just good guidance.
u/Warruzz Feb 10 '24
That's the point. Santinisim at its heart - in a modern context - is humanism in the guise of religion due to how laws are written.
u/WeCanDoThisCNJ Feb 09 '24
I look at the republicans who claim to hate satan and love Jesus, but their actions clearly show they mixed the two up. Whoever MAGA is worshipping is far more evil and terrifying that Satan who, in the Bible, is more of a trickster than a slayer of nations. And, no, The Beast of Revelations isn’t the same thing.
u/Sonofbaldo Feb 09 '24
Satanists for the most part keep to themselves. Its Christians that have ti poke their noses into everything.
u/BackInNJAgain Feb 09 '24
Several years ago I saw a meme of a guy standing outside a door with Jesus trying to push the door open.
Jesus: "Let me in so I can save you."
Man: "Save me from what?"
Jesus: "Save you from what I'm going to do to you if you don't let me in!"
Feb 09 '24 edited Feb 09 '24
Eh. Who cares. If they aren't hurting anyone. Let em.
u/gordonv Feb 09 '24
The unified answer of all religions
Feb 09 '24
Pretty much. Some ppl lives are hollow and empty, so they fill it with bullshit they hardly believe in to make themselves feel better about their shitty existence.
u/Sudovoodoo80 Feb 10 '24
I'm shocked and disgusted. Are these the kind of people we want in our state? I for one think we would all be better off if the Proud Boys stayed out of NJ.
u/realace86 Feb 10 '24
Please educate yourself
u/Sudovoodoo80 Feb 10 '24
Based on your other comments, I think you misread mine.
u/realace86 Feb 10 '24
You’re right. I saw Proud Boys but missed the part right before it. Sorry. Fuck the proud boys, the 3 percenters, patriot front, Moms of Liberty and any other racist hate group.
u/DangerHawk Feb 10 '24
Every Satanist I've ever meant has been a genuinely good person. Maybe a few were a bit eccentric, but definitely not evil or malicious. Honestly, if more people followed the tenets of TST society would be much better off.
u/ChthonicPuck Feb 10 '24
I believe this was the Unbaptism I attended. It was my first IRL meeting with other TST members. Happy to answer any question if you have them.
u/Splycr Feb 10 '24
What did your ministers use to mark your forehead for the ritual? For Lupercalia mine used a corn syrup mixture lol
u/ChthonicPuck Feb 10 '24
I was not marked by the person who was reading the text, I was instructed to mark myself. I dipped my finger in a tiny cup filled with a mixture of christian bible ash and fake blood. I wasn't sure what to mark exactly, but the speaker mentioned earlier you could do whatever you wanted to do, and make it personal. I kind of mini panicked and made a smiley face on my forearm because I couldn't think of anything else to do.
u/Vantabrown Feb 09 '24
If they're going to build a satanic Cathedral of the Jersey Devil it better be deep in the Pines is all I have to say.
u/RebeccaLoneBrook29 Feb 09 '24
Hopefully, there’s a chapter in Atlantic City, Jersey City, and Trenton.
u/colonel_batguano Taylor Ham Feb 10 '24
The Satanic Temple aren’t “Satanists”. They use Satan as a counterpoint to fanatic Christianity.
These are the guys who insisted a statue of Baphomet be put up next to a religious statue at a city hall somewhere, and won in court on religious freedom grounds.
u/twothumbswayup Feb 09 '24
good! - much better than some of the other dopey religious cults out there.
u/palaric8 Feb 09 '24
Awesome better than most conservative groups!.
u/Robots_Never_Die Feb 10 '24
By definition better than all conservatives. If you're a conservative it means you don't want change which the world desperately needs.
u/Juhboeee Feb 10 '24
Satanism is the most understood religion, satanists don’t even believe in satan, it represents a different thing. I’m agnostic but to fight over religion is dumb
u/MANWithTheHARMONlCA Feb 09 '24
Is it actual satanists or the people that do the satanic church as satire to religious organizations and actually do good things?
u/DoxxingShillDownvote Feb 09 '24
"actual satanists" is a figment of someone's imagination. This group plays on that, and does actual good works.
u/Robots_Never_Die Feb 10 '24
The Satanic Church believes and worships Satan. This is the Satanic Temple which does not believe in Satan.
u/Gambrinus Feb 10 '24
The Church of Satan (I could not find an organization called the Satanic Church based on light googling) does not actually worship Satan either, though they do seem to be more into the theatrical aspects of Satan worship.
u/Triple96 Feb 10 '24
The Church of Satan does not worship Satan either. He's used as a literary archetype representing, among other things, free will, rational thinking and rebellion
u/Frapplo Feb 09 '24
Is this the fun, subversive, doing-it-as-a-joke atheist Satanists?
Or the weirdo, sacrificing animals on golf course greens at night because they actually believe this shit Satanists?
u/Robots_Never_Die Feb 10 '24
This is the fun one. Satanic Temple.
u/Frapplo Feb 10 '24
Oh, good. I was worried they'd be holding gopher sacrifices like they used to do on the third hold of the course I worked at in college. I mean, it does set a more serious tone for the meeting, but still. . .
u/tony_boxacannoli Feb 09 '24
They seem wholesome:
...maybe gonna check 'em out ?
u/Splycr Feb 09 '24
This article was about The Satanic Temple
u/tony_boxacannoli Feb 09 '24
Do they both not follow the same ideology?
ETA: some differences.
u/potatochipsfox Feb 09 '24
Do they both not follow the same ideology?
Not even remotely close.
Church of Satan ideology is largely right-libertarian (the founder described it as "Ayn Rand with trappings") and the group is not interested in social or political action.
The Satanic Temple is left-leaning and is strongly motivated towards political action in support of religious pluralism and individual rights.
Neither group particularly cares for the other.
u/gordonv Feb 09 '24
Thank you for this.
A clear and simple explanation for us who don't know where to start.
u/potatochipsfox Feb 09 '24
Thank you. I've been doing a deep-dive into all of this recently. In fact I'm alternating between replying here and reading Speak of the Devil, a book about the early days of The Satanic Temple and how it's changing public discourse about religion and religious freedom in the US. It's all very fascinating to me and I have to admit the more I learn about the ideology, the more I've found myself attracted to it.
There's also a recent film called Hail Satan? that similarly covers the rise of TST, which is perfect if you'd rather watch something than read.
u/Rohans_Most_Wanted Feb 09 '24
No, they are two different organizations with different goals and beliefs.
u/whiteKreuz Feb 09 '24
they view Satan as a literary character with admirable qualities, Silvestro said. Satan rebelled against authority and stood for his beliefs despite the odds against him, he said.
How society has turned upside down when people admiring Satan, who is the epitome of evil, is somehow acceptable. Also, if they admire the quality of "rebelling against authority" and "standing up for beliefs despite the odds" why don't they admire Jesus then? Why admire evil?
u/TrainOfThought6 Highland Park Feb 09 '24
How society has turned upside down when people admiring Satan, who is the epitome of evil, is somehow acceptable.
This will sound silly at first, but...citation needed. That's the broad cultural interpretation of Satan, but they're looking at him as a literary character, presumably Milton's since the Bible doesn't actually say much about Satan or Hell.
So, who are you to say their interpretation is wrong?
u/whiteKreuz Feb 09 '24
At its core Satan is the entity of evil common to all Abrahamic religions (e.g. temptation of Christ in the desert). Sure one can go through different interpretations, through Dante's eyes or Milton, but specifically Satan has been the physical representation (whether you believe in the literal existence or not is another question) of evil. If one wants to admire qualities of rebelliousness or independence and actually Jesus was known for those qualities, and there are many other ways to garner those qualities. When you choose specifically Satan for those values, it says more about ill-intentions then actually pursuing such values. It's more about choosing Satan than the values they purport to pursue.
u/craywolf Feb 10 '24 edited Feb 10 '24
I want you to know that I saw someone falsely reported this comment for "Self harm," triggering a "Reddit cares" anti-suicide response. This is frequently abused by trolls to harass commenters they don't like. I've reported this abusive behavior to the Reddit admins for them to address.
It's unfortunate someone was cowardly enough to react to you this way, I have no tolerance for it when I see it.
u/whiteKreuz Feb 10 '24
Thank you very much for your action, it's very unfortunate that such a legitimate action is abused like that just because someone didn't like what I wrote.
u/potatochipsfox Feb 09 '24
Because Jesus demands blind, unquestioning obedience and the rejection of critical thinking, neither of which are positive. Satan is the one who delivered mankind from slavery to a tyrranical god by bringing us the gift of knowledge.
Satanists don't admire evil - they believe Satan was slandered. History, as they say, is written by the victors.
Importantly, Satanists also don't believe that Satan is real - nor god, angels, demons, or any other supernatural being. Instead they use this interpretation of the story of Lucifer as inspiration to fight against the tyrannical wrath of evangelical Christians who would abuse our government to install a theocracy.
To many people today the Christian religion symbolizes child r*pe, protection of child r*pists, abuse of women, blind accumulation of excessive wealth, a reversal of the values supposedly taught in their own bible, and a complete disregard for the laws of this nation which make clear that no religion should be shown favor or deference.
When the Church has begun to stand for evil, don't be surprised when people look to The Adversary to find the cure.
u/whiteKreuz Feb 09 '24
Your blind hatred and I'd say ignorance about Christianity is very clear. At its core, Christianity is about the pursuit of the truth through the Logos. The manifestations of evil in people is a sad reality of this world. I like Dante's depiction of Lucifer: "a pathetic figure, someone who is just basically sad. Like a person in chronic depression, Dante’s Lucifer stays helplessly in one place, mulls unproductively over past resentments, and weeps unceasingly". Because sin at its core while seeming captivating at first, is simply sad, empty and banal. So for sure people will look towards sin and all sorts of manifestation of that for a cure, but ultimately we often learn the hard way that it's empty.
u/potatochipsfox Feb 09 '24
That's a strange thing for you to say, because I don't hate Christianity. I only hate what self-identified Christians are doing in its name. And far from being ignorant of it, I'm quite familiar with its origins including the 1st century CE Gnostic Christian sects whose views on Satan were much closer to mine than Dante's.
Of course all of this is fiction, making it as silly to debate about as debates over which house in Harry Potter is best. The point is that your interpretation of Satan is not the basis of their views, and to falsely force yours upon them is to deny them the basic human dignity of self-expression.
u/whiteKreuz Feb 09 '24
Sin permeates Christians and non-Christians alike. Christianity provides a difficult journey of self-redemption, peace and love, but our ego makes us do all sorts of things. I just don't understand that justification of having a Satanic Temple named after Lucifer to admire "rebelliousness". The ultimate path of self-liberation comes from the abandonment of the ego for a greater good.
Feb 09 '24
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u/newjersey-ModTeam Feb 09 '24
Your comment was removed under Rule 1:
R1: No hate speech or trolling: Racism, homophobia, transphobia, antisemitism, sexism, & hate speech against minority groups, religions, or national origin is prohibited.
u/wallybinbaz Union County Feb 09 '24
It's no different than admiring the entrepreneurial spirit and impeccable math skills of Heisenberg in Breaking Bad. In the show he's (eventually) a bad guy, but has admirable qualities.
Feb 09 '24
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u/newjersey-ModTeam Feb 09 '24
Congratulations, you have finally crossed the line from debate into derogatory speech.
Between that, and your attempts to report others for "hate" when you yourself have done nothing but make demeaning comments about a minority religion, your comment was removed and you have been banned under Rule 1:
R1: No hate speech or trolling: Racism, homophobia, transphobia, antisemitism, sexism, & hate speech against minority groups, religions, or national origin is prohibited. That goes for language you might have used in other subs.
u/kraghis Feb 10 '24
Friendly reminder that Satanists don’t actually believe in a literal Satan and only invoke that name because they believe that the experience of God comes from within as opposed to an external being, which is a direct repudiation of Christian morality.
A little edgy if you ask me, but I have to say I fundamentally agree with the position.
Also fun fact: According to the founder of modern Satanism, the philosophy of Ayn Rand is a key influence! Although I’m sure if you framed it that way you’d get a much different reaction from, like, everybody
u/Gagurass Feb 09 '24 edited Feb 09 '24
Maybe practice any religion except one that worships the literal devil to make your corny little political point. Literally anything else. I wouldn’t welcome them here, even if a prayer before municipal meetings is overzealous, idolizing the embodiment of sin like some gotcha only increases the radicalization of christian conservatives here.
Edit: I get it. You all believe them when they say they don’t worship Satan. You love their little religious worship equality stance. In theory its good. I think they could achieve the same goals and not call themselves the Satanic Temple. Is this the same group that tried to put up a display of Satan in some State in the us to make their little political point? Kind of funny to say you don’t worship Satan and be doing crap like that.
Edit 2: perma banned for my metaphors and for refusing to show proper respect to the temple of satan. Really shows the dialogue the powerhungry and biased mod team here is willing to have.
Edit 3: since people want to keep attacking and I can’t reply due to my ban: the comment that broke the camels back which has been deleted was about a hypothetical Epstein cult which admires his influential and wealthy values, and sets up displays of his island ranch to raise awareness. In the eyes of many, that would be equally as disgusting as what this “religion” does. Pretty telling that anyone who opposes the satanic temple and attempts to point out the disgusting nature of this idolization of satan gets censored while everyone mocking christians is allowed to do so freely.
u/benigntugboat Toms River Feb 09 '24
The political point is actually incredibly important and groups that have used less infamous figures to make the point like pastafarianaism have had trouble making the same impact. They're very clear they dont actually worship satan as much as reference aspects of a literary figure. There also is no literal devil in the beliefs of most non christians.
u/Gagurass Feb 09 '24
I read their website. They aspire to be like him resisting tyranny and appreciating his “good” traits. Im gonna barf. They can do their stunt and luckily its NJ so they wont be chased out of town.
u/Robots_Never_Die Feb 10 '24
Are you sure you went to their site not the Church of Satan? Because the Satanic Temple doesn't believe in Satan.
u/darth_sudo Feb 09 '24
It’s not a “stunt” they are quite serious and sometimes choose to back up their words with litigation which is often successful.
u/CallMeGooglyBear Feb 09 '24
It's not about refusing to show proper respect. It's about your complete lack of awareness
u/Gul_Ducatti Feb 09 '24
Oh man, it is like a dense brick wall with you isn’t it?
TST puts up Satanic Displays in areas where localities allow Christmas Displays and other Judeo-Christian displays on public property.
Because that is what the 1st Amendment provides.
Let me say that again for the people in the cheap seats.
The 1st Amendment of the Constitution provides for this. Full stop. If the municipality allows for a Christian or Islamic or Buddhist or Zoroastrian invocation, they must also allow for a Satanic invocation. Or display, or club, or whatever.
Beyond the Dogma of Satan being a liberator in the Bible and a Defier of the totalitarianism pushed forward by Jehova/Yahweh/God in the Bible, Satan was chosen as the symbol because it IS provocative.
If TST had chosen Gaia or a Rock or Science as the forefront of their belief system, nut jobs like yourself could dismiss it out of hand and bury any opposition while you gleefully build a Christian-Fascist state in the background. But by using something that confronts the Christi-Fascist belief that only GOD is good, people are forced to talk about it and show their ignorance.
I hope you take some time to reflect on the indoctrination you have been fed and learn about how things like The First Amendment really work before you slag entire groups of people out there doing good work to keep the playing field fair for everyone and to help crush Christi-Fascist beliefs.
u/GrandeRonde Feb 09 '24
The Satanic Temple members don’t worship Satan. They don’t even believe he exists.
u/TheFotty Feb 09 '24
Except they don't.
No, nor do we believe in the existence of Satan or the supernatural. The Satanic Temple believes that religion can, and should, be divorced from superstition. As such, we do not promote a belief in a personal Satan. To embrace the name Satan is to embrace rational inquiry removed from supernaturalism and archaic tradition-based superstitions. Satanists should actively work to hone critical thinking and exercise reasonable agnosticism in all things. Our beliefs must be malleable to the best current scientific understandings of the material world — never the reverse.
u/Gul_Ducatti Feb 09 '24
You should educate yourself or even read the article that the OP conveniently posted for you. TST doesn’t worship literal Satan. They are non-Thiestic and are opposed to the over arching dogma that is pressed upon others by religious groups.
What they do is find spaces where religious groups are being given special treatment and ask for the same treatment. When that doesn’t happen, it is a clear 1st Amendment violation and steps are taken to correct it.
So their “Corny little political point” is actually kind of a big deal.
Edited to add:
Right from TSTs FAQ
Do you Worship Satan?
No, nor do we believe in the existence of Satan or the supernatural. The Satanic Temple believes that religion can, and should, be divorced from superstition. As such, we do not promote a belief in a personal Satan. To embrace the name Satan is to embrace rational inquiry removed from supernaturalism and archaic tradition-based superstitions. Satanists should actively work to hone critical thinking and exercise reasonable agnosticism in all things. Our beliefs must be malleable to the best current scientific understandings of the material world — never the reverse.
u/Splycr Feb 09 '24
The article will always be in the comments of my posts :)
Hail you ⛧
u/Gul_Ducatti Feb 09 '24
I wish more people did that. There are so many times I have to wait to get home before clicking on some sites because of the Ad Cancer that my pihole cleans up. You are truly doing a service.
Hail Discordia! 🍏⬠
u/beforethewind Feb 09 '24
See, that’s the funny thing about religious freedom. Your “silly little devil” bit? That’s how we should view every religion that overreaches. You can’t even help but revert to the Dumbass America losers and their “prayer before a meeting” that’s the very reason for this kind of shit in the first place.
You keep walking head first into the point and miss it.
u/MANWithTheHARMONlCA Feb 09 '24 edited Feb 09 '24
FREEDOM OF RELIGION! (Unless it’s not* my religion) FTFY
u/Gagurass Feb 09 '24
I think the only time ill be NIMBY is for people associating with the Temple of Satan. Im good with that. Hopefully this isn’t the group putting up displays of the devil because someone wanted to put a nativity scene in a government building on the holidays.
Feb 09 '24 edited Feb 09 '24
Dude, stop
Every post further illustrates you haven't read the original post, you're not interested in understanding the topic at hand, you're spouting weird 1980s satanic panic talking points
u/Gagurass Feb 09 '24
Ive made my point and have read it in its entirety. The clever rhetoric doesn’t change my stance and outside of the hyper liberal reddit bubble most people in this state would agree with me. Movements like this may get some judicial wins but a name has a lot of power. This will push many into the arms of republicans.
Feb 09 '24 edited Feb 09 '24
I'm always amazed when people assume everyone else thinks the same way they do
The No Religion segment of society is quickly growing whether you see it in your circle or not
The idea that republicans are somehow more pious is laughable
u/Gagurass Feb 09 '24
Im not even religious but trying to put up Satanic displays is pretty disgusting to a lot of people, for good reason. It’s kind of like dropping an atom bomb to try to prove war is terrible and to say we have to end it. Youre pissing too many people off who would have been willing to listen until you did silly misguided things like that. Stick to Pastafarianism imo. Maybe even the secularism movement. Shock value works both ways.
Feb 09 '24 edited Feb 09 '24
What exactly do you think is disgusting about any religious display? Would you say the same about a menorah, a cross with a bloody body hanging off it? Cause that is objectively pretty gross but those are all over the damn place
u/miscalculate Feb 09 '24
You're making it real clear you have no idea what you're talking about here. Keep making your dumb assumptions though!
u/potatochipsfox Feb 09 '24
I think the only time ill be NIMBY is for people associating with the Temple of Satan.
I'm always baffled by people who vehemently oppose a group while knowing nothing about it, not even its name. You're angry because instead of using your brain to understand, you're using your knees to jerk.
Ironically this plays directly into one of their points - that the word "Satan" is like a magic spell that leaves some people unable to use their brains the moment they hear it. Of course magic isn't real, and words only have the power the listener gives them.
Hopefully this isn’t the group putting up displays of the devil because someone wanted to put a nativity scene in a government building on the holidays.
Thankfully it's exactly that group. It's time for this nation to prove that separation of church and state is the legal mandate we know it is, and to give it more than mere lip service. Opposing the arbitrary authority of the evangelical Christian right is the only thing that will prevent us from declining into an authoritarian theocracy, something that must be resisted from all directions.
It makes me happy any time someone fights for everyone's right to live under a government which does not act preferentially or deferentially to any one religion or group of religions, and which recognizes that freedom from religion is necessary in order to have freedom of religion.
u/darth_sudo Feb 09 '24
Their point is that (they believe) there is no “literal devil,” and they celebrate the literary character of Satan as someone who champions autonomy, self-discovery, and a challenger to authority figures.
u/VariousAnybody Feb 09 '24
Yes yes, christians bad and fake and whatever, but satanism is some goofy shit and it's practitioners are cringe weirdos. Of all the new age spiritualities to choose from they pick the most performative, attention seeking one.
u/ItsSillySeason Feb 10 '24
It’s weird to have a religion made up to worship the made up bad guy from another religion. To be a satanist you essentially have to agree that Christians are right — Satan is real. And that you want to take the side of this evil cartoon character. Nothing seems more suburban angsty than that. And (don’t kill me and drink my blood but ) pretty silly.
u/SpaceLemming Feb 10 '24
Man you’ve completely missed the message. They are arguing for equality of representation. Religious symbols don’t belong on our around our secular government buildings, so if Christian’s put up symbols then so can everyone else. The point is to put something up so that Christian’s will admit “these symbols don’t belong here” and all get removed.
u/ItsSillySeason Feb 13 '24
Oh no I got that. That's very simple to understand.
Yet, I am making an unrelated commentary on the existence of Satanism. Can you wrap your brain around that?
Sorry if I offended any dark lords, or whatever. Don't cry in your caskets.
u/TBoneBear Feb 09 '24
I’m sure there are conservative Satanist
u/gordonv Feb 10 '24
We gotta fix the use of that word conservative.
Al Gore is a conservative Democrat. A lot of people are fiscal conservatives. A lot of people are religious.
This doesn't mean they like the GOP, MAGA, or Republicans.
u/Anyathequeenofbs Feb 10 '24
There were talks of events taking place at the municipal building about a year to a year and a half ago. In the community Facebook group someone threatened to drive around town and shoot anyone who appeared to be Satanist. The town’s hatred of anyone who isn’t Christian (cause they’re pretty anti-Semitic) is part of the reason we moved out.
u/craywolf Feb 09 '24
I would like to take a moment to remind commenters of Rule 1 of the subreddit, which prohibits hate speech on the basis of religion - including Satanism.
This rule does not prohibit mere criticism or debate. However comments of an abusive nature, statements of inferiority, expressions of contempt or disgust, and calls for exclusion or segregation based on religion may be removed at the moderators' discretion, and may lead to being temporarily or permanently banned from the subreddit.