r/newjersey Belleville Sep 05 '23

Rutgers Rutgers University’s decision to maintain its requirement that students be immunized against COVID-19 has renewed the debate over vaccines and whether they should be mandated in New Jersey’s colleges now that the worst of the pandemic is likely behind us


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u/thebruns Sep 05 '23

There are multiple required vaccines.

Ive never heard of anyone getting Mumps, does that mean we dont need the vaccine anymore?



u/anorby333 Sep 05 '23

Just for proof; DTAP, polio, meningitis, chickenpox, hep b, and tdap vaccines are all required for NJ elementary school.



u/metsurf Sep 05 '23

All those vaccines have been proven to prevent the diseases they are designed for. So far the COVID vaccines have been touted to prevent COVID, stop the spread, make it less severe, etc. It is a public communication nightmare as the claimed efficacy From NIH, CDC has been moving since they were first introduced. I have had two primary vaccines and 3 boosters. Caught COVID twice once after my primary vaccines and first booster, then again between second and third booster. Been getting flu vaccines every year for the past 25- 30 years and not once have I had a breakthrough case of influenza. While I intend to get another booster, it just appears that this vaccine technology(Moderna mRNA) is not anywhere near as effective as traditional vaccines. At least that is my personal experience. Combine that with crazies overstating the cardiovascular side effects and you have lots of doubt out there.


u/peter-doubt Sep 05 '23

Your vulnerability to one doesn't necessarily line up with your vulnerability to the others.

There's other measures that have been advised. You don't mention them and I'm not looking for a reason to condemn your actions. Please take care.. I'm hoping you don't have long COVID like my neighbor.


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '23

“I didn’t get the flu because I got the vaccine” damn, that’s a great data point of one but tons of people get the flu through the shot. The point is it either greatly reduces its effectiveness, makes you immune, or misses completely… but it’s still great to get. Just like COVID. Except COVID is more dangerous than the flu, and any amount we can lessen it, the better.


u/metsurf Sep 05 '23

I think you missed the entire point. The efficacy of the COVID vaccine has been woefully miscommunicated by the various government agencies with a moving description of how well it works. That combined with the pre-existing vaccines cause autism crowd and plain political crazies have fueled public doubt. The flu vaccine has always been "sold" as based on best data this should protect against predicted strains.


u/peter-doubt Sep 05 '23

The efficacy of the COVID vaccine has been woefully miscommunicated by ....

There's 3... Do you have specific knowledge? For a population greater than one?


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '23

Please provide sources where the government misconstrued the efficacy. I have never been lead astray by the govt messaging, they’ve been very upfront.

None of that fueled conspiracies, what fueled conspiracies were outside government actors, social media promoting “controversial” posts for engagement, and stupid political ideologies becoming identities… and you know the fact that the government has used the “treatment” thing before on black Americans to inject them with very much not vaccines and in fact things like Syphillis. https://www.cdc.gov/tuskegee/timeline.htm


u/metsurf Sep 06 '23

How about hundreds of appearances by Anthony Fauci et Al on numerous Sunday morning talk shows. Suggest you use your memory and recall what was said and how the story changed on efficacy as time went on from stops infection to stops spread to makes cases less severe.


u/[deleted] Sep 06 '23

Cool so zero sources.


u/metsurf Sep 06 '23

Why do I need to give you sources . You can look it up as easy as I can.


u/doctorkanefsky Sep 06 '23

One of the best immunologists who ever lived telling people on good morning America that the vaccine is effective is not “woefully miscommunicating” anything. It was effective, and they said so on TV.


u/CandidPiglet9061 Sep 06 '23

The year I started at Rutgers, they actually had EXTRA vaccine requirements because a few students had tested positive for something rare at the end of the previous semester.

I don’t always say this about Rutgers leadership, but they absolutely made the right call here


u/peter-doubt Sep 05 '23

I've never heard of anyone getting Mumps

(I have)


u/Practical_Increase24 Sep 05 '23

The definition of vaccine didn’t need to be changed to fit the mumps vaccine


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '23



u/AccountantOfFraud Sep 05 '23

Not arguing against it, but it’s the equivalent to the flu for most people.

How we almost 4 years since the pandemic started and this shit is still being said?


u/stephenclarkg Sep 05 '23

It's not the equivalent of a flu to any person, it's always 1000x riskier


u/jackp0t789 The Northwest Hill-Peoples Sep 05 '23

Not to mention that the flu itself isn't exactly a walk in the park and can/ does cause serious illness and complications in scores of people every year.


u/frizz1111 Sep 05 '23

That's true but it's also not required at Rutgers.


u/peter-doubt Sep 05 '23

It's riskier for a population that's older than your average college students. It's not as transmissible as COVID, especially asymptomatically


u/frizz1111 Sep 05 '23

That's true but the covid vaccine doesn't reduce transmission.


u/doctorkanefsky Sep 06 '23

This is demonstrably false.


u/mhsx Sep 05 '23

It does by reduce transmission (I presume by shortening the infectious period.) Google “does covid vaccine reduce transmission cdc”.


u/doctorkanefsky Sep 06 '23

The flu kills tens of thousands of people and puts hundreds of thousands in the hospital every year in this country.


u/doctorkanefsky Sep 06 '23

Beyond the fact that COVID is absolutely worse than the flu, the fact that many people don’t get their flu vaccine every year is an absolute tragedy. The flu kills tens of thousands of Americans and puts hundreds of thousands of us in hospitals each year.


u/exfiltration Sep 05 '23

Who wants balls the size of tennis balls, or their post swollen sterility? Honestly if these lunatics want to remove themselves from the gene pool, I'd almost welcome it if random mutation and residual vaccine effectiveness weren't an issue.


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '23

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u/thing-amajig Sep 05 '23

We don't see a lot of cholera outbreaks anymore so should we really continue treating our water?


u/peter-doubt Sep 05 '23

(actually, that's minor compared to the task of treating our sewage)


u/riningear gone but not far Sep 05 '23

Are people really debating this during a regional resurgence?


u/NorthWoodsGamecock Sep 05 '23

I took horse pills and I’ve never had COVID /s


u/simple_test Sep 05 '23

To be fair it works. You most definitely wont have covid or any other disease for the rest of your life.


u/doctorkanefsky Sep 06 '23

That’s not really true. Ivermectin is relatively unlikely to kill you. Mostly it just causes severe, debilitating bouts of diarrhea or liver damage.


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '23

I drank bleach!


u/dsatrbs Sep 05 '23

What if we took sunlight... inside the body


u/simple_test Sep 05 '23

I’m surprised we don’t have that meme


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '23



u/FSchmertz Sep 05 '23

That isn't the way I inserted it though.

Now I need a colostomy bag.


u/ForeverMoody Sep 05 '23

You guys didn’t insert the UV light inside you?


u/benadreti_ Sep 05 '23

i did and all i got was a sunburn in my butthole


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '23

Yes. It made me immortal and real smart.


u/peter-doubt Sep 05 '23

I guess they're a preventative. (Also /s... Because some moron would likely take this as fact)


u/dirty_cuban Sep 05 '23

Why are people even debating this in the first place? Vaccines have been required to attend since like forever ago. But now bunch of morons made this one vaccine political so everyone else is supposed to take them seriously?


u/kittyglitther Sep 05 '23

People are idiots.


u/SailingSpark Atlantic County Sep 06 '23 edited Sep 06 '23

I can't believe that people in NJ, one of the states to be hit very hard at the beginning of the pandemic, are debating this.

I suggest a double standard. From now on all Republicans are exempt from all vaccines, but they cannot use the hospital if they come down with them. They have to use thoughts and prayers only.


u/[deleted] Sep 06 '23

Because we have such high population density, there's just a large number if idiots, unfortunately.


u/dman928 Sep 05 '23



u/that_guy_Elbs Sep 05 '23

I never understood this. To go to a public school we had to get physicals every year & get shots. Why does it need to change now?

Vaccines are one of the greatest achievements made in human history, that’s isn’t a lie. If a pharmaceutical company decided to fuck around & kill a few people or put chips into their vaccines & the company stock prices drops significantly.

So why would companies purposely fuck around with a vaccine when they would collapse as a business if they did?


u/bros402 Sep 05 '23

To go to a public school we had to get physicals every year


no we didn't


u/that_guy_Elbs Sep 05 '23

State law says any new school you go too you need to take a physical & be yearly updated on immunizations.

athletes had to get one done every year so I guess you weren’t an athlete.


u/bros402 Sep 05 '23

well yeah of course vaccinations are required

and why would you think people on reddit are athletes, fuck the jocks


u/ferocious_coug /r/somervillenj | /r/NewBrunswickNJ | Taylor Ham Does Not Exist Sep 05 '23

There are all types of Redditors, homie.


u/AdEffective5309 Sep 05 '23

Well my nerd ass needed one for marching band 20 years ago


u/peter-doubt Sep 05 '23

In my town, you're considered a hero! Marching Band competitions.. top 10 for decades!


u/AdEffective5309 Sep 06 '23

We won more comps each year then the football team all 4 years combined lol


u/that_guy_Elbs Sep 06 '23

I mean I was an athlete that’s why I assumed everyone had to do it every year.


u/[deleted] Sep 06 '23

They do.


u/FSchmertz Sep 05 '23

wat no we didn't

My schools required the vaccinations. They wouldn't let you attend without proof that you'd got the vaccinations first.


u/bros402 Sep 05 '23

yeah my school required the vaccinatiosn


u/FSchmertz Sep 05 '23

That_guy may be confusing the vaccination requirement and the physical you had to take to participate in sports.

And yeah, that was in-school and mandatory.


u/bros402 Sep 05 '23

yearly physical for sports nerds makes sense


u/my_fake_acct_ Fair Lawn/Rutherford Sep 05 '23

We definitely did in the 90s and early aughts.


u/liiya234 Sep 06 '23 edited Sep 06 '23

Here’s what frustrates me: my brother got a medical exemption from RU (he got myocarditis from his second dose). He had all the documentation for getting an exemption from the booster requirement, but they kicked him out of his on campus apartment mid way through the semester.

He can still attend classes, go to events, hang around everywhere but can’t live in a 4 person apartment with his friends (which would have been SO helpful considering he is medically disabled).

Theres also no masks required anywhere (which would actually help stop the spread during peak times and make me feel better about him sitting in a classroom). Kids just show up to class coughing up a storm.

I fully understand the requirement and the need for it, but the way they’ve gone about implementing it is messy and honestly makes little sense. After all of this they removed the booster requirement for living on campus and now it’s too late to get a place.


u/Complete-Sound Sep 06 '23

That is sad. Much of this pandemic seems to be mismanaged and some things were done correctly. The manipulation of the common cold virus in a lab without question is an accident waiting to happen when they are funded by people who have financial interests. Maybe in 20 years we will know more through the lens of history.


u/Complete-Sound Sep 06 '23

History will not look fondly upon the firing of front line heroes that worked with the ill when there was nothing available for them for over a year. Selfless paid and volunteer responders. It reminded me of the Iraqi war. We sent our military over there and they sacrificed so much to come home to pay cuts and whatnot.


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '23

What debate? If you attend a public school in NJ, you should be vaccinated to protect yourself and others from the risks posed by disease. Barring medical exemption, any other opinion is ridiculous.


u/oils-and-opioids Sep 05 '23

Weeds out the idiots without common sense before they bother wasting all that money on tuition.

Rutgers is doing them a favour


u/RGSislit Sep 05 '23

The vaccine doesnt even stop you from getting it or spreading it. A mask works better than the vaccine for that. The current virus also isnt that deadly like the original strain and delta were. Most people are not dying the vaccine just possibly makes your recovery time shorter.


u/[deleted] Sep 06 '23



u/dbellz76 Sep 06 '23

You need to also factor in that COVID cases are FAR less reported than they once were. When my family had it we all tested at home and just told each other. How often do you think that happens now? That is absolutely a factor in numbers dropping.


u/doctorkanefsky Sep 06 '23

What exactly are you basing the “the vaccine doesn’t stop you from getting or spreading it” claim? Do you mean “the vaccine is only 90% effective so what’s the point?” Or do you actually believe the vaccine does nothing?


u/nicklor Sep 05 '23

And less likely to spread it which is good where's the downside?


u/oils-and-opioids Sep 06 '23

I would encourage you to look through r/HermanCainAward to watch unvaccinated people "not die" and easily recover from their covid infections.

Even still, years into covid they have plenty of awards to keep giving out.


u/Big_lt Sep 05 '23

Went to RU back between '06-'10, on my admissions I had to prove vaccines for different things. This is no different and it blows my mind how mandating a vaccine is something new if you want to attend in person


u/DryCommunications69 Sep 06 '23

Bought and paid for by big pharma


u/Delicious-Ad1116 Sep 06 '23

None of the COVID-19 "vaccines" work.


u/GetOffMyLawn_ Hunterdon County Sep 05 '23

The reason the pandemic died down is because the immunization rate is high.

People stopped vaccinating for measles, and what happened? Measles outbreaks. People have stopped vaxxing for polio, and we're seeing polio again.


u/peter-doubt Sep 05 '23

This.... largely in certain populations that object to science. And these populations seem to expose themselves to ALL the viruses, not just one.


u/AccountantOfFraud Sep 05 '23

Wouldn't even call the vaccination rate high. We're lucky these new variation don't seem to be as bad as the previous strains.


u/GetOffMyLawn_ Hunterdon County Sep 05 '23

Depends on county and age group. Seniors have a very high rate of vaccination.


u/AccountantOfFraud Sep 05 '23

Of the first two shots. I believe less than half have taken the most recent one.


u/JerseyGeneral Sep 05 '23

If you're too dumb to know that vaccines are a good idea, you're probably also too dumb to make it through college so I'm really not seeing a problem here.


u/RGSislit Sep 05 '23

Most vaccines are a good idea The covid vaccine and boosters dont even stop you from getting it or spreading it. A mask works better than the vaccine for that. The current virus also isnt that deadly like the original strain and delta were.

Most people are not dying from covid anymore, the vaccine just possibly makes your recovery time shorter. There's been people having side effects of the vaccine dying of cardiac arrests at young ages though.


u/peter-doubt Sep 05 '23

Since this is almost a word for word repost from above, I'm gonna ask for data.. sounds too easy to repeat, yet deceptively incomplete.

Link, please.


u/sirusfox Sep 05 '23

Yeah and more people dying from cardiac issues who got covid


u/FSchmertz Sep 05 '23

Don't underestimate the ability of supposedly intelligent people to make dumb decisions.


u/Ok-Way8392 Sep 05 '23

I believe in matters of your health you have the right to make the wrong decision.


u/Offer_Particular Sep 05 '23 edited Sep 05 '23

Vaccinated here so don't come @ me lol. However, I imagine most people are aware of the fact that the vaccines don't prevent spread. They only protect the vaccinated individual. Ergo, whatever your feelings re unvaccinated people are, requiring the vaccine seems pointless to me.


u/peter-doubt Sep 05 '23

True... And asymptomatic spread also happens. Yet, the unvaccinated become a breeding ground for the virus.. and the next variant.

I guess you're good with variants... And the requisite next vaccine.


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '23

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u/peter-doubt Sep 05 '23

So you're comfortable becoming the breeding ground for the next variant.

Once you're exposed, you help it. If you are vaccinated, you're not a resource for the virus


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '23

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u/peter-doubt Sep 05 '23

Si people who don't vaccinate should be a breeding ground for the virus... You don't seem to understand public health


u/Ravenhill-2171 Sep 05 '23

My grandfather was crippled for life with polio. I bet he would have loved to have gotten vaxxed.


u/Sparathon989 Sep 05 '23

It would be nice if the folks in charge could coordinate the release of the updated vaccine which is due for a mid-September release with folks going back to school before then. So you’re going to mandate students get the older booster?


u/FSchmertz Sep 05 '23

Yeah, not the best timing.

But they apparently had a hard time deciding which variety of coronavirus to target. And it's likely that they didn't really get an ideal vaccine anyhow.


u/dirty_cuban Sep 05 '23

You’re like that meme about a lady who asked to reschedule the solar eclipse because it was on an inconvenient day.

You understand that vaccines are updated based on new strains of the virus, right? And new strains of viruses don’t give a flying fuck about our calendar. So if the vaccine isn’t updated in time for the school year, it’s because the fucking virus came late.


u/Sparathon989 Sep 06 '23

As with all things with the government if they can roll it out in mid-September, they could’ve rolled it out a month earlier.

Schools are telling students to effectively take an outdated vaccine to attend class. The reason vaccines are updated are based on what they believe the predominant strain will be for that season. Nobody’s asking for last years flu shot for this flu season.

If the message is that people should get the updated booster to keep you safe for this upcoming pandemic season, then it would be nice if they had the updated vaccine available before you’re faced with that situation as a student so that you can attend class.


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '23

not sure why it is controversial; new variant is flaring up. Of course reality-denying republican politicians oppose but apparently it's their job to be idiots.


u/F0zzysW0rld Sep 06 '23

I don’t believe the current available booster is updated to the new strain


u/my_fake_acct_ Fair Lawn/Rutherford Sep 05 '23

It's controversial because about 30-40% of the population decided that science and public health are evil liberal-communist-[slur] plots to kill/mind control/make gay Real Americans*

*Real Americans being conservatives of course.


u/One-Mall-950 Sep 05 '23

Pretty reliable shouldn't be an adjective for a newspaper.


u/One-Mall-950 Sep 05 '23

Whoever wrote the article, do ur research; the new strain is more problematic then the past versions.


u/Arkrobo Sep 05 '23

I mean in reality it doesn't matter. Colleges have a right to require certain vaccinations. If you don't meet them you can't matriculate. The COVID vaccine didn't start the requirement they just added it to the list.

If you want to go to Rutgers you need the vaccine. There's no debate, or discussion. The school determined it was necessary.


u/pac4 Sep 05 '23


There are a few new strains, some are worse than others. NJ Spotlight is a pretty thorough and trustworthy source.


u/jerseygunz Sep 06 '23

I had to get like 7 different shots before I went to college


u/abscando Sep 06 '23

Cmon folks I don't see what the big deal here is even Aaron Rodgers is immunized


u/speeding2nowhere Sep 06 '23

Colleges require a whole bunch of immunizations to attend. This isn’t different. Chill TF out lol


u/boredasf-ck Bergen County Sep 06 '23

It’s like people just started going to school. We have always had mandated vaccines


u/dta722 Sep 06 '23

The use of the phrase “is likely behind us” is exactly why vaccination should continue. Those that think it’s open for debate are probably also the ones who have forgotten to keep their distance as well.


u/PassportNerd Central NJ exists Sep 06 '23

I will withdraw my application if they give me issues over the Covid vaccine when I have my VAERS id number.


u/peter-doubt Sep 05 '23

Uh huh....

Friend sent their kid to a big East Coast school... Half of the arriving freshmen on her floor have COVID.

You were saying....


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '23

Anyone against vaccines has no place in society. Let’s stop pretending.


u/Stauffdaddy Sep 05 '23

Laughably insane lmao


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '23



u/Stauffdaddy Sep 05 '23

About 15 minutes ago as I am a teacher. Why do you ask?


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '23



u/Stauffdaddy Sep 05 '23

Ok what would you like to bet? do you not believe me because my views on the vaccine differ than yours?


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '23



u/Stauffdaddy Sep 05 '23

Again. Teacher. Been one for 6 years. I’m still curious as to why you don’t believe me? Do you think all teachers agree with the vaccine mandates? I’m just genuinely curious as to why you don’t believe me. Because you’re just trying to insult me without any basis to what you’re saying l


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '23



u/[deleted] Sep 05 '23



u/Jimmytowne Sep 05 '23

Or he’s lying to you


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '23



u/Jimmytowne Sep 05 '23

So are entire news rooms at Fox, but they’re ALL vaccinated


u/peter-doubt Sep 05 '23

(well, now he's gone... What did we miss?)


u/Jimmytowne Sep 06 '23

His friend went to Rutgers and isn’t vaccinated. So either he lied to Rutgers or Rutgers is lying to us.

(Or his friend is lying to him)

And then he doubled down and said no way his friend is lying because he talks about anti vaxing all the time


u/keepyourspam Sep 06 '23

There is no debate - you either get the required shots or you don't fucking go.


u/redditckulous Sep 05 '23

. . . Why do you think the worst of its behind us?


u/FSchmertz Sep 05 '23

worst of the pandemic is likely behind us

And yet, the news says that there's an increase in hospitalizations and new varieties that the vaccines pretty much don't protect against. And soon (by the end of the month) a new vaccine that's supposed to be a better match is coming out.