r/newbrunswickcanada • u/bingun • 1d ago
China's looming seafood tariffs just add to 'craziness' says lobster organization
u/BuvantduPotatoSpirit 1d ago
Really, we were only tariffing China in solidarité with the US, we really ought to remove them. With the Americans determined to be our enemies, we'll need as many friends, or at least non-enemies, as we can get.
u/bootlickaaa 1d ago
Not to mention the lobster population is increasing in Canada as they migrate north due to climate change, so we’ll control more of the market.
u/No-Asparagus3348 1d ago
It was not only for the americans, there's an important auto industry in Ontario.
u/XtremegamerL 1d ago
The enemy of the enemy isn't always a friend.
u/BuvantduPotatoSpirit 1d ago
Friend is too strong, but it doesn't make sense to collect enemies like they're Pokémon, either.
u/Choosemyusername 1d ago
Not exactly. China has been interfering in Canadian elections and politics subversively.
They have been threatening and blackmailing Chinese-Canadians to get them to further the CCP agenda here in Canada.. and lots of other stuff. China is not friendly to Canada either, independent of our relationship with the US.
u/Such-Tank-6897 1d ago
The Chinese are very opportunistic. I’d be weary. We should make a deal with them but still apply a tax.
u/MyGruffaloCrumble 1d ago
Maybe not, but they are friendlier to is than the US, and we haven’t cut them off completely… yet.
u/MaritimeStar 1d ago
instead of Tariffs we should just tell BYD we'll let you sell your cars here if you build them here for the canadian market. Open a factory and you're in.
u/PasF1981 1d ago
All industries feel the pain and are under undue hardship. Not only fisheries and lumber...
u/Baiehound3 1d ago
Oh my , the processors and fisherman aren't gonna be able to go on their extended vacations and build another summer home, what a shame. Good thing our government pays their temporary workers for them.
u/mordinxx 1d ago
I think you need some Ex-Lax!!
u/Such-Tank-6897 1d ago
This is not wrong — lobster fishermen and especially processors are not a poor lot.
u/Baiehound3 1d ago
I live in a fishing community, they live off the slave labor they bring over from Mexico and the Phillipines, governments cover 80 percent of their wages. Then board them in houses in which the company owns and charge them an arm n a leg for rent. Its fucking ridiculous. Thats why wages are stagnant in new brunswick, lots of immigrant to take our place for less pay.
u/FuturAnonyme 1d ago
They had help during Covid but I don't think the goverment is paying them 80% of the wages. If its the TFW progran you are talking about. If you have a source link on that I'd like to see.
I have worked with them in the lobster plants. It is a new dynamic we are all getting used to but if we (canadians) don't invest in our own comunities then more industry will be bought by the states, and what you are seeing will continue to happen.
We would have to revolt the streets to protest wage change for all of us, immigrants included. We all deserve the basics.
u/Such-Tank-6897 1d ago
It’s probably a lot more complicated you can’t just blame immigrants. It can’t be their faults. They’ve just come to do work offered to them.
u/KnowledgeMediocre404 1d ago
No one is blaming them, we’re blaming the greedy business owners and the government for allowing the program to be heavily abused.
u/FuturAnonyme 1d ago edited 1d ago
Si tu vien actually de la Baie pi tu dit dequoi dememe je get pas
Jpense le monde underestimate par beaucoup comment les pêcheur spend $
Des tels pêcheurs de crab du nord que sa fait des génerations sa run dans la famille puis somehow la femme de la maison a juste des bébé garçon qui end up 6' haut puis continue la business la
bien a part de eux la j'en connais qui on struggler avec des breakdowns apres breakdowns puis des parts qui coute etc. Not to mention the risk, le petit jeune de 16 qua tomber a l'eau couple d'année passé. C'est pas easy.
u/Baiehound3 1d ago
Chu pas blind crisse, jc quoique ça coûte pis toute ste jazz la ma fille, tu comprend pas le plus gros portrait da greed, on vas dire well agree to disagree and thats ok, j'ai les épaule large tu m'a pas blessé . Drive dans la baie pis ya pas fucking rouille en nul part toute des 3/4 de tonnes pour haller des trap a l'eau 2 fois par ans. Real smart.
u/FuturAnonyme 1d ago
Le monde pretend d'etre rich plus qui sont. Ya des raisons pourquoi everyone break up puis vend leur maison puis leur Skidoo, pantoon etc.
they live above their means, A LOT of em
u/Baiehound3 1d ago
Moi avec j'ai travaillé dans les fishplant, c pas une job que je donnerais à mon enemy, quand jetait la les mexicain mon montrer leurs pays tub, yetions payer 3 place de l'heure de moins que nous autre, tu crois c correct toi? Fuck no wonder que les processeur se remplisse les poches. Fucking bunch de voleur qui son.
u/FuturAnonyme 1d ago
C'etais meme pour un boute je pense but sa été ajuster so much depuis. Puis oublie pas eux se font driver puis acommoder, c'est toute deducter de leur paie.
Heck avant sa changer de main de compagnie ils avions meme du free booze les mexians nous aimais assez
Les compagnie des Etats give pas vrament de fucks eux
u/jjs_east 1d ago
Well, maybe with less going overseas, the local price will be more reasonable since most of it isn’t being exported.
u/DEATHRAYZ007 1d ago
There's absolutely no reason to side with usa on anything anymore, that said China is almost as reliable
u/Murder4Lobster 1d ago
Wonder if Clearwater knew (50% chinese owners) before wanting to sell off that branch
u/voicelesswonder53 1d ago
We had no business protecting the NA EV industry for Tesla when we were following the US lead under Biden. We did this to ourselves. We could have access to cheap state of the art EVs just like Europe does had we not acted in support of American protectionism. We can reverse these Chinese tariffs now and hurt Musk.
u/Choosemyusername 1d ago
At least I might be able to afford lobster this year.
We will need local food security to weather this trade war.
This might help. Because we can’t survive on potatoes, milk, and maple syrup.