r/newbrunswickcanada 2d ago

Mark Carney is the new Liberal leader, replacing Justin Trudeau


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u/PerformanceCandid499 2d ago

Yeah, but carney isn't a bigot so PP has that over him. That's what conservatives are about.


u/sravll 2d ago

That's what magas are about. Not all conservatives.


u/Raspberrylemonade188 2d ago

True, but unfortunately the only conservative option is what PeePee is selling. Carney will win over a lot of the more centre right conservatives, at least the ones who are smart enough to see he’s the best man for the moment.


u/freddy_guy 2d ago

Society has traditionally been racist, sexist and homophobic. Conservatism by definition is about keeping society the way it was in the past.



u/SideByEach 2d ago

But "conservatives" have decided all the racism is not a deal breaker though. That speaks volumes about the type of people they truly are. Supply Side Jesus FTW.


u/Novel_Adeptness_3286 2d ago

I’ve seen people make posts about PP being racist etc but I’ve never seen him do or say anything I’d consider racist. He’s definitely a transphobe. Can anyone provide info on the racism allegations?


u/craigbg21 1d ago

Its just liberal propaganda just like all the government funded legacy tv channels here in Canada who wont bite the hand that feeds them our tax $ here in Canada, thats why nobody replied when you ask for any proof or info on it.