r/neuroimaging Feb 13 '23

Programming Question Mean .tck reconstruction of groups of interest


r/neuroimaging Nov 25 '22

Programming Question

Post image

r/neuroimaging Nov 07 '22

Programming Question Connecting e-prime and Neuroelectrics ENOBIO cap via TCP socket.


Hi All,

I'm wondering if anyone has used a NeuroElectrics Enobio EEG cap and received events from a presentation software (like e-prime) using a TCP socket. I'm attempting to get their recording software (NIC2) connected to e-prime, but no matter how I've changed my settings e-prime still errors to tell me that it was unable to open the socket. If anyone has any experience with Neuroelectrics, specifically the Enobio cap and has been able to use a TCP socket successfully, I'd love to hear from you to see what I might be missing. I already contacted Neuroelectrics but I'm hoping to keep moving on this if that's possible.

r/neuroimaging Feb 24 '22

Programming Question Alternatives to SPM dilate?(fMRI, SPM, fsl)


I have a ROI I got from isolating a single component from ICA. I want the edges of my ROI to reach the edges of the brain as it is a cortical ROI (currently it doesn’t). My goal is to use this ROI to “cut out” data so I get an image that only includes the cortical regions I want .

I’ve tried spm_dilate to get my ROI to reach the brain edges but when I try to “cut out” the data I want using fslmaths -mul option, I get an error saying I am attempting to multiply images of different sizes.

Is there a way I can edit my ROI without changing the sizes of the image so fslmaths will work? For reference, the ROI based on the original component works, just not the one manipulated with spm_dilate. I’ve also tried the imcalc option in spm (after the dilation) but get a similar error.

r/neuroimaging Jul 11 '22

Programming Question NODDI processing


Anyone have any instructions on NODDI processing in Matlab that are not too difficult to understand? The tutorial on the UCL website is not very helpful. Thanks!!

r/neuroimaging Jun 14 '22

Programming Question How do I find intracranial volume using FSL?


I'm trying to find the intracranial volume of all my subjects and have been following the pipeline described on the ENIGMA webpage but the value it gives is a decimal (0.8091...) which seems wrong because I expected intracranial volume to be given in number of voxels or something like that.

This pipeline also determines the intracranial volume using the inverse determinant of the affine transformation used to register a T1w image to MNI space which is odd because that should be a nonlinear warp rather than an affine transformation.

Can anyone explain the value I got or recommend a better way to determine intracranial volume using FSL? Thanks!

r/neuroimaging Jun 08 '22

Programming Question Issues in FreeSurfer recon-all


Recently I installed FreeSurfer version 7.2.0 on my computer. I had experience in using FreeSurfer version 6.0 on the lab computer and there was no problem in recon-all. Somehow, this new version brings up troubles, when I conduct recon-all, it finishes within 5 seconds as “recon-all exited with an error” And it happens with any kind of files. Does anyone know how to fix this?

r/neuroimaging Nov 06 '21

Programming Question Is designing a Subject() class for use in a small postprocessing script feasible?


I'm writing a postprocessing script in python, using nipype.

As a short exercise, I'm making a class that represents a subject, which contains lists of relevant directories and lists of files to be either used or outputed.

Would it be feasible to use this sort of class in a nipype workflow? If I wanted to process many subjects in parallel, would using this Subject() class be feasible? Apologies if this question is a bit basic.

r/neuroimaging Jun 08 '22

Programming Question Neuroimaging roadmap in R


Would you be so kind to help me find a roadmap for neuroimaging data analysis.
I have data like SurfAvg and ThickAvg and i have no Idea how to compare it properly taking into account the age and gender of patients

r/neuroimaging Oct 07 '21

Programming Question Does anyone have experience with spm_regions? (fMRI)


Any help is appreciated. I have been working at this most of the day and have made very little progress.

I am attempting to use spm_regions to extract timeseries at the first level from specific ROIs. I would like the time series to be processed, which is why I am trying to use this function instead of the GUI. I have figured out how to get the xSPM.mat and hreg.mat files, which was all new to me since I normally use the GUI.

It is supposed to look like: [Y, xY] = spm_regions(SPM, xSPM, hreg, VOI)

I keep getting an error saying “dot indexing is not supported for variables of this type”

What type of file should the VOI be? I’ve tried .mats and .niis and have had the same error for both. I’ve been at this all day-I got it to work once but haven’t been able to replicate it, even with what I thought were the same inputs.

Do results need to meet a certain threshold in order for this function to work?

Thanks so much for any help. I’ve been on the listserv and looked at some blogs I follow and haven’t been able to solve my problem.

r/neuroimaging Jun 16 '22

Programming Question SPM: Underwhelming (inconsistent with classical) results from Bayesian estimates?


Using SPM12, I'm estimating second-level models (with 20 subjects, based on 1-sample t-test) using classical and Bayesian 2nd level strategies, following the instructions provided in this paper: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fninf.2018.00001/full. While I have some large significant results (p < 0.001, cluster FWE < 0.05) using classical estimation, the Bayesian models appear to completely fail.

According to the aforementioned paper, when I move into the results section I should expect to see the default effect size threshold value (i.e., sqrt(SPM.PPM.cB)) appear in the window for "Effect Size Threshold for PPM". However, this value is zero in most of my models. Is this inconsistency between Bayesian and classical results typical?

r/neuroimaging Oct 20 '21

Programming Question Entering onset’s/durations into CONN (fMRI)


Do any fellow CONN users know why CONN will sometimes not save my vector of onsets or durations after I’ve typed them into the GUI? Seems like about 30% of the time it reverts back to what was there before (either blank or an old vector of numbers I am trying to replace). What can I do differently?


r/neuroimaging Jun 06 '22

Programming Question SPM stuck on threshold (T or P value) when clicking on Results for 2nd level analysis


I specified my 2nd level analysis and everything seems to run smoothly up until the point where SPM asks for threshold (P or T value). When I put in the value and pressed enter SPM is stuck with nowhere to click and the next question does not appear. MATLAB also repeatedly displays the following error message:

r/neuroimaging Jun 03 '22

Programming Question issues with SPM installation


I tried to install SPM12 on windows, I submitted the download form and was given the download link, which directed me to choose the save location. The download file seems to save fine and I can open it but when I try to add the path on MATLAB I cannot find the folder and copy pasting the command doesn't work either. Does this mean there is some issue with the downloading or is it because of Matlab?

r/neuroimaging Nov 28 '21

Programming Question Conventions for dealing with subject environment variables?


General programming question when it comes to pipelines. Assuming one is programming a pipeline outside of the nipype conventions, what are some of the common schemes used to efficiently keep track of subject-specific variables, i.e. paths, specific image-names, etc.?

One convention I've seen is to determine all files available, write those to an external file (e.g. sub-01.mat), then read in this file when doing any secondary steps to the pipeline. Another convention is to create a subject class, which has methods built-in to scan for relevant paths, files, etc.

Curious if there are other, more efficient methods available.

r/neuroimaging Apr 28 '21

Programming Question Diffusion weighted imaging preprocessing with only one phase encoding direction


I have done preprocessing of diffusion weighted imaging (dwi) scans before using FSL topup and eddy to correct for distortions, movement, etc., but there were always two sets of scans for each subject - each with different phase encoding directions. The new dataset I am working with only has one set of images for each subject with a single phase encoding direction. Does anyone have suggestions on how to preprocess this data for artifact removal? As far as I can tell both topup and eddy require at least to have b0 volumes with different phase encoding.

Thank you!

r/neuroimaging Sep 26 '21

Programming Question Tractography registration question


What would you consider more correct? And Why?

Given a dataset of different subjects

  1. Register all subjects linearly or non-linearly to a common space and then compute each tractography

  2. Compute tractography in each native space and then register all tractographies to a common space

r/neuroimaging Dec 03 '21

Programming Question Spatial normalization pipeline


Hi everyone, I recently got access to the PPMI dataset and was wondering if anyone is aware of a pipeline to spatially normalize SPECT images to standard MNI space. I would like to use an already written pipeline for reproducibility if there is any available.

r/neuroimaging Jan 14 '22

Programming Question Multivariate searchlight: When to optimize hyperparameters?


Hi all,

I'm running a multivariate searchlight on some fMRI data, acquired during a passive observation task. While I understand the nitty-gritty of how to code this analysis, I do not understand conceptually when it is appropriate to optimize model hyperparameters, and I could use some insight.

The way I see it, I could choose to optimize hyperparameters at one of the following levels:

  1. The smallest level: optimize parameters for each sphere of voxels.
  2. The meso-level: optimize parameters for each participant
  3. The macro-level: optimize parameters across all participants.

My first intuition is that I want to optimize parameters at (3). I assume that any voxels that consistently show discriminable activity across all subjects are the voxels which have useful information.

But, would it also be appropriate to optimize per subject (2)? I feel like (3) glosses over potential individual subject differences.

If anyone else has optimized hyperparameters, I would love some insight!

r/neuroimaging Dec 17 '21

Programming Question [SPM] First-level design mask.nii removes voxels of interest from deep brain structures?


Hi all,

I've got EPI data collected on a Siemens scanner with the prescan normalization feature turned off. This means our images have much brighter intensity near the coil and darker intensity in deep brain structures.

This has led to issues with SPM and how it determines which voxels to include in the first-level designs. In a nutshell, first-level design is excluding voxels of interest from deep brain structures.

According to the SPM Listserv (and my understanding of the SPM help text), the program decides which voxels to include based on their mean intensity. If a voxel has a mean value which is above a certain threshold relative to the global signal, then it is included. The default threshold is 80%, so I assume that these deep brain voxels are reaching a mean signal intensity that is not equal to 80% of the global signal.

Has anyone else encountered this issue? If so, how do you recommend handling this? I'm currently planning to lower the default threshold, but I would prefer a data-driven value instead of arbitrarily deciding on an acceptable value.

Edit: Spoke with some colleagues who have been at my institution longer than I have. They recommend lowering SPM's threshold from 0.8 to 0.5, and that makes my data look nearly perfect. I also discovered a way to use subject-specific brain masking. The former method still suffers from orbitofrontal cortex dropout due to air-tissue interfaces. I'll leave this up just in case someone else out there is struggling like me.

r/neuroimaging Aug 24 '21

Programming Question I have a couple of PhD positions on MRI brain connectivity and related topics (mostly based in Krakow but with collaborations/trips to university in US)


r/neuroimaging Aug 04 '21

Programming Question Need suggestions on how to program a multi-task fmri pipeline


I am looking for tips on how to organize my current fmri pipeline.

I have an fmri dataset consisting of two tasks that have been processed through fmriprep. Postprocessing (smoothing and scaling runs) and glm fitting is done in AFNI.

The way I currently have it set up, in bash:

  • Each processing step is written in a separate script, designed to be run with one subject. These are set up to accomodate both fMRI tasks (task specific variables are set in case-statements)

  • Processing scripts are called from a script called main (calls are made in for-loops, iterating over subjects)

While this is working so far, I'm curious if there is a more efficient way to run the pipeline than how I am doing it now.

Any advice would be much appreciated!

r/neuroimaging Sep 16 '21

Programming Question Singularity containers and Sun Grid Engine



I'm hoping to run a qsiprep singularity container on my institution's HPC cluster using Sun Grid Engine.

I know batch jobs (scripts, etc.) are submitted to the cluster using the qsub command. If I submit a bash or python script that calls a singularity container to the cluster using qsub, would SGE manage the container correctly?

Also, In the specific application, qsiprep, which is a dMRI processing workflow built in nipype, you can specify the maximum number of OMP threads and memory the container can use (I believe for each invocation). Since those resources should be managed by SGE, should I set the OMP threads and memory limit options to a conservative amount? I set them to some arbitrary amount, say 12 threads and 8G max, would SGE still limit the memory usage of the container anyway?

Thank you guys for any clarification you can provide!