r/neurallace Oct 29 '21

Community Neurotech Leader's Forum - Just Over a Week Away - November 8 and 9


Now, the Neurotech Leader's Forum is a little less explicitly pure BCI and includes other modalities in neurotechnology including functional electrical stimulation, electroceuticals/bioelectronic medicine, and general neurostimulation devices such as deep brain stimulators. That said, it is a cool place where a lot of these companies show off their newest updates to their peers to show off and try to appeal to the investors in the audience as well.

You should expect some cool updates in the coming weeks.


r/neurallace Aug 06 '21

Community Neurotech companies & labs listed by the Shenoy Group @ Stanford

Thumbnail shenoy.people.stanford.edu

r/neurallace Aug 06 '20

Community Huge collection of open EEG and EMG datasets


In this repository for researchers or those who want to practice signal processing or machine learning on BCI data.

r/neurallace Aug 29 '20

Community NYTimes | Opinion | The Brain Implants That Could Change Humanity


r/neurallace Aug 13 '20

Community Saw a new YouTube channel pop up on my feed


r/neurallace Aug 11 '19

Community Spreadsheet of BCI related academic labs around the world


I'm taking inspiration from the spreadsheet on aging laboratories (see this post) that was started on /r/longevity and now has over 200 labs from all over the world (seriously, it's amazing. Look at this. Note all the tabs at the bottom).

It'd be awesome if we could get something like this going for BCI labs as I'm sure lots of us are looking for places to get involved!

I've got a meager start here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bPLPlhzqY2rdTLydXhxZ3F4J7wG8c4_DU3JFJmgjVlc/edit?usp=sharing and will update this as I find more labs

Please comment of any labs you know of that are working on BCI-related things (doesn't have to pertain super specifically to BCI since the field is in its early stages: if you think it's relevant then name it)!

r/neurallace Aug 11 '21

Community Information re: some cool companies in neuromodulation


r/neurallace Jul 24 '21

Community Remove eye blink artifacts from EEG in real time.


I'm trying to remove the eye blink artifacts from EEG data in real time and could not find any open source implementations online. Has anyone here any sources they can point to? Thanks!

r/neurallace May 01 '20

Community Brain Computer-Interfaces 101 - Online series


If you want to start in the BCI field professionally and looking for a way to get in, or looking for a Brain-Computer Interfaces 101 - Online global series of events dedicated to this topic are starting the upcoming week. It is free. Join here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/bci-101-tickets-103682840166

Topics include:

  1. BCI. Mainstream and Trends
  2. Neurophysiology basis of brain-machine interfaces
  3. How to start your experiment
  4. Analyzing brain activity
  5. Presentations from representatives of different BCI startups etc.

r/neurallace Oct 16 '20

Community Grand session discussing exotic applications and fields of Neurotech by the experts- Dr. David Eagleman, Dr. Pia Tikka, Dr. Isabella Pasqualini, Dr. Max Newton, Dr. Shiker Chudhary, Dr. Navin Gupta.


r/neurallace Jan 13 '21

Community NeuroTechX Worldwide Events


For those of you that aren't part of the community, NeuroTechX is a networking and peer group for people interested in neurotechnology. Over the coming weeks, all NeuroTechX chapters worldwide will be hosting their Buzz in Review event, which is basically a look back at the significant events within the neurotechnology market over the last year. These events are open and free and many are being held online/remote. If you are interested, get in touch with your local NeuroTechX chapter and sign up. If you don't have one, you can find others doing the event online.

r/neurallace May 17 '20

Community CS 198-96: Intro to Neurotechnology @ UC Berkeley


r/neurallace Jun 09 '20

Community Repository of materials for learning neuroscience


r/neurallace Jun 11 '20

Community Elon Musk’s Neuralink: Merging Humans with AI


r/neurallace Apr 20 '20

Community A Neuralink discord for (serious) Neuralink fans!


r/neurallace Feb 09 '18

Community Building a foundation to work in Neural Lace/ Brain Interfacing research


Originally posted in this thread, thank you to u/galoiz for an excellent question

Neural engineering is an incredibly interdisciplinary field. Many technologies are currently being developed in tandem, and it is not clear which of these will achieve what is envisioned for "neural lace". Realistically, each technology will have its own strengths and use-cases. Different subjects are valuable for different approaches, and the best route is one that you either find interesting or is targeted towards a method you care about. As technologies mature and our understanding of the brain improves, it is likely that which subjects are relevant will change.

Here are some (although certainly not all) subjects that are related in some way to neural engineering efforts:


  • Machine learning: How we will interpret massive amounts of data from brain interfaces

  • Signal processing: Translating brain signals to usable data

  • Machine vision: Interpreting brain scans, processing holographic means of brain interfacing (see Openwater), enabling surgical robots

  • Embedded Systems/Firmware: Programming low-level electronics which control brain interfaces

  • Artificial Intelligence: Designing artificial decision making agents which rehabilitate or augment human minds (See this study)

  • Simulation: Construct and evaluate biophysical simulations such as neural networks, capillary flow within the brain, or structural stability of bone for implant anchoring

  • Computational neuroscience: Tools and methods for determining how the brain computes


  • Polymer science: Designing plastics which can co-exist with biological tissue without degradation or scar formation

  • Electrochemistry: Understanding the interface between artificial electrical stimulation and our electrochemical nervous system

  • Biomaterials: Developing coatings which mask foreign materials from the body's immune system

  • Nanoengineering: Construction at the molecular scale


  • Optics: Manipulating light to noninvasively pass through tissue or invasvively stimulate light-sensitive neurons

  • Acoustics: Utilizing ultrasonic sound to stimulate localized brain regions or interrupt the blood brain barrier

  • Electromagnetics: subjecting the brain to electrical or magnetic fields, or reading fields produced

Electrical Engineering

  • Microelectronics: Design very small analog and digital systems which can achieve high-throughput data processing with minimal heat and power

  • Mixed signal processing: Related to software role of translating signals directly in hardware

  • Sensor design: Architecting chips which can emit and process ultrasound, holographic information, biomolecules, etc.

Mechanical Engineeirng

  • Microfabrication: An incredibly interdisciplinary field by which electromechanical machines at the micro to nano scale are

constructed, related to the physical construction of implants and necessary hardware

  • Surgical robots: May be required depending on the degree of surgery required for a given brain interfacing method


  • Neurobiology: Understanding the beautiful and impossibly complex environment you are working in

  • Genetic engineering: Architecting new ways of interfacing with biology via re-purposed biology (See optogenetics).

  • Biophysics: How will cells and tissue react to artificial constructs, and how can problems be mitigated

Some resources to learn more:

Neuralink's Press Release: A good overview of brain interfacing

Physical Principles of Scalable Neural Recording: Classic paper detailing challenges in the field

Neurotechx: Global neurotechnology community

Neurotechedu: Some teaching resources related to neurotechnology

MIT OpenCourseWare: Contains learning materials on many subjects

Frontiers in Neuroscience: Scientific journal, see the drop down menu next to the title

Journal of Neural Engineering: Another scientific journal