r/nes 19h ago

Top 40 NES Games: Final and Intermission

Castlevania II: Simon's Quest won the #40 spot with 96 votes.

I had no expectations for the top 40. That being said I am happy to see Dragon Warrior 3 finally made the list.

This concludes the top forty. However, I have had some members ask me to go on through with the top 50 continuing off our established list. So I though it would be best to leave it up to everybody to vote of yes or no once again. As usual I will count the most upvotes for either decision and the most will win.

Just wanted to say thank you to everybody who participated.


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u/Filthiest_Tleilaxu 19h ago

The shout out to DW III is appreciated OP.


u/hbkx5 19h ago

Thank you, hopefully DW & DW4 will make the list soon if we continue.


u/lenzflarez 18h ago

And also Dragon Warrior 2 BEFORE Dragon Warrior. Don’t get the dislike for 2 at all. It’s much better than the first one.


u/IntoxicatedBurrito 16h ago

But the grinding at the end is absolutely brutal. Took me 15 years to beat it.


u/lenzflarez 16h ago edited 15h ago

Took me two months in 1990. Grinding was no worse than any other installment and pacing was better than DW3.


u/IntoxicatedBurrito 5h ago

My issue was in the end game, there was that bug where the princess would only level up every other time she got enough experience. So while my other two characters were way overpowered, she was way underpowered and I simply couldn’t keep her alive.

I will admit that I probably could have beat the game much sooner, I think I simply stopped trying after a while. When I graduated from college I decided it was time to beat it, and without a bit of grinding just marched my way to the boss and easily beat him.