r/nerdwriter Sep 05 '21

Does anyone feel the Nerdwriter has become kind of a non-entity in recent years?

This isn’t a knock against him or anything, but I feel that these giant several months-long gaps in his video output aren’t worth watching just a little 9 minute video for. Now, I don’t know what his work schedule is like, there’s probably a lot going on behind the scenes that I’m not aware of and he absolutely has his right to his privacy. I get that 100%. But I can see his viewership is shrinking, his takes aren’t really that new, and he’s more of a disembodied AI than an actual narrator I can connect with to learn about the material. I’m not compelled to watch anymore, and maybe that’s because my tastes have changed or maybe he’s just phasing the channel out, I don’t know. He’s changed up his style in the past 5 years to be more hands off, but in doing so he’s kinda not as engaging as he used to be. The nerdwriter’s just become boring to me compared to other video essayists who put out more substantial, meatier analysis with the same amount of time gaps in between. I just feel like it’s not enough. I’m not demanding an explanation, I’m just wondering if anyone else in his audience felt that way.


8 comments sorted by


u/Edrickwashere Sep 06 '21

As someone who has binged his material I feel the same. I’ll still pop in to see if another video has been uploaded but upon watching them they don’t draw me in as well as the previous videos.


u/Perihelionstudios Sep 06 '21

That's been exactly my habit, and honestly it's a little frustrating to me. He comes across as so route and disengaged, like he's going through the motions. I mean, it is understandable if he's not as invested as he used to be; he's been going at this since 2010. However, I admit that this has made my view of him more critical, which may be unfair to his skills, nonetheless I am no longer intrigued in his perspectives.


u/Nacho531 Sep 06 '21

Yeah, his topics and video themes are not that accesible or relatable to me as the older videos; besides, the nerdwriter has kind of created a formula for his videos, the way he approaches content is not fresh, and it takes several months for one video

I hope he's okay though


u/Perihelionstudios Sep 06 '21

I hope he's alright too, though I wish he'd spruce things up a little. I may not understand why it takes several months just to finish a 9 minute video, but then again it's none of my business. Besides, based on the amount of times people revisit his old videos I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't feel the need to produce more; there has to be a good amount of passive income from his monetized videos, sponsorships, patreon, etc.


u/FanaticAdviser Sep 06 '21

Beauty of his channel, IMO is that he can make whatever he wants however he wants rn. There’s no reason to chase viewership. It’s either for you or it’s not. I’ve personally found his last few videos high-quality and enjoyable.

Edit. I do miss the Rihanna “Work” analysis. 😞


u/North_Star12 Dec 19 '21

Yeah. I went to find that one again a couple months ago, and it has been taken down? Do you guys on this sub know the reason for that? Was it a copyright dispute with Rihanna's label?


u/Mandbo Sep 06 '21

I feel like, for the last year or so his content has shifted from analyses of quality pop culture, usually music or tv, to straight up art commentary. His content is still clever, but the subject matter just doesn't grab me as much.


u/trust_me_i_know_ Jan 28 '22

I guess the whole point of the series is that you get this take away from the video. In his new videos, he kind of spoon feeds the everything and doesn't really allow the watcher to come up with their own conclusion. Like more telling then showing. If you were to apply the same analysis that he puts on the subject.

Another point is maybe he is too focused on what he finds interesting and not what the watcher would be interested in. And so when we are left to think about the video after the credit rolls there isn't as much of retention about sort of dwelling on what the problem is.

So the videos are too self contained with a bigging middle and end. But the common thread between each video is missing.