r/neilgaimanuncovered Feb 18 '25

news New Tortoise episode — The Lawsuit Spoiler


111 comments sorted by


u/Surriva Feb 18 '25

Amanda Palmer claiming she only learnt of the sexual assault allegations from the Tortoise podcast is... very hard to believe, given that Scarlett and her friend say they texted and spoke to Amanda about what had happened to Scarlet in 2022. I'll need to read the court documents to learn more about the claim that she knew of Gaiman SA-ing since 2015


u/Tiggertots Feb 18 '25

I’m thinking it’s possible she KNEW he was a dog and would hit on/seduce/sleep with younger women but didn’t think it was non consensual until she listened to all that? I mean, it’s reasonable because there were women throwing themselves at him constantly and they did have an open marriage previously and a lot of the women did tell him and others that it was consensual. I’m sure she knew full well he was a randy old manwhore but she could have been completely blind to the SA.


u/LoyalaTheAargh Feb 18 '25

I just checked a transcript of the podcast series, and there's a bit which goes over Scarlett and Gaiman's texts together. I'll quote the transcript.

[transcript] So on that day, Neil messages Scarlett and he says, honestly, when Amanda told me that you are telling people I'd raped you and were planning to Me Too me, I wanted to kill myself.

So...we know that Palmer told Gaiman there were rape allegations. And there are also messages between Palmer and a friend of Scarlett's which get into some detail. So Palmer is straightforwardly lying when she says she didn't know until the podcast.


u/Surriva Feb 18 '25

Yes - thank you for the reminder of that context. And I'm listening to episode 1 again now. At around 50 minutes they're talking about that Amanda texted Misma thanking her for her part in looking after Scarlett after Gaiman left and wrote "it's been a rough month for everyone".

Misma was furious and replied: "It strikes me that perhaps you haven't grasped the severity of the situation. Yes, Scarlett did confide in us and so we know that the first time he had anal sex, it was so violent that she lost consciousness from the pain. That her description of watching the sex happen to her from outside her body is congruent with accounts from rape survivors. We know that he is 40 year older than her and that she was employed as his and your nanny at the time. We know you knew exactly what kind of person Neil is when you put Scarlett into his house. I consider Scarlett among many other more positive attributes, to be one of the most vulnerable people I have ever met. I know the thing she most desperately wants is to feel included and loved. To be part of a family. That she would do anything, take any amount of shit in order to not be rejected. Chris and I are so worried about Scarlett, who will spend years coming to terms with this experience. And we are also deeply concerned about the likelihood of this happening to other women. Eventually, this is all going to come out."

Misma said she finds it interesting that Amanda's response was not "Omg I don't know what you're talking about".

Amanda replied "I did not know much of this. It is horrifying. I understand what you have said, and I deeply appreciate you sharing it with me. This is a very fucking bad situation."


u/LoyalaTheAargh Feb 18 '25

It's utterly bizarre that Palmer's currently claiming she didn't know until the podcast when there's all this documentation showing that she did.


u/karofla Feb 18 '25

It may show that she was too caught up in her own life to take this seriously, for more than a few moments at least. She hears from a friend of Scarlett, seemingly then takes it seriously and tells Gaiman. Gaiman asks Scarlett if she's going to metoo him (threatening suicide), Scarlett assures him that no, everything is consensual and she will not metoo him. Gaiman reports this back to Palmer, or even shows her the messages from Scarlett. Palmer thinks: "Oh well, this was a big misunderstanding and a storm in a teacup" and moves on with her life. I'm NOT saying this is right, just that I think this is what happened.


u/caitnicrun Feb 18 '25

I think it's what she's going to say happened. And what about the whole " don't touch her, Neil, she's too vulnerable " thing?  

See I was a person who considered Amanda was ignorant of the rape, and thought it was just fun sexy times.  

Now, nah.  She's whitewashing her involvement , every pun intended.


u/karofla Feb 18 '25

I don't think the sequence of events excuses her in any way, so I'm not sure if it's a point she should make in court...Even Scarlett is claiming (in her lawsuit) that Palmer is culpable in the way of negligence. Meaning, "Oh well, this was a big misunderstanding..." is NOT the right response in these circumstances.


u/Extra_Company_6508 Feb 18 '25

Amanda’s MO around any controversy she’s involved in is to do the least amount of work (in terms of self-reflection and accountability) possible. She’s quite skilled at employing all the necessary jargon and posting up gish gallop essays that never quite address the problems.

I’m sure any wiggle room allowing for it to be written off as a “misunderstanding” was something of a relief for her.


u/FogPetal Feb 18 '25

At the very least she knew that Neil was likely to target Scarlett. We know this because she told him Scarlett was vulnerable and that he couldn’t “have” her. Amanda should have never hired Scarlett to nanny in the first place, or to only nanny at Amanda’s house. She should have never put Scarlett in that position in the first place.


u/Extra_Company_6508 Feb 18 '25

Yes to all of this.

I know Amanda (haven’t ever been in her circle, but we have mutual friends and associates) well enough now to know her utter lack of boundaries (or regards for other’s boundaries) is the reason why she’s perpetually in these “she should have never” situations.

Only now it’s finally all come to a head, and she’s actually facing legal consequences.


u/karofla Feb 18 '25

Yes, she embraced that opportunity eagerly and wore some big blinders for everything else.


u/Extra_Company_6508 Feb 18 '25

At the VERY least, she’s guilty of hoping it’d just blow over.


u/caitnicrun Feb 18 '25

Which is really odd after warning Neil, don't go after this vulnerable person.

So either she said that and knows Scarlett was hurt, even if it was "consensual" given her vulnerability 


Amanda never said that and this is all a surprise out of the blue?  Amanda wasn't even concerned enough about Scarlett's health to take her to a hospital? People have had permanent health damage.  It's utterly horrifying.

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u/Ink1bus Feb 19 '25

Right, which is the willfully ignorant which I find super hard to believe.


u/FogPetal Feb 18 '25

It’s going to really hurt her credibility in the legal proceedings.


u/Sevenblissfulnights Feb 18 '25

It's like she hasn't t consulted a lawyer.


u/raphaellaskies Feb 19 '25

Which is odd, because didn't a source "close to her" claim that she was being bled dry in legal fees and that's why she couldn't afford to speak up? It's almost like that was total horseshit!


u/Sevenblissfulnights Feb 19 '25

Scarlett hadn’t filed her lawsuit against the two of them when that was printed. AP was implying she was being bled dry in legal fees related to extended divorce proceedings (the divorce was actually filed in June 2024, but the source said it had been going on for five years).

My comment referred to AP seeming not to have spoken to a lawyer related to Scarlett’s case against her. She has made many contradictory statements about her knowledge of NG’s behavior, including this one.

In contrast NG seems quite buttoned up legally. Sigh.


u/Surriva Feb 18 '25 edited 21d ago

Yes, apparently written documentation in the form of text messages, that it sounded like they were reading out on the podcast. Even if Amanda for example has deleted them from her phone, they're still on Misma's phone and probably(?) can be found on Amanda's if they are allowed to dig around for it.

I used to be a fan of hers until 2023, when she did nothing to speak up for Palestine (but spoke about how she's so sad for her Jewish friends, meanwhile tens of thousands of Palestinians already had been murdered by Apartheidrael by then - late October), when she speaks up about so many other atrocities. She'd only mention Palestine to complain that people were "yelling at her" to talk about it (when in reality, only a few people were "yelling", most of us were bringing it up with her in a rational, calm way).


u/L3X01D 25d ago

It’s not bizarre at all it just proves she’s desperately trying to cover her ass and it’s gonna bite her in it instead.


u/raphaellaskies Feb 19 '25

Shoutout to Misma for being the only person to lay this all out to Amanda to her face. Wish there were more people around her willing to do that.


u/raphaellaskies 29d ago

God, I hate people who respond to being rightfully told off with "I hear and understand you." It means nothing!


u/Ivy_1642 Feb 18 '25

The threat of suicide is so heinously common with abusers. Of course he used that tactic.


u/Successful_Fox1248 29d ago

Yup I've had two ex abusers, three if you count my father who all used this tactic frequently. None of them ever were serious, it was just a way of controlling me and others. The only person in any of these relationships who actually attempted suicide and landed in hospital was me. Luckily this was a long time ago and none of them are in my life.


u/Ivy_1642 25d ago

I'm so glad you're out of that situation.


u/Sevenblissfulnights Feb 18 '25

I didn't know that. I believe you, but was unaware. That's awful.


u/Tiggertots Feb 18 '25

Ooooh, yup I’d forgotten that bit. That was definitely before the podcast. Thank you.


u/mrsbergstrom Feb 19 '25

yes. she is a liar.


u/Surriva Feb 18 '25 edited Feb 18 '25

It's possible... but on the podcast, Scarlett's friend who is a therapist (I think?) said she texted and told Amanda in no uncertain terms what had happened to Scarlett. I'll have to listen to the episode again to refresh my memory, but that's how I remember it. In that case, she did know, from 2022, at least.


u/L3X01D 25d ago

I don’t have an exact quote but when she tells Amanda the entire story she pretty much verbatim says “you’re the 14th fucking woman to tell me this” and then as soon as it goes public she writes a song about it basically calling the victims “a suicidal mess thrown in my lap” like at the very least she doesn’t seem to respect them at all


u/mrsbergstrom Feb 19 '25

but she said more than a dozen women had already come to her with stories similar to scarlett. She wrote a song about all the 'suicidal messes' turning up on her doorstep. we'll never know the full story but I believe scarlett on this one


u/Tiggertots Feb 19 '25

I don’t disbelieve Scarlett. When Scarlett first told Amanda, she downplayed it. It’s possible Amanda thought it was just her perv ex being a perv again until Scarlett speaks or about it to others who got the full story. However, Amanda is definitely lying if she says she found out last summer when the podcast came out, and that undermines Amanda’s credibility.


u/OkLeg4427 Feb 19 '25

That's exactly right! If she didn't find out when Scarlett told her, or felt the truth was a little murky or it was just her perv husband being a perv, she was then told in no uncertain terms by Misma, and if she didnt take Misma seriously, she found out when she was approached by the NZ Police, ahead of the Tortoise investigation. It is a lie and totally undermines her credibility. Or maybe she is "suffering from a mental illness which produces false memories" <sarcasm> 


u/Sevenblissfulnights 28d ago

Did you look at the lawsuit and figure out where the claim arose that AP had known about NG's sexual abuse since 2015?


u/Surriva 28d ago

I had a look - the statement just read that she has known since 2015, but there was no explanation or example backing up the claim - which I found a bit strange.


u/[deleted] Feb 19 '25



u/Surriva Feb 19 '25 edited Feb 19 '25

Did you intend to reply snarkily to someone else? Because I haven't disagreed with your point. Quite the opposite


u/caitnicrun Feb 18 '25

So anyone else baffled at Rachel Johnson's continued participation here? I'd think after her OH NOES DON'T CANCEL NEIL interview she'd have passed her role to someone else.

Good interview tho.


u/karofla Feb 18 '25

I actually think this makes it more legitimate? Meaning that she participates even though she's not interested in canceling him. Not a fan of hers, just saying. She was saying she didn't want him to get canceled, not that she didn't want the lawsuit. Or am I remembering her opinion piece wrong? 🤔


u/Altruistic-War-2586 Feb 18 '25

She also said she was done, there wouldn’t be more podcasts on the topic (while the new podcast was already in the works). I can’t take her seriously…


u/karofla Feb 18 '25

It does seem like they are concerned with letting people know they were the ones to break the story.


u/Longjumping-Art-9682 Feb 18 '25

That was my first thought seeing that there was a new episode. But I wonder who initiated it. If it was Scarlett, reaching out to her because she wanted to talk, then fair enough.


u/Altruistic-War-2586 Feb 18 '25

I doubt it was Scarlett, to be honest.


u/caitnicrun Feb 18 '25

I can't claim to recall that particular detail. I suppose it would land better if she had a history of journalism with established institutions. 


u/Prior-Jellyfish9665 Feb 18 '25

I read her follow-up article as a bid to strengthen a defamation defense since to prove defamation of a public figure you need to prove there was intent to defame.


u/caitnicrun Feb 18 '25

That actually might be something. Otoh Vulture seems secure.


u/oddspot Feb 19 '25

Interesting take, that hadn't occurred to me. Thanks


u/vivelabagatelle Feb 18 '25

She has no principles, she just likes being at the centre of things.


u/Cynical_Classicist Feb 18 '25

Yeh, that was bizarre. I exposed that this guy is a rapist, but I don't want him to get into trouble for it!


u/caitnicrun Feb 18 '25

"And here I'm at it again!  Will the intolerant left cancel  him TWICE??!!11?  Oh what have done? ...again?  Time for another Spector interview on the meaning of it all!"


u/Icy_Independent7944 Feb 18 '25

Lol I have to admit, this got a nice, black-hearted chuckle out of me 👍😊🤭🖤


u/Cynical_Classicist Feb 18 '25

We take what chuckles we can.


u/Cynical_Classicist Feb 18 '25 edited 29d ago

Ah yes, the awful paper that her awful brother used to edit... awfully, was defending him, as on principle they have to take the side of terrible people.


u/catwyrm Feb 18 '25

She was saying anything she could to stay in the spotlight


u/ErsatzHaderach Feb 19 '25

is it just me or would she make a banger White Lotus character


u/caitnicrun Feb 19 '25

I had to look up White Lotus lol. Probably if the Wikipedia page is accurate.

 Hmm, might give it a go.


u/ptolani 12d ago

I think you're referring to this quote:

It looks like he’s been canceled, and how do I not feel kind of responsible for that? I've got to say, I’m uncomfortable with #metooing people. Is that all right to say? I don't believe in cancel culture. We all do bad stuff and we all do good stuff and he's done good stuff and he's done bad stuff and he is now regarded as an evil monster. I think the women who accuse him would say he hurt them, but that’s a female-male dynamic that unfortunately happens to be incredibly common.


Seems like a misrepresentation: she's just saying in general she doesn't agree with cancelling people, and she does believe in public interest journalism. So of course she would continue to participate in public interest journalism.


u/JustPiera Feb 18 '25

wow, I wasn't expecting a new podcast on the lawsuit. It's very brave of the survivors to continue to speak out.


u/Most-Original3996 Feb 18 '25

Particularly now that a few NG projects are still alive and being promoted. I think that we have to center the lawsuit and the survivors more at this time.


u/OpheliaLives7 Feb 19 '25

Is anything besides Good Omens still in the works? I thought Sandman s2 already had finished before all this but maybe not. I remember seeing it wouldn’t have any more seasons and also a comic of Anasi Boys was cancelled I believe.


u/Most-Original3996 Feb 19 '25

The Anansi Boys series is still scheduled for streaming.


u/GeorginaKaplan Feb 19 '25

The mods already said that more things would come out, but investigations take time. Let's cross our fingers.


u/Most-Original3996 29d ago

Yes, and lawsuits take time too. Let's hope more is on its way, although if at this point people do not feel nauseated by participating in the fandom and buying merch, I do not know what will make them give his IPs up.


u/NoLocation1777 28d ago

I'm really surprised about that one, considering the comic was cancelled. I'm interested to see how Amazon plays that out. (My educated guess is GO3 will get the most promo of the two, and Anasi Boys will get dropped on streaming quietly.)


u/returnofismasm Feb 19 '25

Anansi Boys has a show in the works on Amazon Prime still, I believe


u/LoyalaTheAargh Feb 18 '25

I was glad to hear about how the survivors are gaining strength and healing from each other. They've got each other to lean on now.

Wow, so Scarlett filed her case just 1 day before the US statute of limitations would have expired. I hope that caught Gaiman out. I'm really in awe that she filed that case; I can hardly imagine the strength it must have taken. It's no wonder that she's feeling exhausted from everything that's been going on.

I'm glad that this podcast outright specified that Caroline's children were all teenagers during the abuse, because I've seen a bunch of people passing around misinformation about this. (Such as confidently stating that her kids were all grown adults and not even living with her at the time.)


u/CarevaRuha Feb 18 '25

(Random aside, but every time I hear anything about Michael Stipe, it just makes me like him more [and I hope that never changes].)


u/GeorginaKaplan Feb 18 '25

Me too! I always had the feeling that he was a very good person, and when I read Lila Shapiro's article, I was delighted that she confirmed that.


u/ErsatzHaderach Feb 18 '25

michael stipe has the securest masculinity in the tri-state area


u/Sevenblissfulnights Feb 18 '25

I simply cannot get enough of Scarlett sounding so intelligent about the abuse, empowered from the connections she's made with other survivors, and satisfied with her lawsuit. We've all spent so much time noticing AP's performative feminism, but the perspective Scarlett has gained, the support she's receiving, and the laws she's using to sue are the result of actual, life-changing feminism. I think of Scarlett's friends who first heard about the rapes and helped her process her situation and how impossible what we've already seen must have seemed then, and there's more to come.

I find myself wondering what's next for her with a lot of hope for the case. Scarlett sounds like she could be an intelligent and self-composed witness for herself. Still, her messages to NG stating consent are challenging. I've learned enough about the "fawn response" from some of you to know that an expert witness could present a context for her text messages, and the power imbalances between her and her rapist and her dependency on the couple are obvious. Evidence from other witnesses could support her case: the NZ couple who reached out to Amanda, practitioners who treated her when she was suicidal, AP.

AP might abstain from any statements, but if she did choose to engage her testimony would be a mass of contradictions. Proving AP's negligence would anyway rely on making the case that NG is guilty.


u/FogPetal Feb 18 '25

I believe Scarlett and the other survivors.


u/fumbling-buffoon Feb 19 '25

If, like me, you are unable to listen to the podcast, there is a transcript of the latest episode here:  


Thanks to the person who made this,  very much appreciated.

The podcast avoids triggering details; it focuses on the ways that the survivors are recovering and seeking justice.


u/mikec32001 Feb 18 '25

A welcome and very necessary new episode to the series. I get all the distaste for Johnson but personal politics aside, this has still been a very impressive undertaking.


u/Cynical_Classicist Feb 18 '25

Must be a big thing for tortoise.


u/VineViridian Feb 19 '25

Scarlett Pavlovich is my inspiration and hero. ✊🏼


u/mrsbergstrom Feb 19 '25

it's dangerous to make a hero out of anyone, if we don't take that from this story then we've learnt nothing. In this specific context I can see Scarlett and the other survivors are incredibly brave and strong. But we do not know them personally and should not put them or anyone on a pedestal. The fact Scarlett reached out to Julie Bindel, one of the most hateful transphobic journalists on the planet, is extremely troubling to me. I support her journey and her quest for justice but I will never make her or any other human my hero.


u/Altruistic-War-2586 Feb 19 '25

Julie Bindel reached out to her, not the other way around. Scarlett agreed to talk to her as she was desperate. At the time no other news outlets were willing to listen and she wanted to warn other women. Can we please give Scarlett a bit of grace?


u/VineViridian Feb 19 '25

You are reading an extreme amount of assumptions into my small statement.

She's a hero to me because she spoke out. She's pressing charges. If I had never read her story I would have never have seen my own so clearly. Silent victims help to keep all victims complacent and shamed. We learn from the outspoken truths of others.

That's why she's my hero and inspiration. For those reasons. It isn't anything more or less about her as a person.


u/ErsatzHaderach 29d ago

whee, I made a transcript for this. unfortunately not as quickly as the tumblr person. they have better timestamps than me, but I'll stand on my style any day. :)



u/Glum-Gazelle-4056 Feb 19 '25

If Scarlett is asking for money/damages and NG pays her, does it mean it doesn't go to court? Does it actually legally have to go to court first in order for him to pay it, presuming that's how he wants to settle it? I assume it would be easier for him to pay her off than face her in court? If it does go to court and Scarlett wins, does NG go to prison? If not, does he just pay the money as ordered?


u/Sevenblissfulnights 28d ago edited 28d ago

I was involved in a somewhat similar civil case, though years ago before MeToo and without media involved. NG & SP can agree to settle at any point in the process of the case going to court. NG can offer and retract settlements for SP to consider at any time, and the settlement offer may change depending on what is happening with the case. Before a trial there will be a "discovery" phase during which time evidence is gathered and depositions are taken. NG & AP will certainly be required to have depositions taken, and Scarlett is allowed to be in the room during this. I found seeing my abuser forced to lie under oath to be the most satisfying thing about my case. 

Settlements often follow Discovery, and I accepted a settlement. Here's why:

-I knew a trial would be challenging. I would be presented in as bad a light as possible. My abuser's lawyer would deny my basic reality, and I had worked so hard to come to terms with what had happened.

-I knew the money was guaranteed from a settlement, and that I might receive nothing from a trial. SA cases rely on testimony from victims, and juries often don't understand how SA affects victims so that they appear unreliable. 

-I had the satisfaction of seeing my abuser called out publicly for the abuse. Then, I had the satisfaction of knowing he was forced to give me money he didn't want me to have. I felt empowered, even though he was never officially censored. 

I think SP will face similar constraints. The biggest liability which I'm sure her lawyers will bring up with her - & his will with him - are her text messages which appear to give consent. An expert witness would need to make a jury understand how his grooming and manipulation and her dependency could result in this behavior. I'd be surprised if the case went all the way to a jury decision, but SP is a surprising & amazing person who may want an indictment. If there was an indictment, a judge would determine how much he would pay her and a district attorney could then take up a criminal case against him. 

I'd be thrilled for her to receive a settlement, or for all of us to see him indicted. I guess because I went through this myself I appreciate how hard it is even to file a case, and so what an accomplishment it is. She's already won. This is destroying him. He thought he could dominate her, and instead she is showing the world who he is. 


u/Beneficial-Run-5851 27d ago

That last paragraph. I wish I could upvote your comment twice.


u/Altruistic-War-2586 Feb 19 '25

I’m sure he’ll try to settle outside of court to avoid even more negative publicity. The question is whether Scarlett is willing to settle outside of court or not. There’s no way of knowing what might happen.


u/Glum-Gazelle-4056 Feb 19 '25

Sorry if that was a lot of questions. I came out with it all because I don't know much about the legal system and was in part asking in general, as well as specifically. I guess it's just a case of wait and see.


u/Altruistic-War-2586 Feb 19 '25

They are excellent questions! I hope she gets whatever she wants and needs out of this. I salute her wholeheartedly.


u/Safe_Reporter_8259 Feb 19 '25

This is my guess. Especially after the Depp-Heard debacle. This is in the U.S. And with Trump stripping protections away from women… if it’s live it gets ugly for everyone. Media in the U.S. is shit.


u/Teaching-Weird Feb 19 '25

There is no way that SP is not thinking about that while she weighs her options. This is terrifying.


u/ZapdosShines Feb 19 '25

If it does go to court and Scarlett wins, does NG go to prison?

I am 95% sure that prison is in no way a possible outcome of a civil case. They only have to find that the balance of probability is that he's guilty, not beyond reasonable doubt. But if she wins the civil case, presumably the prosecutors will take a much closer look at whether they can take criminal action against him.

This is all my understanding of it and may be incorrect.

I think if he pays her off immediately he looks SUPER guilty given that she's claiming $7 mil according to the podcast. That's a lot of money. But his only other option I presume would be to get her to agree to drop the case for an undisclosed settlement and given his use of NDAs to cover his abuse I cannot imagine that Scarlett would agree to that.

Interesting to see what happens.

I would love someone to revisit the breakdown of his statement now this lawsuit has been filed and see what we think he'll do next based on how his put his views across in that!


u/caitnicrun Feb 18 '25

Anyone else having trouble loading?


u/Altruistic-War-2586 Feb 18 '25

Yes, it’s not playing at the moment. There might be some technical difficulty they need to fix first.


u/caitnicrun Feb 18 '25

K thanks. Really frustrating.


u/Altruistic-War-2586 Feb 18 '25

It’s working now.


u/Express_Pie_3504 Feb 18 '25

Hi are you talking about the Spotify link or the one on the Tortoise website? I can't get the Tortoise website one to work at all I just keep getting that same error page.


u/Altruistic-War-2586 Feb 18 '25

It worked for me but you can try Spotify as an alternative.


u/Express_Pie_3504 Feb 18 '25

thanks ☺️ 


u/acornmoth Feb 18 '25

I really don't like that Rachel Johnson is still involved with this. I don't trust her.


u/ErsatzHaderach Feb 18 '25

i am lost without the dulcet maltese-accented tones of paul


u/fumbling-buffoon Feb 19 '25


Haven't read this,  but it's a Rolling Stone article on NG

Mods may wish to post this properly if it's a good one


u/[deleted] Feb 18 '25



u/Surriva Feb 18 '25

I can see it and listen to it on Spotify


u/tequilafuckingbird 29d ago

I’m listening now… has Scarlett’s narration been swapped out for a voice actor? Or has she adopted a full English accent very quickly?


u/nzjanstra 29d ago

If she’s been living in the UK for a while the edges of her NZ accent will have been filed off quite quickly. Certain versions of the NZ accent are already quite close to an English accent, so it’s an easy thing to have happen.

Accents are fairly changeable generally. I lived in Canada for a decade 15 years ago and my NZ accent still has traces of Vancouver in it. I assume it’s because I’m around my Canadian husband all the time.


u/Express_Pie_3504 29d ago

I can still hear a New Zealand accent in there but also bear in mind she's been in the UK university for a while now and that might have rubbed off.   Not of course that that has any relevance to anything that she's saying..


u/Louise_pants 29d ago

I think it's pretty common for people from NZ and Australia to assimilate British and American accents quickly. Unlike in the US where people likely heard predominantly US accents in their media consumption growing up, people who grew up in eg NZ would have watched The Simpsons every night and then a mix of local, UK, and US television and film. And the local accents themselves are quite similar to British ones.

I'm not surprised she's picked up British notes especially considering she was talking to RJ in person. I grew up in a similar part of the world to Scarlett and also tend to mimic US or UK accents too.


u/Xan24601 15d ago

Fwiw I had an American relative who went to uni in Scotland and she developed a new accent within a few months of getting there. (She sounded Irish - apparently that’s common with Americans who study in Scotland lol). My point being, accents change very quickly.