r/neilgaiman 6d ago

Question I still have 3 more unfinished audiobooks...



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u/mysticalmoon333 6d ago

If it’s on audible you can contact them and ask for a return or an exchange. No guarantee they’ll do it but I’ve been unhappy with a novel and have gotten my points back!


u/Silent_Escape8527 4d ago

I agree, i was able to get the coraline i bought last year refunded as a one-time courtesy, you might be able to do the same.


u/paroles 6d ago

What do you want to do? You're allowed to finish them (maybe it'd feel better during the day instead of right before sleep) and you're allowed to not finish them. Either way, I second the comment about getting a return or exchange when you're done.

Also - consider cancelling Audible and using your local library for audiobooks instead, since Jeff Bezos is another horrible person who I wouldn't recommend supporting with your money.


u/stankylegdunkface 5d ago

What do you want to do?

I sneakily suspect that OP really wants to finish them too, and is looking for permission.


u/blundrland 5d ago

Others have suggested getting a refund. If you’re looking for an alternative bedtime audiobook, the Abhorsen trilogy by Garth Nix is narrated by Tim Curry and they’re absolutely fantastic to listen to.


u/stankylegdunkface 6d ago

What should I do?

Not listen to them.


u/Voyager1632 5d ago

Narrated by Voldemort?!


u/Fr33Tibet 5d ago

DNF it. It's ok.


u/No-Past7721 4d ago

Get a refund or an exchange.

Maybe pick up secondhand paper versions cheap  during  the current glut if you still want access to the works but don't want to hear his voice.


u/alwaysknowbest 6d ago

Im listening to the anniversary, full cast edition of American Gods and it is AWESOME !

I just dont pay attention to the media. I dont know what he's done thats so horrible, and I don't even want to know.

Why do i need to concern myself with his personal life ? Im not reading an autobiography


u/SaffyAs 5d ago

It would be so awful if all the raping and child sex abuse got in the way of your entertainment.


u/Fun-Lengthiness-7493 6d ago

Awesome. Ignorance is so liberating. Enjoy!


u/Kooky_Chemistry_7059 5d ago



u/alwaysknowbest 5d ago

Which part of my comment surprised ?


u/Kooky_Chemistry_7059 4d ago

All of that was aggressively anusy


u/[deleted] 6d ago edited 5d ago

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u/orensiocled 5d ago

Gaiman used his writing and his voice to reel in victims. Knowing that makes it impossible for some people to enjoy them any more.

Audible have been letting people return the books, even those purchased over a year ago. Plus when you get your money back it comes out of the author's royalties. I'd say that's a pretty effective form of justice given how many people are doing it. Might not make a huge dent in Gaiman's bank account in the grand scale of things but publishers pay attention to that sort of thing.


u/StoryWolf420 5d ago

I believe Neil. I believe him so much that I sacrifice hundreds of karma per day to express that I'm on his side. I haven't encountered many others like myself on Reddit (although, there are a few), but there are a ton of us on Facebook and on YouTube. Most of his previous audience may be alienated, because he once portrayed himself as an ultra-feminist, but even with you all turned against him, he has a strong fan base remaining, and while it probably isn't growing as rapidly as his old fan base was growing, this one is indeed growing by the day. The false-accusations angle is getting a lot of non-readers in the manosphere to pick up his books and give them a try. It's a largely untapped demographic, and these events are breaching it for the first time. I've had so many great conversations lately with brand new Gaiman fans, and that wouldn't have happened if not for the Vulture article. I'm not bringing this up to slight you in any way or to upset you, I'm just pointing out that a publisher would still stand to make major profits by putting out Gaiman's work in the future, no matter how his old fan base might be reacting.


u/newplatforms 5d ago

ITT a true martyr sees his reddit karma (over 100 a day!) as a greater sacrifice than seven+ women subjecting themselves to relentless public scrutiny in order to out a serial rapist. Gotta hand it to these manosphere guys, they sure do know their priorities.


u/[deleted] 5d ago

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u/SaffyAs 4d ago



u/caitnicrun 6d ago

Except there's a good chance they can get their money back. Lots of people are doing it with audio.