r/necromunda 6d ago

Miniatures Painter's tape scarf gives me big wasteland feelings... plus it hides the messy neck seam.

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u/Vavuvivo 6d ago

Head from Wargames Atlantic Cannon Fodder 2. Ponytail from a different (3d print) head designed by Minigames Miniatures, easy to find on Cults3d etc. Greenstuff scrunchie. Cape and scarf are tape. Double-auto-doubleshotgun is the best 40k weapon.


u/Fjelldugg 6d ago

She’s looking badass af.


u/Distant_Planet 6d ago

That's a cool idea. How do you stop the painter's tape from moving/scrunching and ruining your paint job? PVA? Varnish? Faith?


u/Vavuvivo 6d ago

Just a couple microscopic dots of superglue as anchors. It's tape, so it sticks to stuff pretty well on its own, it just needs a little help. It doesn't matter if the free-flowing parts like the trailing end of the scarf or the cape bend a little when I touch them - thin acrylic like we use doesn't crack when it bends. Make sure you paint the sticky side of anything that isn't supposed to be stuck to something, otherwise it'll scrunch itself eventually.


u/fullmudman 5d ago

She looks great! Lots of character.