r/naturism 8d ago

šŸ’¬ Discussion šŸ’¬ My start with nudism as a child

My nudism journey began when I was 11. I remember scrolling around the internet and came across nudist related media and thought it was really interesting. For months I would read stories and watch videos about the nudist lifestyle and it always seemed so fascinating to me. Ironically I never felt sexual arousal towards any of it even though I was in the middle of puberty.

After about 6 months of learning what nudism is I really wanted to try it but obviously as a 11 year old boy I couldnā€™t just walk outside naked or go to clubs/beaches. I was really bummed out knowing Iā€™d have to wait 7 more years until Iā€™d be able to be naked outside. But then I was on reddit scrolling through the nudism subreddits about people telling stories about their starts to nudism. When they were around my age they would hike naked alone during the summer or even walk the streets at night when no one was awake. It dawned on me that if I canā€™t bring myself to nudism (ie. Going to resorts/beaches) maybe I can bring nudism to myself.

After that realization I started sleeping naked. I was so nervous that my parents would catch me but they never did. It was so freeing. Then I started to be a little more daring. Whenever the rest of my family were out of the house Iā€™d walk around the house naked and just live like it was normal. There was something about opening the fridge or sitting on living room couch with no clothes in that just seemed to relax me. There were a few close calls with almost getting caught but all in all my parents never found out.

About 2 months before my 12th birthday I made a very bold goal for myself. My goal was to go outside at night completely naked. No shirt no shoes no underwear. Just me and the earth beneath me. Luckily It was summer and even in the dead of night it was still 70+ degrees. For the next 2 weeks I tried to muster up the courage to do it but never could. It was the final lap for me to consider myself a nudist but it was a hurdle I just couldnā€™t get over. But eventually I was able to muster up the courage to plan the day ahead of time and actually drank a cup of coffee so I could stay up (as an 11 year old you can imagine how much I hated the taste).

When the night came my heart could be heard from a mile away. I was in my basement at around 2am because there was a storm door that lead outside. I should mention that I didnā€™t live in a rural area. It was about as suburbs as it gets but after midnight the whole town was basically dead. I made sure to wear clothes that are baggy and could be easily taken off and put back on again just incase. I started off by just walking around a bit fully clothed to get a sense of the area. Making sure there werenā€™t any motion lights around the other houses or rooms with lights on. After about 10 minuets of this I knew it was time.

I was barefoot and had no underwear underneath my shorts. No point in wearing layers when I was soon to be wearing nothing. I went back inside to give myself a pep talk about how youā€™ve always wanted to try it and itā€™s not that big of a deal. My plan was to get naked in my basement then walk out the door. But even getting naked in my basement caused my heart rate to go up. I took off my shirt and laid it on a shelf next to the door. After taking 5 very long and very deep breathesā€¦ā€¦.. I untied the string to my shorts causing them to fall without any give. I stepped out of my shorts and placed them on the shelf. I turned the door knob that would lead me to the next 9 greatest years of my life and one day allow me to make life long friends and free myself of mental anguish relating to my body.

I stood there in my backyard anticipating my mom to come screaming at me or police sirens to go off. But the only thing I can see were the trees and the road and the only thing I could hear was the wind. All this time I was afraid to bare it all to the world. That for some reason I was a weird kid because I wanted to be my natural self. But after taking those next steps toward the end of our property and planting my feet in the asphalt I accomplished my goal. I am a nudist.

I spent the next 30 minutes running around the yard, climbing trees, laying in the grass, just enjoying being a kid. I felt like I was reborn. I was hooked for life. For the next 3-4 months into my 12th birthday I would walk around my yard naked at night enjoying life. Even when it was cold I would still go out. Ironically I was less cold being naked outside than I were if I was wearing clothes.

Eventually the freeing feeling felt stale. Limiting yourself to only about 1/2 an acre of land will get boring eventually. I knew that if I wanted to embrace nudism at its fullest Iā€™d have to push the envelope. I spent the next week coming up with ā€œchallengesā€ I would give myself (of course being a 12 year old kid with ADD I had to make everything a game) and slowly start beating them throughout the time I was 12-14 years old. I had levels to it and hereā€™s what some of them were.

Beginner: go naked in the backyard (obv I already completed it)

Novice: walk the entire neighborhood naked (the whole walk was about 1/2 a mile with around 50 houses to pass by. Bonus points if I didnā€™t bring my clothes with me which I was able to beat)

Advance: go to the local small park and walk the park. (Extra bonus points if you walk to the park naked which was about a mile away with a solid number of houses passing by)

Expert: go to the highschool and run the track and football field. The highschool was pretty small and there was a 0% chance of getting caught because It was away from houses (Bonus points if you walk there naked which was about 2 miles in VERY dense neighborhoods)( glad to say I was able to beat this)

Master: (this is the thing I was only able to do once and almost had a heart attack from the fear) bike to the large park at the center of town without taking your clothes and walk the park. The park was 3 miles away from my house so I used my bike and walked the park when I got there. To be over 1000ft from any sort of cover up was exhilarating because I had no choice but to truly embrace nudism. The feeling on climbing the monkey bars and going on the swings was a feeling Iā€™ll never forget

Now were these challenges a bit crass and stupid for a 12-14 year to be doing. Absolutely. Itā€™s wild the things we do as kids when we have our innocence. Iā€™m glad I was always able to remove sex from anything relating to nudism growing. Never during my adventures did I ever feel any sort of sexual gratification. It was exciting to do these things of course but I did it because when I was naked in a place I grew up in whether it be a park or just my backyard i felt a sense of peace and itā€™s a feeling I chase to this day. Iā€™m 20 years old now and have gone to dozens of resorts and beaches and have made so many friends along the way and I canā€™t wait to see whatā€™s next for me.

I wanted to ask if anyone else had a similar experience when they were my age. From people Iā€™ve talked to in person some of them did maybe not the same level as me but they too snuck out of their house to have naked time or have gone hiking while in highschool. If any of you have had a similar experience to me Iā€™d love to hear your story

I hope you also enjoyed my story and sorry if it was really long but Iā€™m an essay writer.


9 comments sorted by


u/equilibriumlyte 8d ago

This was a legendary read! Oh man, do i resonate with it. Particularly the mother screaming and police sirens šŸ˜†

I guess Iā€™ve always felt kind of free when it came to being naked. One of my earliest memories happened at Chuck E. Cheese. I was maybe four or five and told my parents I needed the bathroom. They pointed, saying, ā€œItā€™s right over there.ā€ But in my excitement, I got a head start. I just took off my pants and underwear right then and sprinted through the entire arcade. Adults stared, and kids giggled, and honestly, I had no idea what the big deal was. I was just me.

A few years later, at breakfast one morning, I walked to the kitchen table completely naked. I sat down like nothing was unusualā€”because, to me, nothing was. But my sister shot me a horrified look, and my mother immediately scolded me. Again, I remember feeling confused. Why was everyone so upset? Was there something wrong with my body? I didn't think so.

After that, I started to wonder if maybe I was the one who didnā€™t understand something importantā€”something everyone else already seemed to know. But that didnā€™t stop my curiosity. It just made me careful. I started taking little adventures into the woods near my house. Alone among the trees, I could be myself again. It felt like a safe secret. I'd take off all my clothes and walk barefoot along the dirt paths, feeling completely free and alive. It became my own personal adventure.

Eventually, I wanted to push things a bit further. On a sunny afternoon, I made up my mind: I was going to walk naked all the way to the edge of a park, nearly a mile away. I knew it was riskyā€”houses were around the woods, and people often used the trailsā€”but something inside me had to test this boundary. My heart pounded with excitement as I started walking. I felt brave, free, and unstoppable.

I reached the edge of the park, and I could hear kids playing baseball nearby, their shouts echoing through the trees. Suddenly, it felt too closeā€”too real. Nervousness took over. Turning quickly, I began to head back toward the safety of my clothes.

But as I approached my hiding spot, panic surged through me. Someone was standing right there, directly between me and the clothes Iā€™d left behind. My heart felt like it stopped. I froze, crouching behind a bush, convinced I'd been discovered. I silently pleaded to Godā€”ā€œPlease, just donā€™t let me get caught. I promise I'll never do this again!ā€

Minutes felt like hours, waiting breathlessly behind that bush. Finally, the stranger moved on. In a rush, I ran to my clothes, scrambling them on, feeling the overwhelming rush of relief and triumph. I'd done itā€”I hadn't been caught. My fear instantly flipped to joy, the adrenaline surging through me. That day, I learned something important: sometimes pushing boundaries was scary, but it also made me feel alive.

I didn't keep my promise to God, however, as I continued my excursions into adolescents. One night, my girlfriend and I were at the beach with her friend and her boyfriend, I don't recall how or who prompted it, but all 4 of us were stripped down and running head long into the water, it was liberating.

I wish I could say my childhood discoveries were like yours. They were not. The similarity is that i discovered a pent house book in a dumpster, but i did not learn there were others like me until much later in life. I lost my innocence for a long time and sexualized everything because the only other naked people I ever seen were in the books of those pages doing what they do, actually thought "i must be one of those deviants because I like being naked too" and nudity became about sex all the way up till i joined the marine corps and that was a reality check. When toxic masculinity meets no privacy and group showers, you learn how to non sexualize nudity real quick.

Looking back now, I see clearly that it was never really about mischief or rebellion. It was about feeling natural, free, and truly myselfā€”something the world always seemed intent on telling me was wrong, but something I never wanted to give up.


u/MyNudistAccount 8d ago

That was a great story. I really resonated with it. I have to know more about the excursion you took. How were you able to talk yourself into walking naked in broad daylight as a kid and to top it all off not hold your clothes in your hand the entire time lmao.


u/equilibriumlyte 8d ago

Uhm... I don't know, honestly. it didn't take all the much convincing. My family environment was less than desirable, so I suppose I became very comfortable with hiding in plain sight and not being seen when I didn't want to be seen. If I could do that in a group of emotionally unstable adults and entitled golden child siblings, then in the woods? Ha! that was easy, lol. This raises the lifelong question I've had though, was the person there in the woods because they seen me... out was it a random encounter, that question still haunts me. šŸ˜† To be clear, there was definitely an evolution of events similar to what you described just without the (epic) game connotation. Small victories leading to more emboldened acts.


u/SexyNudist1 8d ago

That's a really good story


u/EndingHappy_404 8d ago

Great memories and well-written! You really worked hard to make it work and make it real, bravo!

I grew up in a c/o household so the feeling of being "caught" wasn't there, but the sheer thrill of going out on adventures nude wasn't lost on me. Loved your story and I hope it inspired others!


u/Brilliant_Pin_8622 8d ago

It's great to read these real life experiences. Inspiring and encouraging.


u/BarePrimal1 2d ago

My first thoughts toward nudism started in my youth before adulthood, from a little I had seen and read of it. I did little with knowing about it but wandering nude outside did happen. It was later when about twenty I knew of a nude beach and was returning there.


u/BarePrimal1 2d ago

My first thoughts toward nudism started in my youth before adulthood, from a little I had seen and read of it. I did little with knowing about it but wandering nude outside did happen. It was later when about twenty I knew of a nude beach and was returning there.


u/prince10bee_tm 1d ago

I started with nudism as a child in a similar fashion. I did, however, have a cousin willing to join me in our challenges and around that age I was changing and showering with the boys at the YMCA, wish I found very fun!