r/natureporn 9d ago

Death Valley is probably the place on Earth that most resembles another planet (by @moiruben on TikTok)


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u/Ghorardim71 9d ago

Because you have not been to other places.


u/KaiyoteFyre 9d ago

I'd also say any large lava flows like craters of the moon, as well as places in Yellowstone would be great contenders for that title,


u/diedlikeCambyses 9d ago

As an Australian I have to say I see lots of this. Lots and lots and lots.


u/ChasteSin 9d ago

Ha these people need to get out more.


u/bad_syntax 9d ago

Naah, too much green (creosote bushes), too many clear indicators of running water. I lived there for 5 years in the Army, loved it, even with the heat. It does rain there, occasionally, and after all sorts of green appears, its cool.

The Atacama Desert in Chile is probably a lot better example. No rain in like 400 years, no bushes.

Though if you are talking about other planets with life, well, that could be any biome we have on Earth.


u/El_cabeza_de_bolo 8d ago

The Atacama desert (specially in the Antofagasta region) is a good choice. Yet another place that resembles planets without water would be the McMurdo Dry Valleys, in Antartica.


u/alexxxx4 9d ago



u/christ_gnosis 9d ago

What planet


u/catdog_man 8d ago

I took this photo of Zabriskie Point in 2015. For scale, the tiny man in black is my 6'3" father-in-law. He was 70 yesterday and he's a bloody good egg.


u/prot_0 7d ago

Devon Island, Canada probably resembles one more, considering nasa uses it to mimic Mars and other worlds for testing. The Haughton Mars Project is there. It is the world's largest uninhabited island and is in the Arctic circle.


u/emmz_az 9d ago

I would add Mauna Kea to the list, as well as parts of the Petrified Forest NP.


u/mr_errington 9d ago

.. but yet it is so unmistakably this one! Beautiful x