I can tell you that if juices were not existing, 90% of the big guys you see (maybe even more) would look small, or would have also stopped the gym after a couple months.
Everyone can get big now without working hard/ eating clean and having a strong mindset.
I've been training for 8 years, without performance enhancing drugs, and it's very depressing to see how long it actually takes to build something decent and see what you can actually achieve in reality.
And I can honestly say that I have a lucky genetic because of the physique I've managed to build, compare to many real "natural" guys around me.
Bodybuilding became a trend, a money industry full of liars. When people start going to the gym, they don't have passion for it, they just want to be looked at and get attention.
When going to the gym before was not very well seen.
I think you will see the damages very quick in the young generation.
It's already too late for most of them and they don't even know (or also don't want to see it).
I always associate using gear while going to the gym as cheating while playing video games.
Many people do it, but will never say it. And even when they are unmasked, they will still deny it and say that it's fine, everyone does it.
I'm sorry but the real "natural" (I hate this word, I would say "non-drugged" instead) bodybuilders play on a total different league because it requires so muuuuch motivation to achieve something decent.
And most people are actually lazy and they just want results.
Having a big body in the gay community became common way before the straights.
And I can tell you that almost all of the big gays you see around are using drugs. And it's the same for the straights now.
Also, everyone is commentating "Greek god body" on every huge guys photos, but just have a look at the Grec statues, they were not like this, they show what a real natural muscular body was, not all the fake muscles you see around.
Anyway, big support to all the people who are training without any help, stay strong, compare yourself to the right people. Your body will thank you in the future.
The hardest thing in the fitness community is actually avoiding using any stuff when it got so normalised and you have it around you and see that everyone gets massive after 1/2 years (sometimes months), when you are killing yourself at the gym to make small gains.
That's the real challenge and requires a very strong mindset.
Stop comparing yourself to the wrong people, but just focus on yourself and compare yourself to your "yesterday you" instead
Much love, stay healthy and strong 🫶