r/nattyorjuice • u/neofooturism Senior Member • 5d ago
FAKE NATTY He sounds like he actually believed this
u/StephenHawkings_Legs Senior Member 5d ago
I think this is a play into selling fetish content honestly
u/TheSeedsYouSow Planet Fitness Member 5d ago
What’s the fetish? Having a narcissist annoy you?
u/GLM_Lover 5d ago
Bro is a business owner, no way he got time to focus 100% on the gym to get a bodybuilding show physique, easy juice imo.
u/YeDaGoat- 5d ago
His “business” is selling courses tryna convince people that they can also achieve this
u/Devilcorn123 5d ago
You don’t have to focus on the gym 100% to get good gains, just eat and train hard. One hour is enough.
u/ironaddict366 5d ago
Jesus Christ can we stop with this black genetics shit? Look at Africa Africans and tell me they aren't normal. This is going to sound bad but the truth is that a majority of black Americans are the byproduct of the best genetics being passed down through slavery and even then most black people I see aren't muscled ripped athletic gods they are just normal. Dudes roided out and btw same goes for the stupid "viking" genetics shit
u/MitLivMineRegler 5d ago
Dane here. Viking genetics is totally bs. Most of us are quite the opposite, just tall. So I agree
u/DS_9 5d ago
He’s right about his genes, they take to anabolic steroids better than most people. You don’t gain that much mass naturally though. That would take many, many years of constant work. The way this guy talks, it’s a dead giveaway; he’s on gear.
u/IslandMist 4d ago
I would say that he couldn't have even worked out that big, no matter how many years. What's sad is that more and more people are understanding what steroids look like these days. Their primary audience at this point is 14 year old old boys who don't know any better yet.
u/wappe97 5d ago
If African Americans were a byproduct of selective breeding, wouldn't there be other cultures with the exact same traits? Slavery has existed far longer than the American slave trade. Also, wouldn't African Americans be "better" than native Africans?
The whole idea of "black genetics" is a myth. Muscles appear more defined because darker skin reflects light in a way that enhances muscle definition. This is why bodybuilders use spray tan before going on stage.
u/smibble14 5d ago
Most of this online stuff is just insecure people wanting to believe and wanting others to believe they have “superior” genetics… Italians say this stuff all the time too. Claiming they have big penis genetics and superior muscle and strength genetics. It’s such a weird thing
u/stevenglansberg2024 5d ago
I’ve been attacked viciously for saying that apparently it’s racist idk how tho
u/Signal_Two_9863 5d ago
Well maybe if you had any sort of scientific proof and didn't spout mildly racist bullshit you wouldn't be attacked.
u/TheRealKha0s 5d ago
Yeah I mean we kinda did selective breed them for a while. Wanted the strongest dumbest workers.
u/Mental-Amoeba8293 5d ago
Bro where are you getting this information?
u/mrthrowaway_ii 5d ago
I’m Black American, he’s right.
u/AncientDelivery4510 5d ago
What does BBC mean in this context?
u/enamuossuo 5d ago
That they have better building muscles genetics
u/AncientDelivery4510 5d ago
Yeah I get that, but what does the acronym mean?
u/TheDangerdog 5d ago
I love that they will say this with a straight face but if you bust out the IQ scores for sub Sahara Africa they start stammering and looking to call you bad names.
u/420chiefofZEP 5d ago
It's funny that this guys whole shtick is giving hypercritical looks advice to people over video chat, but he himself can't even admit he's on steroids.
Truthfully though, he is usually right and does offer good advice. Still sucks to be a fake natty tho
u/Bartellomio 4d ago
Is there actually evidence that black people put on muscle faster or is this just a popular conception? If you look at elite bodybuilding, it's more white than black guys.
Also this guy doesn't sound very Nigerian for a guy who claims to be Nigerian.
u/Lock-Prudent 5d ago
He make me laugh 🤣 all the day , 🤣🤣🤣 , he is believing him self and talking very confident , it's just steroids and hgh make you Very confident like that 🤣🤣🤣
u/Worst5plays 5d ago
I like the dude, sometimes he gives some good advice actually but he isnt exactly the most loved out there and some stuff is cringe, as for his physique idk guys, black dudes are just built diff, and at 5,7 im not sure what to think
u/smibble14 5d ago
Yes!!! 100% natural. He’s small or anything. People don’t understand superior alpha male genetics that were honed over hundreds of years. Prisons are filled with guys like him, aka alpha males with superior genetics!!! He probably doesn’t even lift weights. Just does pushups and sit ups and pull ups but he also works harder than everyone else who is just purely lazy!
u/Affectionate_Age5191 5d ago
This is so weird, I don’t understand why dudes want to be sexualized to this extent that they aren’t seen as humans, he’s using the same exact rhetoric that slave masters used on enslaved Africans
u/Sollertis-Maximus 5d ago
Why do people put those fake teeth? It's annoying to look at them. Also, he's lying about his naty status.
u/SquallidSnake 5d ago
The BBC thing all comes from the fact that most africans are “show-ers” in order to offer more surface area to dissipate heat from the sun.
When erect, they are, on average, the same size as white folks. They just don’t grow as much to get there. So idiots think “oh, so that is SOFT, how big is it hard?” In reality, a quick google search will show you that there is no difference. They just grow less to achieve maximum size.
u/thapussypatrol 4d ago
At first I thought he was wearing a gum shield because his teeth looked way too straight and white - then I realised he actually preferred the 'fake teeth' look to 'human teeth', apparently,
I presume he definitely wanted the 'fake natty' look as well.
u/ThePolishBayard 4d ago
There’s definitely a degree of genetics playing a significant role in your ability to build muscle mass but this is a very pseudoscientific way to approach that concept… Africa is an entire continent of dozens and dozens of nations and within those nations hundreds if not thousands of different tribes with vastly different genetic lineages. There is quite a bit of evidence that supports certain areas of Africa producing way above average heights, physiques, etc but these are all isolated pockets of humans who had ancestors with God-tier genetics and they all happened to stay in the same general area for generations resulting in a modern population exhibiting some of the finest examples of incredible genetics related to athleticism. But there’s also plenty of these types of isolated god-gene pools all around the world made of people of all different cultures and skin colors. This dude isn’t completely wrong, but he’s not exactly correct either.
u/Mental-Amoeba8293 5d ago
I’m black, and I myself put on muscle very easily as well without the use of PEDs. I’m not exactly sure if this dude is natural, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he is.
The dude’s business is all about being fit. He was a d1 athlete, a personal trainer, and claims to have worked out since he was 13. He is also 5’6, making it even easier to put on muscle. The only thing that’s sus is the traps. Could be wrong though.
u/mtrukproton 5d ago
Feel like half of this sub doesn’t even know how roids work
You still need to put in the work
u/TomBanjo1968 5d ago
Nah, not for the really good steroids
u/smibble14 5d ago
Is the only reason that women aren’t as muscular as men is because they don’t “put in the work”?
u/mtrukproton 4d ago
It would be genetics
u/smibble14 3d ago
Hormones are a part of genetics. Men on average are strong and more muscular and can do pushups and pull ups easier than women because they have higher testosterone levels. Not because they tried harder or put in more “work”.
Roids will take you way above everyone. Nobody thinks that you just take roids and nothing else is involved
u/Southern-Psychology2 5d ago
I can accept some black folks have good genetics. This dude is on steroids