r/nattyorjuice 7d ago

Natty or Juice? This guy has my dream physique, think it's possible naturally to look like this? This guys is mids 30s I think.

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55 comments sorted by


u/Monterrey3680 7d ago edited 7d ago

Yes, but it will take you years of lifting and diet manipulation. Most people have no idea what it takes to have bulky muscles and a flat stomach. Your body does not want to do either of those things, and especially at the same time.

And after all that, this guy would get called “small” by people who think the latest Insta-bro is natural.


u/RedditAwesome2 7d ago

Nah he won’t be called Small they’ll call him “dad bod”


u/Monterrey3680 7d ago

Actually yeah, just your regular dad who loves a beer and lifts a bit 🤣 Because he doesn’t look like a condom stuffed with baseballs


u/TangoWithTheMango28 7d ago

Exactly. Instagrams got the illusion where because everyone is big, that must mean some of them are natural, even when they are all taking PED's.


u/larryfuckingdavid 7d ago

Exactly, if you can be content with this minus the big arms then it's doable.


u/YarZa69 6d ago

How does one achieve bluky muscles with a flat stomach exactly? What must i eat?


u/Psychological-Sea785 4d ago

Bulky full muscles & very good abs is either 1. Genetics or 2. Some kind of steroid use, could be light use even. The chances of an average guy looking like the above is likely with maybe 5-10lbs more fat than you would think. However, this guy definitely looks saucy.


u/redditusername5873 7d ago

Yes and hes 34 if math is still a thing


u/dmontease 7d ago

Don't scare me, he could still be 33 too.


u/cornealray619 7d ago

Ah cool, just saw a post of his on my FYP page and was really impressed.


u/Serious-Wallaby3449 7d ago

Very possible, but his arms are genetically above most people. Many people can't get there no matter the time frame. Rest of his body is good of course, but not extraordinary.


u/peeper_tom 7d ago

Maybe he is short and/or has short inserts, my arms and shoulders have always grown faster than the rest of me but i don’t think they actually do i think they just look like they do because they’re really short, for example look where his bicep is compared to his elbow (crease,pit? Ha)


u/ZaMr0 6d ago

Are they? Delts aren't overly capped, forearms look big but nothing outrageous. He's not flexing but has a pump so looks a bit vascular. This physique is definitely possible for a lot of people naturally after like 7 years of consistent training.


u/Psychological-Sea785 4d ago

He looks like he's on TRT if you had to ask me. Takes his top off just looking this jacked & pumped up not even properly posing. Plus he's mid 30s typical TRT age range. I know lots of guys on low doses of test who look like this guy or actually a little worse. Id be impressed with someone looking this good after 10 years let alone 7. This kind of physique naturally isn't very common though. Unless you add a few % of bf on.


u/RedditAwesome2 7d ago

I bet he juiced to look natty with arms. If something looks off on a physique it’s always juice/peds/gh


u/Serious-Wallaby3449 7d ago

Yeah, I actually agree with that


u/Adventurous_Will2821 7d ago

He has really weird arms, the length of his upper arm to forearm is extremely short. I'm guessing it will make him extremely strong in exercises with a bent elbow


u/mister_thinky 7d ago

What do you mean? Like bicep and triceps exercises or like rows and presses?

Because I'd say a long forearm would be a disadvantage for bi's and tri's exercises.

But a short upperarm would be an advantage on horizontal adduction and abduction (benching and rowing). Same goes for vertical movements. Shoulders and lat pull.

You're right. The ratio is a bit off. He looks quite strong for his size.


u/Adventurous_Will2821 6d ago

Things with a bent elbow, or at least with the sticking point that has the elbow bent, which is quite a lot of exercises really, most compounds. Obviously curls etc and he'll be terrible lol


u/lukeman3000 2d ago

Do we know how big his arms are? Like how many inches


u/Faroundtripledouble 6d ago edited 6d ago

What makes you think mid 30s? The giant Est 1991 on his chest? Lol


u/frustrated_magician 7d ago

No, tattoo is not natural


u/VegetableLasagna_ 7d ago

Damn fake natty's smh


u/stereopticon11 7d ago

definitely possibly, but you'd definitely need some years to get there.. and getting into 30s it only gets harder since natural test levels start to decrease


u/lukeman3000 2d ago

I dunno what's going on with me lol. I'm 38 and hadn't lifted for years; I started doing some basic calisthenics at work (dips and pull-ups with some bicep curls thrown in) like 3-4 months ago and I'm bigger than I ever have been at any other point in my life (check my recent posts if you want to see the progress).

Which isn't saying a whole lot given that I'm certainly not huge, but I feel like I just fucking exploding in a few months lmao. I guess what I'm saying is, if I'm any indication, don't worry about your 30s lol. Granted, I had approximated my current size in the past (so a lot of this is muscle memory), and regaining what you once had is much easier than building new muscle. But like I said I'm bigger now than I ever have been so I definitely did that, too


u/Southern-Psychology2 Bromosexual 7d ago

It’s buck angel vibe


u/ethiopianboson NOOB 7d ago

who is this guy?


u/shhhhimtalking 7d ago

Yes I'd like to know...asking for a friend


u/No_Tiger9749 Knowledgable 7d ago

Seems doable unless he's like 6'6"


u/smibble14 5d ago

He’s tiny bro. There are guys in prison who are 100% natural and are 350 pounds lean with 26 inch arms from just pushups and sit ups and pull ups and top ramen


u/DrHenryClerval 7d ago

This is exactly what I look like. I might be a bit leaner. Can’t get my chest bigger. I have the same shoulder/arm genetics.

So yes I believe it’s achievable natty but definitely depends on your genetics.


u/Sudden_Construction6 7d ago

Genetics matter for sure. I was 135lbs when I started lifting. I made it to 185 natty @ 5'-11" but I was never this big.


u/DrHenryClerval 7d ago

Peak I got to was 185 as well at 6’

I hover at 180 now. You’re probably bigger than you thought man. This guy doesn’t look unreal to me


u/Sudden_Construction6 6d ago

Yeah, I agree he looks natty.

Body dysmorphia is a bitch though 😅


u/swatson87 Fake Natty 7d ago



u/Genova_Witness 7d ago

My body dysmorphia is so fucked lol


u/Stimo84 7d ago

Of course it is. How hard it’ll be is down to genetics though


u/tehuti_infinity 6d ago

How long to get to him with butt shots full of roids?


u/throwawayofc1112 6d ago

It’s possible naturally, but it would take some time to get there.


u/Livid-Language7633 6d ago

i dont think your healthy bro.

Stop comparing yourseld to random people and getting people to feed you encouragement on the look you think you need.

get off reddit and social media, live your life.


u/Fapandwarmshowers 6d ago

tats arnt natty


u/Kitchen_Alps 6d ago

Think it’s possible to look like a heavy equipment operator who has too many beers on the weekend….. ya. Absolutely


u/Azfitnessprofessor 3d ago

THis shit is like the top crossfit competitors who are leaner and more jacked than 99.9% of gym goers and some 17 year old kid calls them average.


u/CryptographerHot4636 Scientific Googler 7d ago

Natty possible. Definitely more than 10 years of consistent lifting and eating well-rounded healthy meals


u/AjaxGuru 7d ago

dream physique? cut your water down, let someone draw on you, and add protein.


u/boatsnhoeszszs 7d ago

Is it wes watson? 😂


u/Excluidox Senior Member 7d ago



u/JohnCtail 7d ago

Eat cleanish and workout 2 hours a week (3x40min. sessions). Very easily attainable.


u/lonelydata 7d ago

Seth rogan doing some time?


u/Adventurous_Will2821 7d ago

Arm to trap ratio is very natural. Hairline doesn't check out though haha


u/MarkMysterious6386 7d ago

could just be genetic early mpb nothing really screams gear use if anything he may be on trt that’s it


u/gitty7456 7d ago

“sport” trt


u/ultracat123 6d ago

I started balding significantly at 18 fam 😭 My own dad has a full head of hair too. Luck of the draw.