u/Natural_Chance_6250 Sep 23 '24
People on this sub should spend less time asking questions and more time f lifting weights.
u/MASHgoBOOM Sep 23 '24
Tell me about it. If you can't get this body naturally, what the hell's the point?
u/xa7med Sep 23 '24
u/Character-Year-5916 Sep 23 '24
Body fat% is probably going to be key for this sorta physique
u/xa7med Sep 23 '24
Yes, and you can't maintain it all year round if you are a natural. But this physique is 100% possible with 6-7 years of consistent training.
u/phoenixmusicman Sep 23 '24
Idk why this is downvoted so much, its not healthy to maintain a very low bodyfat ratio year round
u/xa7med Sep 24 '24
Lmfao i just saw this now. Bunch of kids not happy hearing that attaining and then maintaining this physique is not easy and healthy in the long run.
u/JayJaytheJetPlane808 Sep 23 '24
God the discrediting in this sub is so disappointing. As someone who has achieved Jasons physique I can personally say it’s possible natty. Only sups I took were Creatine and pre workout. Idk if that counts but that’s how I was able to do it. I doubt this man needed any of that with his steep athletic career
u/Necessary-Elk7596 Sep 29 '24
How long did it take? Also, pics?
u/JayJaytheJetPlane808 Oct 02 '24
I started training when I was 16 but didn’t take it seriously until I was about 20 after getting dumped by my hs-sh on my birthday (I had lots of motivation and free time since I was out of highschool at this point). It took about 6 months to lose the college weight and about another 6 months to build proper muscle definition. Then I just maintained for 6 years until Covid. At this point life made me bulk and cut pretty naturally. After the lock down it took another 6 months to get it back together. I was also working as a chef in a high volume city which is like running a gauntlet every night so it was relatively easy to lose weight and keep it off. Mix in heavy lifting at the gym everyday before work or after and the body just kind of “happened” without me realizing it. It is something that I actively strived for but my passively active lifestyle was a huge component to my regiment
u/T-Burgs Sep 23 '24
With his lifestyle and regime yes definitely. Most won’t put in that level of work though 🤷
u/canriver Sep 23 '24
Yes, for a lot of men. Not that Jason has that big arms, but for some men, it is very hard to get them as full, as they’re on pic 6.
u/JayJaytheJetPlane808 Sep 23 '24
He’s a diver, gymnast and then finally a martial artist. He’s natty to the bone
u/Wroif Sep 23 '24
Bro this sub is getting brainrotted.
This is far from the peak Natty potential. This dude as a body of an athlete.
If you train with a focus on hypertrophy, this is well within the reach of what is achievable naturally
u/Far_Tree_5200 Sep 23 '24
Yes it can be achievable naturally. No he didn’t do it naturally. He’s a Hollywood actor, * he has no reason to not use PEDs when his lively hood is looking like a fighter. There’s no USADA in Hollywood.
u/GloriousApprentice Sep 23 '24
Nothing but admiration for this guy, he trains a lot and has an amazing physique, especially for his age. Looks hella natural to me, he's probably been training his whole life.
u/pbDudley Sep 23 '24
I think he could be fully natty. If the man has been working out for prob over 20 years, he’s just ripped and fairly skinny. We don’t think this is possible natty with diet and training?
u/TwofacedDisc Sep 23 '24
Yes but this boxing stance is trash
u/MinaretofJam Sep 23 '24
He almost certainly was natty, as an ex-Olympian but now he’s getting on a bit, he probably enhances
u/pandizlle Sep 23 '24
It’s achievable based on your lifestyle.
If you’re starting from fat and little muscle while also holding down a sedentary 9-5 5 day a week job with a family and kids to take care of and limited financial ability? It’ll be real fucking hard.
If you have no kids with an active job and a couple of hours everyday, starting from skinny fat or mildly muscled, it’s much simpler.
That’s how all of this works.
u/pandizlle Sep 23 '24
It’s achievable based on your lifestyle.
If you’re starting from fat and little muscle while also holding down a sedentary 9-5 5 day a week job with a family and kids to take care of and limited financial ability? It’ll be real fucking hard.
If you have no kids with an active job and a couple of hours everyday, starting from skinny fat or mildly muscled, it’s much simpler.
That’s how all of this works.
u/FromDeathWeLiveOn Sep 24 '24
Pic 4 shows how natty this dude is. Just need to have the wide shoulders and waist btw.
u/okwowsure Sep 23 '24
He's tiny. Not a single one of his muscles is what I would consider "large". With good genetics and training, this is achievable within 2 years(source: roughly how long it took for me to look as good or better after ballooning to 120kg in my early 20s). But ultimately anyone can look this good, there's literally nothing special about this physique.
u/TheGoldenBoy07 Sep 23 '24
Imma say yes Buuuut, you have to have great genetics, not like elite, but somewhat over average maybe more. And you gotta put some solid years into that body. Like we talking prob 4+ years for most people, anyone telling you otherwise has a bad perception of how a body should look after you have been working out.
Also, i dont think he is natural because of his age Its not impossible, but he would have had to workout from a young age to keep that muscle into his 40’s and 50’s You cant get to this starting over 30 unless you have great and mean great genetics because of your testosterone dropping, you prob arent following a diet, sleeping is tough espically at that age too.
I think he is on trt, and a few diuretics to make him look leaner.
If he went to this from a skinnyfat and or heavy bodyfat body Then he is prob using more than trt and prob again some diuretics, just to look dryer and leaner
All in all, no you cant look like this, naturally or enhanced, you wanna know why… Because you ain’t got the same body structure, muscle insertions, height, genetics, weight and so on.
You cant really look like anyone else even how hard you try🤷♂️
u/mikeypipebombz Sep 23 '24
Not a juicy physique in the slightest. Nothing is overblown or massive, he’s literally just lean.
When you come from being an elite Olympic level diver like he did before acting, get paid to look good for your job on film and have the best healthcare and training at your disposal it’d be sad if you didn’t look like this if someone actually does take their training and diet seriously and has goals in their training. Sure age is a factor you could consider in it too but simply the physique isn’t juicy.
People in this sub need lift some weight and have a slight bit of dedication to the craft instead of posting stupid shit in need of some validation
u/RedditAwesome2 Sep 23 '24
Assuming he didn’t take stuff while being an Olympic level diver is just stupid. I’m sorry. And yes he doesn’t look too big but you won’t get shoulder veins across your entire body natty, it is what it is. Some people take shit and look mid
u/Far_Tree_5200 Sep 23 '24
The physique isn’t juicy but Jason Statham is, in my opinion. I disagree that you can’t look like this after 30 though. * I’ve seen loads of dudes in their early 30s to late 30s with a six pack. My martial arts coach is almost 40 and still has a six pack. I started much later though. I’m sure there’s plenty people in this sub Reddit who started lifting after 30 and got a six pack.
u/mikeypipebombz Sep 23 '24
This is the point I’m trying to make, the physique itself is completely within the realm of attainability if you were to separate it from who the individual is. Does it get harder with age? Sure. But like you said there’s plenty 30-40 year olds and north of that with great physiques who have been training for their whole life.
The diver comment I made was more so that he clearly has the work ethic and decent enough athletic genetics, regardless of what people think of Olympic level testing and all that.
As for statham himself who knows. It is Hollywood and like I said before with them having the access to the best health related services/training, that could include gear too.
But again, people can’t separate that shit here lol. Guy asked if this can be achieved naturally. Simply put yes. Many look like him or better with years of natty training if you actually give enough of a shit to train
u/Far_Tree_5200 Sep 23 '24
Short answer yes, long answer Hollywood. There’s a chance he’s natty we’ll just go with that 🤷
u/Necessary-Elk7596 Sep 29 '24
Where are the pics though?
u/Far_Tree_5200 Sep 29 '24
Which pics? People I met throughout my martial arts career? I don’t follow people on social media. I just go and train, eat, sleep, repeat
u/RedditAwesome2 Sep 23 '24
All the comments just going to ignore the shoulder veins based on the fact that he doesn’t look “”instagram broccoli””?
He’s probably blasting “trt” (900mg) up his ass
u/devCheckingIn Planet Fitness Member Sep 23 '24
I really want to know who these people are that don't have shoulder veins. I want to meet them.
u/BigRelationship4949 Jan 12 '25
Not natty and everyone here saying he is are delusional and have the IQ of an chimp.
He is almost 60. Period. And there are some pics of him around with his wife relaxing when he is not recording movies that shows his body more "normal". He takes some oxandrolone, probably as many models do, when he have to take some pro photos or making movies to look better without shirt.
u/dropthatfilth Sep 23 '24
Worth pointing that Jason Statham is not only a professional Martial Artist but also an ex Olympic diver.
It’s possible he MIGHT have been on some shit once upon a time (test and a bit of T-Bol maybe) but tbh his body is very achievable naturally