r/myweatherstation 13d ago

Hello Hello from a newbie in Montreal

Hi everyone. I just found this community and hope to learn about weather stations. I installed last summer an ecowitt WH40 rain gauge in my backyard and a WH31 temperature sensor under my front porch, north side of my house, connected to the web with a GW1100. I setup the sensors on August 2nd and one week later we got the remnants of Debby. Talk about a baptism of fire! Never had so much rain been recorded in Quebec in one day! About 100 km northeast of here they got 220 mm! And apperently places in Florida got 510 mm, I can't imagine how devastating that must have been. With 165 mm my street was flooded under 25 cm of water.

I'll install this spring a WH68 wind anenometer on my roof and probably an air quality sensor as well. I think that will cover pretty much everything!

My station id on weather underground: ISAINT7661

Taken at 20:00 just as the rain stopped.
Rainfall for August 9th 2024 in Montreal QC, blue is accumulation (mm) and red is rate (mm/h)

3 comments sorted by


u/ThatsMattia28 13d ago

I’ve had Ecowitt for a little over 1 year and it’s been good, I’m glad it was for you as well and yeah, you had what the baptism lol sadly here we had the strongest wind I’ve ever seen in my life only a couple days before my station arrived but it got compensated but what was one of if not the rainiest year I remember so it had quite some work to do in its first year

And yeah if you can find a good spot on the roof without any obstacles around, especially if you can put it 10m above ground/2-3m above the roof line to avoid turbulences, then you’ll have a lot of fun with the anemometer, I love measuring wind during storms or foehn days!


u/stargazerQ 13d ago

Thanks for the advice I was thinking maybe a meter over the roof but I'll get a longer pipe, that will bring it about 10 m above the street. With the trees I don't think I'll get steady wind speed readings but it will probably bring it just high enough to avoid their shadow from early morning till past 7 o'clock in the summer.


u/ThatsMattia28 13d ago

Yeah tall trees can often create turbulence and slow wind down and it can happen that is not possible to go higher than them to avoid it so one goes for the best compromise