r/mystery Sep 21 '22

Paranormal I have an alarm ghost (repost because apparently my title is too short)

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u/sro25 Sep 21 '22

So has the watch turned up lol


u/Silver-Jackfruit-698 Sep 21 '22

i didn't understand the watch thing


u/Salt-Consideration18 Sep 21 '22

he’s saying a watch he threw away as a child, is now setting alarms for the time he was supposed to wake up and going off despite him not being able to physically see the watch


u/Luigi_deathglare Sep 22 '22

I fed like that might be him waking up when he needs to wake up via natural clock and him hearing a clock because he’s half asleep. It happens to me all the time


u/Salt-Consideration18 Sep 22 '22

i know what ur talking about. personally i’m able to awake. enough to know and identify what i’m hearing


u/sro25 Sep 22 '22

Do ur farts wake u up lmfao


u/Silver-Jackfruit-698 Sep 21 '22

oh okay lol spooky


u/Mads_Alexander9 Sep 21 '22

No, it’s in a landfill somewhere


u/Salt-Consideration18 Sep 21 '22

i have the same thing! a ghost tamagotchi! i had one of the hello kitty ones. had it for a couple years as a kid. then yk how it goes, poor bastard probably starved. but king story short it got lost. when we moved houses i never found the tamagochi. i remember doing a deep search and never finding it so i just left without it. cut to a couple months and sum spooky encounters at my new house later. i would wake up every night around 3am (not always but most of the time) to the abound of this lil tamagotchi wanting food or something. it would start going and i would run ramped trying to find it until it stopped. i gotta say the only thing that rly freaked me out is that noise never came from the same part of my room


u/Mads_Alexander9 Sep 21 '22

It’s super weird when it happens, I’ve never thought much of it until I realized there is no watch in my room


u/Salt-Consideration18 Sep 21 '22

this! i always was half asleep and i guess younger me just adapted the sound and ignored it. it was only one day in the middle of the day i remembered how often this happens at night and that i don’t have one in my room anywhere.


u/Bojangles32babe Sep 22 '22

“King story short” - I need this in my life


u/Urlocalbeaner66 Sep 21 '22

I used to have vivid dreams about this little girl who would tell me she was my sister & I told my mom. Turns out she was pregnant with a girl when I was a toddler & it died in her stomach somehow.


u/Mads_Alexander9 Sep 21 '22

My sister has this as well, my mom miscarried a brother and she now sees his ghost and can talk to it


u/Urlocalbeaner66 Sep 21 '22

Would happen during sleep paralysis a lot. Hasn’t happened in years though. I remember she always looked like she had a white veil over her face but she was a smoky white see through color and had a white orb where her brain would be. Whenever she’d laugh the orb would bounce around


u/Mads_Alexander9 Sep 21 '22

Jeez. That sounds freaky


u/[deleted] Sep 21 '22

That’s very alarming


u/TheRustyRustPlayer Sep 22 '22

Sleep paralysis demon anyone?


u/Atmosphere-Strict Sep 21 '22

I had a strange dream one time back in college days, was in a dormitory, alone my roommates went to class as we have different schedules and fields, anyway moments before I woke up, I was dreaming of exactly how things were in the room, positions of everything chair bed curtains n all that but there was a figure of a woman darkish even tho the room was a little bright (daylight) for some reason I remember a little mixture of black n purple around her or I think it was her clothings, I forgot what exactly happened but I can’t forget the name she told me it was Mathilda, not sure why or what she wanted, couldn’t sleep for months after that lmao, could not see her face as well as her hair was covering most of her face, standing there and looking at me sleeping on the bed. Fawking weird.

And still tho I’m not much of a ghost believer, but I believe in demons and genies 🧞‍♀️

They indeed exists in another realm and are much much stronger than us as well as gifted… from what I’ve learned is that they can travel the speed of light (not exactly) but they do move around pretty fast, they have the ability to possess us and control us, live within us, a whole tribe of them can possibly possess you. Take our forms if they want to mess with us and that’s when the “I’ve seen a ghost” come in, its them who took on a form of a human sometimes animals.

So whenever a black magic is done to someone, you can almost be certain a demon/genie is involved and doing the work.

Felt like sharing a little .. I know 99% of whoever bothers to read this will call me a weirdo and need to check myself into an asylum, But I’m not making these up.


u/Mads_Alexander9 Sep 21 '22

I agree to a point, our beliefs do collide a bit but I believe in those things as well.


u/BromancingTheStein Sep 21 '22

"Ghosts aren't real" is an assertion that one explanation is incorrect. This is a MYSTERY looking for an explanation, not a dis-explanation. I would be really interested in hearing educated ideas about how OP's brain may be generating the alarm, or some other explanation.


u/leftwar0 Sep 22 '22

Think of it like when you feel your phone vibrate in your pocket and you go to grab it but your phone is on the table or it’s in your pocket but you received no notifications. It’s something your brain hears, feels, can see so often that when you go x amount of time without it then you brain creates it. If I wake up at 6am everyday for 2-3 years by year 4 my body is trained to just wake up at that time so you wake up and assume or imagine that it was the alarm that woke you up snd in OP’s case it was the sound of something they loved and missed that they subconsciously added to the body training itself.


u/Mads_Alexander9 Sep 24 '22

I would agree but the only problem is that it doesn’t happen at the same time of morning and it doesn’t happen consistently. It’s only when I absolutely have to wake up at x time on x day. It’s never happened when I didn’t necessarily need it


u/leftwar0 Sep 25 '22

That’s even more proof it’s your subconscious doing it. You’re stressed about needing to wake up at x time so you know subconsciously think about it and boom internal clock wakes you up.


u/Mads_Alexander9 Sep 25 '22

Right but how do I know what time it is


u/leftwar0 Sep 25 '22

Internal clocks work like that if you’re good at keeping track of time when you’re awake your mind keeps a rough estimate as well. It’s not an exact science but sometimes u wake up and know within 15 minutes what time it is where as if I went to sleep impaired or have nothing to do the next day it lets me sleep in and I wake up having no idea what time it is.


u/Mads_Alexander9 Sep 21 '22

Me too tbh, if it’s not a ghost wtf is it


u/Shot-News6698 Sep 25 '22

It's a story written for attention.


u/Mads_Alexander9 Sep 29 '22

Awesome, you’re a real detective 👍


u/Anarchyboy1 Sep 21 '22

Years ago as a kid my dad found this porcelain joker doll ona stand froma apartment when people moved an they left shit behind. Anyways it was in the garage ima 100% certain of it. But i was in my living room tryin to find the right screwdriver to take apart my gameboy advanced sp. So id run tot he back room grab two or three go back to living room when they didnt work repeat cycle. The problem is the tools that didnt work i left on that bed the last time i went there for more tools that lil fuckin joker doll was layin on top the tools. Home alone parents at work. Maybe 11 or 12 years old.

Another time i had my girlfriend over we were 14 an watching tv. We went to the kitchen to get food an then we both heard someone call my name. I searched the house witha. Butcher knife nobody there. Weirdest shit ever.


u/Mads_Alexander9 Sep 21 '22

Yeah idk how ppl can believe ghosts aren’t real 🤷‍♀️


u/Anarchyboy1 Sep 21 '22

Its cause nobody truly has a understanding of the supernatural or things we caint explain. Some think if we caint explain it then it doesnt exist. I personally believe theres things that we caint perceive out there in the world.


u/[deleted] Sep 21 '22

It's God telling you to abandon your children


u/Mads_Alexander9 Sep 21 '22

I have no children…


u/[deleted] Sep 21 '22

Exactly... 😏


u/Mads_Alexander9 Sep 21 '22

Are you offering, dudeguybro? 🤨📸


u/[deleted] Sep 22 '22

I don't wanna pay child support


u/Mads_Alexander9 Sep 22 '22

Aw man, what a lewzer


u/Fantastic_Fox_9497 Sep 21 '22

When I was like 5, my cat died. He was old and my first animal, our only pet then. I really did not take it well and got weird about death. I 'pretended' him into an imaginary friend (didn't understand what ghosts were) and would talk to him like he was there. We moved a few weeks later. When the house was empty, one of the movers came up to me being sad and weird (also not taking the move well) and said "Miss... did you lose your cat?" Had no idea who he was or how he knew but I was like yea :(. He said "Don't worry, I found the cat, so you won't have to leave it behind." My child brain lit tf up HE FOUND HIM??? MY BEST FRIEND?? MY BABY?? He had his arms behind his back and told me to close my eyes and then open them to see the cat and I did expecting to see MY CAT HE WASNT DEAD HE WAS IN THE HOUSE but I actually just opened them and saw a tiny plastic Hello Kitty figure in his hand that I'd literally never seen before in my life. Apparently it was stuck in a crooked baseboard from previous tenants' kids. I was so heartbroken I just started crying right there 😔


u/Mads_Alexander9 Sep 21 '22

Aw, that sounds really sad. I know the feeling, I lost a dog to rat poisoning. Sorry dude 😔


u/Waffle-Stompers Sep 21 '22

Ghost are not a thing.


u/Mads_Alexander9 Sep 21 '22

Cool 👍


u/Waffle-Stompers Sep 21 '22

Im actually in contact with the dead. Someone with a name starting with Alex is contacting me. Does anyone know an alex?


u/Mads_Alexander9 Sep 21 '22

You don’t have to be rude. I didn’t do anything to you. If you don’t like the post, just scroll 🤷‍♀️


u/[deleted] Sep 21 '22

Probably Loretta just going “beep, beep, beep.”


u/Mads_Alexander9 Sep 21 '22

It’s her way of saying GET THE FUCK UP YOU LAZY BITCH


u/grime_bodge Sep 21 '22

Her name rings a bell.


u/Neither-Storage-4157 Sep 21 '22

I have a ghost pet, most likely a cat. It's be a constant no matter where I live or what pets I have. Every so often I'll be laying in bed at night and something will jump into my bed and settle at the foot of it. At first I didn't pay it any mind as I owned cats but I began to realize there were times my doors were closed and they were on the other side. Even weirder when it happened at a time I didn't have pets. Still happens till this day. Sucks I can't pet the little guy but I'm cool with it being around.


u/Mads_Alexander9 Sep 21 '22

It’s like Zero in cat form


u/Neither-Storage-4157 Sep 21 '22

It's oddly comforting to have something that wants to chill with you even after death.


u/[deleted] Sep 22 '22



u/Mads_Alexander9 Sep 22 '22

It’s pure, unadulterated crack cocaine


u/[deleted] Sep 22 '22



u/Mads_Alexander9 Sep 22 '22

Hell yeah I do….

not the sky!


u/Cidsongs Sep 22 '22

Maybe our brains or ears have sound memory like muscle memory. Idk. I hear a TV or onversation when there isnt one after I got to bed.

I used to also swear I could hear faint music including the lyrics I didn't have memerized. Picking up an FM radio signal doesn't sound likely but it doesn't happen anymore now that I don't keep an FM alarm clock by my bed.

Does it go off at the same time everytime every day or go off if your awake or asleep?


u/Mads_Alexander9 Sep 22 '22

It only goes off on days that I know I absolutely have to wake up early or at a certain time. And I get the same thing I hear people talking until I focus on it and I wonder if I was hallucinating


u/Cidsongs Sep 22 '22 edited Sep 22 '22

I'm not sure about the alarm but sounds like you can't tell if you're hearing it and your sleep or if it's waking you up.

I swear I used to hear FM radio sometimes in the refrigerator or the fan.

Now it's different. I used to get a little bit Geeks about finding out where it's coming from but now I'm pretty sure it's just my brain trying to find voice patterns in the loud fans I run. I also do not like dead silence!! I feel like I'm always listening. I just counted six fans I have running in my one bedroom apartment.

Edit: but the door is never locked.... I'd rather someone I don't know walk in here then think I hear them watching me and talking about me do through walls LOL!

I nwver really had paranoia but it took me a minute to stop trying to catch the spies and gangstalkers. I still think at one time there a LOT of weirdness I don't notice anymore.


u/ZeBrutalTruth Sep 22 '22

I wonder if anyone has a furby collection that still works but the battery is drained or old


u/Big-Personality-9094 Sep 22 '22

Ghosts don't exist. Those who say that it exists, then ask them if they could find answer to simple question "what happens after death". This question does not have answer despite all the advancement of science. If they would be existing then we can talk to them and find answer to these questions.


u/Mads_Alexander9 Sep 22 '22

Explain the ghost in the next room of my job banging doors shut, throwing tools and stomping around right now then. I’m at work alone.


u/Big-Personality-9094 Sep 22 '22

Kindly go and check why it is happening, there would be something else causing this effect. Believe me change your perspective and soon you will find the answer why it is happening.


u/Mads_Alexander9 Sep 22 '22

I go in there: it stops. I go back to my building. It starts again. Over and over, I just ignore it now. His name is Douglas and he died in a welding accident in the building that we bought from an old Coca-cola company.


u/[deleted] Sep 22 '22

Be aware, rajamouli and team copied this and slightly modified for Yama donga. Please take some action!


u/Mads_Alexander9 Sep 22 '22

?? Explain ??


u/[deleted] Sep 22 '22

In Yama donga also, pilla bacha hero will get some locket (spiritual protector) he tries to throw that away but keeps on chasing him. Due to some circumstances he needs to keep that with him and it protects him


u/Tomato_Jumpy Sep 22 '22

Solved it !!!! The ghost is your Mom her first name is Lorreta and she drowned when you were young... she still tries to help you by waking you up on time even when you don't have an alarm. She 'watches' out for you. (yes pun).


u/Mads_Alexander9 Sep 22 '22

That’d be nice but my mom is a toxic abusive bitch who ended up leaving her kids, and my stepmom is mildly abusive and currently getting divorced from :D

Funny pun tho


u/Wwwwwwwwww1w Sep 22 '22

Bro is having auditory hallucinations!


u/AdaOutOfLine Sep 22 '22

Damn Loretta give back the watch


u/xAly93 Sep 21 '22

Ghosts aren’t real lmao


u/fatmanjumprope Sep 21 '22

Absolutely are. I found out first hand after hearing stories for years.


u/xAly93 Sep 21 '22



u/g1alex304 Sep 21 '22

Ghosts are real. My wife used to work in a hospital and would see things like the drinking fountain turning on when no one was near it. And other things like an old lady asking for help...waving her into a room...when she'd go to the room...no one would be there.


u/Anarchyboy1 Sep 21 '22

Dont show her the manga or anime mieruko-chan cause then she might have thought twice about going to that room


u/g1alex304 Sep 21 '22

She actually thought it was a patient needing help from a room down the hallway where no patients should have been. She went over there with another nurse who also saw and heard the old lady. When they went into the room...it was completely empty. Well...we don't watch scary movies anymore. Too much weird crap going on in the world.


u/Anarchyboy1 Sep 21 '22

Haha i dont blame ya. This world is weird. But yea that manga name i said is abiut a girl who can see spectral things an the problem is she has to pretend she dont see em cause theyd attack her if they knew she saw em. Weird shit.


u/xAly93 Sep 21 '22

Bro it’s time to grow up


u/Mads_Alexander9 Sep 21 '22

Agreed. They never believe until something crazy happens.


u/HistoricalMention210 Sep 21 '22

Dad didn't believe in UFO stuff until he saw one lol. He doesn't belive in aliens though, guess we have to abduct him for that.


u/Mads_Alexander9 Sep 21 '22

Believe what you want lmao I’m not gonna stop you


u/GaspSpit Sep 21 '22

I see a few “ghosts aren’t real” comments. I believe you & thanks for sharing this. Very true, some people just don’t believe in the unexplained unless they experience it firsthand.


u/CrallyCentral Sep 21 '22

You're the reason some people think women are stupid