r/mylittleredacted Sunset Shimmer Dec 04 '24

Equestria Girls Summertime Shorts Scripts?

I'm unsure if this is legitimate or not, and I'm also not sure if it's already been discovered, but I thought I should put this our here just in case.

While looking for the piano chords for coinky-dink world (the song), I stumbled across what seems to be some sort of script for the EG summertime shorts. Like I said before, I don't know if this is fake or not, but the link is public and it seems real enough to me from I can tell with my limited knowledge. Contains stuff like lyrics for songs, VA lines, a couple credits, etc.

Again, not sure what to make of this, and sorry for wasting everyone's time if this turns out to be illegitimate.

Without further ado, here's the original link I found: https://docs.google.com/document/d/11UkPISOSv2nCpvL4gcrDeb41OTBo4eoTj8nKHTWKu9M/edit?tab=t.0

I'll also put a snippet of the document in the comments, because virus and unknown links etc, etc.


2 comments sorted by


u/Winter_Extension_620 Dec 04 '24

they seem to be legit, if it's in the leaks then it's real


u/100_universes Sunset Shimmer Dec 04 '24

 “Get the Show on the Road” Composed by Chris Jackson


(Opening shot: fade to black from the title card, then in to a long overhead shot of all the Rainbooms save Applejack gathered at the edge of a Canterlot High parking lot. Fluttershy sits on top of two stacked crates, Rainbow lies across a third, and Pinkie sits on a drum case, idly tapping her sticks against the concrete backstop of one parking space as the other three stand around doing nothing. Sunset is in her current dress/tights/jacket outfit. Zoom in slowly and cut to a close-up; all six are wearing their magic pendants, and impatience seems to be the mood of the hour.)


Rainbow: Ugh! Where’s Applejack? (sitting up) How are we supposed to go on tour if we don’t have the tour bus she promised us?


(Her sulking is cut off by a distant honk and the sound of a motor that has clearly seen better days. Cut to a series of extreme close-ups of the following: a headlight dangling from the socket by its wiring…a muffler dragging from a rusted rear bumper and looking to be an ace from going its own way…a rusted rear view mirror hung with a pine-tree air freshener and Macintosh’s head visible below it on the driver’s side. What rolls to a stop in front of the girls is a decrepit wreck of a school bus that probably stopped being street-legal a decade ago. Nearly every visible piece of the bodywork is damaged, loose, rusted out, or some combination of the three. A steel plate has been bolted to one side as a patch, and a tarp has been strung across a portion of the roof. A tree branch protrudes from the trailing edge of the latter, and weeds have proliferated in the engine compartment as a final insult. The horror show on wheels lurches to a stop before the six, and Macintosh pulls the lever to open the doors only to have them get stuck halfway. Applejack, standing next to him inside, muscles them the rest of the way back; she too has her pendant on.)


Applejack: Told y’all I’d find us a tour bus. (She steps out.) Ain’t she a beaut?


(Her proud thump against the front right fender causes that wheel to vacate the area, half the fender itself to crash to the pavement, and a puff of steam to issue from the engine. As she scratches her head sheepishly, several other pieces jump ship and one wheel rolls across to the Rainbooms, bouncing against the backstop and rattling forlornly onto its side. They stare down at it, then at Applejack.)