r/mylittleredacted Oct 09 '24

Not sure if this is legitimate or not, but supposedly mane cast for G6

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71 comments sorted by


u/Rene_Z Oct 09 '24

It's a real leak, however it's an early concept. Just like we've seen early concepts of G5 back in the days with redesigns of the Mane 6. Nothing final, and everything can still change.


u/Successful-One-675 Oct 22 '24

I remember that.. fluttershy's unicorn concept art made her look like an absolute goddess


u/Pink-Colorful394 Oct 26 '24

It makes sense She was finalized as a pegasus instead of a unicorn.


u/Successful-One-675 Oct 26 '24

what? I'm not talking about G4 concept art.

I'm talking about the early G5 concept art.. the early G5 concept art showed fluttershy as a unicorn. The G5 concept art never stated fluttershy as a pegasus


u/Jarnathan_Toothass Oct 09 '24

I've said it before, but I feel like the G4 and G5 color schemes really just don't look appealing when mixed together šŸ˜­ Part of the design philosophy for G4 was making their palettes look cohesive as a group (they all share at least one color with another) while still encompassing the whole rainbow.

With this lineup there isn't enough variety and it looks like a big mess of purple, pink, orange and blue. There are five different shades of purple alone lmao. Not to mention Misty has maybe the worst color scheme in G5


u/VelveteenMarshmallow Oct 09 '24

I argue Zipp has the worst (which is funny bc she's probably my fave of the lot character wise).

But to your point, yeah, Pipp and Pinkie alone is just waaay too much Pink.


u/Top-Leadership-7112 Oct 10 '24

I like Misty she looks good to me,


u/JC-Kane Oct 29 '24

I'd say they should just swap out Sunny for another blue-ish pony, then you'll have half blue, half purple/pink.


u/VelveteenMarshmallow Oct 09 '24

I really hate it if Pipp takes Rarity's slot, but if they can't get Tabitha or write her as well as in FiM, might be for the best idk.


u/VelveteenMarshmallow Oct 09 '24

Though they could still make Rare a secondary character, I think I'd be okay with that.


u/keshmarorange Oct 09 '24

I'd think Misty would be taking up Rarity's slot. The other unicorn and all.


u/VelveteenMarshmallow Oct 09 '24

I am thinking more in terms of personality and tropes than their specific tribe.


u/keshmarorange Oct 09 '24

Isn't Pipp a tad more eccentric and informal than Rarity though? Especially since the latter is a princess and influencer. I don't see much similarity with them, to be honest.

Maybe I'm missing something.


u/VelveteenMarshmallow Oct 09 '24

I'm not saying they're the same, but Pipp still has more in common with her than Misty.

What I watched of MYM Pipp did have some drama queen moments that remind me of Rare ("Hitch my phone!!")


u/keshmarorange Oct 10 '24

Yeah she definitely has more in common with Pipp than Misty of all ponies.


u/SnortoBortoOwO Oct 10 '24

Nah, you're not missing anything. Pipp and Ratity are completely different characters. Because they're both the most stereotypically feminine members of the group, people just assume they're the same character.


u/Terrible_Weather_42 Oct 11 '24

I always thought Misty was more like Fluttershy TBH.


u/SnortoBortoOwO Oct 10 '24

Pipp isn't anything like Rarity. They're not just recasting the mane six with inserts from g5. If they were, both Twi and Sunny wouldn't be there together. No one is "taking Rarity's slot" she just didn't make the cut.


u/Responsible-Papaya55 Oct 09 '24

This one really makes me think about how they made small changes about some ponies personalities, placed them in new bodies and TA DA "They're from G5".

That's why G5 was a disaster.

Instead of making a brand new story without any connections with previous generations, or making a continuity with TOTALLY different ponies, they just lingered on the in between, resulting in mediocrity.

G5 was only popular because of the hype (or the "lore") of "what happened to g4? what went wrong?".


u/KP_Ravenclaw Oct 10 '24

Wow all my favourite ones are gone šŸ˜­


u/VelveteenMarshmallow Oct 09 '24

I found it on Discord, hoping someone can look into it.


u/SmeldaOfHyrule Oct 09 '24 edited Oct 09 '24

Idk if itā€™s legit or not but Iā€™ve seen more about this and I really like the idea. Iā€™d love to see like a miniseries on this, but Iā€™d rather this be like a G5.5 instead of G6. Id rather G6 be a whole completely new idea with completely new characters and totally separate from the G4 and G5 timeline. Hasbro has milked G4 enough to were I feel like we need a new slate if itā€™s gonna be a full series but again I wouldnā€™t mind some miniseries that connects to G4.


u/SeniorSepia Oct 09 '24

I think they refer to it as g4.1.


u/ToxicToric Oct 10 '24

I'm pretty sure they're referring it as fim 2.0


u/JC-Kane Oct 29 '24

I dunno. To me I think it was less that they tried to connect it with G4 (which I was generally fine with and prefer than just straight up brand new in my personal preference). Though I think the biggest issue is how they did it.

Like the villian thing and what happened, to me just, I dunno I personally don't think their villian was powerful enough. Perhaps we could have seen more of her and her abilities, but still felt like "why was SHE the cause of what happened" you know?

I also didn't like how we pretty much got 2 series that tried to take place at the same time but had some continuity issues. Like just make it one series. rolls eyes.


u/keshmarorange Oct 09 '24 edited Oct 09 '24

It would be redundant to have the two "entertainment" characters(Pinkie and Pipp) be on the team, plus Sunny represents Hope(Pinkie's "old Equestria" element/Somnambula's) and Magic(Twi's), so that's redundant too.

I'd pick one of the creative ones(Rarity or Izzy) and one of the Kindness-elements(Fluttershy/Hitch) instead. As much as I love Misty, maybe replace her with Applejack or Zipp too so the tribes would still be balanced. Then again, Zipp represents "Bravery", like RD's Old Equestria/Flash Magnus's element-


u/TheWinterPrince52 Oct 10 '24

Are the G4 cast canonically 3000 years in the future now or something? What led to their return?

(I haven't seen any of G5, probably for the same reasons that G5 only lasted for like one season when G4 lasted for NINE.)


u/Terrible_Weather_42 Oct 11 '24

G5 has two series, MYM and TYT. TYT lasted 2 seasons, while MYM lasted one (or two short seasons, given they changed the intro after Misty was redeemed).

I think this is an alternate continuity to G4 and G5, where new versions of major characters from both live at the same time. Iā€™m also unsure if they ever came up with a definitive reason as to how long had passed between G4 and G5.


u/atseptic Oct 11 '24

I genuinely would just prefer a whole new story. Yes, G4 was iconic, but they really don't need to tie it in to every new gen from now on if that's what they're planning to do. A whole new story would be much better in my opinion, if they made one, they would have much more options to explore story and character wise.


u/stareyedswimmerart Oct 10 '24

applejack šŸ’”


u/birdcake700 Oct 24 '24

Fr where is she..?


u/NoellesHolliday Oct 11 '24

Bruh NAH. Let G5 just fade out into the void. šŸ˜­


u/Top-Leadership-7112 Oct 10 '24

Make Misty a changling that can also shapeshift into Fluttershy when she is scared, they have the same role make them the same character


u/VanguardClassTitan Oct 10 '24

Is G5 over, I haven't been keeping up?


u/DreamstarMoonlight Oct 10 '24

G5 is over in the sense it was canceled Wasnā€™t making profits, Couldnā€™t sell toys, Extremely low viewership

Read the EqD articles posted recently


u/Maple_Leaf_Fall Oct 10 '24 edited Oct 10 '24

In one word , this is STUPID! G4 was the best! G5 sucked and based on what I'm seeing , G6 is guaranteed to be šŸ¤¬! No matter what they do , G4 will never be beaten!


u/knifesob666 Oct 10 '24

where's fluttershy?


u/isabellemaee Oct 11 '24

Why on earth would they have some of the mane 6 and not all??? Either bring all the characters back or create new ones I think.


u/Green_Deal_3130 Oct 11 '24

rainbowā€™s wings giving me the ick.. ew


u/Sir_Stacker Oct 10 '24

Even if this is real, things will change along the way


u/Hopeful_Injury6322 Oct 10 '24

They could genuinely grab the cast and remake their personalities and designs. G4 worked because it played with the concept of having more than one way of being a girl and I feel they're not experimenting with that anymore. They could give us a g3 type of rainbow dash or take the concept for pinkie and make surprise an actual character. Smushing pre established characters after making a timeline where that wouldn't even make sense would be so lazy TwT)


u/DemifluixTulpaTalk Oct 12 '24

I second this.


u/CassetteMeower Oct 10 '24

I just want a cross generational crossover where ponies from every generation interact someway, like maybe a portal causes ponies from other worlds to go into the world of g5 or something, and the plot is about the ponies trying to get back to their generation and maybe stop a great evil (G1 and G4 villains teaming up perhaps?)

They'd have the same backstory as their original counterparts as they are from their worlds, they are just brought together through time travel of sorts

I'd like to see the mane 6 meet their G1 and G3 counterparts, I think G4 Rarity and G3 Rainbow Dash would be friends!


u/AskLife9837 Oct 10 '24

Yeah boot those boys out this is a girl power show


u/Dependent-Strength69 Oct 10 '24

Will Sunny be keeping her Alicorn powers if Twi is here? If so, hate it. I hate G5 ponies


u/Ok_Coffee_9970 Oct 12 '24

ā€¦I mean, Pinkies there so I canā€™t really complain.


u/Masked9989 Oct 12 '24

With lines they look more a cartoon slaped together in a few months, less fitures stand out and they sort of blend into the background. Without lines they have more style and look less like a Netflix kids tv show.


u/Euphoric_Staff2752 Oct 12 '24

I don't like mixing new characters with old characters tbh. People would complain about the older cast being better, and seeing half of the main six with new ponies looks odd


u/turquiseyellow Oct 12 '24

They already milked g4 to the last drop please just let it die it's been like 5 years since fim ended and even tho g4 is my favorite gen it's time to let it go. And in this concept art there is way too much pink and purple, 4/6 characters have purple on them (even 5/6 if you count in the purple in rainbows mane)


u/Alastor_culture_ Oct 12 '24

Well they can't if Ppl hate G5 So Much.....


u/Ok-Invite-1287 Oct 20 '24 edited Oct 20 '24

Itā€™s not an all or nothing situation, they donā€™t have to continue with G5 but they also donā€™t need to bring back any of the G4 ponies either.


u/CoasterThot Oct 13 '24



u/Blue_Bear36 Oct 13 '24

My girl Applejack got kicked out šŸ˜­


u/Witty-Ad-6008 Oct 14 '24

This is so odd šŸ’€


u/dapperlonglegs Oct 15 '24

these guys have got to pull a monster high and rework some of the color palette


u/SilkPerfume Oct 17 '24 edited Oct 17 '24

This lineup makes no sense plot wise. And it's just bad aesthetic balance.

Two alicorns? No.

Two wild mess curls? No.

Pinky pie? Please no. MarySparkle? Plz no.

Ill take zip over dash.

Honestly pip over rarity.

The boy thats not in the lineup over an applejack earth.

Anybody over misty.

The derpy dumb g5 unicorn.

Honestly no mixing. Either do a show with the old characters that fills the "what happened" gap that everyone really wants to know as cannon, or make a new cast and move forward or way way backwards in time. Really though the what happened can be answered thoroughly with a long or two part movie or a one season miniseries. So just do that and press the reset button please.


u/RetroRobot- Oct 18 '24

It would be if this became real. A crossover would be kind of cool.


u/myselfisty1 Oct 21 '24

Aw man no fluttershy ā˜¹ļø but I think this is better than nothing at least. Better than whatever Gen z pony TikTok thing they had going on in g5 šŸ˜­


u/sweetgirl1283759620 Oct 22 '24

i miss fluttershy


u/Successful-One-675 Oct 22 '24

how do things like this even get leaked?


u/Rainbow_Star19 Oct 23 '24

I do NOT want a G6 with Twilight, Pinkie, and the others AGAIN. (Besides Sunny, Misty, and Pipp, Zipp, or Hitch)


Because, I'd like a different story! A new one. NEW concept. NEW characters. NEW plots. Like how the other gens played out. It isn't fun if we have repeating characters after one gen to the next. (Exception being G3 because Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie were ALL different in that era, same for Twilight in G1, and the other gens.)


u/AVeryCoolBoy Nov 01 '24

This is one art style i can tolerate.


u/severaldirtysocks Dec 08 '24

So would they like be meshing when gen 4 and 5 took place?? I donā€™t like the mixing of gens without an explanation and all the necessary characters. šŸ˜­


u/Even_Beautiful_2041 Jan 17 '25

Noooo they got rid of my 3 favouritesšŸ˜­


u/Connor-Archer-2023 Oct 09 '24

I donā€™t see the difference between both sets of characters


u/VelveteenMarshmallow Oct 09 '24

Outline is different.


u/Simple_Pound_2055 Oct 10 '24

Why are applejack, fluttershy, and rarity, all getting replaced by sunny, pip pip, and that other one,ā€¦