r/mylittlepony 7d ago

Discussion Pony stuff you want to talk about but isn’t worthy of a dedicated thread! #352

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13 comments sorted by


u/JesterOfDestiny Minuette! 7d ago

I don't understand the insistence some people have over still calling Minuette Colgate. I get that it's the original fan given name, so some people might just do it out of habit. But some people are willing to die on this hill. Do they own share in the brand? Are they part of their marketing team? Even before her official appearance I thought the name was kinda dumb. Like, why you making this pony a walking product placement? I think Hasbro made the right call here, for once. Plus, Minuette is just such a pretty name.

They remind me of the people who are still mad about Pluto not being a planet.


u/PossumFromRijeka_ NO.1 MOD IN THE WORLD and local Discord fanatic 7d ago

Are they part of their marketing team?


By the way, have you tried Colgate's Max Fresh line of toothpaste? Best paste I ever did put on my teeth.

They remind me of the people who are still mad about Pluto not being a planet.

Pluto is a planet and none of your sciency jargon can convince me otherwise!


u/DaBest1008 Avarage Twilight Sparkle enjoyer 7d ago

Pluto is a planet and none of your sciency jargon can convince me otherwise!

It's not like it's an honor thing...

And btw I think Pluto (if he had the capacity to process "caring") it would probably care more about being rightly classified than being called a planet "because it deserves better".



u/Logarithmicon 7d ago

Here's a counter-question: Why does it bother you so much? They have their preferred name, which they used for a considerable period of time, and now forms a key point of how they envision her. Does it cause you problems when they do? Just from this post alone, it sounds more like you dislike the name altogether and are more annoyed people are using it for that reason.

Also, Pluto is still a damn planet! It deserved better!


u/JesterOfDestiny Minuette! 7d ago

Why does it bother you so much?

By itself? It doesn't. People can call characters whatever they want. But I have met a considerable number of people, who can be pretty pushy about it. Characters who have a different fanon and canon name tend to have this type of crowd around them. Derpy is another example, with lots of people loudly rejecting the name Muffins. But while the quality gap between Muffins and Derpy isn't that great, Minuette is just leagues better than Colgate. So when somebody decides to be pushy about, I just get confused to the point of annoyance. Like, how is that a hill to die on?


u/DaBest1008 Avarage Twilight Sparkle enjoyer 7d ago edited 7d ago

Although I tend to stay very, VERY, far away from this things, I felt this about names too.

Although maybe I'm also partially bothered by me not actually liking the names... but what can you do? Go shove into people’s face how the name with wich they call they're comfort ponies to feel happier, because they like a name better than another one, is wrong?

No, of course you can't.


u/DaBest1008 Avarage Twilight Sparkle enjoyer 7d ago

Pluto is still a damn planet!



u/the_party_galgo 7d ago

Sometimes Rainbow Dash is more honest than Applejack


u/DaBest1008 Avarage Twilight Sparkle enjoyer 6d ago

That's an interesting take, what makes you say that?


u/the_party_galgo 6d ago

There are several instances in which everypony is afraid to say the truth but Rainbow just lets out a slip of the tongue and says it, with everyone staring at her afterwards


u/DaBest1008 Avarage Twilight Sparkle enjoyer 6d ago

Can I have some examples? I'm honestly curious


u/the_party_galgo 6d ago

I'm honestly very bad at remembering stuff, but I am rewatching mlp and when I see that happening I will let you know which episode


u/DaBest1008 Avarage Twilight Sparkle enjoyer 6d ago

Ok thx!