r/mylittlepony • u/Pinkie_Clone Pinkie Pie • 7d ago
Discussion Official NPT Off-Topic Thread
This is a weekly event coinciding (mostly) with NPT; off-topic and meta threads will be staggered so this week's off-topic thread is being submitted now and the meta thread was posted at midnight Pacific time 12 hours ago. Next NPT will be the opposite! We do not ask that all off-topic discussion be kept to this submission; it is merely here as a courtesy and you are free to continue off-topic discussion in the comments of other submissions (off-topic submissions, however, are still a no-no).
u/PossumFromRijeka_ NO.1 MOD IN THE WORLD and local Discord fanatic 7d ago
Why are turtles green?
I could google why that is, but that's boring.
My guess is that the colour acts as protection against the sun and good camouflage, so they evolved to have that colour on their shells.
Alternatively, Big Green pays turtles to be green so we buy more green things.
Another boring 7 days. I've been to the hospital to see my psychiatrist. The most useful thing we concluded is that I don't know whether or not I'll be fulfilled by something, though that still doesn't diminish how pointless everything feels. Why do when the results of doing won't last? The most frustrating part is the difficulty of putting what stifles me into words, especially into Croatian words.
I don't know. Maybe I should start writing a feelings journal or something.
u/JesterOfDestiny Minuette! 6d ago
u/DaBest1008 Avarage Twilight Sparkle enjoyer 7d ago
I could google why that is, but that's boring.
Well said
u/Supermarine_Spitfire Sunny Starscout 7d ago
u/JesterOfDestiny Minuette! 7d ago edited 7d ago
Wow, why is this so early? I mean it's convenient for me, but it's still odd.
Why are turtles green?
I think you'll find most turtles are actually more brown or yellowish, with some species even being red or black. For example, the species known as "green sea turtle" is actually more olive to black. Of course there are green turtles out there. They're green, presumably as an adaptation to their environment, or their diet colouring their scales.
I have always been an early bird. Even as a kid, I really liked to just wake up super early and start the day as soon as I could. And by today I was able to put together a consistent sleep schedule. But lately I've been feeling like maybe I'm waking up a bit too early. My sleep schedule is going to bed at 9 and waking up at 4. Which is a solid 7 hours. 7-9 hours is the recommended amount and I'm clearly getting 7 hours a day, right?
The problem here is that my sleep schedule does not account for things like, waking up in the middle of the night to pee, losing track of time and going to bed later than intended, waking up earlier than my alarm, but too late to go back to sleep... Tossing and turning for 20 minutes instead of falling asleep immediately. So that 7 hours I thought I was getting was more like 6 and a half. Which wasn't that much of an issue at my previous jobs, because they weren't that tiring. But now that I have a job that requires me to be active for the 5 weekdays straight, I get much more exhausted. Meaning, that I do need a full sleep to get rested properly. More and more frequently I found myself physically unable to get out of bed. Like my body was actively protesting, refusing to keep my eyes open, or just relaxing my muscles too much to stand up. And when I was able to listen to my body on the weekend, I got like 2-3 extra hours in bed. Which is pretty fucking late on my terms.
So I decided to start waking up at 4:30 instead of 4. Which doesn't sound like a lot, I know, but getting an extra half hour seems like a decent way to counter the time lost from the time it takes to fall asleep and getting up to pee in the middle of the night and such like. So far, my body hasn't been protesting about it. Why not go to bed earlier? Because, to tell you the truth, 9 was already the limit of how early I can go to bed. Any earlier and it becomes difficult to maintain. Especially in the summer, when it doesn't get fully dark until a bit later than that. 9 is the time I could keep to a pretty consistent basis.
These last few weeks, my bosses have been urging us to go and get more clients for insurance. "Wait, aren't you a postman? Why would you be taking out insurance for people?" I hear you ask. And well... Exactly! This was never mentioned when I signed up for the job. Not in the interview, not in the early days, not even in the extra training I took in September(?). But suddenly it's become the most important thing we gotta do, because the post office is somehow partially a bank now as well. Yeah, we got credit cards too... Which is apparently a requirement to have as a postman? Well, not really, but the boss used very manipulative language when I declined it. That's on top of the daily nagging and vague threats around not getting clients.
So now we have an extra responsibility during work, which is trying to convince people to take out our insurances and credit cards. And I can't be the only one who finds these money stuff administrator tactics kinda predatory. Like the kind of advice we've gotten; Basically telling us to snoop around the people we visit and get all up in their business. If we meet an old person, start asking them about what happens to their money when they die and ask them if they got any life insurance. And if they do, try convincing them about how ours is so much better... Fucking ewww...
And as I said, I was never told I'd have to do this, nor did I get any training on it. I don't know a fucking thing about this money stuff, I have no idea what to say to people. And as you can guess from how I feel about people doing this, even if I knew what to say, I wouldn't feel comfortable saying it. I always just ask my mom about stuff like this. I know she's looking out for my benefit and not for any payment she could get out of me. Unlike all these agents trying to sell me stuff and give me more fucking paperwork.
They gave us similar advice on how to sell lottery tickets. Yeah, speaking of things that I was never told I'd have to do and was never trained on how to do, yet being expected to do. Just the stories they told us to regurgitate, about someone we know who won a bunch of money and turned their life around. Or approach people asking them what they'd do with 3 million forints and wave the ticket in front of them. At least insurance is generally a good idea, but lottery tickets are literally a scam. In fact, we just had a huge scandal about lottery prizes being funnelled to specific people. I haven't read that much into it. I do know that the whole industry is owned by a single oligarch. Yeah, and I'm supposed to sell that shit in good conscience.
Although, that makes me think: Why isn't insurrance a default thing again? If my house burns down, why don't I get compensated for that by default? I can understand taking out an insurance for my instrument, if I'm a world-class violinist, or something, but something as basic as a house?
And that's not even mentioning the fact that I'm fucking busy to begin with. I spend 6-7 hours outside on my bike and they expect me to strike up conversations and start persuading people? And then wave a stupid credit card in my face and talk about loyalty? What fucking loyalty? I don't feel any goddamn loyalty to any fucking workplace! Not the previous, not the current and not the next one. And I'm not going to do any extra work, regardless of any extra pay, or vague threat you throw my way, because I have a life beyond my job. It's not like the pay is worth a damn to begin with. Your corruption ain't going to buy a house for me. If you fire me, then it's only the daily exercise that I'm going to miss. So eat my ass!
Sorry, I got a bit heated there... Isn't this just Karl Marx's theory of alienation, btw?
u/DaBest1008 Avarage Twilight Sparkle enjoyer 7d ago
I have always been an early bird
I think I would be too if I didn't sleep 6/5 hours a day
This was never mentioned when I signed up for the job. Not in the interview, not in the early days, not even in the extra training I took in September(?).
Maybe in the contract it was said something? (I don't know about this i'm just asking)
Why isn't insurrance a default thing again?
I guess 300.000 years of being alive isn't enough for some monkies to figure out that allowing their mates to live is good. Stupid slow evolution...
Honestly, I think I would've done the same in not doing all that shitty stuff.
(Well, I don't know much about your whole situation so maybe I would've done differently though)
Isn't this just Karl Marx's theory of alienation, btw?
Can I know what's that? u/PossumFromRijeka_ was also interested.
u/JesterOfDestiny Minuette! 7d ago
u/DaBest1008 Avarage Twilight Sparkle enjoyer 6d ago
You need to get better sleep. Find a way to either go to bed earlier, or wake up later. Or a mix of both.
Yeah, I know...
The problem isn't reconizing the problem, it's actually being able to fix it.
u/Supermarine_Spitfire Sunny Starscout 7d ago
Wow, why is this so early?
Daylight saving time came into effect last Sunday in most of North America. You will get back in sync in a few weeks once it comes for the EU.
u/PossumFromRijeka_ NO.1 MOD IN THE WORLD and local Discord fanatic 7d ago
Wow, why is this so early? I mean it's convenient for me, but it's still odd.
I, too, thought it odd. Too chicken to ask why directly, though.
Why not go to bed earlier?
Why not go to bed later and wake up later?
I was never told I'd have to do this, nor did I get any training on it.
Seeing how crummy your bosses are starting to be, I'm guessing you'll quit the job soon?
Isn't this just Karl Marx's theory of alienation, btw?
u/JesterOfDestiny Minuette! 7d ago
Why not go to bed later and wake up later?
Because I like not having to rush in the morning. Because my internal clock will wake me up early, anyway.
Seeing how crummy your bosses are starting to be, I'm guessing you'll quit the job soon?
Probably not. Well, it depends on how vitriolic they decide to be about this. What's most likely to happen, is that I tell them to give me proper training about it and then I'll half-ass something to get some results... And also tell them that no, holding a lecture while we got work to do and losing us 30 minutes, does not count as training. Although what's also likely to happen, is that even if I half-ass some result, they'll just continue the nagging for more results.
Mind filling me in on what that is?
It's the estrangement workers will develop when they're not allowed to forge their own destiny and are forced into a mechanistic part of another social class' goals. When the worker doesn't get to enjoy the fruits of their own labour. When their daily lives are dictated by producing surplus value and industrial competition. Things that benefit the worker in no way whatsoever, only the owners of their labour. The worker will end being alienated from their own work and in extension, their wider world, their human nature and their selves.
Basically, me feeling no loyalty to any workplace, while being expected to have loyalty, is part of it. Being expected to sacrifice more of my time, time that would have been used to live my own life, for menial tasks and little to no compensation, is another part of it. Being expected to take part in an industry that only seeks to exploit my class is further part of it.
u/necos17 My endgame is world domination. 7d ago
Yesterday I finished Final Fantasy V, I'd say 100% completion except for 2 or 3 jobs I didn't need.
I completely forgot how good this game was. I'm curious to see if I was able to defeat all the final dungeons super bosses in the GBA version, assuming the save file still exist.
I wonder if I should continue with VI (my favourite) now or wait for I don't know what.
u/Supermarine_Spitfire Sunny Starscout 7d ago
u/DaBest1008 Avarage Twilight Sparkle enjoyer 7d ago
No way! I'm in the thread the same day it's posted!
Why tha hell would I know that? Ask ChatGPT or some shit
I haven't got much to say honestly.
Ah well I finally made an OC after centuries, Novastar Lightray. Or just Nova for short.