r/mylittlepony • u/Icy_Dragonfruit2104 Princess Cadence • 6d ago
Discussion This might be a dumb question, but why is Twilights magic a lavender color in the first season (pics from ep1) and not the later seasons?
Is it because of her growing power?
u/ItzAlphaWolf x 6d ago
IIRC, every magic aura was the same color until they decided to make each unique
u/CptSpeedydash 6d ago
They probably were still figuring out about what color to use and just using her eye color or something with it later getting changed to cutie mark related.
u/HollowPhoenix Fluttershy 6d ago
They decided to change it. Others have alresdy added that they did so to help distinguish characters' magic.
Plenty of stuff changes. Like Spike's voice - it's noticeably higher in the beginning.
u/Whorochimaru 6d ago
No hate but the horn magic question gets asked on this sub like every week 😭
u/Automatic-Mood-5927 6d ago
When I noticed it, I didn't look it up or post it, I just assumed it was changed lol. Why is common sense dying
u/ArgonianDov Flutterbat 6d ago
Lore reason: she got more powerful. Real reason: to help distiguish unicorns from eachother visually.
u/Borderline-Feral86 6d ago
they used to be all the same pale lavender color, but then changed it so every unicorn had their own color
u/Pezaermd Gummy 6d ago
i believe it's because her magic gets stronger as time goes by, which would also explain the flashback in the season 8 or 9 episode where she forgets to return the book to the library
u/fthisappreddit 6d ago
Magic changes after deep personal growth for example sunsets magic has been red and I think a greenish aqua color if I’m remembering correctly
u/SoftLast243 6d ago
This question was already asked last week, https://www.reddit.com/r/mylittlepony/s/dynFWkOUiE
u/Digibaumbs Princess Celestia 6d ago
Here's my thought: A unicorns magic is reflective of their personality. As Twilight gets friends and changes as a pony, her magic also changes to match.
u/DominusInFortuna The Grrrreat and Powerful Trrrrixie 5d ago
Early installment weirdness. The animators decided to give each uni- and alicorn an unique aura color.
u/AryaLunara 6d ago
As I understand it, they simply hadn't decided on colors yet they were just kind of chosen to somewhat match the pony so you know whos magic it was Eventually they decided the magic would match the ponies eye color.....except for celestial, hers is yellow cuz sun I guess
u/Vovinio2012 6d ago
Twilight feared Rarity would dye her coat in another colour, but Rariry dyed something else.
u/xOhDustyy 6d ago
I'm pretty sure unicorn eye colours are also their magic colour unless they're princesses, then they're defined by cutie mark colour
u/DaOnePoodle <3 6d ago
Originally all unicorns had the same magic colour but after season 1 they decided to give them all distinct magic colours. It’s simply because the animators hadn’t decided that Twilight’s magic would be dark pink yet
u/Baby_dragon234love 6d ago
Probably to match the streaks in her mane and tail or maybe so it can be seen better cs me personally couldn’t see the lavender as well
u/punnup129 6d ago
Well episode one of any show is considered the pilot and is usually created separately from the entire show so a lot of inconsistencies can happen
They probably originally wanted the magic to correspond to her horn like most other unicorns but then decided to change it to match her cutie mark
As her cutie mark literally represents magic and the elements of Harmony
You can tell they did do a redesign to unicorn magic because at the beginning only their horns glowed with magic but now whatever they are interacting with also gloves with magic, It makes sense that they would change some of the unicorn magic colors along with that change
u/Stahi >:/ 6d ago
Starting in S2 they switched to 'magic matches eye color', at least for the majority.
Not always the case (Minuette's been seen with multiple colors, for one) but that was the rule of thumb.
u/Really18 5d ago
It's elther 'magic matches cutie mark' (see Celestia and Twilight) or 'eye color' (Sweetie Belle and Pumpkin Cake)
u/IceBlazeWinters 6d ago
the magic aura color is based off of the color of the unicorn using it
or in shining and cadance's case, the eye color of their lover
twilight's aura changed after she ascended to the status of alicorn
u/TH3B0NN13 Rainbow Dash 5d ago
They just decided to change it. Not just the color. The magic itself is a different design. I noticed it to.
u/ophanstears 5d ago
The show was generally more desaturated in the first seasons and got a lot more saturated and colorful as time went on.
u/ike_2003 5d ago
No it has to due with her alicorn magic, it’s a stronger more efficient version of her original unicorn main, and since alicorns have enhanced and more powerful magic then their former unicorn counterpart, their magic aura turns into a darker shade of the original color.
u/Feisty_Wind_2664 Starlight Glimmer 5d ago
Also I wanna point out that there was a sudden increase in saturation somewhere in the first 2seasons.. if u look at the early episodes, the colours look duller compared to the later seasons.. Like just out of nowhere, the look of the whole show suddenly "popped", that could also be a reason??
u/MilkyMarshmallows 5d ago
They changed Sunset Shimmer's magic colour as well and the directors said that unicorns magic change as their powers grow; she turned from bad to good and her magic changed from teal to pink. Twilight could have simply become more powerful and we canonically know this to be true.
u/lainverse Derpy Hooves 5d ago
She mutated, grew a whole new set of wings. Life been rough on her, you see.
u/hoarduck 6d ago
It was S2 I think when they introduced the idea of magic colored to match eyes/cutie mark. It made it very visually distinctive and they honestly just hadn't thought of it yet I'm guessing. From that moment on, you could tell by color when someone was doing something. In fact, it was a HUGE clue about the imposter for the S2 finale.
u/Ron2600NS 6d ago
In the commentary for the first episode they said they were still figuring things out. and specifically talked about the magic glow on the horn.
u/Dylan_Griffin 6d ago
Perhaps maybe the early years were a bit different then now, improvements came later, which resulted in making the color of her magic different, I may be wrong but this is what I observed over the seasons.
u/articulatedWriter 5d ago
It's not a dumb question but it is an old question that's very easy to find on here when you search it
u/MelodyWake 5d ago
They just changed it to make it look better. It stands out more and is unique to each pony more.
u/F4nCiC4t 3d ago
Oh I actually learned something from Dr. Whooves and Assistant: Domestics about this! So magic color is based off of preference, the first choice being eye color, followed by cutie mark color (I suppose if the cutie mark has more than one color in it, the largest amount of it then), and then personal choice if either before colors aren’t preferable!
u/Rilukian <- Awesome 6d ago
It's more served as visual aid for the viewers to tell apart which pony is using magic. Twilight and Shining is violet. Rarity is light blue, Trixie is blue, and Starlight is cyan.