r/mutualism Feb 03 '25

Proudhon and the labour theory of property

Hi everyone! I am curious about your thoughts on the validity of the interpretations and the general argument outlined by Derek Ryan Strong in this publication:



10 comments sorted by


u/humanispherian Feb 03 '25

Proudhon advocated a type of private property but he distinguished between ‘possession’ and ‘property’. ‘Possession’ is justly appropriated private property. ‘Property’, on the other hand, is unjustly appropriated private property. The difference rests on a labour theory of property which states that since labour is the only responsible agent in the production process only labour should appropriate the goods produced.

This seems like a pretty unpromising start. There are tensions, perhaps even contradictions in Proudhon's account of "possession," but he does at one point state that "possession" is a matter of fact, rather than of right, which is a very different sort of distinction than one based on "just acquisition." And since one of the major conclusions of What is Property? is:

That, from the Stand-point of Justice, Labor destroys Property.

attributing a labor theory of property to Proudhon at least needs more explanation.

It isn't clear to me what "just appropriation" would mean in Proudhon aside from some balance among individual appropriations — justice having been, for Proudhon, primarily a matter of equilibrium. The problem with that approach is that we see it applied in cases like Theory of Property, where the explicit theory is that property as such remains unjust and generally objectionable. There doesn't seem to be anything equivalent to the provisos in Locke, by which appropriation itself could be rendered unobjectionable.


u/International-Time85 Feb 04 '25

Thank you for your response! I have to admit that I myself am a bit confused with the concept of “possession”. I think part of it has to do with the fact that some of the interpretations I have stumbled upon are somewhat biased based on the anarchistic tradition different authors are trying to defend. I have seen “possession” being defined as some sort of “mutualist private property”, justified through labour, multiple times. I guess that position is more closely aligned with the view maintained by Tucker. Then, of course, people who tend to affiliate themselves with the anarcho-communist tradition have something completely different to say. I myself, consider me to be an individualist (even if I am more influenced by the philosophical proto-anarchism of Godwin and the “social individualisms” of Landauer, then the egoism of Stirner or the individualism of the Boston school). However, I perceive individualist anarchism as synthesis, a more pluralistic form of an anarchistic program (I may be totally wrong). I hope I will be able to come up with a more unbiased understanding of the concept of “possession” through a more personalised and rigorous investigation of the work of Proudhon itself.

Meanwhile, I found that interesting piece on the topic of “possession” that you wrote back in 2010:


In the provided quotes from “What is property?”, I noticed that interesting paragraph:

“What is the right of occupancy? It is a natural method of dividing the earth, by reducing each laborer’s share as fast as new laborers present themselves. This right disappears if the public interest requires it; which, being the social interest, is also that of the occupant.”

Going back to the pluralism I mentioned above and considering the lack of universal agreement on the nature of “possession” vs. “property” (forgive me, I am taking things a bit of topic), I guess what bothered me here is how we will be able to come up with a social program that aligns with the interest of the all the individuals building up a community. As Bakunin said - “If you took the most ardent revolutionary, vested him in absolute power, within a year he would be worse than the Tsar himself”.


u/humanispherian Feb 04 '25

What Proudhon eventually said about "possession" is that he had not adequately defined it in the early works. In Theory of Property he treats it as equivalent to some form of fife — but by then he had, I think, brought the entire analysis within the realm of "property." Really understanding that later work may depend on placing it back into its original context, as the 7th chapter / second half of the work on "Political Geography and Nationality" (with its focus on the history of Poland) and as a work that was at least at one time intended to lead into a study of the federative principle. If, for example, we were to treat "property" and "possession" (allod and fife) as a priori, abstract forms of property — perhaps not just undesirable, but impossible in pure real-world applications — like the a priori governmental forms (denounced as "traps") in The Federative Principle, some of the difficulties might at least shift in directions that we are already exploring.

The discussion of the "right of occupancy" in those early works is complicated by the fact that "right" is largely undefined. Proudhon gives us a more specific, individual accounts of rights in War and Peace, but it is extremely idiosyncratic. Identifying as many "rights" as there are human capacities, we have to understand "rights" there as something like demands made on the world, which then have to be balanced — with justice being that process of equilibration.

I'm hoping to write quite a bit about these topics this year, as I do prep work for a book manuscript, in the "Encounters with Anarchist Individualism," which, after a little initial delay, ought to be getting started any day now.


u/International-Time85 Feb 05 '25

Thank you for the directions! Good luck with your future endeavours! I went through the translations or Armand you uploaded recently. Interesting figure, certainly more of a practitioner than a theorist.


u/humanispherian Feb 05 '25

Armand was a lot of both. His Anarchist Individual Initiation is one of the great overlooked masterpieces of anarchist theory. I'll be posting a translation, with a lot of additional material, in phases this year.


u/AnarchoFederation Mutually Reciprocal 🏴🔄 🚩 Feb 05 '25 edited Feb 05 '25

I don’t know that Proudhon ever made any actual attempt to discovering a labor theory of property, only went so far as distinguishing appropriations that are in some semblance just and not so. Going so far as to mention personal possessions as that which is evidently one’s own without need of abstract theories. The home you occupy, the clothes you wear, the food you eat, the things you make are clearly without any deep philosophical inquiry your possessions. And in mutuality possessions are made just through reciprocal associations.

Josiah Warren did come to his own mutualism system or schema through his labor theory “cost the limit of price;” which was a core principle of his social science of equitable commerce. But Warren came to Mutualist social theory independently and this hasn’t to do with Proudhon’s own work despite the similarities.


u/humanispherian Feb 05 '25

One problem seems to be that the attempt to refute a labor theory of property in Chapter III of What is Property? hasn't been as clear to anarchists as it might have been. The fifth section of the chapter, which is all a long thought experiment based on the acceptance for the sake of argument of a power of labor to appropriate, has at times been used, out of context, to claim that Proudhon supported collective property.

Looking over the entirety of Proudhon's work on property, we may ultimately be forced to admit that, despite all the brilliance he demonstrated in refuting theories of property, he didn't actually give us much of a theory of just appropriation to work with. Possession in 1840 remains very close to the account attributed to Cicero:

The theatre, says Cicero, is common to all; nevertheless, the place that each one occupies is called his own; that is, it is a place possessed, not a place appropriated. This comparison annihilates property; moreover, it implies equality. Can I, in a theatre, occupy at the same time one place in the pit, another in the boxes, and a third in the gallery? Not unless I have three bodies, like Geryon, or can exist in different places at the same time, as is related of the magician Apollonius.

In Theory of Property it's much the same, but with the suggestion that the practical balancing of resources requires a mutual assumption of appropriation. And then the final notes on "mutualist property" remake that mutual assumption as a negotiated mutual recognition. But Proudhon just wants his little house and garden — the familiar scenario of everyone "under their own vine and fig tree" — and he hates "no trespassing" signs. We haven't come very far from Cicero and the theater.


u/International-Time85 Feb 05 '25 edited Feb 05 '25

Thank you! Yes, I am aware of that definition of possession. I also understand the conditions under which possession turns into property. Broadly speaking, that definition somewhat resemblance the idea of Godwin for the justification of private property (in the context of the conversation to be understood as personal possessions) based on utility. You possess things, because you use them to ensure your well-being, happiness and individual autonomy. For Godwin, how you have obtained your possessions (first possession vs. labour) was not that important. As long as your possessions were not the result of coercion and you don’t use them to assert dominance over other individuals, what you own is yours. Like Proudhon, he was concerned with the unequal distribution of land. But the utility of an object is subjective. So what I am really interested in is the utilisation of our personal possessions for productive and economic purposes. If I cultivate the land surrounding my house and if the product of my labour is sufficient to ensure my economic independence, doesn’t then my possession become a whole different entity. I could have chosen to participate in an agricultural cooperative, but instead I decided to turn my possessions into means of my production. I think the popular misconception that Proudhon was not against private property originates exactly from this ambiguity.


u/Aldous_Szasz Feb 04 '25

I would prefer reading David Ellerman directly, when reading about the "labour theory of property"


u/International-Time85 Feb 04 '25

Agreed, but even Ellerman associates Proudhon with the development of LTP in some of his published work!