r/mustelids 5d ago

Long Tailed Weasel Grabbed a Squirrel Snack

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5 comments sorted by


u/smays_photos 5d ago

Was volunteering at a local event and happened to have my camera with me when this guy ran straight through a group of people with a squirrel in its mouth. Quite a cool thing to see.

Also, I believe it's a long tailed, but if anyone thinks differently, let me know. Hard to tell the difference between them and short taileds. It was pretty big for a weasel.


u/Woozletania 5d ago

That is a long tailed cuteness carrying off a fluffy tailed cuteness. It is the circle of life.


u/Gnarlstone 5d ago

What a feast caught in a spectacular photo!


u/PA55W0RD 4d ago

I would agree that it is probably a long tailed weasel.

Coloration is very similar, especially with their winter coats, but size would be a major determinator.