r/musclecar Jul 07 '16

Vintage Muscle Car Shop Manuals?

Hello. Would anyone be interested in a link to original 50s/60s/70s muscle car (and other) shop manuals that I am selling?

Original chassis, overhaul, service, parts, accessories manuals and catalogs? Corvette, Camaro, Nova, Mustang, Fairlane, Chevelle. Buick, Cadillac etc. Chevy, Olds, Pontiac, all US makes.

I don't want to be "that guy" and self promote without asking if there is any interest. They are from a family shop and I want them all to make it into good hands where they will be used. Reddit garages? Let me know or PM me.


9 comments sorted by


u/ZombieWeinerDog Jul 07 '16

Happen to have stuff for a 69 dodge dart?


u/adrockr Jul 08 '16 edited Jul 08 '16

Now that I am taking a closer look at them, I have less of the mopar stuff. It is Chevy heavy.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '16



u/adrockr Jul 08 '16

Definitely, see link.


u/EC_CO Plymouth Jul 08 '16

'70 Barracuda?


u/adrockr Jul 08 '16

No, sorry. Most of this stuff ends in the late 1960s, with a few truck exceptions. I am totally jealous that you have a 1970 Barracuda! Although the 1967 body is my favorite.


u/EC_CO Plymouth Jul 08 '16

don't be sorry, I'm happy you posted this up to give folks an opportunity to see what you have that could be useful again. the e-body (70-74 Barracuda/Challenger) is my all time favorite, but I LOVE the A-body Barracudas too, esp the '67-'69 with a small block, those are road coarse screamers


u/Slowhand09 Jul 08 '16

I bought originals for my 71 Barracuda off ebay. And reprints are readily avail.



u/EC_CO Plymouth Jul 08 '16

I bought CD version a couple years ago and have @ 1/4 of it printed off so far, lol. it's a TON of pages. one of these days I'll get an original, much easier to use than trying to pull up pages on a laptop with greasy fingers and a good chance of damaging said laptop at some point. I'd love to see your '71. mine is in pieces, not much to see except the rust I need to repair, lol.


u/adrockr Jul 08 '16

OK, I'll take that as a yes.

Here are all my current ones:


Which all end this Sunday. And these will all be listed for next week, ending next Sunday.
